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Bungie officially confirms Destiny. Reveal on Feb 17th

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Do you think that forums and news outlets, till the 20th, will be talking about anything other than Bungie's new game (from creators of Halo!1!)? I may have injected a bit of hyperbole but this is a great way for MS to get ahead of Sony's announcement. Of course, on the 20th and hence, the forums would be ablaze with the discussions of Sony's reveal as well as Destiny (and how it provides a taste of what Durango is capable of).
How is that what you said at all? How is that 'stealing eye balls' if you think it's only going to affect attention until the PS4 is announced? Sony isn't announcing the system in the days before the 20th, they don't care what's happening then.

PS3 version may have been later if they couldn't get it running well but since they added PSN login to Bungie.net I think it's in good shape.

Oh wow, that hasn't changed? Interesting. I thought the whole point behind the Activision-Microsoft partnership was to break a monopoly. Both sides selling 70m+ seems like the perfect situation for a publisher, you'd think they would want a repeat of that...


Marathon was Doom with a (fantastic) story and aliens. Marathon 2 is tied with Rise of the Triad as the first shooter with dual wielding (they came out on the same day). Myth was a really excellent tactical RTS that doesn't get nearly enough credit for doing away with dirt farming and using terrain and physics in its simulation. Halo put Bungie at the forefront, but they made some really cool stuff before it.

Gnop was a Pong clone.
Good to know. Seems like story is one of the things they do really well then.
Isn't this suppose to be an MMO?
Rumors and rumors, but yes some sort of always online with with the entire world.
And maybe in not in the traditional sense of the word MMO but I do think that they are pushing what a game with online.
I really think they as a studio want to PUSH them selfs into a next gen game by breaking new ground in the industry again like with the controls and online on a console.


I've always appreciated Halo from afar. I understand the Bungie games have an incredible amount of craftsmanship put into them, and the small chunks I've played have been enjoyable, but when I think fondly of Halo I think of the Halo: Reach title screen. It's just not my thing -- a " boy's" game with Jim Henson enemies, and I've always thought the idea of a competitive FPS played with a controller absurd.

But I am so excited by Destiny. I love the early concept art we've seen and I'm interested to see where they go with the game. Will it have the gargantuan territorial battles of PlanetSide 2, or will it have the smaller arenas of Dust 514 with more story-oriented hub elements? And I can't even imagine what kind of social functionality the game will have. I feel as if it's going to be really special.


tagged by Blackace
Isn't this suppose to be an MMO?


If it's not on PC it will be shit thought. 360 is not capable of doing anything impressive at this point.
It's supposed to have MMO elements, but not be an MMO per ce.

I picture it as something like TDU for FPSs.




It will be pretty interesting to see Destinity X720 exclusive and 3 days later Sony next gen games.

Good moth for gamers
"puts on tin foil hat"

Yeah I think this could be MS trying to take some hype away from the ps4 event.

You would be silly to think MS doesn't have a hand in how this game is presented and announcing it at a sony event seems like a no brainer if they had the freedom to do it.

"thakes tin foil hat off"

Then again maybe they just want to show it for ps3/360 before next gen systems are announced just to play it safe and make the next gen annoucment when both systems have been shown.


If they show a next gen version that's Durango exclusive while simultaneously announcing Durango I would be flabbergasted. It would be an amazing way for Microsoft to get out in front of Sony in terms of console announcements. But I somehow doubt that will happen.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I remember being very intrigued by the concept art stuff that was posted a few months ago. Hope the game contains coolbeans.


Wasn't it already confirmed through the contract information that came out a while back that it won't be available for PS4? Something like the exclusivity that the first Mass Effect had on 360 but this will be, as far as next gen consoles are concerned, exclusive to Durango.
"puts on tin foil hat"

Yeah I think this could be MS trying to take some hype away from the ps4 event.

You would be silly to think MS doesn't have a hand in how this game is presented and announcing it at a sony event seems like a no brainer if they had the freedom to do it.

"thakes tin foil hat off"

Then again maybe they just want to show it for ps3/360 before next gen systems are announced just to play it safe.

Historically is it better or worse to bring to market a big franchise at the end of a console cycle? I guess they're covering their bases by bringing it to at least one of the two next gen consoles(unless that's just an old rumor).


"puts on tin foil hat"

Yeah I think this could be MS trying to take some hype away from the ps4 event.

