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Fighting Games Weekly | Jan 6-12 | Nothing Happened HD Remix


This is my first time watching this Punisher player.

His Hawkeye is really bad execution wise... so many drops. But he makes it up with his Rocket Raccoon play.. the heart of the team. You gotta snap that 'Coon in.

This Raccoon play reminded me of someone claiming a long ass time ago that Rocket Raccoon is a mythical counter to Vergil. I always knew where that guy was coming from but this is the first time seeing it in action. I still don't think it's a hard counter but RR has some great tools against Vergil's skill set.

If Raccon has Cold Star assist, Vergil is 100% dead on incoming. He has zero ways to escape. [edit: and 1 meter, which the Rocket/Cold Star team always has.]
If Raccon has Cold Star assist, Vergil is 100% dead on incoming. He has zero ways to escape. [edit: and 1 meter, which the Rocket/Cold Star team always has.]

I imagine it's a spring super->unblockable setup right? What combo do you use to ensure he doesn't survive though?

I should try a Raccoon/Ammy team again, but I just don't feel comfortable having him open the match for some reason. That and I like Spitfire too much to not have him second or anchor.


I imagine it's a spring super->unblockable setup right? What combo do you use to ensure he doesn't survive though?

I should try a Raccoon/Ammy team again, but I just don't feel comfortable having him open the match for some reason. That and I like Spitfire too much to not have him second or anchor.

You don't have to ensure he dies. You just need a corner knockdown so you can set up another inescapable unblockable on his wakeup. Without an invincible reversal option, it just loops indefinitely. I've been doing it to people for many months now.

Can't wait for those fighting game micro-transactions.

You don't have to ensure he dies. You just need a corner knockdown so you can set up another inescapable unblockable on his wakeup. Without an invincible reversal option, it just loops indefinitely. I've been doing it to people for many months now.

Who's your third on that team? I used to have Frank on my Rocket/Ammy team but it probably wasn't the best of choices.
I really hope Paradigm x-copies some of this stuff for his Haggar/RR/Arthur team. His playstyle is much more deliberate and less setup based but he is the only one that I know who uses RR frequently in the WC.


I wonder if Capcom is seriously considering the idea of monetizing online play like arcades. Like Namco already flirted with the idea with those tickets in Tekken Revolution.
I wonder if Capcom is seriously considering the idea of monetizing online play like arcades. Like Namco already flirted with the idea with those tickets in Tekken Revolution.

Hard sell considering you have to pay a monthly fee to play on ps4 now. ps3 online is free.
I wonder if Capcom is seriously considering the idea of monetizing online play like arcades. Like Namco already flirted with the idea with those tickets in Tekken Revolution.

It'd be interesting if they did something like have a version that was pretty much the full game but it worked like an arcade cab along with the option of just fully buying the game for the regular price.
I always wondered if a model like this would work, but with how much latency effects fighting games I don't think it would be truly viable any time soon.

But what if a fighting game that had stuff like titles and cosmetics like Dota 2. The developer would throw events players could buy in like an online tournament (or maybe set up in a regional round robin) and players that place high enough could get an item and the top placer could get something really rare. This does a few things, first it generates income for the developer, while also giving players an incentive to keep playing and practicing. The other thing it adds is market value for items. Items for games like Dota 2 and TF2 a lot depending on rarity, and having some item rarity based on skill based criteria could be a way of influencing markets and the developer themselves can have control on what they let into the market to effect its value.

edit: Another problem this runs in to is that tournaments are considered gambling in some areas I believe. And even though you could say that there is no money involved, I remember hearing about some case in South Korea that they considered stuff gained from things like Gachapon to have value and effected some gambling outcome. But someone more knowledgeable on the case and gambling laws will hopefully clear this up.


Based on what?
I didn't say that is what will happen.. I am saying I would not be surprised one bit if it did happen given Capcom's new "philosophies" with game developing and monetizing.

Besides Pay to Win format of monetization is not beneath Capcom at all, they have done it before. They are gearing towards making lower budget/cost titles with higher level of monetization over making quality products.

And the era of single player Capcom is pretty much over. The next DMC game if it ever happens will have forced online co-op, multiplayer, "social" elements and monetization. If I see something as ridiculous as a "style booster" pack for money... I will burn all my DMC games.


