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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Still without luck
I don't know about that. Alsiel is pretty great.

I find him quite adorable.



Gargantia - 03
I'm confused by this episode ...

He did kill people , ok BUT the pirates were harming them first.
The whole "you're at fault" is nothing but a flawed argument.

"Why have you weapons then ?"

" Because they need to believe that we will fight if necessary "

"ok but they already know that you won't fight , so having weapons and not fighting is pointless"

Yeah that pirate girl was quite strong ( they would have lost if not for ledo ) BUT STILL .

I haven't seen such a flawed way of thinking .... They are so accustomed to surviving that they don't even think of retaliating when necessary.
Just forget that episode happened and move on. Worked for me.
Liberation Maiden

Finally finished this, even though it was five stages long - I was really impressed by the animation though. I'd be interested in a full anime.
Gargantia - 04

This episode was much better . I just realised that the effects on screens are very well done.

This anime is quite pretty to watch and i like Ledo in this episode strugling to find his purpose .

Well done.


So after watching that Nichijou Safety Dance AMV a week or two ago or so for the first time, I ended up marathoning the whole series over the span of 3 days. So how insane am I?


[Hataraku Maou-sama!] 08

Much better this week. Lots of fun reactions and seeing Suzuno getting familiarized with Earth. That kind of hijinks at the start of the season with Maou/Ashiya got me hooked on this show in the first place.


The Count of Monte Cristo: Gankutsuou 1

This OP song sucks ass.

But this animation is gorgeous, wow. Like, crazy good. It's really quite the unusual style, but it's so appealing.

It'll be interesting to see how they reshape the culture and characters, changing the setting to space. I'm sure there will be some very cool twists because of that.

I'm really liking the design and showing of the Count. And the English VAs so far are really well placed; the Count's VA is killer. (I think Corvy, you're watching the Sub right? Albert's English VA is Lelouch's from Geass, so if you're watching the dub of that, then you may have made the good choice, lol.)

Albert is so pliable and naive; its cool seeing him being tugged to and fro by his friend and count.

the skulls in her dress were a dead give away

This ED is baller.

Yeah, the OP was no bueno. I'm going with the dub because for once it sounds like a cast actually cared about what they were working on. I tend to go with dubs, and yes, I noticed that JYB is Albert. I still tend to think of him as FF2's Firion, so no probs there.

Did you kind of feel like Franz took that jab "what are you, my girlfriend?" a bit too personally? And then there were the flowers he had, the same flowers which lovers seemed to be handing each other all over town, and he looked at them and was all "Oh, Albert." Maybe I'm just imagining but Franz totally came off as gay for Albert to me.

But the Count, oh my gosh the Count. I mean, this is The Count of Monte Cristo, so being like the OG cool guy male fantasy character is already his thing, and sweating charisma and spitting magnetism comes naturally to him, and I just absolutely love what they've done with him. He's every bit as magnetic as he should be, and that sinister vibe is such a part of it. He's terrifying, but cool and collected. You don't want to know more, you know you won't like it, but you can't stop.

SO GOOD. I mean, he even makes flame stripes on a black suit look good.

Jamieson Price is the English VA. I tend to not watch subs, because I don't like having my eyes glued to the bottom of the screen. I might make an exception, but I do like the Price in the role.

I also chose to go with the dub because this is too pretty an animation to stare at the bottom and miss soaking in all the details. I was already a fan of this style of animation when I saw it in Chowder, but to use it on so grand a scale is just great.

The Count of Monte Cristo is a visual treat.


Hataraku Maou Sama! ep 8

Wait, if Suzuno never seen a television before or know how it works then how did she managed to watch all those documentaries and all those old period dramas to prepare herself for Japan?
Suzuno called herself pure. Man.....Team Emi/Suzuno.

Chi-chan.....forever friendzone and Maou have no feelings for her.
Wasn't in the mood for anything serious this season so I'm only watching a handful of shows which in no particular order are:

Aiura - I enjoy it but I don't love it. The dynamics pale in comparison to Yuyushiki so far and it just doesn't feel like it's found solid footing yet. Whereas shows of similar length like Poyopoyo and Senyuu definitely hit their stride by this point in their shows.

Azazel-san 2 - Sigh.

