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Monolithsoft WiiU trailer - X (Takahashi x Tanaka x Sawano, Xenoblade x/multiplayer?)

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But that's not related to X, though. Tokyo is making the 3DS game or am I totally bananas?
They search for a programmer who has experience with havok, which is fully licensed by Nintendo for the Wii U.

Also, Tokyo Studio needs way more people.

Tokyo is the X-studio, I'm pretty sure.



Just Cause 2 was so colorful. From what we've seen, this looks washed out and not nearly as colorful. Of course, I'm only judging from what we've seen.

Quoting previous posts:

That has to do with the poor quality of the video rather than the actual color spectrum of the game.

Here (still compressed to shit, but gives us a better look what the game'll look like):



Low bit rate, gamma overkill, horrendous compression, etc., I imagine, are what are contributing to a "washed-out" look.

And this is precisely what frustrates me about all those "brown" (this one being utterly false)/"needs more color" comments; it's that they pay little to no regard as to whether or not more color would be conductive to a more coherent overall package. We know nothing about the tone of the narrative, setting, or atmosphere they're trying to convey, but we somehow know that the game needs more color.

Doesn't make sense.

But that's not related to X, though. Tokyo is making the 3DS game or am I totally bananas?

Tokyo = X
Kyoto = 3DS


Bookmark it, it's very interesting. Basically, McCreary says they recorded the strings separately from the rest and then cut his compositions into 15-20sec chunks so they could be randomly re-sequenced to fit whatever the player was doing and that his goal was that players would never hear the same "song" twice. It's a very interesting approach to design dynamic music with non-midi source audio. Though, like I said, I have only played the demo and can't tell how successful the end result was (aside from the fact that Bear is a super rad composer and thus the music itself was the best thing about the game^^).

Huh... funny. That's exactly what i did in my postgrad project, ten years ago. It was a music based free-roaming 3rd person demo/proof of concept, where all characters had a unique soundscape, which mixed into your own characters soundscape as soon as you came closer to another character. You could then swap and play on with a different character.


Death Prophet
Quoting previous posts:

I'm sorry, but artistically it is not that great. The mech suit looks good, the environment does not.

But of course, that's based on the environment and there could be another environment that looks great. It just looks like a basic UE3 game to me.

Just Cause 2 was so colorful. From what we've seen, this looks washed out and not nearly as colorful. Of course, I'm only judging from what we've seen.

It is colorful Indeed but the game itself look pretty generic Imo.. X has more fantasy environment and less realistic.. Thats why I like it more than Just cause 2.


Just Cause 2 was so colorful. From what we've seen, this looks washed out and not nearly as colorful. Of course, I'm only judging from what we've seen.

Because more colors = better artstyle.

Damn, i must have wasted 6 years of my live leading up to a carreer as a graphical artist, while you just taught me more with one single post!


Death Prophet
Because more colors = better artstyle.

Damn, i must have wasted 6 years of my live leading up to a carreer as a graphical artist, while you just taught me more with one single post!

Well, it certainly helped. X looks washed out comparatively.

It is colorful Indeed but the game itself look pretty generic Imo.. X has more fantasy environment and less realistic.. Thats why I like it more than Just cause 2.

I think X looks pretty generic, honestly.


Because more colors = better artstyle.

Damn, i must have wasted 6 years of my live leading up to a carreer as a graphical artist, while you just taught me more with one single post!

:D haha shadow of colosseum looks very beautiful although it does not have a much of color.. Those games with less colors still can look nice.. I agree with you dat colors does not make Art style better automatically. Im artist too.. do you have portfolio or something?.. I would like to see you arts..


Death Prophet
And I'm sorry, but a less vibrant palette does not diminish the game's artistic proficiency. Nor does it hamper the game's phenomenal overall art direction.
Agree to disagree, but I do not find X's art style anything to get excited about, much less "phenomenal". I don't find Just Cause 2's art style amazing, I do find the graphics to be great overall, but the art style in particular is not great but I like it over X's.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Honestly, it just looks a lot like Lost Odyssey. Not bad, but not really anything special to me.


:D haha shadow of colosseum looks very beautiful although it does not have a much of color.. Those games with less colors still can look nice.. I agree with you dat colors does not make Art style better automatically. Im artist too.. do you have portfolio or something?.. I would like to see you arts..

See PM


Agree to disagree, but I do not find X's art style anything to get excited about, much less "phenomenal". I don't find Just Cause 2's art style amazing, I do find the graphics to be great overall, but the art style in particular is not great but I like it over X's.

Honestly, it just looks a lot like Lost Odyssey. Not bad, but not really anything special to me.

