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LTTP: Atelier Totori, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the clock

I'm extremely good at buying the PS3 Atelier games, but pretty terrible at actually sitting down and playing them. I finished Rorona in early 2012 but've only just gotten around to starting the far more highly regarded sequel.

Well, it turns out everyone was right, Totori's a considerable improvement over Rorona in basically every way. I'm just starting year 3 and I've really enjoyed what I've played so far.

The main thing I prefer is the comparative freedom. Being left largely to your own devices for 3 years is far more enjoyable than constantly having assignments hanging over your head. I dislike the concept of time management in JRPGs as a general rule, but this game is probably about as close to an exception as there'll ever be for me.

Aesthetics are a noticeable step up as well, whether it's character models, in-battle presentation or the music. Oh god yes, the music. Following the Footsteps in all its various incarnations is a thing of beauty. I love the way it merges into / forms the foundation for many of the different area themes.

I suppose the one aspect where there's no major improvement is the characters, though that's partially due to all the returning familiar faces. I was in two minds over whether to use the same support members from Rorona again when I started the game, but then this scene happened and it pretty much made my decision for me.


So yeah, Team Tsundere all the way. It's a shame Cordelia's just DLC and not a 'proper' character this time around, since I would've liked to see more party scenes (i.e. more bickering) between her and Mimi.

I'm not trying to platinum the game or even get the true ending, because Rorona hammered home that I have much more fun going at my own pace instead of worrying about events / flags and all that. I've gotten enough points for the licence renewal already so hopefully I'll avoid a BAD END.

Anyway, the game is excellent yadda yadda. Here's hoping that Meruru and Ayesha are similar experiences.
Fuck yeah, Mimi is the best.

But anyway, yeah, the time limit isn't really that concerning once you wrap your mind around it. It's never really a race to beat the clock unless you procrastinate and neglect to craft certain items, like the travel shoes and the warp gate and such. It's a very well made game, and Meruru is even better, except the next chracters, they all kinda suck. But the new characters in Totori outside of Mimi aren't very good, either! lol


So I bought this recently on Vita. For people who've played: How concerned should I be with fighting? I do it, but I enjoy just gathering/cooking much more. (I respect the battle system though, don't get me wrong. It's good, I've just kinda had my fill.)

Also, #TeamCory

Fuck yeah, Mimi is the best.

Oh, you're killin' me, Grim! :eek:
So I bought this recently on Vita. For people who've played: How concerned should I be with fighting? I do it, but I enjoy just gathering/cooking much more. (I respect the battle system though, don't get me wrong. It's good, I've just kinda had my fill.)

Also, #TeamCory
If you're gathering and crafting a lot, I guess you shouldn't be too concerned, but it's an easy way to boost your rank and get rare materials.

and fuck you man mimi all the way ffs

Oh, you're killin' me, Grim! :eek:
Only natural the best team gets represented first.


Totori was awesome though I did stress out a bit about the time management in it. Mainly because I kept trying to do everything I could in one playthrough. I eventually did it and made it my first Atelier Platinum.

Meruru is also good though not as good as Totori and Ayesha is fantastic as well. I recommend checking Ayesha out when you can since it's a new Universe meaning new characters. Also the music is easily the best out of the PS3 games (the only ones I've played, not tried the pre-PS3 Atelier games).

Out of the Arland games though, Totori is certainly the best.
Only natural the best team gets represented first.
If a gun was held to my head right now, I'd say Cory > Mimi. Though in fairness,
it's Cory's gun /
I need to play Meruru before I can call it properly. I'm looking forward to seeing how the characters have developed in the third game (or regressed in one obvious case).

Do I need to start on any game in particular with this series?
If you don't mind missing out on some references / jokes etc, I'd probably recommend starting with Totori. Rorona is a much weaker game and I don't have particularly fond memories of it.


