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31 Days of Horror 3 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


1. The Relic (Blu-Ray)
2. Ghoulies (Netflix)
3. Nightmares (1983) (YouTube)
4. The Amityville Horror (2005) (DVD)
5. Battledogs (Netflix)
6. Scream 4 (Netflix)
7. Satan's Little Helper (Netflix)
8. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (Netflix)
9. Perfect Blue (DVD)
10. John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns (Blu-Ray)
11. Screamtime (Netflix)
12. Bread Crumbs (Netflix)
13. Ghoulies 2 (Netflix)
14. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood (Netflix)
15. Hotel Transylvania 3D (Blu-Ray)
16. Hellraiser (Netflix)

17. Paranormal Activity (Blu-Ray)

-Watching this in surround-sound while alone in my house certainly helped enhance the experience!
I'm planning to watch 2-4 before the end of the month as well (I've never seen the sequels).

18. Evil Dead (2013) (Blu-Ray)

-Despite the mixed reviews, it was only $13 on Amazon the other day so I thought I'd give it a chance.
I strongly disliked the characters at first, but once everything started going crazy I ended up enjoying the film more than I expected. I still strongly prefer the original though.

19. Galaxy of Terror (Netflix)

-Pretty campy, but the story was interesting and the special effects weren't all that bad for time.
I'm going to try to get in both House and House II today because I'm a movie behind.

Thankfully they're both only around 90 minutes each.


Pumpkinhead - 5/10. Monster looked kinda cool, and it has that 1980s horror charm, but the deaths were disappointing and was otherwise just a run of the mill B-tier horror flick,


The physical form of blasphemy
- Beyond The Black Rainbow
- Cannibal Holocaust
- American Mary
- The Aggression Scale
- Maniac
- Cherry Tree Lane
- The Conjuring

- Fright Night 2 : New Blood

I was kind of ho-hum on this during the first half of the movie. The buildup was really slow, and the antagonist was the fucking girlfriend of the main guy (simp ass dude). In terms of the more recent Fright Night movies, Colin Farrell was a more charismatic and asshole of a vampire. I enjoyed the cat and mouse like game of the first Fright Night a lot more. However, during the second half (mainly the third act), New Blood turns into Castlevania: Symphonia of the Night and it gets super fun. The main baddy turned really awesome and I enjoyed the hell out of it.


1. The Relic (Blu-Ray)
2. Ghoulies (Netflix)
3. Nightmares (1983) (YouTube)
4. The Amityville Horror (2005) (DVD)
5. Battledogs (Netflix)
6. Scream 4 (Netflix)
7. Satan's Little Helper (Netflix)
8. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (Netflix)
9. Perfect Blue (DVD)
10. John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns (Blu-Ray)
11. Screamtime (Netflix)
12. Bread Crumbs (Netflix)
13. Ghoulies 2 (Netflix)
14. Tales From the Crypt Presents: Bordello of Blood (Netflix)
15. Hotel Transylvania 3D (Blu-Ray)
16. Hellraiser (Netflix)

17. Paranormal Activity (Blu-Ray)

-Watching this in surround-sound while alone in my house certainly helped enhance the experience!
I'm planning to watch 2-4 before the end of the month as well (I've never seen the sequels).

18. Evil Dead (2013) (Blu-Ray)

-Despite the mixed reviews, it was only $13 on Amazon the other day so I thought I'd give it a chance.
I strongly disliked the characters at first, but once everything started going crazy I ended up enjoying the film more than I expected. I still strongly prefer the original though.

19. Galaxy of Terror (Netflix)

-Pretty campy, but the story was interesting and the special effects weren't all that bad for time.

Please save yourself some time and don't watch PA4.
31 Days of Horror Lycanthropy Edition

Oct. 19 - The Company of Wolves (1984)


The Company of Wolves (1984) - This British gothic fantasy set mainly in the dreams of a young girl starts off like a cross between Alice In Wonderland and Call of the Wild and persists in remaining just south of sanity for the duration. It's essentially an anthology film, with a number of werewolf tales finding their way into the narrative as stories told by various of the protagonists, and the dream-world is emphasized by the use of jarring imagery throughout. It's quite beautiful to look at, if a little uneven at times, and I've always had a soft spot for it...

Bonus TV episode


Tales From The Crypt "Werewolf Concerto" (1992) - As I've said before, I'll always love me some Tales from the Crypt! Werewolf Concerto sees Timothy Dalton as an reticent werewolf hunter... or is he the hunted? Another classic in the EC Comics vein, relying on final panel twists as much as its macabre subject to keep our attention. Great fun.