Maoudonald's - It's really amusing but I have no faith in any sort of solid ending happening in 5 episodes which makes me wonder why it bothers with any sort of seriousness in its plot at all. It's handled well and doesn't get in the way of the comedy too much but the burden of the plot is still there and is definitely the weakest part of the show. It would be fantastic if they just went off the rails with it Gintama style and reveled in the hilarity of an absurd situation but until then this is a good comedy but not a great one.

Yuyushiki - Really liking this one but it feels like I'm the only one not too surprised about it. 4-koma adaptations generally feel like safe bets to me because it means lots of little jokes a handful of which are bound to stick. At worst I get a silly little diversion with no real need for investment but because of the flexibility in the format and the opportunity for studios to separate the wheat from the chaff content wise I could also end up getting a real winner on my hands. Yuyushiki is a real contender to be one of the winners. Also has Seinfeld taught you guys nothing about how great nothing is? Tsk tsk.

Why am I not watching Muromi-san? Because I'm a lazy bum who hasn't really gotten around to it.

Andrew J.

Dokidoki Precure 01

Mana's way too dumb to actually be a Mary Sue. Not being able to help yourself from helping out everyone in every situation might not sound like much of a flaw, but mark my words, she's gonna get Knightfall'd by the time this show is over.
Dokidoki Precure 01

Mana's way too dumb to actually be a Mary Sue. Not being able to help yourself from helping out everyone in every situation might not sound like much of a flaw, but mark my words, she's gonna get Knightfall'd by the time this show is over.

This is Pretty Cure, dude.
Gargantia - 05

One doesn't use a giant robot to cook meat .
Damn if this show doesn't look beautifull ..Production IG you're doing a great work !

Andrew J.

This is Pretty Cure, dude.

Well, I doubt Mana will get paralyzed, even temporarily...but will the bad guys try to wear her down with a long, consistent stream of crises that she cannot help but solve, even at the limits of physical and mental exhaustion? Almost certainly.


Rating different forms of entertainment against each other is really arbitrary and weird in most situations because of how tricky it can be to compare the pleasure one receives from an work with some artistic purpose compared to something which is simply trying to tickle the part of your brain that enjoys, say, comedy. Don't even get me started on evaluating one persons enjoyment of a work vs another's, that's a serious can of worms! With all that in mind, lets proceed to rank this seasons shows best to worst:

The summarized impressions are appreciated as I'm not watching much this season (less for lack of and more because I am preoccupied these days). It gives me a taste of what's being offered without resorting to reading spoiler-heavy comments or ones that rely heavily on prior knowledge of the show.

I would suggest listening to the Japanese VA track; whoever they got to play the Count in the English dub, I doubt he can match Jouji Nakata's charisma.

Nakata indeed made for an excellent Count.


Poet Centuriate
Yeah, the OP was no bueno. I'm going with the dub because for once it sounds like a cast actually cared about what they were working on. I tend to go with dubs, and yes, I noticed that JYB is Albert. I still tend to think of him as FF2's Firion, so no probs there.

Did you kind of feel like Franz took that jab "what are you, my girlfriend?" a bit too personally? And then there were the flowers he had, the same flowers which lovers seemed to be handing each other all over town, and he looked at them and was all "Oh, Albert." Maybe I'm just imagining but Franz totally came off as gay for Albert to me.

But the Count, oh my gosh the Count. I mean, this is The Count of Monte Cristo, so being like the OG cool guy male fantasy character is already his thing, and sweating charisma and spitting magnetism comes naturally to him, and I just absolutely love what they've done with him. He's every bit as magnetic as he should be, and that sinister vibe is such a part of it. He's terrifying, but cool and collected. You don't want to know more, you know you won't like it, but you can't stop.

SO GOOD. I mean, he even makes flame stripes on a black suit look good.

I also chose to go with the dub because this is too pretty an animation to stare at the bottom and miss soaking in all the details. I was already a fan of this style of animation when I saw it in Chowder, but to use it on so grand a scale is just great.

The Count of Monte Cristo is a visual treat.

I didn't get the "gay" vibe, honestly. I mean it could be possible, but I think the reaction was a touch odd. The flower though I think is the one that the girl threw to him from the crowd at the beginning, right? That's what I thought they were and the "Oh, Albert." was a friend lamenting on the forlorn state of his friend, despite his warnings.

