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TRUTHFACT: MS having eSRAM yield problems on Xbox One

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At this point in time, I think Microsoft have just become arrogant and disillusioned and only a monumental public shaming will get them to stop. Im just waiting for Google and Apple to endorse some shit on PS4 (Hasnt there been a Sony- Ipad for PS4 patent for a 2nd screen?) and then they look at Microsoft and ask "WTF are you doing?" I trust the Gaf insiders and this money hatting 3rd parties is getting ridiculous.
I can already bet Fifa 14 and BF4 will not be shown on PS4 at E3. :(

But... who are fighting the war? who are the soldiers?

Hearts and minds XtremeXpider, its always the hearts and minds.


Talk about reaching. I'm just saying that issues with the technical specifications, money-hatting, whether the demo was faked or not is of no concern to most gamers.

It might be of relevance when their more informed friend buys a PS4 and tells him/her why. Don't underestimate word of mouth. Also, usually mostly core gamers buy a console at launch. If the initial sales for XBoner are lackluster, that word will travel fast.


Talk about reaching. I'm just saying that issues with the technical specifications, money-hatting, whether the demo was faked or not is of no concern to most gamers. They care when and on what system they will play the next Call of Duty or Uncharted or Forza. What happens up to that point is of no consequence. They just want the games they want to play. I am also not saying it is not relevant. All of this is important to me. But we are a very vocal minority. Websites and press want the most views and broader coverage. They aren't going to sell this stuff to the Walmart crowd. It's just reality.

I don't disagree that the audience you're talking about doesn't care. However, that same audience aren't the ones visiting these sites daily, weekly, or even monthly. It's absurd to imply that these sites cater to the most casual of console owners.
That's why you as someone that knows better, need to edify them. And then hopefully they'll tell their friends and so on.

This! I had alot of people ask me this gen. Xbox or PS3. While I mostly game on Xbox I had to recommend the ps3 to them because of free online and netflix access. It also has a bluray drive. Just be honest with people and let them know. At the end of then day this E3 money hat shit won't really matter. Anti consumer DRM and expensive online services still will.

If any of this stuff about Microsoft is true ( I believe our source ) then WOW Microsoft.

The conferences are going to be so crazy.


Neo Member
I am still in shock at how big of a clusterfuck this is.

● The worst most, mis-communicated reveal in game industry history other than maybe Saturn.
● Once every 24 hour internet check just to be able to continue to play your games
● A horrendous proprietary used game system that gives pubs and Microsoft a 10% of the profits, thus ensuring the deals one can get on Used games are reduced and having less options for every gamer
● Complete inability to rent, lend or borrow games without paying a "fee", since every game must be installed. And the fee is the price of a brand new game, which Phil Harrison tells us to "think of it like a new game", because he is an abominable retard.
● Complete fucking tall tales and fabrications regarding the "Infinite Power of Cloud" which they did because...
● ...their system is a woefully underpowered trojan horse arbitrarily increased in price because of...
● ...a piece of shit dead-end gaming technology called "Kinect 2.0" which on top of being complete garbage for most genres, also is packed in with every system and...
● ...is also a horrendous invasion of privacy since it cannot be shut off without unplugging the system.
● A console which is also, after all this time, having massive eSRAM yield issues because Microsoft is caught rushing the One to the market.
● Also, contrary to the forward thinking Sony and - holy shit - Nintendo, they won't allow indies to self-publish. For no reason at all other than to be awkward, I suppose.
● Continuing this theme, they are also much, much further behind in supporting indies this go around than PS4 is, thus failing to capitalize on the good will engendered from Indies on 360.
● And they wasted their reveal talking about TV, TV, TV, TV, TV to do a function that nobody in their right mind would do if they had a DVR, to talk about sports and Kinect and have only two real games at their reveal.
● And is now liberally peppering all their attacks with a unhealthy dose of aggressive arrogance.
● On top of that gigantic shit sandwich, they have now also canceled their post-E3 media roundtable, presumably because they're tired of being eviscerated and embarrassed non-stop since January 2013. Once again, because of shit they did and no one else.
● Plus their presentation of their OS at the media reveal was confirmed to be completely fake, which wouldn't have been terrible except the entire time of the reveal they were trying to convince people it was real. "See how fast this thing moves!?"
● One final tip: Their dev tools are also comically behind its primary competitor.

