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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ

Did the same thing happen with Xbox 360? Anyways, i have heard about the PS3 but exactly how much footprint was reduced over time? Do you have any exact figure?

The ps3/360 had such little ram for the os to begin with though

Also can we get a rumor on this thread or at least an indication this is based on supposed leaked info


So does that mean when the PS4 only had 4GB of RAM there was only 0.5GB available for games or has the OS somehow exploded in size since February?


I'm not a tech guy but: Can they even reserve more for the OS overnight? Considering some developers maybe have already designed with 7Gb in mind, and two: does it even matter? How many PC intensive games use more than 5Gb? I suppose it's easier to not optimize code with more memory in mind but if this makes the OS run smoother and have more features then I'd have absolutely no problem with it.


Eurogamer has been of shit recently, what happened to them?

The PS4 doesn't come anywhere near the One in terms of OS functions yet it's going to allocate 3.5 GB of RAM to them? Ludicrous.
Wait what does one do different? Hdmi input won't use anything at all, and we haven't seen everything on ps4 yet.


This is a little disappointing, I think most people can agree.
That said, the amount dedicated to the OS will decrease over time, allowing the developers to use it for games. I would imagine Sony factored this in (as well as MS) when they made the decision.

syko de4d

if the OS nearly needs 4GB would it be not cheaper for Sony to have 4gb DDR3 + 4gb GDDR5? There is no way a OS needs GDDR5 like speed.


Have to say I'm surprised. Either they planned 8GB much earlier than we thought, or the OS has grown fairly late.
Gotta wait for Sony's statement which they said they would wait on before posting. If it's true, it's pretty big fail to me to have that much of GDDR5 on a FreeBSD OS considering they went up to 8GB on dev feedback.


Stop and think for a moment, the Killzone Shadowfall demo on the 20th was done on a devkit for 4GB of target RAM. It was also developed knowing about the video recording functionality and was displayed LIVE on the 20th (uploaded to Facebook). Functionality like that was already present.

The function to record and upload video was present. That upload wasn't 15 minutes long, they weren't multi-tasking with another program or two running in the background (for instant switch) and like you you said...it was a devkit, not final hardware. Devkits tend to have more RAM.

Policies, features, etc...they change. Obviously, if you have 4GB of RAM you don't plan to take up 3.5GB. If you upgrade that, you can then change how much your OS/multitasking takes up.

It's incredibly simple. Saying this means they were "only leaving .5GB" so it's false...is ridiculous.

It may be false, but the .5 thing is silly.
After how bad the PS3 OS was originally (and even still it chugs along at spots in-game), I can't say I'm surprised Sony is taking a more cautious approach by reserving a large amount of RAM to ensure they have more than enough to get all of the stuff running that they want to. In a way I think it's also a reactionary move to some of the OS features/apps that MS showed that Sony is considering adding as well so the extra reserved RAM is being held as a precaution in case they manage to get more apps/OS features working. Probably the biggest, IMO, is adding the 'instant snapping' between apps/games/etc that the XBone showed off.


hide your water-based mammals
Did the same thing happen with Xbox 360? Anyways, i have heard about the PS3 but exactly how much footprint was reduced over time? Do you have any exact figure?

The news was from years ago. I don't have a link but the OS footprint was absolutely reduced. I think both next gen plaforms are playing it safe. I don't see this as bad news. I never thought the 3GB OS on Xbone was bad when you consider what's being used for something like PS3/360 and even Vita.

As was noted in an earlier post, snappier OS and enough memory for devs to work with in the early days. You can bet this will improve across the board as time goes on. I'm still not sure about the number though. I can't get a hold of anyone I usually talk to about these things.

Hari Seldon

Exactly. If true, Sony developers have a bit more available RAM than they expected JUST for games. The OS should be better, too. Sony fanboys just have less fuel for the console war is all this amounts to.

Who gives a fuck how good the OS is? Jesus christ with 3.5 Gigs of RAM reserved for the OS I should be able to alt tab out of a game, open Chrome wiht approximately 200 tabs, have skype call where I'm hosting 5 people, AND be rocking linux in VM. I'm betting this console OS won't be able to do that, so why the fuck does it need 3.5 gigs of RAM?


Gold Member
Ok, maybe im over reacting here but considering how much more stuff the xbox does and it uses is similar amount of memory Sony is either off their rocker here or seriously has made an awful OS...

I am the worried


Think we need to run a book on who'll be banned by the end of this thread.

Can already see some serious starting line engine revving right now...


I think it's a great move from Sony to match the amount of RAM used for the OS. Having the system memory limited on the PS3 really constrained what it's OS could do (ex: no party/cross-game chat), leaving it miles behind what the XBox 360 delivered.

And, since the PS4's memory is so much faster, it'll still be able to deliver superior quality on games.



I wonder what rigby has to say about this. He's been the one behind the idea that they'd be using an ARM chip with the possibilitiy of additional ram to handle a lot of the background stuff that could possibly eat into the system ram and would serve as a low power solution to meet energy requirements.
If this is true then Sony might make a kickass OS for once, I'm intrigued.

It is not true. When the PS4 had 4GB that means only 512MB was left for games. There is no way this is true. If you believe the early Killzone: Shadow Fall footage was 512MB? You would have to be crazy.


And here come the MS trolls again... I think Sony is simply being cautious until they finalize OS details. They haven't really worked with these kind of requirements before, and are simply telling developers to keep things under a certain amount until they figure out details.

Streaming video, recording on the fly... these things take resources. I'm starting to identify the MS shills though. It's easy when the same JM's come in and talk about PS4 being doomed and all...


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Nobody answered me the first time around so I'm still wondering.

Can future firmware updates shrink the footprint of the OS? Is it possible that Sony is reserving this much space out of caution and not necessity?
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