I mean, it's fine if you like those kinds of visuals, but there's nothing inherent about vibrancy that makes it objectively superior to subtlety.

And concerning X's artistic proficiency: I don't just mean its art style, I mean its art direction (which is not interchangeable with art style) as well.

A post by Stumpokapow on what that is:

Art direction is not just art style. It also involves how the game uses architecture to set an emotional tone, how lighting is used to convey information, camera angles for cutscenes and how space is used to set scope (how small spaces can make you paranoid or claustrophobic, while vistas and skyboxes feel epic and grand in stature), how character clothing conveys a certain style or national background, etc.

And to say that X's grounded palette undermines every single one of these artistic components doesn't fly with me one single bit. Both X's art style and art direction are phenomenal. I'm not budging there.


People saying more colors = better art style have no idea what they are talking about.

Its just a different art direction and they are usually trying to portray something with their color "pallete"

Its not just in animation, live-action works too. Notice how a serious crime show like Cold Case is more toned down of colors, like it has some sort of filter, while Psych is pretty colorful.




People saying more colors = better art style have no idea what they are talking about.

Its just a different art direction and they are usually trying to portray something with their color "pallete"

Its not just in animation, live-action works too. Notice how a serious crime show like Cold Case is more toned down of colors, like it has some sort of filter, while Psych is pretty colorful.

It's probably just a left-over from the "OMGEVERYTHINGISBROWNANDORGREY" days of the fading generation. I would file that under knee-jerk reaction.


People saying more colors = better art style have no idea what they are talking about.

Its just a different art direction and they are usually trying to portray something with their color "pallete"

Its not just in animation, live-action works too. Notice how a serious crime show like Cold Case is more toned down of colors, like it has some sort of filter, while Psych is pretty colorful.

Holy shit. Somebody understands.


Death Prophet
People saying more colors = better art style have no idea what they are talking about.

Its just a different art direction and they are usually trying to portray something with their color "pallete"

Its not just in animation, live-action works too. Notice how a serious crime show like Cold Case is more toned down of colors, like it has some sort of filter, while Psych is pretty colorful.



I misspoke when I tried to convey my dislike of X's art style. It's not that lack of colors = bad art style, but how you use those lack of colors. Those pictures you posted all look nice. They use their lack of colors (or emphasis on one color in particular) to their benefit. Games like Limbo use their lack of color in an interesting way.

In my opinion, X doesn't do anything like that. It just looks very drab to me, and not in any kind of good way. There are scenes in the trailer that inspire confidence, but in most of the GIFs that go around... it just doesn't look particularly good to me. Not ugly, but again I would not call X's art its strong point from what we've seen. Again my opinion could totally change when we see more.


The game is obviously going to have a huge online component, those listings come as no surprise.
You'll probably be able to go through the campaign solo with AI partners or have real buddies substitute.

Do want.

that'd be cool, similar to a PSO/Borderlands system. have the option to stop and do sidequests, hunt big monsters and get crazy loot.


I misspoke when I tried to convey my dislike of X's art style. It's not that lack of colors = bad art style, but how you use those lack of colors. Those pictures you posted all look nice. They use their lack of colors (or emphasis on one color in particular) to their benefit. Games like Limbo use their lack of color in an interesting way.

In my opinion, X doesn't do anything like that. It just looks very drab to me, and not in any kind of good way. There are scenes in the trailer that inspire confidence, but in most of the GIFs that go around... it just doesn't look particularly good to me. Not ugly, but again I would not call X's art its strong point from what we've seen. Again my opinion could totally change when we see more.

I understand, I myself am very indifferent at how X looks right now, more interested in the actual explorations aspects it will have.

I guess it was just a weird way to phrase it.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure part of the desaturation is due to the crappy quality video we got.

It looks like it will be more earthy than Xenoblade's intense vibrance (in some areas) but not as muddy as it is in the gifs or the trailer.
It's not about colors, it's about art direction.

And honestly, I can't say I'm too much of a fan of X's either, but ti's still early and they only showed one area.

I agree it has great Pixel technique and art direction but my points was that art can still looks better without vibrant color.


In my opinion, X doesn't do anything like that. It just looks very drab to me, and not in any kind of good way. There are scenes in the trailer that inspire confidence, but in most of the GIFs that go around... it just doesn't look particularly good to me. Not ugly, but again I would not call X's art its strong point from what we've seen. Again my opinion could totally change when we see more.

Are you factoring in the scope of the game? The draw distance in the world + the SOTC-sized monsters + 4 players at once + the range of fast-moving vehicles.

All in one trailer?

How can it be overlooked? Even if there isn't enough colour and is drab?