Funny stuff that is just random and hilarious and not really life ending:

● And just for a cherry on top, because this final one is more hilarious than game changing or anything, Xbox Netherlands was caught borrowing images of PS4 exclusives to make their system look more appealing (thanks to JollyCorner for this tip)

DID I MISS ANYTHING GUYZ? Because holy goddamn shit at this point. This has been without exception the most biblical epic failure of console reveals, even topping the PS3's $599.99 just for its sheer confounding, aimless nonsense since the beginning of 2013. Not a single day has passed by without some relentless bit of tortuously negative Xbox One news.

The kicker? This is ALL Microsoft's fault and they should have seen the reaction coming a mile away since the problems they introduced of their own free will has been eviscerated among gamers and the press for years now, to say nothing of things like the Sim City or Diablo III debacle.

The proof is in the pudding. Holy goddamn fuck
Thank you for the run down of information.


Nice try, but HD 7770 have a 128 bit bus, whereas HD 7850 have a 256 bit bus, and double VRAM. More than biased comparison, take care when introducing the term fanboy :/

The differences in memory bandwidth and ROPs also match up closely to the PS4 and Xbone bandwidth differences. So yeah, while not perfect, it is the nearest anyone has to real world comparisons.

7850 specs (PS4 in brackets)
1.78 TFLOPS (1.84 TFLOPS)
153.6GB/s memory bandwidth (176 GB/s)
16 CUs (18 CUs)
32 ROPS (32 ROPS)

7770 specs (Xbone in brackets)
1.28 TFLOPS (1.2 TFLOPS)
72GB/s memory bandwidth (68 GB/s)
10 CUs (12 CUs)
16 ROPS (16 ROPS)

The point is, when these two AMD cards are hooked up to PCs with otherwise identical specs, the 7850 gives 2 times the performance over the 7770, even though it only has 1½ times the CUs.

If MS downgrade the Xbone further, the performance difference between it and the PS4 will be more than double.


Yes. Says no downclocking but there are yield issues.
He stands by his assertion still.

A guy on another forum I frequent (Ars) who is a really smart dev guy has a source that says the same thing. Not sure if that means that's all they know or if the down clocking is definitely not going to happen.
This. This is important if we want the mass market to not fall for MS marketing tactics.

We all need to do our bit. My Lord.. I had to explain to my friends brother why even though its next gen Uncharted 4 still is isnt going to be on Xbox One (he was under the impression it was a bought exclusive).
The people are blind!
I am still in shock at how big of a clusterfuck this is.

● The worst most, mis-communicated reveal in game industry history other than maybe Saturn.
● Once every 24 hour internet check just to be able to continue to play your games
● A horrendous proprietary used game system that gives pubs and Microsoft a 10% of the profits, thus ensuring the deals one can get on Used games are reduced and having less options for every gamer
● Complete inability to rent, lend or borrow games without paying a "fee", since every game must be installed. And the fee is the price of a brand new game, which Phil Harrison tells us to "think of it like a new game", because he is an abominable retard.
● Complete fucking tall tales and fabrications regarding the "Infinite Power of Cloud" which they did because...
● ...their system is a woefully underpowered trojan horse arbitrarily increased in price because of...
● ...a piece of shit dead-end gaming technology called "Kinect 2.0" which on top of being complete garbage for most genres, also is packed in with every system and...
● ...is also a horrendous invasion of privacy since it cannot be shut off without unplugging the system.
● A console which is also, after all this time, having massive eSRAM yield issues because Microsoft is caught rushing the One to the market.
● Also, contrary to the forward thinking Sony and - holy shit - Nintendo, they won't allow indies to self-publish. For no reason at all other than to be awkward, I suppose.
● Continuing this theme, they are also much, much further behind in supporting indies this go around than PS4 is, thus failing to capitalize on the good will engendered from Indies on 360.
● And they wasted their reveal talking about TV, TV, TV, TV, TV to do a function that nobody in their right mind would do if they had a DVR, to talk about sports and Kinect and have only two real games at their reveal.
● And is now liberally peppering all their attacks with a unhealthy dose of aggressive arrogance.
● On top of that gigantic shit sandwich, they have now also canceled their post-E3 media roundtable, presumably because they're tired of being eviscerated and embarrassed non-stop since January 2013. Once again, because of shit they did and no one else.
● Plus their presentation of their OS at the media reveal was confirmed to be completely fake, which wouldn't have been terrible except the entire time of the reveal they were trying to convince people it was real. "See how fast this thing moves!?"
● One final tip: Their dev tools are also comically behind its primary competitor.

