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Skullgirls DLC Crowdsourcing - Completed, $829,829 raised, 4+1 characters funded

Hateful lewd lies typical of the common minette fan.

A vote for minette is a vote for lewd lies.

I'll learn Painwheel just for you.

I'm probably the rudest person in this thread so . . .

Im not into nearly naked girls I have taste ok.

Wait a second....

In all seriousness though Eliza's gameplay mechanics sound awesome as fuck, plus she looks awesome :p

Still voting for Minette though so I can have a legit partner for Ms.Fortune :p

Eliza's mechanic sounds too much like a comeback mechanic. #smearcampaign

Man nobody likes the guy with the chair anymore? I was hoping for some RVD/Cactus Jack/New Jack action.

Too vanilla of a character. Beowulf would have needed his chair to be a living chair named Chair that periodically turned other people into tables that he can scoot up onto and fulfill his destiny.

Only then would I vote for Not Kanji.


Man, I don't regret putting 30 bucks down but all these characters we can vote on look awful to me other than yu-wan, ileum and maybe beatrix. Aeon only matters if she has copies of Big to use.

I'm guessing of the three I mentioned, only beatrix has a chance of making it?


Man nobody likes the guy with the chair anymore? I was hoping for some RVD/Cactus Jack/New Jack action.
Beowulf? He definitely has a lot of supporters, from what I've seen. I don't think I'm backing him, but I'm not too concerned that we won't see him after the first round.

Annie or Aeon needs to make it. Isaac is a given.

I think I might want Aeon more than Annie just because I'm left wondering how insane an Isaac versus Aeon match up would be.
Man, I don't regret putting 30 bucks down but all these characters we can vote on look awful to me other than yu-wan, ileum and maybe beatrix. Aeon only matters if she has copies of Big to use.

I'm guessing of the three I mentioned, only beatrix has a chance of making it?

. . . I've got some bad news for you. You might want to have a seat first.

Just because i'm a junior you guys ignore me... T-T

Anyways, i'm excited for the extra colors to characters! Here's hoping that somebody chose the Parasoul colored Annie, just in case she doesn't get in. :p But I doubt she won't make it. :3


Junior Member
Man nobody likes the guy with the chair anymore? I was hoping for some RVD/Cactus Jack/New Jack action.
Holy crap, you had to remind me about Beowulf.

Now I'm back to being torn.

Minette, Issac, Venus, Molly, and Beowulf. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I WANT THEM ALL!

(If Beowulf gets in, I'm auditioning for him without hesitation.)
...So I go out with a friend for one day and all of a sudden this gets like $25k+ wat

I can't believe how far this has come. When it started, I had serious doubts we would get the third character. Yet, here we are.

Anyways, how long will the first round of voting be? I'll probably be out of the city and without internet most of this week D:



Gauging the general interest, here's who I think have a chance.

The latter characters have the most going for them, as they have the most momentum coming out of their announcement.

Stanley is very popular on SRK. He still may have been deepsixed by recent announcements but let's see what happens when SRK updates the news about the 3rd character and storyline being reached.


I love her design, I'm not into the blood mechanic though. (It sounds cool, but I don't think it suits the character. Sounds more like something Ileum should have.)

That's like looking at jedah and being shocked he decapitates himself though :p Once you see it in motion you are like oh ok can't see it any other way.
I wonder what some of those colors people have decided on with that reward tier. I'm curious what ones we'll be getting.

That's like looking at jedah and being shocked he decapitates himself though :p Once you see it in motion you are like oh ok can't see it any other way.

I must say, Jedah's decapitation is one of the cooler guard cancels of that game.
That's like looking at jedah and being shocked he decapitates himself though :p Once you see it in motion you are like oh ok can't see it any other way.
Eh, I wouldn't say Eliza's design screams I'M GONNA KILL YOU WITH MAH BLOOD in the same way Jedah's does. (Though that's probably the point, that such a beautiful character would use such a crude method of attack.)

I would like to see her depend more on her singing skills with some ancient Egyptian influences. She would make an awesome rival character for Squiggly, the lounge singer versus the opera star.


It feels like some last minute stretch goals would help a lot here to keep things rolling!

(Not major things, just benchmarks to hit!)


At this point, I honestly just want the character that can make the skilled artists and animators @ labzero pull off the greatest visual feats.

Unfortunately (out of the populars) that takes Feng & Isaac off of my list. The rest of the ones that I personally think could bring spectacle are Panzerfaust, Eliza, Venus, Aeon, Molly, and Black Dhalia. And out of those...

Panzerfaust looks really cool but I personally find 2D grapplers relatively boring. BUT, in such a combo-heavy game like this he could be a true breath of fresh air.

Eliza's whole thing about filling the area with blood makes me real eager to see... but as for her normals I don't think they'll be as cool looking as the others on the list. However, her gameplay honestly sounds the most appealing so far.

Venus from the description she sounds like the most extravagant in gore/insanity which has me VERY curious to see how the final version will look. BUT, after hearing that her gameplay is probably going to mimic that of lambda and mu from BB, I honestly don't want to see those kind of combo's in this game.

Aeaon like Venus, another character that sounds visually awesome to behold. There are also some unique gameplay elements as well in her description. BUT, the main thing holding me back is that there already is a similar gameplay style in Double and having her in the game will kill the chance of variety we will hopefully see with Panzerfaust or Eliza.

Molly & Dhalia Again, same thing about looking cool but since we already have a hardcore zoning character in Peacock, including them will also kill the chance of having more variety in characters.

Yeah... for now I'm voting Panzerfaust and Eliza.


I would honestly trade Big Band for any of these characters.

I would have agreed with you until I saw:


That thing blows my mind with the creativity labzero is showing with this. After looking at this concept I can't wait to see what neat oddities they'll come up with for such a character.
I would honestly trade Big Band for any of these characters.

I would trade the entire vanilla cast and Band for a collection of the DLC candidates.

Alex Ahad gotten so much better at character design, assuming that most of the initial roster was characters he had for years before having a game made of them.
Let's not forget that the Skullgirls IP has been bolstered by the very same roster some of you dislike so much. All in all it worked out pretty well and most of these concepts have been around since before MvC3 was even announced.

It's not a case of him getting better. It's just a case of you guys having different aesthetic tastes. Nothing wrong with that.


Eh, I wouldn't say Eliza's design screams I'M GONNA KILL YOU WITH MAH BLOOD in the same way Jedah's does. (Though that's probably the point, that such a beautiful character would use such a crude method of attack.)

I would like to see her depend more on her singing skills with some ancient Egyptian influences. She would make an awesome rival character for Squiggly, the lounge singer versus the opera star.

You didn't see her art of her body being half skeleton?
You didn't see her art of her body being half skeleton?
I'm going by her art on the campaign page, which I assume will be how she usually looks. Plus, skeleton =/= blood to me. (It still lends itself more to the ancient Egyptian motif IMO.)

I'm sure if she's made that the blood mechanic will be implemented in an awesome way, but it's just not the direction I would think/choose for the character. Her Egyptian and lounge singer qualities are much more interesting to me, but she's not my creation, so what I think isn't that important.
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