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Guerilla: Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer is 60 FPS, singleplayer is 30 FPS


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Multiplayer runs at 60 FPS, single-player runs at 30 FPS.

Original Article:

The developers at Guerilla render the game in full HD and target a framerate of 60 fps. "We could have set our game on 30 fps and added more makeup, but how the game feels is important to us", the Dutchmen explained. Killzone is not supposed to be a pure graphics demo but wants to keep players engaged over the long term.

Translated by me from http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Gamescom-Erste-Eindruecke-von-der-Playstation-4-1940079.html
Entire article translated by Google Translator: http://translate.google.com/transla...Eindruecke-von-der-Playstation-4-1940079.html

Update 1:

PCGames.de (big German gaming magazine) visiting gamescom confirms:

Update 2:



Update 3:


If it launches and still holds true to that 60 FPS target I'll buy two copies.

Ugh, casualizing by taking away the weight


I don't get this "we're targeting" line. Isn't this a technical design decision that should have been committed to along time ago?


Fuck. Yes.

Not only is it the best looking next-gen game, but this too? If they can manage 60fps, even just for the multiplayer, I am satisfied.


wow, news to me. I thought it was 30fps from the start.

If they can deliver those February reveal graphics at 60 fps, that's be doubly impressive - and from a launch game!


So why is framerate dropping to 20s in the trailer?

3 months to launch, probably 2 months until going gold (with option for day one patch I guess)

I don't get this "we're targeting" line. Isn't this a technical design decision that should have been committed to along time ago?

maybe they went for 30 originally but during development they found they could push a little harder, and now they are close enough to 60 that they want to go for it? It's a launch title so the entire environment is moving all the time (dev kits, SDKs etc) so it is really difficult if not impossible to lock something like that down way in advance.
SP or MP?

Also, getting a flat 60 is going to be very hard... if you were previously targetting 30 (as the MP footage suggests)


ADD New Gen Gamer
In the newest video from gamersyde, it is pretty obvious that the framerate is unlocked and fluctuates between 30 and 60. I don't know if GG has enough time to get it locked at 60 by launch.


I am confused. If the game shown during reveal and hence have been at 30fps with "make up", then where did they show off a footage that was representative of "target 60fps".


Call of Duty. Killzone. Battlefield. Halo. Titanfall. Heck, fucking Wolfenstein.

We might be heading into the golden age of 60fps shooters. No turning back now.

And, when these consoles get Rift support, we won't be looking at sub-30fps performance.

I'm stoked.


If the initial demo shown at the February reveal was supposed to be running on the 4gb devkits, I wonder if it'd be possible to pull of the same sort of visuals at 60fps with the final devkits. Here's hoping that it remains visually stunning!


Gold Member
I'd be surprised if true because it looks so pretty.

But that would explain the unlocked framerate in the gamescom conference; a lot of times it was hitting a smooth 60fps.


If the initial demo shown at the February reveal was supposed to be running on the 4gb devkits, I wonder if it'd be possible to pull of the same sort of visuals at 60fps with the final devkits. Here's hoping that it remains visually stunning!

No, the initial reveal used more than 4GB.
In the newest video from gamersyde, it is pretty obvious that the framerate is unlocked and fluctuates between 30 and 60. I don't know if GG has enough time to get it locked at 60 by launch.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these demos made up of vertical slices taken out of the game and polished up months before the demo is to be shown? Meaning the actual and would be a damn sight further along in development than even the trailers/demos show.
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