Funny stuff that is just random and hilarious and not really life ending:

● And just for a cherry on top, because this final one is more hilarious than game changing or anything, Xbox Netherlands was caught borrowing images of PS4 exclusives to make their system look more appealing (thanks to JollyCorner for this tip)

DID I MISS ANYTHING GUYZ? Because holy goddamn shit at this point. This has been without exception the most biblical epic failure of console reveals, even topping the PS3's $599.99 just for its sheer confounding, aimless nonsense since the beginning of 2013. Not a single day has passed by without some relentless bit of tortuously negative Xbox One news.

The kicker? This is ALL Microsoft's fault and they should have seen the reaction coming a mile away since the problems they introduced of their own free will has been eviscerated among gamers and the press for years now, to say nothing of things like the Sim City or Diablo III debacle.

The proof is in the pudding. Holy goddamn fuck

This is going to be better than E3 2006. I can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it. I may take the day off it sounds so good.


It has been bugging me that I did not give full credit to the person who made the original gif in this post I made earlier.
Well this should solve the problem

I apologize profusely.

PS: it would be helpful if folks watermarked their gifs, I mean we will know who made them and, it will also probably bring them more fame.


Had a long day at work and am just getting caught up now, but HOLY GODDAMN JESUS TITS ami. Appropriately brutal. PR has been a train wreak so far, but even good PR would have a hard time salvaging what they've revealed so far.

I can't wait to see how it sells. Could it totally bomb given what has happened?
I feel like the only thing that can salvage the system at this point for me is a launch lineup better than anything any console has ever seen. Which isn't going to happen.
Maybe it's a little late in the thread to ask this, but what are yield problems? And why would lowering the GPU clock speed fix them?


It might be of relevance when their more informed friend buys a PS4 and tells him/her why. Don't underestimate word of mouth. Also, usually mostly core gamers buy a console at launch. If the initial sales for XBoner are lackluster, that word will travel fast.

I agree completely with this statement, however, I'm not sure the rules that applied to the previous gen, are going to apply to the upcoming one. It's going to be interest to see how far MS or Sony reach beyond the hardcore and get some of the more mainstream and casual gamers to come aboard. The educated hardcore are going to be skeptical of MS at the moment and behind Sony 99%, but as we all know that can change on a dime.


I could see the Xbone being released with a free blu ray movie and discount for TV subscriptions. The free movie will be Seven lol.

Games? You go buy them :p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Actually it was much worse. Ubisoft flat out refused to acknowledge any other version of AC for months even after E3 due to that Sony cash.
Point is, these companies slangin money to put themselves in good light is nothing new.
And when it was discovered that Sony had a deal for selective marketing, they were pretty roundly ridiculed for it, so that part of it is nothing new either.


The blowback would be hilarious if this were true. It's a pretty desperate and despicable move on their part. Although, all Sony has to do is announce those titles at their presser, regardless of the publisher being there, to level the playing field and thereby erasing any advantage they paid for.

How is this latest news any different than playable Joker in Batman: AA or AC3 shown at Sony's E3 presentation last year?

