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Rumor: Wii U final specs


hide your water-based mammals
whatever Nintendo say, they don't develop their platforms for 3rd parties. This will be good for their internal teams

if its just a Wii CPU x3, plus a relatively standard GPU, would that make emulation simpler?

That's the philosophy that has put Nintendo in the position they are in now with 3rd parties and ultimately the enthusiast/hardcore gamer. Not good.

Tech wise, it's on par with what's out now. I don't mean to say that in a good or bad way so if you're satisfied reading that then I would lean towards saying it's not a good thing. I'm ready to move onto better HW.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.

English please.
Someone bought up PS2 and Xbox/GC ports. I just want to say, the games that were ported to PS2 from GC or Xbox, ran worse and looked worse on PS2 (Beyond good and evil, Metal Arms, Mercenaries, RE4 etc) and certain Xbox games couldn't be ported to PS2 at all (DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Chronicles of Riddick, Half Life 2 etc)
I notice you forgot REZero? Did that stay Nintendo exclusive too or no?

I think only RE4 was part of the Capcom 5. But yes, RE Zero, like REmake, remained Nintendo-exclusive.

The point was: even heavily promoted exclusives (the press conference for Capcom 5 was kind of a big deal) got abandoned in favor of porting every one that sold worth a crap to PS2. It's not a 1:1 for the Capcom stuff, but SA has a point.

edit: Partly beaten.

It remained Nintendo-exclusive. It did get a Japan-exclusive Wii port though.

It was released in the US as Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil Zero.
Also, another thing that no one seems to be questioning. The site says
This info is only available to developers through nintendo’s developers site (www.warioworld.com).

How would information with no specifics or clock speeds be of use to developers? How would simply claiming the CPU uses enhanced Broadway cores be useful? Wouldn't developers need much more specific info?

Also why would it only support up to 32GB SDHC cards when the 3DS supports up to 128GB?
Three enhanced Broadway cores feels incredibly underwhelming but this information is rather meager.

Oh well, at least this will facilitate good BC. I hope this means Wii games streaming is a go, or at least possible with a future software level update.


Someone bought up PS2 and Xbox/GC ports. I just want to say, the games that were ported to PS2 from GC or Xbox, ran worse and looked worse on PS2 (Metal Arms, Mercenaries, RE4) and certain Xbox games couldn't be ported to PS2 at all (DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Chronicles of Riddick, Half Life 2 etc)
Will be very interesting to observe (maybe) this situation.
Someone bought up PS2 and Xbox/GC ports. I just want to say, the games that were ported to PS2 from GC or Xbox, ran worse and looked worse on PS2 (Metal Arms, Mercenaries, RE4) and certain Xbox games couldn't be ported to PS2 at all (DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Chronicles of Riddick, Half Life 2 etc)

DOA never saw PS releases ever again because of the shitty "unfinished according to itagaki"" DOA2, not because it couldn't be ported.


the wiiu uses some kind of bluray technology right? a lot of ps3 games use mandatory installs to compensate the 2x br drive.

will the br drive in wiiu be faster? if not, how will the install process work? is an external hdd with usb 2.0 fast enough to stream the data?

Nintendo typically opts for speedy disc drives, and with the supposed architecture of the system being a lot more standard than what was in the PS3, we really shouldn't be running into installations as big and, more importantly, as frequent as the ones on that system. I actually wouldn't even be surprised if Nintendo designed the system in such a way where installs won't even be a thing.


I can't help but feel that there's a little silliness in Bethesda talking about not supporting the Wii U yet, when "An Xbox 360 with double the RAM" sounds like damn near exactly what they *need*!

(I know there's more to it than that - way more - but that's the first thing that struck me)

I have an external HD already plugged into my Wii, so I have no qualms about storage. I'll wait to hear more about the CPU, but everything else seems roughly in tune with what I was expecting.

As of 8GB storage, stop dreaming people about external HDD. It's nintendo.
That was confirmed ages ago. Now, admittedly, they might go back on it, but it's more reasonable to assume it's there than to assume that it's not.


All that matters to me is that i'll be playing Mario, Zelda, Metroid et al in HD visuals for the first time. I couldn't care if they look slightly better than current PS3/360 titles.

I'll get my PS4 for the next gen experience that the wii u cant give me.
There's nothing new here. Just a confirmation of what has been heavily speculated and talked about in a few hundred Gaf pages. Wii U is more powerful than PS3/360 but not the leaps and bounds that were hoped for. For those of us who leaned toward these specs, its a sigh of relief to the endless speculation. Hopefully we can move toward SOFTWARE people!
Unreal Engine 3 still runs poorly on PS3, don't know if that's due to the split ram architecture or the poor GPU, but all the the latest UE3 PS3 games run poorly and look the worst on PS3.
Something really isn't adding up. I'm not going to denounce any information on this part at all, but this CPU thing is really an anomaly in everyone's guessing.
I dunno, people were swearing up and down that the 3DS was going to have a huge amount of RAM because "nobody makes RAM that small anymore."
The Wii should have taught everybody that raw specs will not push consoles out the door, and limitations do not prevent market success. Only a niche group of people give a shit about the raw numbers, and that's how it will always be.