The blond character at the end of the trailer is being shown for a reason. It is clearly revealed for dramatic effect, which would be nonexisting if it were a completely unrelated and unknown character. Maybe it's not Shulk, maybe it's one of his ancestors, maybe it's his grandchild, or himself in an alternate reality... What i'm saying is, it may not be a sequel/prequel to Xenoblade, but it's definitely related somehow.

or maybe they were just saying "ok people, we got it, the faces in our last game weren't that great, we are about to fix them, here's a preview how a charakter from xb would look like now."

Tokyo is an anagram of Kyoto so that's obviously what I meant.

It's not, unless you spell either kyouto or toukyou wrong


or maybe they were just saying "ok people, we got it, the faces in our last game weren't that great, we are about to fix them, here's a preview how a charakter from xb would look like now."

I highly doubt that by the way it was presented (it was clearly for dramatic effect, the face looking up, black background), and if they wanted to get that point across, they would've been better served by showing some in-game faces.


Your looking at it wrong. The GIF represents that feeling of freedom and exploration that gave us all a boost of hype.

Plus that's an unfinished product your looking at.

The gif is nothing special by itself, but having played Xenoblade I know what exploration in that games means. Xenoblade was breathtaking despite being on the Wii.

huge open world fantasy rpg where you can fly in mechs and attack giant dinosaurs. ain't no game like it

That's not how I see the gif though. More about exploring that supposedly barren landscape.

It's a fucking mech flying over a giant explorable land. That's why its special.

I definitely don't think it's empty especially considering how high the mech appears to be at least based on this.


EDIT: lol forgot the word high....


Ridiculously reductive and ignorant statement; characteristic of someone who hasn't played Xenoblade. Also, from that height and distance, of course it looks barren.

Based on Xenoblade, the barren landscape assertion is completely asinine.

The only thing that was empty or barren in that game was the massive Eryth Sea ... sea...

Wow now i know the trick to get quoted a lot :D
i know guys its unfinished product and really love the feeling that was portrayed in trailer (xenoblade * monsterhunter * lostplanet) and it can be one of the best game of next generation but what was showed in the trailer was imo nothing technically impressive


Unconfirmed Member
When can we expect this, late 2014?

That's the earliest I expect an English release. Could get lucky and see it sooner, but I'm personally not counting on it.

Others are hoping for(/expecting?) a smaller gap between the Japanese and western releases. Could come out in Japan as early as this year, but probably early next year.


They are closing in on three years dev time, so it could at the very, very earliest release this year in Japan. That's not very likely, so it's probably early-mid 2014 in Japan and mid-late 2014 everywhere else.

I don't know about you guys but I am very okay with this outcome.
This is the kind of trailer I want to see:


That's a week-of-release trailer, no? It'll more than likely be 1-2 minute trailer with a few cool scenes.

Don't really need another teaser trailer.

Some current job listings for their Tokyo Studio ( X ).

All of them: http://translate.google.de/translat...UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http://www.monolithsoft.co.jp/

I'll quote the urgent ones.

Network programmer -> Online gameplay?

Pretty sure they haven't updated their page since March, if not before:


Monolith Soft (Tokyo):
-Looking for a network programmer, to code for a network client for a home console.

They're also hiring:
-experienced programmers
-game designers with experience in online games
-game designers with experience designing RPG towns
-Game designers with experience designing in-game events
-Game designers for designing battle algorithms, with experience writing enemy AI.
-3D CG designer
-2D designer
-Effect designer
-Motion designer
-Project manager

Goddamnit, guys!

Tokyo is an anagram of Kyoto so that's obviously what I meant.

If only that worked in Japanese too...


A rumour has been posted on the first page of the GameFaqs Wii U messageboard that X will be titled Xenoform Episode I: Liber Novus. The poster has also contained a blurb on the games story. Please don't ban me. *hides*

I would post a link but I'm using mobile right now and the browser doesn't allow it. I just really hope I don't get banned for this.


A rumour has been posted on the GameFaqs Wii U messageboard that X will be titled Xenoform Episode I: Liber Novus. The poster has also contained a blurb on the games story. Please don't ban me. *hides*

I would post a link but I'm using mobile right now and the browser doesn't allow it. I just really hope I don't get banned for this.

Xenoform? That sounds terrible. I highly doubt that's real then.


A rumour has been posted on the first page of the GameFaqs Wii U messageboard that X will be titled Xenoform Episode I: Liber Novus. The poster has also contained a blurb on the games story. Please don't ban me. *hides*

I would post a link but I'm using mobile right now and the browser doesn't allow it. I just really hope I don't get banned for this.

Sounds fake, just like any other rumour out there.
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