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New Amazing ZombiU trailer


Cause it is Ubisoft and they fooled us with Red Steel in the same circumstances with the Wii.

Yeah i feel the same way. I hope im proven wrong as i want it to be a great game but something doesnt quite sit right with me and im not sure what that is.
It's a pretty damn generic looking Ubisoft first-person shooter coming out of nowhere to be launch-window software for a new Nintendo console.
The last time a game like that got extremely positive impressions and tons of hype, the game ended up being pretty terrible in the end. (Yes, Red Steel)

You can't blame people for being cautious this time around.
Not out of nowhere. Iirc it started development as a PS360 game, then became Killer Freaks, then Zombie U.


Unconfirmed Member
Easily my most anticipated game on WiiU. Looks so good. Its like a Left For Dead + Upgradable weapons and Cinematic action sequences.

Loving the Gamepads aspect for horror games.
Zombi U is the survival horror game fans of the genre have been waiting for, a game that's actually survival first and not an action game (RE6) or an RPG (Dead Island).


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm sold on the concept, but not the execution yet. The trailer did a good job of selling the potential of the GamePad, and I'm still loving the survival focus and permadeath, but I'm not sure if it looks that fun to play yet. The gameplay footage I've seen seems to lack tension, which is probably the most important thing in a game like this. I want it to be a harrowing experience where death awaits around every corner, but what I've seen of ZombieU looks kinda slow and lacking challenge. But it's possible that my first impression is inaccurate, hopefully that will be the case because I want this to be good.


El Capitan Todd
well thats not true AT ALL,i still remember a lot of positive impresions of red steel months before the launch

there were a lot of hands on warried about reliability of the pointer, frame rate issues, bad voice acting and other stuff.

honestly, this game seems to have not only great integrations of the control scheme, but also good and interesting gameplay ideas that could revitalize the survival concept.
Really confused at the Red Steel comparisons and people saying this looks generic.

Huh??? What excited people about Red Steel was the controls, which we have no way to know are actually good until we play them because we didn't have Wiimotes then.

What excites people about ZombiU is its gameplay and difference from most shooters, which we can see with our eyes right now. I really can't think of any non-mod zombie games that use roguelike mechanics and focus on survival. Maybe Dead Rising on the hardest difficulty, or some parts of Dead Island, but all of those games have you killing tons of zombies, whereas this seems to focus on avoiding them and conserving as much ammo and health as possible.

People want this game because its similarities to other zombie shooters ends at it being in first person and your character having guns. In reality, the game is a survival horror/roguelike hybrid with a first person perspective.

Obviously this game could turn out to be a turd, but there's no reason to believe that right now from what I can see.


I'd really like to get this (if it's good), but I'm not sure if I could take it. I mean, I'm not into horror games/movies much. I can make through Resident Evil 1 type of horror and Eternal Darkness style psychological stuff, but watching a video of this makes me feel very nervous. I think it'd suck if I couldn't actually play this after spending lots of money for the game :D


Really looking forward to this.
Just hope it's not a redo of Red Steel 1.
Where it looks good and is then underwhelming.

I have a lot of hope though that they'll pull it off.
Since im liking a lot of what i've seen so far.
I'm really digging it; the setting, the gameplay, the Demon's/Dark Souls-esque online messages.. it's all very cool.

I still haven't seen enough of it though.

And it looks too scary ;_;


not sure if true but I just seen on a website that this game will be running at 1080P. but I wouldn't be too quick to believe it because that's what they said about ME3 until a dev came out & said it wasn't true.


El Capitan Todd
It's running at 1080p, but each time you die, you lose 1pixel....1079p, 1078p, 1077p...and so on...until the end!!! (sub-HD quality video)

the real hardcore gamer survival horror!
Game looks interesting, the details revealed so far looks like it could be a very good survival horror game and a good solid launch title. I am looking forward to giving it a go.
Looks kinda Dead Island-y. I've been burnt out on zombie games for awhile now and this just doesn't stand out from the pack enough to regenerate that interest. I wonder if it'd still be receiving this kind of hype if it were announced for the PS3/360...I get the feeling it'd probably be viewed as just another zombier.


