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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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I assume all of the people who think that there is little difference between 1080p and 720p all own 720p televisions and don't play Blu-Rays or stream 1080p movies, right? Sorry, it's a little hard to take people seriously who are still banging that drum in this day and age. This argument was dead and buried a long time ago and the only time people still use it is when they have an agenda to push, which in this case is trying to lessen the blowback from a so-called next gen console that can't even manage full HD in it's biggest titles.

The downplaying has been hilarious throughout this entire thread.
This would be like the 360 having to render Call of Duty 2 in 480p at its launch.

Hopefully this is a misunderstanding or a fluke. Resolution isn't everything. The Wii U Ghosts will most likely also be 720p but I bet there will be a sizeable leap in fidelity between it and X1.

That said, I'll be going for 1080p. I can easily and immediately see resolution differences. It's a bit scary to see launch games challenge a system's power. Makes the future feel a bit uncertain to be charitable.
Especially the game that has essentially been Microsoft's flagship title the past few years...

I can't believe Microsoft would have settled on a console design that would struggle to render the latest COD in 1080p 60fps.
That should have been like the low benchmark...

I'm guessing this is related to the Xbone's rumored driver issues..


If PS4is 1080p and X1 is 720p I will 100% be getting the PS4. Not that I give a shit about COD but it would let us see the future for other multi platform games I do care about.


This would be like the 360 having to render Call of Duty 2 in 480p at its launch.

Hopefully this is a misunderstanding or a fluke. Resolution isn't everything. The Wii U Ghosts will most likely also be 720p but I bet there will be a sizeable leap in fidelity between it and X1.

That said, I'll be going for 1080p. I can easily and immediately see resolution differences. It's a bit scary to see launch games challenge a system's power. Makes the future feel a bit uncertain to be charitable.

The DF Faceoffs will be wildly entertaining for these games.
Now imagine the casual gamer coming in here and actually saying they give a shit about any of this. It just doesn't fit.

That is where this whole idea that the resolution is a gamechanger just completely rams head first into a wall. The difference may be "pretty clear" to the hardcore or those that are looking to max out their PC every few months, but to people who play xbox live and make your momma jokes into the mic? Really?

Honestly, as an XBL gamer since the original Xbox I almost hope that the majority of the people found on XBL today switch so that there is a lower ratio of asshats on XBL when I play.

Wait a moment, I will be playing PS4 online also...so maybe all of those silly online gamer poopdicks that are experience ruiners should just stop playing online. I have such fond memories of the time when gamers didn't realizing they could be touch holes online, so instead I had the best experiences ever in Ghost Recon, MechWarrior and Halo 2 (for four months until all the cheating and poopdicks).

On topic: I'm sure this will be something that our PC gaming overlords will be elitist about. I can see why, for sure. It is an absolute embarrassment that the a closed system in 2013, 8 years after its predecessor, can't manage to run games at a native true HD resolution. Primarily console gamers will probably just realize that it looks better than the current gen versions. I don't expect very many early adopters to be dropping the cash for both of these systems and multiple copies of the same game for the two systems to play them side by side. I am not discounting that the more powerful system matters, not by a long shot, especially when it is also less expensive. The word of mouth could be harmful, but I don't see the relatively few people that do care impacting sales on the X1 more than that price disparity.
Gotta give credit where credit is due. Some major props for the manner in which you handled the OP, Amir0x. You took a subject that is as perfectly ripe as it gets for exaggeration, sensationalism, and just plain console wars fodder of the highest order, and, in my personal opinion based on what I see at the moment, packaged it in a way that successfully avoids playing into any of that. Instead, the post is handled in a pretty neutral and non-controversial way that is much more focused on genuinely informing people above all else.

It's shocking that this should be something worth complimenting at all, but I don't think it happens nearly as much as it should, which makes those rare exceptions when it does worth pointing out.

Damn, you just moved up a notch in my book, Amir0x. That puts you at notch one.



