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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Junior Member
I can't wait for companies to start cracking down on Twitter usage. This is getting ridiculous.
No don't do that.
What the fuck?

Wow, just wow. I'm a hardcore gamer and I live in the boonies of Connecticut. I guess I'm not important to Microsoft huh?
Northern Connecticut, that is really something suck buddy.

That's how you lose jobs, you know.
What was that situation in the gif over?
God bless Twitter.
Steam offline mode for those who keep mentioning that "steam doesn't let you play offline either":


It took them ages to fix, but it does work properly now.
Still need to be connected at first but yeah.


Eeeeee, the OP was updated with what appears to be another source hinting it? Man, it pains me, but it's like Microsoft doesn't want me to buy their machine at all. Oh well.
Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

If you give the mass public the option of buying the next Xbox and playing Halo with the possibility of not being able to play your console once in a blue moon, or not buying an Xbox and not being able to play Halo at all, I'm going to guess everyone will, as that creative director puts it, "deal with it."
Do post this stuff with a straight face?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
If he wasn't drunk when he was tweeting this stuff, how drunk do you think he is now?

I would not want to go to the office with a hangover tomorrow. I would just stay up all night fretting.

I assume he has already gotten a call by now though.


So I just got around to wondering. Do you think this guy is trolling us?

Gambling against this being a negative PR sticking point is a BAD idea. If it gains enough traction now, ahead of the reveal, it could be the equivalent of the "lol kiddie" arguments against the Gamecube: not all that true, but no one cares to look further into the facts.

Baconsammy was banned? Jeez that was quick, anybody know why?

Because Baconsammy.

Everyone will get over it soon enough.

Unless, y'know, they don't. It's not like this is the first bit of tarnish on Microsoft's reputation, after all.


Preach brother Franics, preach. (I know he's an internet character, but preach Francis). I also live in a rural area and I will die in a rural area. I've been gaming since the 2600 days. Fuck, my first experience with gaming was while living as a kid in Texas for God's sakes. I feel bad for the guy, but, fuck, I work my ass off just to afford a good internet connection in rural America. We are gamers too.


I always buy every console and handheld at launch just because.

I will not buy this if it is true. Absolutely not. It will be a little sad. My Xbox treated me well over the years and I, until the awesomeness of plus recently, used it much more than my PS3.


microsoft xbox event will be hilarious. They already topped sony 2006 with the worst e3 conferences two years in a row but I expect them to break new ground this year.


We always expect gamer meltdowns at E3.

What we didn't expect was MS having their own meltdown before E3.


Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

If you give the mass public the option of buying the next Xbox and playing Halo with the possibility of not being able to play your console once in a blue moon, or not buying an Xbox and not being able to play Halo at all, I'm going to guess everyone will, as that creative director puts it, "deal with it."

but on the wii u i can skip all updates and go straight to the software. i thought this was a next-gen console?


We've got the Kotaku sources, the leaked documents, the Edge stuff, this topic with the MS director and the hint from another developer.
Basically it's confirmed :p

I would guess that all of the above stem from a single source, EG a devkit.

I don't know either way, but that's my guess.
What a fucking idiot.

With the vacuum analogy, does he realize that the electricity company is really fucking reliable?

When was the last time you hit the switch and were told "sorry, lines busy, try again in 20 minutes"

Or you opened the fridge to find it off because of "important nighttime maintenance"

Or after you finished vacuuming, all the dust came back out because the electricity rolled back all your work?


Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

No, funny because it´s the most ridiculous damage controls i have read in some time. Even if your internet connection is reliable (which can change btw) that doesn´t mean that there can´t be issues on Microsofts end. The best internet connection in the world did jack shit for the people that bought Sim City or Diablo 3.

On top of that the whole always online bullshit as anti consumer as it gets because it takes away your control about your own property and that´s with having absolutely zero benefits for the customer.



In the posts, Microsoft Studios' creative director Adam Orth posts a series of tweets that seems to defend the idea of an always-on connected console -- and also seems to make fun of those gamers who have a problem with it.