Seems like fairly common business tactics to me. Aimed to misinform those who don't keep up with the news.


If you were a publisher, why wouldn't you take MS's money to do this?

I mean, getting a sack full of cash for a time exclusive. A timed exclusive for 3 days only. For games that aren't even finished yet on consoles that haven't been released. Not to mention, the E3 media is probably pre-rendered / bullshots anyway.

It's not like Ubi/Activion/EA etc won't do a proper marketing push for the PS4 versions once the games are ready for launch.


Neo Member
Americans murdering my beautiful language. Soon "I could care less" will be seen as a valid version of "I couldn't care less".


Bah. English always has and always will be a complete bastard of a language even as it continues to change.

“The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary”
How is this latest news any different than playable Joker in Batman: AA or AC3 shown at Sony's E3 presentation last year?

Seems like fairly common business tactics to me. Aimed to misinform those who don't keep up with the news.

Exclusive content deals are one thing. That's pretty different from paying co-conspirators to enact a strategy, the sole purpose of which is to deceive the public.


300+ 360 games!? Does that include XBLA, or all physical?

This is me ->

178. A lot of these are redundant though since I traded a bunch of them in once I got a gaming level PC that could play modern games at top settings. But this is a good estimate of my collection.

And they're taking me, too, off the market.

I think it's a damn shame it has come to this. I am desperate to play Forza 5, for example.

That includes XBLA as well. would love to list them bit dont really want to derail the thread.

Thing is, its not just the games. I have 3 Xbox 360 S console around the house and an old working original 2005 model. Our main one we use it for what they want. It's our entertainment hub. We watch Pay TV through it, play games, watch catch up and rent movies. It's our all in one box. And we love it. But all these online checks and no used games is rubbish. And sometimes people on Gaf think it's just the Sony fans talking smack on the competition, but it's not. I have about 20 games on my PS3. I have been and xbox gamer since Sega crapped themselves. And now MS have followed and I'm out. No money hat games or timed DLC will save them.

And yeah it's hard. My friends and I play Forza all the time whether it be Horizon or 4 (IMO a much better game than GT5), and we also enjoy Gears a lot, but no way I'm giving my hard earned to a company that does not respect ms as a consumer. So I shall be going the Wii U/PS4 route.


Bah. English always has and always will be a complete bastard of a language even as it continues to change.

“The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary”

That's largely irrelevant as "could care less" simply does not make any sense whatsoever regardless of any other factors. If you can care less about something, then you must at least care for it a bit in the first place. It completely undermines what the person actually means.
I am still in shock at how big of a clusterfuck this is.

● The worst most, mis-communicated reveal in game industry history other than maybe Saturn.
● Once every 24 hour internet check just to be able to continue to play your games
● A horrendous proprietary used game system that gives pubs and Microsoft a 10% of the profits, thus ensuring the deals one can get on Used games are reduced and having less options for every gamer
● Complete inability to rent, lend or borrow games without paying a "fee", since every game must be installed. And the fee is the price of a brand new game, which Phil Harrison tells us to "think of it like a new game", because he is an abominable retard.
● Complete fucking tall tales and fabrications regarding the "Infinite Power of Cloud" which they did because...
● ...their system is a woefully underpowered trojan horse arbitrarily increased in price because of...
● ...a piece of shit dead-end gaming technology called "Kinect 2.0" which on top of being complete garbage for most genres, also is packed in with every system and...
● ...is also a horrendous invasion of privacy since it cannot be shut off without unplugging the system.
● A console which is also, after all this time, having massive eSRAM yield issues because Microsoft is caught rushing the One to the market.
● Also, contrary to the forward thinking Sony and - holy shit - Nintendo, they won't allow indies to self-publish. For no reason at all other than to be awkward, I suppose.
● Continuing this theme, they are also much, much further behind in supporting indies this go around than PS4 is, thus failing to capitalize on the good will engendered from Indies on 360.
● And they wasted their reveal talking about TV, TV, TV, TV, TV to do a function that nobody in their right mind would do if they had a DVR, to talk about sports and Kinect and have only two real games at their reveal.
● And is now liberally peppering all their attacks with a unhealthy dose of aggressive arrogance.
● On top of that gigantic shit sandwich, they have now also canceled their post-E3 media roundtable, presumably because they're tired of being eviscerated and embarrassed non-stop since January 2013. Once again, because of shit they did and no one else.
● Plus their presentation of their OS at the media reveal was confirmed to be completely fake, which wouldn't have been terrible except the entire time of the reveal they were trying to convince people it was real. "See how fast this thing moves!?"
● One final tip: Their dev tools are also comically behind its primary competitor.