Movie #5 - In The Mouth of Madness

I don't understand what happened to John Carpenter. Halloween, The Thing, They Live, Big Trouble in Little China, and Escape from NY are all great films. It seem like everything after They Live is so hit or miss and it's mostly miss. This film has boring effects, boring "scares", a terrible plot trying to be meta. Sam Neill seemed so wooden in his scenes. His co-star Styles, is a terrible actress. Charleston Heston is wasted. New Nightmare outdid this movie with both a better story and better effects.


Neo Member
Well. Death Spa was pretty amazing. Easily up there with Aerobicide. The best way I can describe it is like the first half of Aerobicide smooshed together with the night club scene from Hellraiser III, if that scene were like 40 minutes long and took place in a late 80s health club.

The end was a little unsatisfying, but not bad by any stretch of the imagination. Soundtrack is pretty decent, late 80s dance. Seriously worth a watch. Some of the practical effects in this are very convincing and even made me put down my burrito a few times.

Thanks for the heads up, ThirstyFly!
Well. Death Spa was pretty amazing. Easily up there with Aerobicide. The best way I can describe it is like the first half of Aerobicide smooshed together with the night club scene from Hellraiser III, if that scene were like 40 minutes long and took place in a late 80s health club.

The end was a little unsatisfying, but not bad by any stretch of the imagination. Soundtrack is pretty decent, late 80s dance. Seriously worth a watch. Some of the practical effects in this are very convincing and even made me put down my burrito a few times.

Thanks for the heads up, ThirstyFly!

Oh man, you had me at Hellraiser III. This shall be watched, thanks for the review!

I'm gonna double feature them after the marathon is over since I can't find a place to fit them in.


Neo Member
Tonight's main two features are both 50s drive in throwbacks.

The Blob (1988) -- I've seen the original, and it's good, but I like this one better. It retains the feel of the original without making the teens in the cast seem as lily white as they did in the first one. It's still pretty innocent with the exception of a weird date rape/coercion scene involving a guy who gets a girl drunk and then tries to love on her after she's passed out.
But never fear, it keeps its pg 13 because there's no nudity. There should have been some nudity in this movie somewhere -- just not in the date rape scene.

It's definitely aimed at a slightly younger audience, but it's a lot of fun. Also I'm in love with the female lead. That's enough to make most of us overlook Kevin Dillon in bad wig.

Night of the Creeps -- I can't imagine there are too many people who haven't seen this one. Again, it's a throwback 50s drive in movie with updated special effects and some slightly more explicit sexual stuff. The lead is a little hard to look at, but he does and okay job (he's the guy who played rusty in one of the national lampoon vacation films). Weird subplot about the police chief is fun but seems tacked on,
and the scene where the corpse comes up through the floor of the house mother's cottage is creepy but makes no sense at all.

A highly recommended film. Lost of fun. Made during the golden age of horror, when even the scariest horror flicks were still supposed to be kind of fun.
Tonight's main two features are both 50s drive in throwbacks.

The Blob (1988) -- I've seen the original, and it's good, but I like this one better. It retains the feel of the original without making the teens in the cast seem as lily white as they did in the first one. It's still pretty innocent with the exception of a weird date rape/coercion scene involving a guy who gets a girl drunk and then tries to love on her after she's passed out.
But never fear, it keeps its pg 13 because there's no nudity. There should have been some nudity in this movie somewhere -- just not in the date rape scene.

That was a waste of a perfectly good Erika Eleniak. Erika Eleniaks hate to be wasted.

Did you catch Bill Moseley is hidden in there? That movie is like a Where's Waldo book.


Oct. 1 The Evil Dead (1983) - Great
Oct. 2 V/H/S 2 - Good
Oct. 3 Blair Witch Project - Boring
Oct. 4 Sleepaway Camp - Great
Oct. 5 Drag Me To Hell- Boring
Oct. 6 The Possession - Great
Oct. 7 Session 9- Great
Oct. 8 Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Boring
Oct. 9 [REC] - Great
Oct. 10 Evil Dead 2 - Fantastic
Oct. 11 Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil - Fantastic
Oct. 12 Ringu - Good
Oct. 13 V/H/S - Good
Oct. 14 Dawn of the Dead (2004) - Great
Oct. 15 The Cabin in the Woods - Great
Oct. 16 Maniac (2012) - Great
Oct. 17 Fright Night (1985) - Great
Oct. 18 [REC] 2 - Great

Although it wasn't as great as the first movie, [REC] 2 managed to keep the suspense and tension of the first film. It jumps right into the action from where the first film left off. There's more of a religious aspect to the movie than the first one and we're given an explanation of the situation. I don't have much else to say. If you watched the first movie definitely watch [REC] 2.

