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DARK SOULS II Announced - [PC/PS3/360 - PR in OP]

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Demon Souls is my game of the generation. I have a platinum in 3 different versions of the game.

I still haven't even finished Dark souls...don't know why but it just didn't do it for me. We'll see.


What do you guys think the chances of this releasing simultaneously on PC are?

Pretty good, I'd say. From Software seemed honestly surprised by all the interest in the PC version of the first, and it probably paid for itself and then some in a pretty timely fashion.


If they give an option for invasions/PvP to be turned off and/or kept to arenas, the game will improve 10 fold for me. I know a lot of people will probably ugh me, but invasions aren't really for me and I rather have a co-op session without having to worry about some dickface coming in right before we reach a the boss door to back stab me. Maybe on a second playthrough where I can't care, but definitely not the first. Having the option to turn it off/on would be nice.
I hate being ganked as much as the next person, but optional invasions are a terrible idea.

The thing is, the way it works in the Souls games is beautifully balanced. Other games try to balance co-op by improving NPC enemies or increasing their count, but especially in such a skill-based game as Dark Souls this never makes up for the ingenuity of additional players. So what they did is give you a potential human threat to make up for the advantages of cooperation.


I've got a feeling this could be a prequel set during the dragon wars, Witch of Izalith anyone?

I'd kind of like them to get away from Londo in general. There's world out there, different gods and stuff. Like where ever the real Gwynevere went to, or where Lautrec came from. Doing the Burg or Anor Londo again would be a little dull.
If they give an option for invasions/PvP to be turned off and/or kept to arenas, the game will improve 10 fold for me. I know a lot of people will probably ugh me, but invasions aren't really for me and I rather have a co-op session without having to worry about some dickface coming in right before we reach a the boss door to back stab me. Maybe on a second playthrough where I can't care, but definitely not the first. Having the option to turn it off/on would be nice.







I just bought Dark Souls off amazon, it'll be here monday, what am i getting myself into? i know zero about the whole game other than the fact that it's supposed to be rage inducing.
If they give an option for invasions/PvP to be turned off and/or kept to arenas, the game will improve 10 fold for me. I know a lot of people will probably ugh me, but invasions aren't really for me and I rather have a co-op session without having to worry about some dickface coming in right before we reach a the boss door to back stab me. Maybe on a second playthrough where I can't care, but definitely not the first. Having the option to turn it off/on would be nice.
You can just stay in beef jerky mode, or go offline.


I just bought Dark Souls off amazon, it'll be here monday, what am i getting myself into? i know zero about the whole game other than the fact that it's supposed to be rage inducing.

Nice character customization.
Lots of gear and magic.
Weighty, precise combat.
OOZING with dark fantasy atmosphere.
Excellent art and sound direction throughout.
Metroidvania pseudo-open world.
So this is still looking like a current gen game? If this is coming to PC and is being worked on alongside the other versions imagine how much better this game would run on modern PCs?

Disappointed durante hasn't got a job offer yet.


I just bought Dark Souls off amazon, it'll be here monday, what am i getting myself into? i know zero about the whole game other than the fact that it's supposed to be rage inducing.

Don't raise resistance. Play online, but co-op will nuke the challenge. Don't worry about dying or losing souls. Take the stairs.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
I just bought Dark Souls off amazon, it'll be here monday, what am i getting myself into? i know zero about the whole game other than the fact that it's supposed to be rage inducing.
Despair. No, not because of the difficulty but because of the atmosphere the game oozes.




edit: kinda disappointed they went with the 2, i was hoping for a new name.
pretty awesome that it might be in the same world tho


from FAMITSU.com

Current gen confirmed! PS3, XBOX360 and PS3. It says the game is being developed by FROM SOFTWARE AND BANDAI NAMCO. FAMITSU also confirmed the game has a new world setting....


2012年12月8日、フロム・ソフトウェアとバンダイナムコゲームスは本格アクションRPG『DARK SOULS』シリーズ最新作、『DARK SOULS Ⅱ』を共同開発していることを発表した。対応機種はプレイステーション3、Xbox 360、PC。日本での販売はフロム・ソフトウェアが担当し、海外での販売はバンダイナムコゲームスが担当する。
 『DARK SOULS Ⅱ』は、2011年9月に発売された本格アクションRPG『DARK SOULS』のゲームコンセプトを継承したシリーズ最新作で、ダンジョン探索の緊張感や高い達成感に繋がるゲーム性はそのままに、新たな世界で構築された完全新作の本格ダークファンタジーになるという。リリースでは「RPGが本来持っている成長や発見という根本的な面白さに加え、高い達成感につながるレベルデザインを徹底追求し、今作ではプレイヤーが本当にその場に存在するかのような自然な体験を目指し、より一層没入できる冒険譚を描いた本格アクションRPGとなっています。また本作では、同シリーズの特徴的でもある緩やかにプレイを共有するネットワークシステムを継承し、直接的なコミュニケーションを必要とせずとも他のプレイヤーと一緒に冒険を共有体験することができます。さらに専用ゲームサーバーを設け、より快適なオンラインサービスを提供する予定です」と述べられている。加えて「今後両社は、フロム・ソフトウェアの持つ高い開発力と、バンダイナムコゲームスの持つ幅広い海外での展開力を活かし、本作の流通や販売促進を踏まえた戦略的な展開を行ってまいります。ゲームプレイの達成感を極限まで高めた新しいダークソウルにどうぞご期待ください」とのことで、これはいやがおうにも期待せざるおえない。続報に要注目だ。
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