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Turn 10 Hear the Complaints, Respond with Weekend DLC sale. Buy now!



Complaint: "$60 should include everything".

Response: "Half price on ALL THE THINGS!".

or you can just play the game to earn cars like you're supposed to and not pay anything
Or they can just include cheat codes like they're supposed to.


The method is kind of an encouragement to spend money on things people were pissed about having to spend money on. It is a little ironic, but great they are working on another fix going forward.

Oh yeah, I agree that the immediate fix is trying to sweeten the bitter pill that everyone is complaining about, but I figured that a lot of people missed the temporary part and were raging, so I didn't want to add more fuel to the fire.


Not only that, it actually makes things worse. Not only have they shat on their customers, they're now shitting twice on people who already bought cars up till now.
No kidding. Had those people waited a week from launch they could have spent half the price. I'd feel totally scammed. Would never want to give Microsoft another dime and that would be if I was a proponent of this kind of thing. It's not like those people are getting refunds.

So now they've officially ticked off people who hate microtransactions and the people who like them. Who's left to piss off?

Guys they can't completely change the entire game in a week
....for crying out loud. At least they're making some changes.

They could just completely ignore complaints....and do nothing. I guess some would prefer that?

Obviously we would love/like the tokens completely removed. That's probably impossible without rebuilding the entire game...but who knows...

How can this not get fixed in an instant? People are mad about pricing and being locked out of stuff unless obscene amount of hours is played. Why can't they just permanently price drop everything again?



Guys they can't completely change the entire game in a week
....for crying out loud. At least they're making some changes.

They could just completely ignore complaints....and do nothing. I guess some would prefer that?

Obviously we would love/like the tokens completely removed. That's probably impossible without rebuilding the entire game...but who knows...


They can change the prices to not be astronomic, as they just did. Since its literally updating a number.

No one is asking for them to change the whole game.

Just highlight a number on a database, and make it not what it is.

Edit: like they are doing. Right now.
No need for excuses.


You know what. I understand their response. But this is back-peddling. Everyone must remember: they launched with what they BELIEVED was an acceptable economy. In their minds, they shipped a product with these real money transactions they believed were fair and Ok to represent their product.

That to me makes no kind of response OK; I won't be supporting this company ever again. But I guess good on people that will continue to do so.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Even half off the prices are effing ridiculous.

So instead of a $100 for a car it's $50. WOW WHAT A DEAL.
that they feel the need to do this says they know damn well there was a problem.
I appreciate the fact that Turn 10 addressing this issue, even in a limited manner, makes those that defended the original model look really stupid

Guys they can't completely change the entire game in a week
....for crying out loud. At least they're making some changes.

They could just completely ignore complaints....and do nothing. I guess some would prefer that?

Obviously we would love/like the tokens completely removed. That's probably impossible without rebuilding the entire game...but who knows...

Don't you think it's easier to make a permanent change to a game rather than change it for a day and change it again to how it used to be?


A temporary pacifier? If significant and permanent changes are not made, then I'll just be skipping right over this game when I get an Xbox One next year.


So people dislike how the game has microtransactions.

So T10 decide to just make the microtransactions cheaper, hoping more people buy them?

Am I the only one who sees the problem here?
Makers of a first party XBone game make a tone deaf response to an issue that its customers are very angry about, and the action they're taking doesn't even really address the issue?

Shocking, I say. Simply shocking.


So generous
Such bargain

Yeah this is BS, hopefully they actually fix the issue instead of trying to keep the current model by bribing the current users. This does not help anyone who plans on buying the game in the near future.


"We've listened to you and we'll do the right thing and remove our microtransaction cash grab. But first... please buy as much as you can for 50% off. This weekend only. Act now!"

I see it more like - "You whiners weren't going to buy any of this shit anyways, so here's a temporary 50% so we can take some money from you and you will SHUT UP so we can continue exploiting future customers."
how about actually removing this feature rather than discounting the tokens. the complaints were about the actual microtransactions being IN the game rather than how much they cost


The 48hr thing was probably always the plan for Black Friday, just redressed to be a response to customer feedback.
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