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GB/WH Rumor: Microsoft dropping basically all Xbox One DRM, announcement today

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Unconfirmed rumor and all that but if true


I tweeted about it earlier but deleted them out of respect to my source. People in my feed about 2 hours ago saw it though.

I trust this to be true but it's obviously still a rumor.

Permanently A

Junior Member
If it actually does happen, good. Competition is good for the consumer. And it will be a achievement for "slacktivism" and internet petitions.

I tweeted about it earlier but deleted them out of respect to my source. People in my feed about 2 hours ago saw it though.

I trust this to be true but it's obviously still a rumor.



Gold Member
I couldn't care less about the used games DRM. I never sell games, and i rarely buy used. I don't think that's going anywhere, though.

I do wish that they would backtrack on 24 hour check in. Dammit Microsoft, just let me put the disc in the drive to avoid phoning home. That's all I want. I'm good with phoning home if I installed from disc and its not in the drive. But if the disc is there, bite me. Your stupid box should be smart enough to recognize that.

genuinly curious,

should they really eat this cake.
how on earth are they going to keep face?
They have already lost face. The mea culpa could only help, IMO. No shame in admitting you were wrong as long as you make it right in the end.
Backtracking would be hilarious, basically like admitting they attempted to fuck everyone and it backfired.

Guess it's good for people who want the system.


This wouldn't shock me. I have never seen a console in such a horrible position prior to launch. People just hate MS right now. And worse, they're not only the "DRM system" now, they're also 100 dollars more expensive. They have absolutely nothing to stand on at this point.

In truth, they even showed a pretty decent lineup of games at E3, probably had the best conference overall, but it was all meaningless in the current atmosphere.

They might be willing to put aside their pride in the face of the absolute curb-stomp they are about to receive from Sony when both systems launch.


Gamestop sells out of their allotted Xbox Ones and now MS decides they need to change policy?

I'll believe it when I see it. Best crow a man has ever tasted, that'd be.


Biggest backtrack in history if true?

And if you don't need to be always connected, what does this mean for the games being developed to take advantage of it... Like world of tanks?

Oh, nothing will change for those games. Cool.

Heh, yeah pretty much.

I'd like it to happen of course, but if I'm being cynical (i.e. normal) I'd say that from Microsoft's point of view... they already ate a mountain of shit, PR-wise. May as well benefit from it and hold the line on the policy.

They can always revise when the thing actually goes on sale, if the Xbone is getting its ass kicked sales-wise; after all, most of their issues are self-inflicted policy decisions that can actually be reversed, if they so choose.

Except for Kinect. They are stuck with that.


MSFT won't back off until the stock takes a hit. Despite all the bad press, it's still holding steady.

Xbox doesn't mean much to their company profits. Will never effect the stock enough one way or the other.

As for the rumor, I didn't believe the Internet required talk and now that it is true I now don't believe they will back off.


Ok GAF, if this turns out to be true we need to start up #$399Xbone. If they're listening, let them know you are not willing to waste $100 on a Kinect.
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