I personally think that Meruru is high point of Arland series. It's just so good all around, although I did like freedom of Totori and characters of Rorona. Unfortunately Ayesha wasn't good, rather disappointment after great Meruru, which was contender for my personal GOTY.
Totori shouldn't ruined my Rorona though, that was uncalled for. :(

Making Rorona, eight, man...

That was awful in Dragon Ball GT and awful here. Come on, Gust.


Mimi and Sterkenburger all the way!

Improvements over Rorona can't be stressed enough. Rorona felt like an experiment and Totori feels like an actual game. I was literally going, wow this is awesome, Rorona is worth playing just for that feeling, haha.

Just a word of advise, when you get near the end of the game, there's going to be a lot of time spent on..travelling. I got used to taking it easy in the 1st 3 years and ended up getting Normal ending just on the last day of the game. That was quite amazing actually..haha...


Being that I still haven't found the time to work through all of Rorona (jesus it takes a lot of planning to get particular endings), I've yet to see pretty much anything of Totori. I'm glad to get confirmation of the freedom aspects others have told me about. I assumed it was comparative freedom to Rorona, which would mean it's basically more of the same, but the game is a tad less of a dick about it.


I really only need a few trophies to platinum, but don't know if I want to play through again with a guide to go day by day to make sure everythign gets done in time. You're right OP, the game is much better if you just do everything on your own. They should loosen up the schedules a litel to make it more fun for all audiances.


The freedom of the schedule is just a misnomer, at least if you want to see everything. I know, the journey should what you make of it, but I really loathed that the best ending -
which is pretty damn significant, in the grand scheme of things
, was locked behind an unintuitive system. If you want to progress with all characters, you need a guide.


Just finished Rorona last week, it was kind of an odd experience but I enjoyed it overall. Wish I was able to make more pies. Looking forward to the other Atelier games.


Just finished Rorona last week, it was kind of an odd experience but I enjoyed it overall. Wish I was able to make more pies. Looking forward to the other Atelier games.

You shall make more pies in Totori, for pies shall power up your alchemy output by a a lot. Tehehe,


This thread reminded me of the Atelier Official Chronicle book. One of the things I like about some of the Udon art books is the interviews etc with the creators, and the Atelier Official Chronicles is no exception. Their answers are sooooo honest and humble, it is really awesome.

Like the illustrator who did the Rorona work. He was only interested in theater and art, and was really close to becoming a NEET before he started getting some work as an illustrator. And how he smoked 2 packs per day while working 20 hours a day until he crashed and slept for 12+ hours and then do it all over again. And how he worries about getting tendon damage from working so much.

He also related a story about how when he was given the initial instructions on how to draw Pamela, he thought they wanted her taking off a full sized Mascot suit. So that's what he drew.

It can also be a little weird, like the fact that they took pictures of the cans of tuna he has on his book shelves.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Atelier Totori really surprised me when it came out, is now one of my all time faves. Dead serious. The game is just so charming and compelling. :D
I'm approaching the beginning of year 4 now and alchemy has suddenly become super serious business. Currently assembling the pieces for what I hope will (eventually) be top tier equipment. Cory and Mimi are still superglued to my party.

Also this arrived in the mail today:
And it's just dawned on me that I can't actually look through it for fear of spoilers until I finish Meruru. Which'll be in about 2015 at the rate I'm going.
And I’m done! Finished the game with Mimi’s ending. I ended up with practically an entire year to spare after beating Evil Face / Ocean Kaiser, so aside from the glorious Fishing Festival I just had Totori do her impression of a narcoleptic until the credits rolled.

By the time I’d reached the endgame and had synthed all the best equipment / items, the combat was basically broken into tiny pieces. Totori could full heal / revive the party, buff Cory or Mimi to superhuman levels, or do crazy damage to a single enemy or a group. Cory outshone Mimi for much of the game, but that was primarily due to her best weapon being creatable far earlier. Ultimately, Mimi’s specials were considerably more useful against the optional bosses than Cory’s elemental specials (which were usually resisted), despite her lower ATK.