You would be silly to think MS doesn't have a hand in how this game is presented and announcing it at a sony event seems like a no brainer if they had the freedom to do it.

"thakes tin foil hat off"

Then again maybe they just want to show it for ps3/360 before next gen systems are announced just to play it safe.

Announce on Sunday, bit of story, pre-rendered trailer. No mention of consoles.

Wednesday night in New York, Kaz welcomes Jason Jones to the stage to talk about his new game. Jones reveals that the trailer we thought was pre-rendered was running on PS4.

GAF goes in to meltdown.


So Activision/Bungie are trying to steal PS4's thunder? For what? Or are you saying Activision is doing Microsoft's bidding?

IIRC, Destiny was supposed to be shown off during GDC 2013. Given its timed exclusivity for Durango, it would not surprise me if this was a reactionary measure to show off what the hardware can do for the makers of Halo before the PS4 reveal. So MS would have a hand in this. Think of it like a teaser. I am not vilifying MS or anything like that, rather commending them on this strategic move.

How is that what you said at all? How is that 'stealing eye balls' if you think it's only going to affect attention until the PS4 is announced? Sony isn't announcing the system in the days before the 20th, they don't care what's happening then.

Like I said, it was a bit of hyperbole. Stealing was the incorrect/unkind term. But, do you believe the date was chosen at random? Had this been a purely multiplat title from get go then it would not have aroused any suspicion for me.
GO GO GO! Do it now!


Solve the puzzle and save the two images. Solution here:


Our sky is filled with unseen signals. Radio-frequency emissions pulse and flit and dance all around us. Yet even a singing patch of sky can be observed, and transformed into a range of frequencies. Can you hear it? No, not yet. It has not yet arrived. But together we can receive its call. Imagine combining the observations of thousands across the globe on an object meandering through the heavens. The resulting array would be quite large. Quite powerful. This is your task. Alone it will not be enough. Coordination and timing is needed. Observations must be made simultaneously. Your window will be small. Five minutes at most. But windows may be reopened. And the distance between observer pairs will be key. There will always be limitations in clarity, so the results must be archived for study. Highly technical observers may be required. Detailed frequency analysis is recommended. Everything that belongs to us will be ours, but only if we create the capacity to receive it."]Our sky is filled with unseen signals. Radio-frequency emissions pulse and flit and dance all around us. Yet even a singing patch of sky can be observed, and transformed into a range of frequencies. Can you hear it? No, not yet. It has not yet arrived. But together we can receive its call. Imagine combining the observations of thousands across the globe on an object meandering through the heavens. The resulting array would be quite large. Quite powerful. This is your task. Alone it will not be enough. Coordination and timing is needed. Observations must be made simultaneously. Your window will be small. Five minutes at most. But windows may be reopened. And the distance between observer pairs will be key. There will always be limitations in clarity, so the results must be archived for study. Highly technical observers may be required. Detailed frequency analysis is recommended. Everything that belongs to us will be ours, but only if we create the capacity to receive it.




Needs to come to the PC day 1 with whatever else MIcrosoft is planning.

PC gamers will not give a fuck about this game if it's out a year they miss the beginning.
everyone still gets to play it, way bigger if its the other way.

Look at the image I posted above. It has the PS3 and 360 logo on it. If that image is legit (and it should be since it was with IGN's other leaked images), then that would throw a wrench in the idea that it's still timed exclusive. There'd be no reason for them to put the PS3 logo on there if that were the direction that they were heading in with the series.


tagged by Blackace
I really doubt that's still in place now considering how far back it was.
I really doubt they somehow got MORE time during the course of development to port it to PS3 compared to initial prospects. If anything, like all other game development, shit got tighter and tighter as it went on.
Activision court documents showed the first game as a 720 exclusive. Totally a way to blunt PS4 news.

I don't buy the "steal Sony's thunder argument". What motivation does Bungie/Activision have to lessen the impact of a Sony reveal if they're also going to be selling their games on Sony consoles?


What would make it change?

Dunno. I'm inclined to think they realize it's a bit pointless to make it a timed exclusive? I'm not seeing the benefits. You're kind of pushing aside a part of your potential market, no? What is the point of doing that aside from some good money for the publisher?

Things can change, right?

And yeah, partially since I don't own a 360 and would like to play it at launch.
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