That right there is absolute poison.

And the narrative keeps on rolling . . .

The perception: this is how Microsoft really feels about gamers. This gaffe is Romney-esque. The parallels are staggering, right down to the elitist detachment. Their latest strategic decisions around advertising on Xbox 360 and kinect helped to build this, btw.

If Sony were smart, they'd assemble an online services announcement ASAP. Why not? Their console is announced. The details will get lost in E3. It's a great way to counter-message against this GIFT they've been given.

Key message: We care about ALL gamers.

Low Hanging Fruit Sony. Grab a basket and go!!!


So basically your stance is; fuck you, I gots mine!

Have some perspective.

No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.
This is like the perfect shitstorm. Public figure for already distrusted company posts controversial (and perhaps outright silly) opinion about controversial topic in the most dickish way possible just after a big ass article on this very subject drops.

Good job guy. You dun fucked up.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Besides like... a router... um... is there any other piece of consumer electronics that would be as worthless as Nextbox without an internet connection?


No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

Poor people don't necessarily have reliable broadband. Poor people buy Xbox. Trust me.


Is no one going to tweet him that I can't buy another phone with better reception but that I do pick the provider based on connection.

I would but don't have twitter.

In 4 results
Just to throw out there, if Microsoft is implementing an always online drm mechanism to their console then Sony is also. Either that or Microsoft has all the major 3rd party developers catering to the next box with tons of guarantees, because why would they implement such an anti-consumer drm system?

Doubt Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a system on their own without TONS of support from 3rd party developers... tons of 3rd party exclusives/content to make the next box that much more enticing. Such a drm system would make little sense for Microsoft to implement on their own.

Seriously, gaf, you think Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a negative system without Sony being on board also OR having full back from third party developers/publishers? You really think they would take the risk of making Sony look like the knight in shining armor without having guarantees from developers and shit?


Besides like... a router... um... is there any other piece of consumer electronics that would be as worthless as Nextbox without an internet connection?
An internet radio that doesn't also support AM/FM? I mean I doubt such a thing exists, it's just a hypothetical, but it would be useless.
If Sony were smart, they'd assemble an online services announcement ASAP. Why not? Their console is announced. The details will get lost in E3. It's a great way to counter-message against this GIFT they've been given.

Key message: We care about ALL gamers.

Low Hanging Fruit Sony. Grab a basket and go!!!

...I actually agree with this.


No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

So you are basically saying that MS isnt interested in expanding its userbase?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

Fucking Christ. It is too late to be arguing the same shit over and over on here right now. I will let others explain why you are being crazily obtuse.

Goodnight all.
God, the trolling opportunities for Sony are IMMENSE.

Imagine during an E3 press conference in the middle of them demoing an online game the connection goes out....

"Oh...whoops! Looks like the connection was lost!"

*keeps playing*

"Don't worry, we can still play offline too!"


What could possibly be Microsoft's reasoning behind shutting consoles down if they lose connection to the internet? I can understand needing it to initially validate software, but once the game is actually being played and connection is lost, why deactivate the console? Or have I totally missed the point? (Disclaimer: this shit bores me to tears).
No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.
You seem to be unable to grasp this. It's not only about your connection. It's about theirs as well. Did you miss diablo 3? Did you miss sim city?
No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

Well, they can choke on a bag of dicks.
If I want to play my stupid games offline, I should be able to. I don't give a fuck about online multiplayer. I want to be able to play my games however I want. Simple as that.
Seriously, gaf, you think Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a negative system without Sony being on board also OR having full back from third party developers/publishers? You really think they would take the risk of making Sony look like the knight in shining armor without having guarantees from developers and shit?

Post Windows Mobile, Windows RT, and Windows 8, do you not?
No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

If you look at the number of 360's that actually never connected to the internet, and consider broadband coverage in rural areas, you might realize that the majority isn't as big as you think.
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