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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features


Gold Member
If these idiots will really let you game share with 10 people then they are...well...idiots.

I can see groups of 10 forming now. You can then get all new release games for $6 each.

I know right. Like, even if it's true, it would only be a matter of time until they end this feature.



I'm not trying to be a dick, it's just hard to take the "it's not that bad" stuff seriously when it comes from people who still have "ONLY ON XBOX" avatars at this point. Just because it's not as bad as it could have been (I guess) doesn't mean it isn't bad.

Also, once bish made that comment about juniors associated to viral marketing, I'm always crossing my fingers not to start a rant...
Guys, I would hold off crucifying Microsoft for a few days as I am sure Sony will have something very similar to announce. Sony's policy could be slightly less restrictive, but i do think the option for publishers to block will be present.

And I think we can all think of one publisher which will gladly block the ability to trade in games. You know, the one who recently pretended to be "mr nice guy" by cancelling all their online passes.

Sony already stated it will be up to the publishers. The thing is Sony itself is a publisher.


It's cringeworthy reading through these threads and then seeing someone being A-okay with it also rocking a "Only an Xbox" label. Jesus.


I'm going to compile a list of juniors who seems to love the hell out of anything Microsoft. Bonus points if you have a "Only on XBOX" avatar.
This is a confirmation of everything nobody wanted.

The 24 hour online check is ridiculous. This is a (likely) sub $400 mass market device with a reasonable expectation to be used as a video game console offline and online.

Can't rent games? Everything can be rented: Books, DVDs, Carpet Cleaners. This has to stop.

Third-parties can set up trade-in fees with retailers. Right now we are looking at about 50 percent credit for AAA titles traded in. This looks like it could cut that down to 40 to 35 percent. I'm guessing 'select' retailer trade-ins means no ebay, which means getting the least amount back for a 100% investment in Xbox One games.

I really can't understand these policies coming from MS. It's not like they're the worldwide market leader. It's not like there isn't any competition and consumers who don't have a choice. It's like they're shooting themselves in the foot in every way possible to damage the Xbox brand and make up new rules that no one has to abide by or sign up for.

1.) It is aggressive but can be adjusted as issues pop up. And being MSFT said they will have options for deployed military, I have a feeling this 24 hour rule might be lifted in a few other cases possibly or changed a little bit in some regions.

2.) Looks like originally they didn't think about renting, but now they are. Wouldn't be hard to do honestly. Blu-Ray movies already make "rental only discs." All publishers have to do is work with MSFT to change the code to "rental only." Downside is even if you rent, some publishers may put a limit on how many days you can rent before being forced to buy...

3.) Sony will have something. With EA's moves and Sony's silence, something is out there. So if you want to still game on one of those two consoles, your way of using "used games" is going to change it looks like, mainly by the publishers themselves.
Seriously. Somehow two wrongs make a right? If Sony does this too I'm out next gen.

Somehow I doubt this. Gamers want games. I don't see you denying yourself a ps4 or xbox one over something as reasonable sounding (like, seriously, I think it sounds pretty fucking reasonable, but I have a different view) as this.


This is still bad no matter how they word it. Whoever said Gaf is a hivemind was totally wrong.

hell, a week ago Gaf was a hivemind. everyone was against MS DRM policies, flash forward to today we get the same information and everyone's okay with this.......... what?

I'm not sure what you're reading because it's pretty clear that everyone is not ok with it.

Seems like this is the case to me as well. But it's still better than nothing. Maybe if gamers complain loud enough MS will drop the TV garbage and free up those extra 2gb of ram. It's actually depressing to me that a game system with 8gb's of memory will only use 5gb's for games. If they would only have used 1 gb of memory for the OS the system would have an extra 40% of memory to work with.

Now what is this about no game rentals? Is this one of the things that they will change eventually?
Guys, I would hold off crucifying Microsoft for a few days as I am sure Sony will have something very similar to announce. Sony's policy could be slightly less restrictive, but i do think the option for publishers to block will be present.

And I think we can all think of one publisher which will gladly block the ability to trade in games. You know, the one who recently pretended to be "mr nice guy" by cancelling all their online passes.

Uhm, no. If Sony do the same, I'll crucify them too. Fuck them both if Sony go ahead with this shit.


It's ok because it is meant to be confusing...

24h internet checks
no private sales
sales to retail have to be approved by publisher
games can be given to exactly 1 friend (has to be on your friendlist for at least 30 days)
no rental of games
Just to clarify, once given to the friend YOU CANNOT GET THE GAME BACK.

Simply put, borrowing is done.
You know what would make me happy out of all this? If all the people who are upset about this would also stand against other forms of digital distribution as well and be as vocal.


Hunky Nostradamus
@majornelson @XboxSupport I CAN share a game with my son, ok I'm in.

Xbox Support (1-5)Verified account ‏@XboxSupport 20m
@Kenneth_Toy In fact, up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on ANY Xbox One console. ^AR

@XboxSupport Can they use their own Live account? Dont like people getting my Achievements for me.

