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Game Informer Sept Cover: Dragon Age Inquisition [Up: Article Details In OP]

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Gold Member
For the number guys out there, The Witcher 3 only has one playable race and gender.

Different expectations as far as playable characters go.

We'll be seeing more Witcher 3 very soon, I believe at Gamescom? Might completely shit over anything we see in Gameinformer about DAI, but you never know.





For people that only have a PS3 and not jumping into next gen for a few years at the earliest, why would they want to play Witcher 3 if they can't even play the first 2 games on the system?


Cautiously optimistic. They seem to be taking their time which is either a very good, very worrying thing.

Also glad that Varric is back. Liked him quite a bit.
Looks and sounds promising and if not for the giant explosive diarrhea that was DA2, I would be hyped as hell. But until they can showcase some gameplay demo that looks and plays nice, I'm going to be skeptical as hell.

Setup sounds similar to Mass Effect 2 to me. You are not part of the Chantry, you are building your own team to reform the inquisition.
You mean it sounds like a carbon copy of Origins, just on a bigger scale:

1.) Chaos abounds with political wrangling and war amongst the races
2.) Oh no! Civil war!
3.) OH NO! Demons and/or supernatural threat stomps over everyone amidst political wrangling and only YOU, the player, can have everyone come to their senses and stop this threat!

Its the Ol' BioWare Formula to a T. Not that I have any issue with that so long as they can get their shit together for once and actually execute on that.

Indeed, that is all Dragon Age and it's fine with me. Of course I can't wait to see the developments with Morrigan and the god child, which will no doubt be playing a central role that will surely include Flemeth as well. Good stuff.

BioWare has still NEVER done well with choice and meaningful consequences in game or between games. Certainly not modern BioWare. I don't expect much from the Morrigan plot line beyond BioWare railroading it to some common point where your choices involving your Warden and Morrigan in Origins amount to very little.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I wish they weren't releasing on current gen consoles, which will hold the game back technically. I understand why, though.


While isometric view may be possible, DA is clearly now a franchise directed first and foremost to the console gamer, and the third-person over the shoulder view plays best for them.

I thought the whole idea was that they had learned from the mistake that was DA2?

And specifically that was making a console-centric RPG-lite when the fanbase wanted an old-school party-based isometric hardcore RPG.
Between all the other RPGs in the pipeline I feel like Bioware's services are no longer required, especially with a world as uninteresting as Dragon Age. What will they bring to the table other than middling, mass-market drivel; whatever form it may take?


BioWare has still NEVER done well with choice and meaningful consequences in game or between games. Certainly not modern BioWare. I don't expect much from the Morrigan plot line beyond BioWare railroading it to some common point where your choices involving your Warden and Morrigan in Origins amount to very little.

For now, I am just excited to see Morrigan back period. As for what they will do with it? That remains to be seen, but I am not about to scoff and write it off before seeing for myself. All I know is that I love what we are hearing and seeing so far.


Not gonna lie that dragon looks bad ass and it's good to see devs know that a dragon = 4 legs and not some skyrim bullshit. I still have zero faith in bioware but it looks nice, certainly not next gen, looks like something current consoles can do.


My guess is that isometric perspective is back for combat scenarios on PC now that they have extra dev time. Or, they're at least testing it out.

I don't mind third person when exploring or traveling.
I feel like I'm at a huge impasse with this game.

I loved DA:O for many reasons, but first and foremost were the characters, story, and writing. DA2 stripped the game down to mechanics until it may as well have been an MMO, but but the real problem was the story and writing. (It took what could have amounted to a side plot in DA:O and blew it up into a drawn out, uninteresting, poorly presented mess of a story.) I had similar problems, though to a much lesser degree, with ME3. TOR was disappointing as well, though I didn't have any real expectations for it.

So here I am, looking at DAI and thinking, "Well, that looks like it might be interesting." But the rational and skeptic part of my mind stops me and says, "But you know you thought that about the last 3 of Bioware's games and you were somewhere between disappointed and downright angry with how those turned out." So the pragmatic part of me says, "You'll have to make sure you wait on this one and look at the reviews." But then I'm reminded that the reviews of Bioware's last titles were overwhelmingly positive in an intensely bewildering way. (Particularly bewildering when you consider how much praise certain people heaped upon DA2). Obviously they are opinions, but I didn't see many outlets, at least initially, having anything near the reaction I had, and now many seem to agree people should have had, to the game.

So what do I do? Do I just sit it out because I feel like there's no one I can trust to give me a reliable suggestion about DAI? Or has the game industry's love affair with Bioware died down enough at this point that I can expect rationale, measured reviews to DAI?


I feel like I'm at a huge impasse with this game.

I loved DA:O for many reasons, but first and foremost were the characters, story, and writing. DA2 stripped the game down to mechanics until it may as well have been an MMO, but but the real problem was the story and writing. (It took what could have amounted to a side plot in DA:O and blew it up into a drawn out, uninteresting, poorly presented mess of a story.) I had similar problems, though to a much lesser degree, with ME3. TOR was disappointing as well, though I didn't have any real expectations for it.

