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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Legend of Sirius


I nearly got Chirin no Suzu'd and even got a similar image to go along with it.

Still in a Sanrio mood so decided to check this out. Released in 1981, along with an English version called The Sea Prince and the Fire Child in 1982, I sort of wish I'd seen this when it was new so I could have spent years telling other folk to watch it. Wonderful film that satisfied me across the board.

The story is basically Romeo & Juliet revisited in a fantasy setting. In the distant past, the embodiments of Fire & Water, Glacus & Themis, were as one, The Lord of the Wind, Argon, grew jealous and planted seeds of discord that caused Glacus & Themis to drift apart and eventually coming to arms against one another. Some higher power eventually struck Argon down but the damage was done and Glacus & Themis went their separate ways, each believing an artifact of their power was what kept the seas calm and maintained peace from the other side.

The presentation of the history was rather enjoyable. Not that a prologue should be necessary but the stage was set nicely.

Years down the line, Sirius, son of Glacus, is entrusted with the Eye of Argon, named king of the sea, and left to protect the realm but he stumbles across the Holy Flame that Malta, daughter of Themis, is left to maintain and the two children begin to question what they were taught and that perhaps those of the other race aren't quite the savages they once believed. As in similar tales, despite the purity of their love, they can't escape the tragedy of the past or the history of their respective heritage, even when given a glimmer of hope as to how to co-exist with one another.
The ending was something of a downer. It was pretty obvious it would be with the Romeo & Juliet overtones but it was pretty damn sad when a blinded Sirius was calling out for a Malta who had embraced her role as Queen of Fire and turned away from him. For a brief moment, I thought she'd leave him but she broke down with upon his death and sought her own so they could be together.


Sirius/Malta interaction was such a treat.
I found it to be both a beautiful and touching movie. The relationship between Sirius and Malta forms slowly but naturally and embodies the youthful nature of such first love in that they believe it can see them through an obstacle so long as they were together while leaving them oblivious to the sacrifices they would have to make to be with one another.
In particular, each of the main characters lose a sidekick to self-sacrifice as said sidekicks recant on their opposition to Sirius & Malta being together and do what they can to help them.
There was also a nice sense of tension anytime their parents were onscreen together too as if they were forced to remember their past and see themselves as they once were through the action of their children. There's also use of color that I wish I could better articulate too, particularly between the main characters that look like they belong in each other's realm which adds to the sense of initial attraction.

It was directed by Masami Hata, who also directed Chirin no Suzu and Little Nemo among other things, and I'm left with the notion I should check out more of his work. The soundtrack was pretty great too as it was far more theatrical than I expected. The orchestration added a sense of gravitas to the events as the movie. JP Trailer here for anyone interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QceQqiAHR80 It has a taste of the soundtrack therein.


Even the credits were beautiful. I have no idea if the cards were of art from a book or some sort of concept art but it was neat to revisit elements from the film in this style.


Just an aside, Sirius' dad was pretty badass.


I don't think Sengoku Collection's sales are paying many bills.

The sales don't have to. The production would already have paid the bills. Most anime studios are work-for-hire anyway, so they don't really see much/any in the way of royalties or post-release profits. A 26 episode show getting made in the first place already means someone gave them work to keep the studio running, and that counts as paying the bills for the entire studio.


The sales don't have to. The production would already have paid the bills. Most anime studios are work-for-hire anyway, so they don't really see much/any in the way of royalties or post-release profits. A 26 episode show getting made in the first place already means someone gave them work to keep the studio running, and that counts as paying the bills for the entire studio.

Do the creators usually get royalties in the case of an original anime?


It made it seem, to me, like they were adapting a one shot of sorts, it even had a perfect conclusion for any sort of one shot romance comedy type thing. Though I hope it doesnt lose steam in the story department as we go through 12 or even more episodes...

Yup I agree. Its really rushed and I hope it doesnt make the show go in a stupid direction. \
That first episode was really something though.

Blood-C is a bad show.
It does have impact, but to get to it you have to slog through a lot of boring, but the boring is important to the impact, so you can't really skip it.
I'd only recommend it if you want to extract meta-enjoyment by making fun of it with friends in a "what were the people who made this thinking?" kind of way.