As for DX11, you're not going to see that in on a non-Microsoft licensed API.

Unfortunately for people that only intend to own the Wii U, that niche includes many developers. Personally I'm going next Xbox + Wii U, so all I really care about are Nintendo-developed games. I've never bought their consoles for third party support (thankfully).


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
My original statement was that Wii U CPU will (if rumors are true) be as powerful as a Xenon, which is a 2005 CPU since Xbox360 was released on 2005

So basically...what are you talking about?
There are 2011 CPUs with less performance in certain aspects than Xenon. That does not make them 'on par with a 2005 CPU'. 'Three enhanced Broadway cores' are not architecturally equivalent to Xenon, equating them to Xenon in every way is sheer ignorance.
I'm amazed at how popular this stuff gets. I've seen Wii U games. They look great. That's all I need. If third party games look better somewhere else, I'll get them for the PC.


All that matters to me is that i'll be playing Mario, Zelda, Metroid et al in HD visuals for the first time. I couldn't care if they look slightly better than current PS3/360 titles.

I'll get my PS4 for the next gen experience that the wii u cant give me.

Swap "PS4" for "PC upgrades" and this is my stance as well.


Well, and this is just all me. I still play my 360 and I bought one at launch. My wife bought the Wii, and I think it was pretty much over with in 4 years or less. So I'm thinking it will all just be a repeat. I think Gamecube will really be the last Nintendo console for me. Maybe my kid will want something Nintendo when she's older. Which will be a generation or two after WiiU. She's two months old. Heck maybe she will just play the 720 if MS can have a long run twice in a row.

There's nothing new here. Just a confirmation of what has been heavily speculated and talked about in a few hundred Gaf pages. For those of us who leaned toward these specs, its a sigh of relief to the endless speculation. Hopefully we can move toward SOFTWARE people!

This is what I was expecting, but was hoping for more RAM.
Ubershit CPU for a machine that will last for 5 years starting from 2012.

GPU is ok, did not expect any more from Big N.

In other words: Nintendo being Nintendo once again.

It's all about the games now.
DOA never saw PS releases ever again because of the shitty "unfinished according to itagaki"" DOA2, not because it couldn't be ported.

Those games looked incredible back in the day, no way could they have ported them to PS2 IMO. There were certain games that were way beyond PS2's capabilities: Wreckless, Halo, Rouge Squadron, DOA3 immediately come to mind.


I'm amazed at how popular this stuff gets. I've seen Wii U games. They look great. That's all I need. If third party games look better somewhere else, I'll get them for the PC.

Somewhere else? You can't even bring yourself to say their names can you?
CPU: 3 Broadway-based cores running at ~2.1GHz (3x the speed, 3X the cores, for ratio balance)

Broadway GFLOP perf: ~3GFlops

3GFlop x 3x clockspeed x 3x cores = 27 GFLOP/s

So roughly a little more than a third of the total performance of the Xenon.

And the GPU is basically confirmed to be based on the RV740 series GPUs.

It's supposed to be more powerful than the Xenos (240 GFLOPS), so that gives credence to the RV740 being used. But i just cannot see how they'd fit the RV740 in there without being underclocked from the 4750. Just IMO.

In the 4750, the RV740 pumps out 800-900GFLOPS if all shader units remain in there without the number being cut and the speed being kept at 575MHz. Probably to compensate for the CPU.

I predict 400MHz and a steep cut to CUs


so is it really on par with the PS3 and 360?

At minimum, yes; having a more modern GPU and twice the RAM should comfortably push it ahead of those two systems, but the CPU could present issues that would prevent the system from getting that far ahead.

With the original dev kit leaks, we're expecting that the OS will have reserved a separate 512 MB of RAM? From what they showed at E3, it's certainly quite the impressive OS, especially with being able to do full-on video chat while the game is suspended.


This information is not very specific, and still leaves a wide range of performance:

"Three enhanced Broadway cores"

This tells me that we have 3x the CPU power even ignoring enhancements to the instruction set and higher clock rates. Those two together could easily make it 6x or more. So I don't necessarily see anything to worry about, CPU wise.

The GPU information is even less specific.

Conclusion: All of you who are jumping on the "disappointed" bandwagon are jumping to conclusions.


Junior Member
People, we still don't even have clock speeds yet (as noted on page one). The rest of the stuff (8GB of internal storage, DX10.1, 1.5GH RAM) was pretty much confirmed months ago, the 8GB internal storage thing at E3 last year.

Plus, the external HDD thing is honestly the cheapest solution. Instead of paying $130 for a 320GB Xbox hard drive, you can get a 2TB hard drive for roughly the same price and probably never worry about upgrading again.
Those games looked incredible back in the day, no way could they have ported them to PS2 IMO. There were certain games that were way beyond PS2's capabilities: Wreckless, Halo, Rouge Squadron, DOA3 immediately come to mind.

They could, they just would look inferior. (RE4 for example)
So basically the WiiU is like a supercharged version of a last gen machine, much like the Wii was. Honestly that works for me. I've got a gaming PC for graphics whoring, and Nintendo hasn't really been about graphics since the GameCube anyways. I'm just glad to finally play Nintendo games in a decent resolution.
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