So here I am, looking at DAI and thinking, "Well, that looks like it might be interesting." But the rational and skeptic part of my mind stops me and says, "But you know you thought that about the last 3 of Bioware's games and you were somewhere between disappointed and downright angry with how those turned out." So the pragmatic part of me says, "You'll have to make sure you wait on this one and look at the reviews." But then I'm reminded that the reviews of Bioware's last titles were overwhelmingly positive in an intensely bewildering way. (Particularly bewildering when you consider how much praise certain people heaped upon DA2). Obviously they are opinions, but I didn't see many outlets, at least initially, having anything near the reaction I had, and now many seem to agree people should have had, to the game.

So what do I do? Do I just sit it out because I feel like there's no one I can trust to give me a reliable suggestion about DAI? Or has the game industry's love affair with Bioware died down enough at this point that I can expect rationale, measured reviews to DAI?

I would say wait for word of mouth, not reviews. See what people on GAF that play it think. That's what I'm planning on doing.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
For now, I am just excited to see Morrigan back period. As for what they will do with it? That remains to be seen, but I am not about to scoff and write it off before seeing for myself. All I know is that I love what we are hearing and seeing so far.
They've failed to do it in every game they have made for over a decade, but hey blind optimism keeps the hype train running on time


Between all the other RPGs in the pipeline I feel like Bioware's services are no longer required, especially with a world as uninteresting as Dragon Age. What will they bring to the table other than middling, mass-market drivel; whatever form it may take?

Really? how many RPGs are in development else where? it's not a crowded market. Anyone who wants to make RPGs is quite welcome if you ask me as a fan of the genre, it might be garbage even by all means, it's better than nothing, with how everyone is focusing on other genres and online games, any investment and involvement in this market is pretty encouraging and loss of anyone would be unfortunate. There are very few studios around dedicated to making only RPGs of any kind right now, like less than 10 or so if I have to think of a number.
I would say wait for word of mouth, not reviews. See what people on GAF that play it think. That's what I'm planning on doing.

That seems as good a suggestion as any. There certainly seems to be a consensus around here as to how bad a game DA2 was, so maybe that means there's a critical mass of people with similar tastes too who I can glean opinions from.


DA1 was a little tedious. DA2 was unbearable. I'll probably skip this one barring amazing reviews. The enemies with 8000000000 hp bars that require me to sit around and babysit cooldowns/combos for 20 minutes are of no interest to me. Give me a reactive world instead. kthx.
I would say wait for word of mouth, not reviews. See what people on GAF that play it think. That's what I'm planning on doing.

Yeah. I have a feeling that just based on the seemingly drastic change in scope and visuals from DA2 to DA3, reviewer types will be falling over themselves to like DA3. And it may end up being a fine RPG but it seems like the visual overhaul is what's going to be getting the most hype. Whereas I'd be more curious as to how the systems are working underneath all that visual gloss.

Like the combat. DA2's combat was dreadful. And it took up so much of your time playing the game. They have to get that straightened out.

Oh shit. What is it!? Mountable camels? Mabari hounds? Rideable dragons?

Probably those deer things the elves in DA use. Hallas? The ones with the big antlers.


Neo Member
I'm looking forward to seeing what Dragon Age 3 has to offer. The past two games didn't do much to impress me, but I guess they also weren't my playstyle. I bet with 3 they'll offer both the real time fighting and the strategy based combat. Can't wait to see all the next-gen open worlds though, between this, Witcher 3 and Infamous: Second Son I'm damn excited.
Could be interesting but there is no way I'm buying this until it's out and impressions are positive. Bioware does not have my trust anymore.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Generic fantasy and I love it! Goes for the watcher series as well.

there is not enough generic fantasy themed games .. It's all cartoon exaggerated goofiness.
Pretty much all major recent wrpgs in fantasy would fall under generic. How you couldnt have enough is baffling.

Doctor Ninja

Sphincter Speaker
I don't know.

Dragon Age: Origins was one of my favorite games this generation and one of the finest games Bioware did in past years. It was challenging, had interesting characters, fantastic score and it also contained a system where character might like or dislike you for different actions and decisions throughout the game and I would take that instead of the binary moral choice system any day and I wish more games would adapt it because binary moral choices systems are lackluster.

However Dragon age II killed whatever interest I had for the series, it dumbed the game down to a very shallow level that the difficulty curve had been significantly decreased so much that there is little to no challenge to the combat at all, not the mention that the story of the game (while it had many good ideas) left so much to be desired and the execution of it from the middle to the end was bad.I couldn't believe it myself that I was playing the sequel to the game I loved so much, if you gave me the game with the named changed I would have sworn this cannot be in the same series as Origins.

as for Inquisition, I am what you call cautiously optimistic, so far everything I read about the game looks positive but I am wary for everything that comes out of EA and specially Bioware for having such lackluster releases over the past couple of years.


Well I've got Project Eternity and Torment now so do whatever you want with this game now.

Its not like you would have stayed true to making a BG2 for the new era anyways but whatever. Just try to make a semi passable game.
They have pretty low development costs so if they cap out at a potential audience of 3-4 million it's not a big deal.

Wouldn't they want to make as much profit as possible though? I think any studio would.

That also goes to show there is a fundamental flaw in the development of some of these games in the West, unless development costs really are that big of a gap between somewhere like Poland and Canada.
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