Funny stuff that is just random and hilarious and not really life ending:

● And just for a cherry on top, because this final one is more hilarious than game changing or anything, Xbox Netherlands was caught borrowing images of PS4 exclusives to make their system look more appealing (thanks to JollyCorner for this tip)

DID I MISS ANYTHING GUYZ? Because holy goddamn shit at this point. This has been without exception the most biblical epic failure of console reveals, even topping the PS3's $599.99 just for its sheer confounding, aimless nonsense since the beginning of 2013. Not a single day has passed by without some relentless bit of tortuously negative Xbox One news.

The kicker? This is ALL Microsoft's fault and they should have seen the reaction coming a mile away since the problems they introduced of their own free will has been eviscerated among gamers and the press for years now, to say nothing of things like the Sim City or Diablo III debacle.

The proof is in the pudding. Holy goddamn fuck



I agree completely with this statement, however, I'm not sure the rules that applied to the previous gen, are going to apply to the upcoming one. It's going to be interest to see how far MS or Sony reach beyond the hardcore and get some of the more mainstream and casual gamers to come aboard. The educated hardcore are going to be skeptical of MS at the moment and behind Sony 99%, but as we all know that can change on a dime.

Well, the Wii U had a predecessor that was hugely popular with the mainstream and casual crowd but those people weren't/aren't really keen on upgrading their old systems. Back in the days, the PS2 did solid numbers long after the PS3 was on the market, thanks to Singstar and all other the casual stuff. They don't care about playing Killzone Shadow Fall or Forza right away but will come aboard once Sony and MS lower the console prices.

And I don't see Skype or switching channels with voice/gestures as killer apps which will convince people to shell out $400 at launch.


Neo Member
That's largely irrelevant as "could care less" simply does not make any sense whatsoever regardless of any other factors. If you can care less about something, then you must at least care for it a bit in the first place. It completely undermines what the person actually means.

I was specifically responding to the "Americans murdering my beautiful language" part, which I didn't make very clear by including the entire quote.


Exclusive content deals are one thing. That's pretty different from paying co-conspirators to enact a strategy, the sole purpose of which is to deceive the public.

A huge deception that could be dispelled with about 1 second on google.

Seems to me that the argument is, "People are stupid so this is totally evil and unfair!"

Are these same people arguing that games hold your hand too much and we should be given the benefit of the doubt in regards to how capable we are of figuring things out ourselves?

Not to mention that fact that these games are coming out in half a year from now. More than enough time for the "truth" to come out.

Not defending MS, I'm sure they are desperate as all hell (and they've brought it on themselves) but this seems like another case of blowing things out of proportion because they are the current punching bag.


I can't wait to see how it sells. Could it totally bomb given what has happened?

I think it sells out this holiday no matter what, at least in the US (the market the system seems to be designed for). But given the eSRAM issues, that might limit the launch volumes similar to how the 360 had shortages.

After that? Too early to say but I'd wager the PS4 will be a much more formidable competitor right out the gates than the PS3 was. I doubt it bombs but MS seems to be manufacturing mistakes at a time when Sony has stepped up their game.


I think it sells out this holiday no matter what, at least in the US (the market the system seems to be designed for). But given the eSRAM issues, that might limit the launch volumes similar to how the 360 had shortages.