Most memorable moment for me throughout the story was (HUGE SPOILERS)
visiting Frontier Village and finding Gisela’s grave. That entire development hit me far, far harder than I was expecting. I'd written her off for dead until I watched the True Ending on YT and was again deeply moved, for different reasons.

The Atelier games will never be my absolute favourite JRPGs because of their inherent design choices / their gameplay style, but I have to say, I was really impressed with Totori and greatly enjoyed it from start to finish. It'll doubtlessly be a while before I begin Meruru, but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

As for the hugely important question of Cory vs Mimi, I’m still reserving judgment until I’ve completed Meruru. Although I should say, on top of getting her ending, Mimi also won the Fishing Festival ‘event’. Take from that what you will!


And I’m done! Finished the game with Mimi’s ending. I ended up with practically an entire year to spare after beating Evil Face / Ocean Kaiser, so aside from the glorious Fishing Festival I just had Totori do her impression of a narcoleptic until the credits rolled.

By the time I’d reached the endgame and had synthed all the best equipment / items, the combat was basically broken into tiny pieces. Totori could full heal / revive the party, buff Cory or Mimi to superhuman levels, or do crazy damage to a single enemy or a group. Cory outshone Mimi for much of the game, but that was primarily due to her best weapon being creatable far earlier. Ultimately, Mimi’s specials were considerably more useful against the optional bosses than Cory’s elemental specials (which were usually resisted), despite her lower ATK.

Most memorable moment for me throughout the story was (HUGE SPOILERS)
visiting Frontier Village and finding Gisela’s grave. That entire development hit me far, far harder than I was expecting. I'd written her off for dead until I watched the True Ending on YT and was again deeply moved, for different reasons.

The Atelier games will never be my absolute favourite JRPGs because of their inherent design choices / their gameplay style, but I have to say, I was really impressed with Totori and greatly enjoyed it from start to finish. It'll doubtlessly be a while before I begin Meruru, but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

As for the hugely important question of Cory vs Mimi, I’m still reserving judgment until I’ve completed Meruru. Although I should say, on top of getting her ending, Mimi also won the Fishing Festival ‘event’. Take from that what you will!

Nice, nice. I thought of watching True Ending (I know what happens :)) on Youtube but I wanted to replay Totori anyways, so I'll go for Platinum in 1 playthrough soon enough.

On a side note, choosing between Cory and Mimi is had but I'm siding with Cory because of Rorona. :)


I understand how the in-game clock can be stressful for some but imo it is essential for the gameplay to work. As someone who hates grinding, i actually find it more fun when there's opportunity cost involved.

Oh and i went for the Mimi ending during my first playthrough too :)


Well, it turns out everyone was right, Totori's a considerable improvement over Rorona in basically every way. I'm just starting year 3 and I've really enjoyed what I've played so far.
Totori is fanatastic, it's the only game on PS3 I platinum'ed.

The fact that it's timed is actually what makes the whole game design work IMHO.


Totori is fanatastic, it's the only game on PS3 I platinum'ed.

The fact that it's timed is actually what makes the whole game design work IMHO.

I could not believe how much better Totori was when comparing to Rorona. Gust really did hit all the right notes with this entry. Well maybe not how you unlock the True Ending...


Played this on Vita and really enjoyed it. I was devastated when I ran out of time the first play-through and got the worst ending... second time around I got a real ending but I wouldn't continue to get more of the endings. Maybe if you carried more into the NG+ mode, but you need to redo so much over again...


Played this recently on my vita and loved every second of if. I'm a sucker for time based gameplay and this scratched the itch I've wanted for awhile. Funny enough I was playing the beginning part wrong and had to load multiple saves to make the platinum grade. But I honestly found it more fun that way. Then I had to load earlier saves to fully prepare for the last boss. Once again planning alone was a lot of fun even with the lost progress sometimes. Got the normal ending and plan to play meruru soon. Might go and grab the true ending in the future though.
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