I wonder if Capcom is seriously considering the idea of monetizing online play like arcades. Like Namco already flirted with the idea with those tickets in Tekken Revolution.
There will always be a timer or such to allow you free games, just like what TR does.
This is part of the whole thing: you want A LOT of people playing your game, so that the (very) small fraction of players who will be willing to pay will be enough to give you a nice revenue stream. And to achieve that, a clever way of generating frustration is needed -- you can't do that if you have to pay for every single one of your match, because then a huuuuuuge part of your potential user base just wouldn't exist.


I want coop in Bayonetta 2.
Single-player coop.
I want to be able to switch between Bayonetta and Jeanne on the fly, like weapon switching or style switching...


I know eventhubs is shit and so is their active community, but in what world is CJ Truth a better player than Eita?


That's an oxymoron.

Edit: wait no, wrong word. But yeah speculations ARE baseless by definition.

Speculation is the lack of decisive evidence, not necessary a complete lack of reasoning. There's a spectrum of ass-pulling one can land on.

I didn't say that is what will happen.. I am saying I would not be surprised one bit if it did happen given Capcom's new "philosophies" with game developing and monetizing.

I really would like to know what this definite philosophy is.

You mean given a quote where a developer who works at Capcom said, more or less, in Japanese that was then translated that social games on consoles are not necessarily restricted to the models known in the Japanese mobile arena (namely, gacha and cards battles), but can be as broadly defined as "communication" (later described as "online" connectivity) between players involving "game elements" and "monetization" and with that "standpoint" all games are moving towards this.

Now what does communication mean / what can be done and already has been done with online connectivity in games (that, for example, may not mean "co-op")? What does monetization mean and how does it differ from how things are handled currently on consoles within and outside Capcom? What does game elements mean exactly? Does it simply mean "game mechanic"? Finally, for the sake of comparison, how will this new Capcom differ from how say, Namco/EA/Valve/etc. are currently ran (which is also asking: is he right about the market as a whole)?

Shit that should go through your head before you burn your videogames because you're strong attachment to corporations and their product brands has made you sad.

I think it is likely given Capcom seems to have no idea what they are doing and will most likely try every model possible until something sticks.

Sure, if they haven't already. I mean what is a social game under this dude's definition? How is, for example, Dragon's Dogma not one?


I'm with you, Riposte. It's a messy quote from a company people are wary of, but that thread is just a complete shitshow of people who have already convinced themselves of some crazy ass shit.


I'm with you, Riposte. It's a messy quote from a company people are wary of, but that thread is just a complete shitshow of people who have already convinced themselves of some crazy ass shit.

W/e, for the most part it is just the GAF that follows videogame gossip and bandwagons too closely knee-jerking right on time. Dahbomb is saying the craziest shit in this thread as far as I'm concerned. His theory-craft powers put to poor use.


. At Capcom, we define social games as means for facilitating communication among users and something in which game elements and monetization are involved. From this standpoint, we think that all games will be basically social in future.
This part guys is what has people going crazy. Come on now.
Residentevil.net for Revelations wasn't bad at all. In fact you can get some free guns off it to use in game and stock up on items for raid mode through it if you wanted. You could completely play without even going near the site and it wouldn't effect you one bit. I wouldn't mind if they focus on better match sharing or more options like better lobbies (the bbcp arcade one looks pretty cool).
Maybe they will make you pay to have premium channels in the replays channel to save stuff or edit videos or something. Or maybe they will roll out SF.TV with sf5 or something.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Man, I had no idea Bum was streaming last night. Damn. I'm always on that when he's on, the level of play there for the last months have been crazy.

Glad to see people checking out Punisher, he's been putting in serious work at the House of Crack for at least a few months now, and his Rocket Raccoon is insane. When I was messing around with RR on and off, I saw how good Spitfire Twice was as well - it's basically a mini Sentinel Drones assist, except that RR always jumps in next to you. Really, really good.

Thanks for those links, gonna check them when I get the chance, Bum linked/uploaded Punisher matches in the past on his Youtube as well, I was always lucky to catch them live though.
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