After that? Too early to say but I'd wager the PS4 will be a much more formidable competitor right out the gates than the PS3 was. I doubt it bombs but MS seems to be manufacturing mistakes at a time when Sony has stepped up their game.

Way too early to tell, yeah. A console cycle, this in particular, is a looong one. The PS3 was pronounced DOA back in 2006, 2007, because of the price and the difficulties developers had and it did okay after all.


Since Don Mattrick took over xbox gaming went south and xbone is just the logical consequence of his work.

I´m not surprised by all this.

Was Mattrick also responsible for Windows 8, Windows Phone, Surface RT and Pro? There's only one person responsible for them all. The Xbone was just another casualty.


Nice try, but HD 7770 have a 128 bit bus, whereas HD 7850 have a 256 bit bus, and double VRAM. More than biased comparison, take care when introducing the term fanboy :/
That doesnt negate any of his post. You can overclock the hell out of 7770's memory but it's performance wont go up because of other things such as pixel/texture fill rate, raw shader power etc. That comparison (7770/7850) is comparable with the Xbone/PS4 and there could be instances where the performance differences between a ~1-1.2TFlop and 1.8TFlop GPU could be twice.

You can also drop the double VRAM crutch, just look up the benches of a 1GB 7850 and it more or less performs like a 2GB 7850 except for a few corner cases.
It can be less, it can be more. Every architecture have a performance sweetspot. Reached a point, adding more proccessors may be futile, since others aspects of the design could be bottlenecking the final output (as seen on most high end proposals). On the other hand, at lower end chips, every muscle you add may improve the performance greatly, since it will be probably starving.
Oh, so you get it but were simply dismissing it because of ..


How is this latest news any different than playable Joker in Batman: AA or AC3 shown at Sony's E3 presentation last year?

Seems like fairly common business tactics to me. Aimed to misinform those who don't keep up with the news.

DLC is one thing, but these are games we're talking about. The average consumer may not care about whether a certain character is available or not, but socially engineering FUD that the next COD may not be available for the other platform is desperate and lame.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Seems to me that the argument is, "People are stupid so this is totally evil and unfair!"
Personally my argument is that it's a waste of money so it's shame seeing these companies throwing it away this way. It never really works out as well as they seem to think it will.


If MS downgrade the Xbone further, the performance difference between it and the PS4 will be more than double.

Don't forget xbone reserves part of the GPU to the ui.

This is incredible.
Curse ?
Being incompetent, arrogant, outrageously overpaid designers is a curse ?
I'm honestly surprised they even got the pad right.
That's basically the only good news about the system.
Even better news is, it will work, or become available for PC too.

Hopefully it bombs and everyone at ms goes back to the drawing board in 2 yrs.
So they can launch the revised Xbox one-two.

The real problem, though, is ms will make it succeed.
It will take crazy amounts if money, but ms is going to turn this ugly pos and its DRM into something successful.
A true disgrace for the industry.
Don't forget xbone reserves part of the GPU to the ui.

This is incredible.
Curse ?
Being incompetent, arrogant, outrageously overpaid designers is a curse ?
I'm honestly surprised they even got the pad right.
That's basically the only good news about the system.
Even better news is, it will work, or become available for PC too.

Hopefully it bombs and everyone at ms goes back to the drawing board in 2 yrs.
So they can launch the revised Xbox one-two.

The real problem, though, is ms will make it succeed.
It will take crazy amounts if money, but ms is going to turn this ugly pos and its DRM into something successful.
A true disgrace for the industry.

Nah... Just release a true Xbox 720 and forget one ever happened. lol

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I think it sells out this holiday no matter what, at least in the US (the market the system seems to be designed for). But given the eSRAM issues, that might limit the launch volumes similar to how the 360 had shortages.

After that? Too early to say but I'd wager the PS4 will be a much more formidable competitor right out the gates than the PS3 was. I doubt it bombs but MS seems to be manufacturing mistakes at a time when Sony has stepped up their game.