School Days, on the other hand, is awesome, entertaining from beginning to end.
Recommended to anyone who likes crazy things like Code Geass R2.

Blood C is not what most would call boring. Its filled with....well interesting and terrible shit.


Do the creators usually get royalties in the case of an original anime?

I don't think the originality of the anime matters as much as how the production is arranged, but I suppose if it were an original creation of the studio that would help in getting a more favorable arrangement. Many of the bigger studios (or smarter studios? idk...) tend to want to be part of the production committee instead of just being work-for-hire. But this probably means they invest a part of the production themselves, and a show failing could actually have an impact on them. Well known directors and writers can also get direct recognition for the "original concept" of a given show, but they might or might not get royalties from that. I guess it would depend on their contracts.

If you pay attention, you'll notice that some studios are far more invested in their shows than others. Studios like Sunrise, Production IG, Ufotable, Kyoto Animation, BONES, etc are often used as major selling points on a show they work on, and they also actively market their own shows and organize events and such to promote their work and interact with fans. When your studio is a brand and a business platform, it makes it easier for you get a cut of your work.

I guess that kinda works like any other creative industry really.


Ah sorry, I don't mean is the anime the same as the manga.
I meant, did the manga start out as a one-shot?

Well looking around there aren't any info about a one shot so either there wasn't one or it didn't catch anyone's attention. But in general, don't most manga start as a one shot? At least that's what Bakuman taught me.


The sales don't have to. The production would already have paid the bills. Most anime studios are work-for-hire anyway, so they don't really see much/any in the way of royalties or post-release profits. A 26 episode show getting made in the first place already means someone gave them work to keep the studio running, and that counts as paying the bills for the entire studio.

So basically even if a series fails, the studio may not be financially affected?
I always wondered how these studios could keep in business with so many shows barely making a profit or failing entirely.


It shared login info at least. I wonder if this means that funico or funi-nico or whatever is a thing again.
Huh, I remember creating an account for niconico from scratch when I already had a nicovideo account; maybe they linked the two a few months after the English site launched. Not like I ever did much with either account as far as favorites lists, etc. though.


So basically even if a series fails, the studio may not be financially affected?
I always wondered how these studios could keep in business with so many shows barely making a profit or failing entirely.

Well, in terms of adaptations, much of the time their primary purpose is to serve as an advertisement for the original work; disc sales are a bonus.


Subete no aware
Huh, I remember creating an account for niconico from scratch when I already had a nicovideo account; maybe they linked the two a few months after the English site launched. Not like I ever did much with either account as far as favorites lists, etc. though.
My JP login info worked... and I remember people saying that .com was an easy way to create an account without having to navigate .jp menus anyhow.


My JP login info worked... and I remember people saying that .com was an easy way to create an account without having to navigate .jp menus anyhow.
Oh, I know they're linked now and have been for a while; I guess I just never bothered to. Whatever, we'll see what happens on the 17th. Maybe I'll make a third account to actually do stuff with, since I hate the names on the two I have right now.


Well, in terms of adaptations, much of the time their primary purpose is to serve as an advertisement for the original work; disc sales are a bonus.

Thats kind of a relief because a lot of my favorite studios dont really have as much work as Id like anymore.


Hidamari Sketch x SP 2


Little Yuno feet!

Child-like voices pronouncing sound effects for actions must be the most annoying, unnecessary audio element I've heard Hidamari Sketch utilize regularly in a half-episode.

That aside, it was a special that started average and had a better second half. There was a little bit of background animation in the introduction of the second segment, which is always welcome. In fact, it was better on a whole, with the whole Hidamari building (including Oyasan) going out for a BBQ buffet.


I enjoyed this little scene with Oyasan after
she lost the gamble
It's the most animated I've seen her!

The scene above used some restless character animation, quite similar to a few scenes in Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru. It's the best animation Oyasan has gestured in the series to date.

As for the ending, I like how one of the final scenes ended with a game of
"Jankenpon" (Rock-Paper-Scissors)
, which is what the opening song for Hidamari Sketch x SP is about.