No clue on what I'm going to watch tonight.

Day 18 - The Purge


This movie fucking sucks.

I enjoyed it. My issue was the second half of the film. The premise was interesting but the execution sucked.
Movie #5 - In The Mouth of Madness

I don't understand what happened to John Carpenter. Halloween, The Thing, They Live, Big Trouble in Little China, and Escape from NY are all great films. It seem like everything after They Live is so hit or miss and it's mostly miss. This film has boring effects, boring "scares", a terrible plot trying to be meta. Sam Neill seemed so wooden in his scenes. His co-star Styles, is a terrible actress. Charleston Heston is wasted. New Nightmare outdid this movie with both a better story and better effects.

I love In The Mouth Of Madness. The way it ramps and ramps from the point when he
reads the book
all the way to the ending is so fun to watch. The fact that none of the performances seem natural just adds to the weird vibe of the movie.

The Apocalypse trilogy (The Thing, Prince of Darkness, In The Mouth Of Madness) are all favorites of mine.


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US)
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)
9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada)
10)House at the End of the Street (Netflix US)
11)Would You Rather (Netflix Canada)
12)Wrong Turn (Netflix Sweden)
13)The Mist (Netflix Canada)
14)The Descent (Netflix Canada)
15)Dead Silence (Netflix Canada)
16)Pontypool (Netflix US)

17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK): How Did This Get Made? podcast will feature an episode on this movie, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. Glad I watched this because it is a total mind fuck of a film. For horrible reasons. I don't remember this movie at all so it was to my surprise it doesn't have Michael Myers in it....at all. Well, if you don't count Halloween 1 playing on a tv in the background.

So many wtf moments, so little time. The plot is over the top and ridiculous. You will hate the word Shamrock and its jingle 30 minutes into the movie. That is probably what you will remember most because the movie is lackluster. Slow and boring most of the time. Worth it if you like bad movies.

2 Shamrock jingle/10.
17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK): How Did This Get Made? podcast will feature an episode on this movie, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. Glad I watched this because it is a total mind fuck of a film. For horrible reasons. I don't remember this movie at all so it was to my surprise it doesn't have Michael Myers in it....at all. Well, if you don't count Halloween 1 playing on a tv in the background.

So many wtf moments, so little time. The plot is over the top and ridiculous. You will hate the word Shamrock and its jingle 30 minutes into the movie. That is probably what you will remember most because the movie is lackluster. Slow and boring most of the time. Worth it if you like bad movies.

2 Shamrock jingle/10.


You might not love this movie now. But the song will infect your soul and you'll learn to love it.


Took yesterday and today off from the marathon - just needed a break, and had to get some things done in the evenings. Will resume tomorrow. Probably won't make up the lost days, but I've already watched more this year than in the last two.
Took yesterday and today off from the marathon - just needed a break, and had to get some things done in the evenings. Will resume tomorrow. Probably won't make up the lost days, but I've already watched more this year than in the last two.


that's why I double up on the weekends just so I don't fall behind/buy myself a day off from time to time.


Homeland Security Fail
1)The Blair Witch Project (Netflix, Mexico)
2)Halloween (remake, Netflix Canada)
3)The Crazies (Netflix, Canada)
4)The Collector (Netflix Canada)
5)Halloween 2 (remake, Netflix Canada)
6)Slugs (Netflix US)
7)The Collection (Netflix US)
8)Pumpkinhead (Netflix US)
9)Freddy vs Jason (Netflix Canada)
10)House at the End of the Street (Netflix US)
11)Would You Rather (Netflix Canada)
12)Wrong Turn (Netflix Sweden)
13)The Mist (Netflix Canada)
14)The Descent (Netflix Canada)
15)Dead Silence (Netflix Canada)
16)Pontypool (Netflix US)
17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK)

18)Apollo 18 (Netflix US): Terrible. Not even worth the write up. Only if you are a huge fan of Sci and Horror should you check it out. Boring and half the time you can't see what the heck is going on. Don't listen to the reviews like I did.


19)Devil (Netflix US): I think this is an underrated movie. A movie that gets hate just because Shyamalan is attached to it. Good, suspenseful movie with a decent amount of scares. The kills are well done considering they are all in an elevator. The "twist" and ending are alright, even if you might see it coming. Go in with low expectations and you should walk away with satisfied.