Though my one thing with the count: the claims of being a vampire, the blue skin, the black cloak...I can't help but now think of him as this handsome devil for some reason, jk.
One mysterious pill! Ahaha! Two mysterious pills! Ahaha!

And yeah, now that you mention it, this is a very similar coloring style like Chowder. I was trying to think of other shows that did this way, but couldn't think of any.


Kiddy Grade 12

Last time, on Kiddy Grade, stuff got REAL. I mean, I know I talked some serious crap beforehand, but we're talking they basically announced that fanservicelicious girl Eclair is a TIME LORD and she pretty much singlehandedly staged a coup d'etat on a planet.

"My ice cream has lost its flavor." Deep words from Tweedle Dee.

What if Armsblast is an Auditor of Reality?

Why does the Galactic Office of Trades and Tariffs have a Death Squad? Good grief, behind that UGUU exterior, the world of Kiddy Grade is pretty messed up. Legalized slavery, the Trade Commission has a Death Squad, what else? Oh yeah, guns advertised for the purpose of suicide.

So wait, does everyone in the GOTT know who Eclair is except Eclair? What the heeeeck.

She wants the "D-Command".



I didn't get the "gay" vibe, honestly. I mean it could be possible, but I think the reaction was a touch odd. The flower though I think is the one that the girl threw to him from the crowd at the beginning, right? That's what I thought they were and the "Oh, Albert." was a friend lamenting on the forlorn state of his friend, despite his warnings.

Though my one think with the count: the claims of being a vampire, the blue skin, the black cloak...I can't help but now think of him as this handsome devil for some reason, jk.

And yeah, now that you mention it, this is a very similar coloring style like Chowder. I was trying to think of other shows that did this way, but couldn't think of any.

I believe the Secret of Kels does it, too.

And I dunno, I guess I just read too much into the whole thing with Franz. I wonder if, since the Count is portrayed as sinister, Albert's father will be portrayed as benevolent, or the greater of two evils?
12 minutes into Smile Precure Movie



Fuck you.

Talk about weirdo. We have more demonstration of capability here than in the show, which isn't very surprising to say the least. It is a movie after all.

Sort of interested on why this is tied into Miyuki's childhood though, but eh.


The Light of El Cantare
So it looks like ToonamiGAF are our new neighbors on OT Community Street. Can anyone think of a good housewarming gift?
Gargantia - 06

That dancing was well done

Dat Dancing

Also you don't fish with a gravity bomb... seriously I'm disapointed chamber !

But then a cliffanger ending ! Yeeeeaaah


Got 99 problems and only one of them is a waifu
Quit posting your terrible list, Kincaido! As of the latest episode if you flipped it around it would be correct!

Well I'd assume so.

I'm too lazy to write reviews so lists will be my thing. She improved a little bit, but the other 3 are still superior.


ZZ Gundam 10

Gundam is dead. Long live Gundam.

Zeon/Axis is made up of morons.

MORONS I TELL YOU MORONS. Like, they all have flamboyant personalities, and I blame it on Char, who was a unique and dashing individual, so now every two bit anybody in the Zeon/Axis forces thinks that if they dress up like an idiot and behave like a loon they'll be the next Red Comet.


Fa is such a bitch.

Did Mashmyre really just say "Chara Soon will never touch my flower again?" WOW.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Diebuster - 01

Putting a mental note to heed Regulus Tera's words of wisdom and to drop everything I'm doing and watch a show when he tells me to. This was incredible. I got FLCL vibes like crazy from this, which is no surprise considering it's Sadamoto behind the character designs. The animation and visuals rocked, particularly during
the battle with Dix-Neuf going against the giant insectoid. I mean come on, those explosions, those lasers, that lightning kick, that beam finisher!! :O

I can already tell that I'm going to love Nono and Lal'C. Their personalities don't seem to mesh well but it's because of the romantic idea 'opposites attract' that I find myself becoming hopeful at the possibility of them becoming an item. You have Nono, your energetic, naive girl with big dreams of becoming a hero and Lal'C, your cool, collected realist who doesn't seem like the type to put up with a lot. It's going to be really entertaining to see how their relationship develops over the remaining 5 episodes.
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