I feel that worst case scenario, Xbox One sells roughly on par with the PS4 in the US and get trounced everywhere else. But still, they'll have a market in the US and probably be able to retain a sizeable chunk of the UK market too, although I wouldn't be surprised to see Sony take that territory next-gen.

The power difference is huge to the hardcore, as are the issues of used games an DRM, but I'm still not convinced it'll have a massive effect on a large portion of Microsoft's US audience. A lot of gamers are way too invested and ingrained into the Xbox Live eco system and friends list....Xbox Live is basically a social network that they're content staying with, I'd imagine (at least in the US).

Sony needs to make a strong case in order to sway people from that ecosystem. And Sony has plenty of areas that could easily muck up - if online play is behind a paywall, for one. I think many Xbox gamers are far less likely to switch if that ever is the case.
I am still in shock at how big of a clusterfuck this is.

● The worst most, mis-communicated reveal in game industry history other than maybe Saturn.
● Once every 24 hour internet check just to be able to continue to play your games
● A horrendous proprietary used game system that gives pubs and Microsoft a 10% of the profits, thus ensuring the deals one can get on Used games are reduced and having less options for every gamer
● Complete inability to rent, lend or borrow games without paying a "fee", since every game must be installed. And the fee is the price of a brand new game, which Phil Harrison tells us to "think of it like a new game", because he is an abominable retard.
● Complete fucking tall tales and fabrications regarding the "Infinite Power of Cloud" which they did because...
● ...their system is a woefully underpowered trojan horse arbitrarily increased in price because of...
● ...a piece of shit dead-end gaming technology called "Kinect 2.0" which on top of being complete garbage for most genres, also is packed in with every system and...
● ...is also a horrendous invasion of privacy since it cannot be shut off without unplugging the system.
● A console which is also, after all this time, having massive eSRAM yield issues because Microsoft is caught rushing the One to the market.
● Also, contrary to the forward thinking Sony and - holy shit - Nintendo, they won't allow indies to self-publish. For no reason at all other than to be awkward, I suppose.
● Continuing this theme, they are also much, much further behind in supporting indies this go around than PS4 is, thus failing to capitalize on the good will engendered from Indies on 360.
● And they wasted their reveal talking about TV, TV, TV, TV, TV to do a function that nobody in their right mind would do if they had a DVR, to talk about sports and Kinect and have only two real games at their reveal.
● And is now liberally peppering all their attacks with a unhealthy dose of aggressive arrogance.
● On top of that gigantic shit sandwich, they have now also canceled their post-E3 media roundtable, presumably because they're tired of being eviscerated and embarrassed non-stop since January 2013. Once again, because of shit they did and no one else.
● Plus their presentation of their OS at the media reveal was confirmed to be completely fake, which wouldn't have been terrible except the entire time of the reveal they were trying to convince people it was real. "See how fast this thing moves!?"
● One final tip: Their dev tools are also comically behind its primary competitor.

Funny stuff that is just random and hilarious and not really life ending:

● And just for a cherry on top, because this final one is more hilarious than game changing or anything, Xbox Netherlands was caught borrowing images of PS4 exclusives to make their system look more appealing (thanks to JollyCorner for this tip)

DID I MISS ANYTHING GUYZ? Because holy goddamn shit at this point. This has been without exception the most biblical epic failure of console reveals, even topping the PS3's $599.99 just for its sheer confounding, aimless nonsense since the beginning of 2013. Not a single day has passed by without some relentless bit of tortuously negative Xbox One news.

The kicker? This is ALL Microsoft's fault and they should have seen the reaction coming a mile away since the problems they introduced of their own free will has been eviscerated among gamers and the press for years now, to say nothing of things like the Sim City or Diablo III debacle.

The proof is in the pudding. Holy goddamn fuck

You missed "Deal with it" and "Backwards compatibility is backwards thinking". Those are pretty small in comparison though, and deal with it wasn't official MS statement though it did come from high-ranking employee. Overall, A+++
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