Final note: Here I come, Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb!


My Little Monster 1

Brains Base, you magnificent bastards, you have done it, you have made a shoujo anime watchable. Now I feel depressed that you have wasted 2 seasons on trash like Sengoku Collection instead of picking up much better source material to work with.

Woah woah lets not get too crazy here. There's been many a watchable shoujo!
Blood C:01

What have you guys made me do? Oh boy, what can I say about this thing? Well, the character designs are even worse in motion. The scene with Saya singing was painfully bad. Also, one/both of those twins need to die horribly as soon as possible. At least I got a decent action scene, even if the villain looked really dumb.

However, trashing Saya's singing has officially earned you a place on my list. You're insulting moe perfection.


Quite a looker, sounds like something I would be interested in watching as well. I'll add it to the list.

But of course! Sanraio productions of that era look pretty good, see Ringing Bell. They may damage your psyche though.


Final note: Here I come, Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb!
With the B part of x SP 2 being the first chapter of volume six (along with the other x SP parts being from the same volume), I have to wonder how Honeycomb will start off its premiere. I'm hoping the staff will something like x365's opener where they take some fun liberties with it.


I don't know why, but the caps make it look like a lost Disney film.

While not quite from the right era, Legend of Sirius is close-ish to that time when Japanese animation was very closely modelled on trying to be Disney, not only in terms of their design aesthetics but in terms of quality of the animation. It wasn't too long before studios gave that crazy dream up.


While not quite from the right era, Legend of Sirius is close-ish to that time when Japanese animation was very closely modelled on trying to be Disney, not only in terms of their design aesthetics but in terms of quality of the animation. It wasn't too long before studios gave that crazy dream up.

And now Disney has given up on it too.


Why do I want to watch [Code Geass, a show] filled with people I hate? It will only make me angry.

Maybe it's me...but I never really found myself having such strong negative emotional reactions, even when the characters did something I completely disagreed with or, frankly, just acted irrationally. Either their resulting dynamics were still interesting to watch, regardless of their technically or formally flawed nature, or I could somehow understand the reasons why they were messed up at least on a very basic level.

Then again, I'm far more likely to find a cast of characters boring -and outright quit the series because of this- rather than hating on it yet still keep watching.


My Little Monster 1

Wow that was something special. It hit all the right notes with me
. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, though I do agree with the sentiments that the pacing felt a little off. If Kimi ni Todoke is Slowjo, this felt like Warp Drivejo. Dude moves fast.



Subete no aware
While not quite from the right era, Legend of Sirius is close-ish to that time when Japanese animation was very closely modelled on trying to be Disney, not only in terms of their design aesthetics but in terms of quality of the animation. It wasn't too long before studios gave that crazy dream up.
Ah, so I'm not crazy. lol

Wow, that's a really, really, really old pull. lol

(Also, "The only thing wrong with the game is that it's just TOO GOOD").


This show. I don't even know what to say anymore. Shit's certainly gotten real. Episode 6 was the most cathartic thing ever. What, with
killing both the twins. Ridding the show of the two most annoying characters possibly in the history of television
They have certainly upped the gruesome factor as well. The monster designs have remained strange, and sort of awful. Still not a likable character to be found. Everyone seems like they're hiding something. Every character is sinister in some way. It's certainly becoming more insane as well. I don't even know what to think anymore.


Lelouch is probably one of the smartest protagonists in anime for one simple reason. He scientifically measured his powers. Unlike every retard who gets a superpower and fucks around with it, he tested the limits. He also knew when to quit and had his limits. Also how the hell is CC cliche? Another thing, the whole point of the show was to point out how everyone was a horrible human being. Suzaku was a backstabbing little shit and both sides were just as bad.

I just want to say that Lelouche really isn't alone in this. Just look back on the character he's a clone of - Light from Death Note. There's whole episodes of Death Note devoted to Light testing the powers of the Death Note.