17)Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (Netflix UK): How Did This Get Made? podcast will feature an episode on this movie, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone. Glad I watched this because it is a total mind fuck of a film. For horrible reasons. I don't remember this movie at all so it was to my surprise it doesn't have Michael Myers in it....at all. Well, if you don't count Halloween 1 playing on a tv in the background.

So many wtf moments, so little time. The plot is over the top and ridiculous. You will hate the word Shamrock and its jingle 30 minutes into the movie. That is probably what you will remember most because the movie is lackluster. Slow and boring most of the time. Worth it if you like bad movies.

2 Shamrock jingle/10.

I love this movie. This could've been the start of something great if they kept with the original idea to make a new Halloween-themed movie every year. I love the absurdness of the movie and plot. The music and the Dr. Challis (Tom Atkins) are great. The idea that this crazy man wants to kill a bunch of kids is cool and original, if you ignore the fact of Time Zones and the stations would never air such a crazy commercial.


Day 18: Curtains (1983)


This is a creepy 80's slasher film about six actresses at a casting call in a remote New England mansion. They are auditioning for the role of Audra, the psychotic heroine of the film. But after one of the girls is murdered, the rest begin to wonder if the role is worth dying for...but it may be too late.

The killer in this one wears an Old Hag's mask and wields a variety of knives. It's a sinister look and I would freak the f**k out if someone attacked me wearing the damn thing. Not to mention the eerie effin' doll that appears in dream sequences or around where the victims are, seemingly for no reason at all other than to add a ton of creep factor to the movie.

The Ice Skating scene: http://youtu.be/jAYhsZRq5Fs

Curtains seems to be an obscure gem of the VHS era, check it out if you're into the 80's slasher genre.


October 19

The apology for the content in one of the posters for the film seems oddly fitting, as The Devils is entirely unapologetic of what you are to lay witness to. Heresy, sacrilege, blasphemy, profanity, and all other sorts of fun words to describe offenses to Christianity are all on display, and dialed up so high that numbers cannot be used to quantify them. Indeed, one would have to be extraordinarily devout to take any real offense to the imagery on display, or at least the suits at Warner Bros., who have seen fit to make seeing the film in its intended form as difficult as possible. While the DVD I obtained to watch the film is of rather poor video quality, Ken Russell's incredible eye for visuals and gift for the theatrical are too strong for VHS-sourced material to ruin completely. Gathering up a great cast, including a towering performance from Oliver Reed, and setting them loose on the wonderful sets, Russell manages the impossible task of orchestrating the widespread chaos that the events of the film turn to once everybody starts thinking they're possessed by the devil himself, and he does not let up on the excess or his control over it. Definitely not a film to be missed, assuming you can get your hands on it somehow.


This was a fun night out. There was a local zombie walk event that culminated in a drive-in style double feature of Gamera vs. Guiron (which would the one where Gamera does a routine on a high bar), and this film. Dated as it is, and clunky as its exposition gets, the stark photography really shines on a larger screen, and a lot of its eerie power still remains. Yeah, I had to put up with a surprisingly consistent train schedule, a couple of car alarms, and a Mediterranean restaurant blasting music from time to time, but it's hard to argue against the chance to see a film like that in a large format.

SANITY CHECK: Well, this was certainly a mentally taxing week. Although my brain is far from shattered, it certainly has been operating in unusual ways, which has been a boon to my critical analysis, but a rather large mark against normal sleeping patterns. Like the second week, it was another week with high highs and low lows, and the increased amount of sterner material made it even more remarkable. It certainly does feel like it's time for some respite, in the form of familiar films, even my opinion of them isn't so hot to begin with.

October 20 preview: To begin our week of dreaded rewatches, we dive right in with one of my oldest nemeses: Scream.


Homeland Security Fail
I love this movie. This could've been the start of something great if they kept with the original idea to make a new Halloween-themed movie every year. I love the absurdness of the movie and plot. The music and the Dr. Challis (Tom Atkins) are great. The idea that this crazy man wants to kill a bunch of kids is cool and original, if you ignore the fact of Time Zones and the stations would never air such a crazy commercial.

I had to go looking up the story behind the movie (why Myers wasn't in it, etc) and came across the original idea. Which I have to agree, would have been better. My post reads like I hated it, but I actually enjoyed the craziness of the film. It is like the writers had bets on who can write the most insane scene into the movie.

Edit - Also that doc was spreading STDs like nobody's business.