I'm baffled. CoD Ghosts will run at 720p and 60fps on Xbox 360. So what exactly is going on if XB1 can also only run a game developed primarily for last-gen consoles at the exact same resolution and framerate?

BLOPS 2 ran at 880x720 on Xbox 360, so Ghosts probably won't get to 720p (1280x720) on the 360 either.

Also, as others have mentioned, IW is adding more effects for next gen systems like better lighting, "sub d" modelling, having fish swim out of your way, etc.


Is the PS4 version native 1080p? Earlier in this thread Y2kev hinted that COD isn't 1080p in PS4. I know he's a mod so he probably has some insider information.


Is the PS4 version native 1080p? Earlier in this thread Y2kev hinted that COD isn't 1080p in PS4. I know he's a mod so he probably has some insider information.

No one really knows except for the twitter post by Infinity Ward saying they were playing the 1080p PS4 version. Upscaled or Native, no idea.

The fuck is wrong with some of you in this thread?

LOL. Perfect response.


Is there more to this story or is there really an 85 page thread because the PS4 version has a higher resolution?

I'm not thread whining, genuinely curious if there is more to this than what meets the eye.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Like I said, if Treyarch can get the WiiU version above 720, the lols will be massive. Do it Treyarch! Doooo it!!
Are you kidding me? It won't even be 720p let alone above it.

Black Ops 2 ran slower on Wii U than any other version as well. The framerate was awful at times.
Some of the reaction is unwarranted. We've been hearing rumours that development on the Xbox is a few months behind that of Sony's machine, so it wouldn't be entirely surprising that some games weren't as polished; we saw this early on in the life of the PS3 too if you recall.

But most importantly, despite the tone of some of the posts here, the Xbox One isn't limited to 720p; we see it producing Ryse and Forza; these are the games from devs who have had more time to polish.

And to the COD crowd? Since when was COD a graphics powerhouse? The game will still more copies than anything on the shelf irrespective of this news. If anything, I the delay to Driveclub is probably more harmful than this

So first you say there hasn't been as much time due to the X1 potentially being behind.

.........and then you say there has been more time.

Please clarify.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Is the PS4 version native 1080p? Earlier in this thread Y2kev hinted that COD isn't 1080p in PS4. I know he's a mod so he probably has some insider information.

I don't know if there is evidence, but I wouldn't be surprised. A 1080p/720p difference on release would be a bit too much for the actual hardware difference. The (naive) math would suggest differences in the range of 720p/900p, but doesn't factor in how well the developer could port the game in relatively little time.
I just tried to talk to the xbox one reddit but the mods shut me down.

I think.

I don't know, the post is still there but I can't find it anywhere on the actual reddit. Maybe removed posts go the abyss?
My guess is that MS wanted to avoid this leak at all costs before launch. As famousmortimer said, it is pretty damaging. There is enough time for this news to spread now.


I just tried to talk to the xbox one reddit but the mods shut me down.

I think.

I don't know, the post is still there but I can't find it anywhere on the actual reddit. Maybe removed posts go the abyss?

The mods running that section have deleted every single submission that has popped up talking about these rumors. They've seemed to have left the last two recent ones, but then deleted your submission.
I don't know if there is evidence, but I wouldn't be surprised. A 1080p/720p difference on release would be a bit too much for the actual hardware difference. The (naive) math would suggest differences in the range of 720p/900p, but doesn't factor in how well the developer could port the game in relatively little time.

Actually the math is solid.

It makes perfect sense...especially when combining things like how efficient the memory is with how much more powerful the GPU is. Previous benches based on the specs pretty much showed this.

Now add the extra resources taken for the multiple OS and Kinect...
I just tried to talk to the xbox one reddit but the mods shut me down.

I think.

I don't know, the post is still there but I can't find it anywhere on the actual reddit. Maybe removed posts go the abyss?

I wouldn't doubt that after Reddit kept closing down the #PS4noDRM campaign over there, yet political campaign is very ok to them.


It's gotten to that point where it feels slightly bad to laugh at MS. Their epic proportions of fail have gone from hilarious to sad.
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