Moreover, both these characters are 'anime smart' in that: their opponents do stupid things or their strategies always work flawlessly or their ability to predict the actions of people is magically always correct or all of the above.


sealed with a kiss
This show. I don't even know what to say anymore. Shit's certainly gotten real. Episode 6 was the most cathartic thing ever. What, with
killing both the twins. Ridding the show of the two most annoying characters possibly in the history of television
They have certainly upped the gruesome factor as well. The monster designs have remained strange, and sort of awful. Still not a likable character to be found. Everyone seems like they're hiding something. Every character is sinister in some way. It's certainly becoming more insane as well. I don't even know what to think anymore.

Right on schedule.


Maybe it's me...but I never really found myself having such strong negative emotional reactions, even when the characters did something I completely disagreed with or, frankly, just acted irrationally. Either their resulting dynamics were still interesting to watch, regardless of their technically or formally flawed nature, or I could somehow understand the reasons why they were messed up at least on a very basic level.

Then again, I'm far more likely to find a cast of characters boring -and outright quit the series because of this- rather than hating on it yet still keep watching.

CG became a show I loved to watch for the mecha battles, and became infuriated with the characters. Both Gundam Wing and Gundam Age occupy that space as well. I put up with a lot of crap for good mecha action.

And, I think I sound more negative here than I really am. CG is a fine mecha show, if judged purely on action. It's just every other aspect of it that I dislike.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This show. I don't even know what to say anymore. Shit's certainly gotten real. Episode 6 was the most cathartic thing ever. What, with
killing both the twins. Ridding the show of the two most annoying characters possibly in the history of television
They have certainly upped the gruesome factor as well. The monster designs have remained strange, and sort of awful. Still not a likable character to be found. Everyone seems like they're hiding something. Every character is sinister in some way. It's certainly becoming more insane as well. I don't even know what to think anymore.
You know

I wasn't suggesting marathoning it. Now I fear for your sanity.


Seriously! Here's hoping
Lisara's mom gets some love too in those specials.

We can only hope. We can only hope.
This show. I don't even know what to say anymore. Shit's certainly gotten real. Episode 6 was the most cathartic thing ever. What, with
killing both the twins. Ridding the show of the two most annoying characters possibly in the history of television
They have certainly upped the gruesome factor as well. The monster designs have remained strange, and sort of awful. Still not a likable character to be found. Everyone seems like they're hiding something. Every character is sinister in some way. It's certainly becoming more insane as well. I don't even know what to think anymore.

Oh dear.


The lesson here is that back in the day, before they were flooding store shelves with the sickeningly cute image of Hello Kitty pasted onto t-shirts, lunchboxes, and vibrators, Sanrio was creating great-looking, memorable, emotionally crushing animated kids films that pulled no punches. I've got something called Nutracker Fantasy lined up to be watched soon - it's even stop-motion, a big rarity in Japanese animation - and of course I recommend the Unico movies if you haven't seen them yet.

I adored the Unico movies. Just wish there was more stuff like this. Nutcracker Fantasy looks neat too, especially with this being the description for the opening on youtube:

Welcome to the worst 2.5 minutes I experienced as a 2 year old


"the warrior blood of the Orient flows through your veins."


You know, after watching Code Geass: Akito the Exiled I thought that there wasn't really anything special about the script. However, the fact that I pick out a single line of dialogue from that episode while causally scrolling through hundreds of posts must mean that they did something right. I haven't even given a proper analysis of the OVA yet but I really want to mention how strong the nationalism is.

As any viewer of the original Code Gess will no doubt be aware, in that show the proud and noble Japanese people have been subjugated by the cruel British Empire. Their people have even lost their name - they've been dubbed "elevens" rather than Japanese. Cue many years of suffering for the Japanese people etc etc. Flash forward to this new Akito OVA. While the setting is no longer British held Japan, the blatant racism against Japanese people continues for no apparent reason. I guess there are lots of Japanese refugees around, or whatever, but considering that Europe is fighting Britannia I don't really see why they'd treat allies in that conflict so harshly - except to fill the show with a nationalistic "rar-rar" spirit of the true Japanese warrior going alone against the enemy. Apparently we Europeans just hate Japanese people and their martial arts.
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