Pet Sematary - 7/10

I thought it would be about tons of dead pets coming back to life, instead it was about a murderous undead 3 y/o which was surprisingly even more stupid than I had thought it would be. Still had some unsettling moments however.


#19 - Cabin in the Woods

If you haven't seen this and still call yourself a fan of the horror genre, get on it. Almost nothing is superfluous in this production; everything is there for a reason and it all leads up to a metaphor that is hard not to appreciate. The best parts are when the film gets goofy, but when things are focused on the "main" characters, things still move nicely and without too much contrivance. My favorite bit involved the blonde and her boyfriend - the entire subfloor cheers on the appearance of tits just as the actual audience does. We're so conditioned to expect certain things from horror that when it doesn't surprise us and instead plays to our expectations, we're happy. This sort of conundrum about what we are really hoping for in a horror flick is what makes CitW great. Watch this one this October.


Crime thrillers named for the color of the books they were modeled after; giallo is Italian for yellow.

Usually involve bladed weapons, focus on the murders, and a mystery.

They aren't specifically horror, but there exist many blends of the two.
Any examples of non-horror giallo's?


October 20 preview: To begin our week of dreaded rewatches, we dive right in with one of my oldest nemeses: Scream.
I'm looking forward to see if there are any movies you changed your mind on and why this upcoming week.

Also; The Devil is indeed marvelous.



During the last year's Halloween marathon I got to see the first V/H/S and enjoyed it, so I decided to watch the sequel last night. I also found this one to be as entertaining as the first movie and I hope to see another sequel next year. The short stories in V/H/S/2 were in my opinionen better written than V/H/S, especially the third and the fourth ones.


#19 - Cabin in the Woods

If you haven't seen this and still call yourself a fan of the horror genre, get on it. Almost nothing is superfluous in this production; everything is there for a reason and it all leads up to a metaphor that is hard not to appreciate. The best parts are when the film gets goofy, but when things are focused on the "main" characters, things still move nicely and without too much contrivance. My favorite bit involved the blonde and her boyfriend - the entire subfloor cheers on the appearance of tits just as the actual audience does. We're so conditioned to expect certain things from horror that when it doesn't surprise us and instead plays to our expectations, we're happy. This sort of conundrum about what we are really hoping for in a horror flick is what makes CitW great. Watch this one this October.

i thought that they gave away the plot way to fast, imo it was better if they did that later in the movie.
Need some help Thirstyfly. What makes a giallo a giallo? Is it like Italian horror plus a mystery? I'm pretty confused.

Well, it's a bit tricky actually. "Giallo" is a bit of an umbrella term in Italy. Like Count Dookkake said the name is taken from pulp mystery novels that all always had yellow covers and can be used to describe any type of crime or mystery story. Movies like Psycho would be labeled a giallo in Italy. In fact, the wikipedia entry even suggests a German crime movie as what became the template of Italian gialli.

For our purposes, I'd say anything that follows the Blood and Black Lace template is indicative of a giallo. They're usually characterized by violent, almost slasher-like kills and a mystery. They pretty much always feature a masked or hidden killer, often having kills shot from the killers point of view (see Argento's gialli).

What really sets them apart from typical mystery movies is Italian gialli usually use creative camera angles, crazy, almost overbearing musical scores and over-the-top kills.

Wikipedia has a pretty exhaustive list of what they consider gialli, but I haven't seen enough to comment on its accuracy. For example, they list StageFright but I'd say that's a straight up slasher.

Any examples of non-horror giallo's?

Yeah, just look at 50% of my giallo week this month :(

A Lizard in a Woman's Skin is definitely not a horror movie. It deals with the case of a single murder, so there's no slasher aspect to it.

What Have You Done to Solange?, Don't Torture a Duckling and Watch Me When I Kill are also debatable. They do feature some pretty grisly kills and a mystery so they could go either way.

If you're just getting into gialli, I'd say start with all of Argento's and work your way out from there.


time for a update of Friday and Saturday.

18. Night Of The Creeps (netflix Uk)

Its such a shame that this doesn't get the attention it deserves its a very fun concept (parasites and aliens) little nods to the horror genre (characters with the last names of directors romero etc) and so Tom Atkins generally being bad ass

then at a friends suggestion we watched The Last Broadcast (bonus film)

Pre Blair Witch very low budget but i loved the idea behind it (IRC chat, public access cable tv) and it plays out very well. Now onto Last nights movie....

19. Scream (netflix Uk)

The film that Kickstarted the slasher revival of the 90s possibly cravens best outside of New Nightmare and The People Under The Stairs. This is one film i never get old of seeing
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