El Capitan Todd
Looks kinda Dead Island-y. I've been burnt out on zombie games for awhile now and this just doesn't stand out from the pack enough to regenerate that interest. I wonder if it'd still be receiving this kind of hype if it were announced for the PS3/360...I get the feeling it'd probably be viewed as just another zombier.

Probably. Gamepad interface is 50% of my interest in the game. the other 50% is about permadeath of your character, constant online world, demon soul-ish messages, and so on.


This looks really cool, like that other ubisoft game for the launch of a nintendo console

What was the name?


But as it turns out it sucked, epically
Looks really cool (this is the first video I've seen of this game).

I love the idea of a clean hud-less screen on the TV and a full hud on the controller, clever stuff.


Junior Member
I'm totally playing this on the easiest setting possible. Is there a way to play on 'mario like easy'? Fuck dying, I want to actually progress. I hope they have difficulty settings.

lol junior thinking he's so clever
Look, being a junior is the in thing now. It's retro, like high top fades and ugly tight jeans. Ugly sneakers and shit. This is where you want to be.


Guys, just came from an event Ubisoft organized in Madrid and could try ZombieU.

The game is trash. Seriously. It really plays bad. It's like if the gamepad and the game didn't get along. You have to look the touchscreen and the tv screen at the same time and it's not cool.

The camera control is very wierd. Sometimes it moves fast and others too slow. I didn't know what the hell was going on and when I wanted to react I had three zombies around me and my only weapon was a cricket bat that did no damage.

This actually makes me think of something that is going to cause discussions to be interesting once the game launches. You lose skills when your character dies. That means (assuming things now), how well you can aim, shoot, run, hit, sprint, jump, reload, snipe, etc is going to vary greatly for everyone. One section might be super easy for one player while it could be extremely difficult for the next one. Perhaps it might not good to simply move on to the next objective once you respawn but perhaps go back to an earlier area that didn't have a lot of zombies to try to rebuild your skills. You can recover items but all those skills reset. All those skills are suppose to get better the longer you play.

What I wonder is if the characters you respawn as will be random for everyone. Also if during each life/respawn you will progress differently. Perhaps one life the character is physically stronger (he or she was a construction worker) and they do more melee damage initially. The next might be a former cop or solider and is simply better at aiming from the start. If that is in the game then each person's experience could be different from the very start.


I like the concept and what I've read about it on paper but all of the trailers have been really awful. It's something I'd very much wait for reviews on, a stance I very rarely find myself taking considering how normally comfortable I am with being able to gloss something and know if I'd like it.

It also makes me wish the development of Zomboid would speed up.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm totally playing this on the easiest setting possible. Is there a way to play on 'mario like easy'? Fuck dying, I want to actually progress. I hope they have difficulty settings.

See, I want the opposite. I want to experience my first death within minutes of starting to game. I want to be repeatedly brutalized until I eventually evolve into a hardened, zombie slaying badass motherfucker. The whole rougelike survival thing is best when surviving is a daunting task. This could be what makes or breaks this game for me. I don't have to much hope in Ubisoft delivering such an experience, but I do hope for some finely tuned difficulty levels.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Honestly the biggest thing this game has going against it is that zombi(e) games have become a played out generic genre, and Left 4 Dead is considered the default zombie shooter.

Regardless of how the game turns out (tho most impressions are good), the main draw it has, is in being an actual survival horror game focused on resource management and slow, careful survival.

However looking at any one screen shot, the average person is going to say "LOL looks like Left 4 Dead I have that on Steam."

I will point out, related to a few impressions where folks have said something feels wrong - mainly that their character picks up a bat and doesn't do much damage - one thing that may have been underexplained in demonstrations, as I understand it, is that your character starts out weak and gets more effective at using weapons the more you use them.

So you don't do damage with a cricket bat at first, until you pump up. That sort of thing. You're not a good shot with a pistol at first, until your accuracy improves. The survivors are supposed to be normal people unprepared for the apocalypse. This is how I've seen it explained by the director.
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