@Kenneth_Toy Yes, they can! ^AR

So, you CAN lend games to friends, but only up to 10 of them? And you can borrow as well using this method? Is that right? This is sort of confusing.
Awesome. Its basically like steam for consoles, except with the ability to give away games from your library and the ability to sell your games back to the store. I'm okay with this.

Except Steam let's you go offline for a month -- some games longer than that. Xbone is 24 hours.



Not everyone lives in a place where wired broadband internet is constant nor accessible. I used to live in a place with only dial up for 4 months, and I ended up surviving pretty easily after the first few weeks.

well if you have dial-up then you were fucked this gen anyways, 24 hour check-in requirement or not


Everyone keeps bringing up being able to cheat the system and add 10 random people to play one game. That's what I thought of at first, but:

Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games. You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.

That to me reads like only 1 of the 11 (you and 10 others) can play at once.
This seems like they're willing to ride the storm for a while and looking at the long term.

By next gen ("xbone 2" - sorry, I love saying "xbone"), so many more people will never be buying physical media for anything - movies/music/games, and so a lot of this stuff will be all in the past: lending and selling games etc. And the next generation of gamers will have grown up in this era of no physical media so won't care about a lot of these things. And internet connections are only getting faster and better, so the connectivity won't be an issue either.

It fucking sucks that things are moving that way, I certainly don't support it and won't be buying anything like this. But just saying that is probably how MS are looking at it, in the long term, not just this launch.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I cant believe they are actually following through with this BS. At this point the only thing that will force me to buy an Xbone is Killer Instinct 3, and thats only if they dont fuck that up too.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Pretty shitty all things considered. Not happy that MS chose to go down this road.

On the bright side that's at least $500 saved that I can use toward PS4 and Wii U games this fall, assuming Sony doesn't mess up.
I'm out, fy microsoft. If Sony does the same with the PS4 I'm out as well.

I'll stick to Steam, handhelds, and Wii U.

as someone who buys used in retail, Sony can do fuck anything they want with digital copies, just let me trade and sell the physical ones.

do that and you'll have a happy costumer.


My friend at MS and I had a bet about this topic. I bet him that this thread would get to more than 5,000 posts in less than a day. Don't let me down NeoGAF! I don't want to owe him a good dinner next time I am in Redmond


All hail the anti-consumer used-game cartel! See, Microsoft wasn't screwing Gamestop, they were making love! YOU can't sell your games to other users, but you're welcome to let Gamestop rip you off!

Holy shit, could any company more openly despite its customers?

I want someone to make a gif using the end of Wind Waker where Ganondorf is in monologue. He can talk about how excited he is for the new gen or something and then the King (Microsoft) touches the Triforce and wishes for everything in the OP. Then Ganondorf just laughs and laughs....


this is not a defense of microsoft but rather a criticism of a ridiculous argument

if your internet is regularly out for 24+ hour increments, then you have far larger problems than not being able to play your xbox in this hyper-connected day and age

a broadband connection is practically mandatory in the 21st century.

It may not even be that, you could not play on your console for a whole day and when you decide to boot it up and your internet has been crapping out or it's simply not connected to the internet at the time you're essentially locked out of your own console, till it's connected/works again.


Considering european consumers can force Valve to fully refund their purchases on Steam no questions asked, I'm gonna go with absolutely not.


The EU Court rules that first sale doctrine allies to software licences, and it is the right of EU members to resell software licences. The court rejected the notion that licenses are nontransferable. The ruling didn't force companies to put processes in place to allow resale (e.g. an online marketplace), but they just could stop it from happeneing.

EU Ruling said:
"It makes no difference whether the copy of the computer program was made available by means of a download from the rightholder’s website or by means of a material medium such as a CD-ROM or DVD," the court ruled. "Even if the rightholder formally separates the customer’s right to use the copy of the program supplied from the operation of transferring the copy of the program to the customer on a material medium, the operation of downloading from that medium a copy of the computer program and that of concluding a license agreement remain inseparable from the point of view of the acquirer."

How the EU reacts to MS's blocking of consumer's rights will be interesting.


Anyone remember the Playstation Network outage?

Yeahhh. Hate to sound like a dick, but I cannot wait to see the result when that happens with the Xbone. "When", not "if". The people who do these kinds of things live to target DRM and closed-Internet enforcers, and this is by far the biggest and best target for them yet.

People are going to go beserk, and Microsoft is finally going to get the wake up call it's deserved for its behavior and business practices over the last few years. Thanks for your martyrdom in advance, Xboners. Your rage might just save the industry.


Just to clarify, once given to the friend YOU CANNOT GET THE GAME BACK.

Simply put, borrowing is done.

Hopefully that friend can actually sell that game because if not... (And I can see them blocking transfered games from being sold to retailers)
this is not a defense of microsoft but rather a criticism of a ridiculous argument

if your internet is regularly out for 24+ hour increments, then you have far larger problems than not being able to play your xbox in this hyper-connected day and age

a broadband connection is practically mandatory in the 21st century.

A lot of people get by with a good mobile data plan in this hyper connected smart device age.
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