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10 terrible CGI moments in big budget movies

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This scene from the first X-Men movie was laughably awful in 2000.

Didn't the president of Fox nuke the budget literally right before production?
The Long Kiss Goodnight has scene where (I think) SLJ drives a car out of the back of a truck and a CGI guy dives out of the way. It's terrible. I can't find it though.
That first X-Men movie plays so oddly now, after seeing where everything winds up in Logan.

Fuckin X-Men crawling all over the Statue of Liberty. Can't even imagine it now.


Return of the King
Legolas and the Mumakil
Deep Blue Sea
The shark eats Samuel Jackson
The Ring 2
The deer attack the car
I am Legend
Everything about the vampire people
The Matrix Reloaded
All the fights, especially the burly brawl
King Kong
The stampede
"Just everything"
Along Came a Spider
Opening car crash
Die Another Day
James Bond windsurfing on icebergs
The Mummy Returns
The Scorpion King

Pretty good list imho
I would swap out
I Am Legend
and get Air Force One in there

No Daredevil?

I'd probably take 5 and 10 off the list. While not great, there are worse examples out there. Daredevil at no. 5 and Matrix Revolutions at no. 10. Though, Wolverine's claws are a pretty egregious example of bad CGI and probably belong at the top of the list.

Also, this

Avatar is probably the best CGI ever and it's almost ten years old

I saw it the other day and its showing its age now. The Navi are still great but the great but the creatures (especially the big back panther thing that looks like a walking turd) have all aged badly.
I hate it when perfectly good practical effects are replaced by bad cgi for no apparent reason
As mentioned, The Thing prequel.
Does Public Enemies count as big budget?

The CGI Depp vaulting over a knee high counter is pretty laughable.


Ill be super disappointed if this didn't make it :(
They used a stunt man to vault over the counter because Depp either couldn't or refused to. So they had to CGI his face over the double.
That entire movie is visually awful. Was it shot digitally, at some high framerate? It looks like television motion-smoothing. The cinematography in a Mann film is usually excellent, but this looked like a soap opera.
That entire movie is visually awful. Was it shot digitally, at some high framerate? It looks like television motion-smoothing. The cinematography in a Mann film is usually excellent, but this looked like a soap opera.
I feel like Captain America: The First Avenger has this to some level but nobody else sees it so I think I'm just going crazy.


I'm gonna admit something. I actually kind of like this movie (I look past what they did to certain characters), even bought the bluray when it went on sale for cheap. But yeah the CGI sucks.

I gave into temptation and downloaded the workprint that leaked before its run in theaters, watched it, figured that this scene (and others) were simply just not complete. Bought a ticket and watched it in theaters and was absolutely shocked that some of the scenes (like this one) showed up looking exactly like they did in the workprint.


Suicide Squad's villain is a human woman with magic powers. It's not a giant monster or robot (though there is a big golem type monster in it), or some fantastical design. It's a human woman wearing a skimpy outfit with a silly looking hat.

So for some inexplicable reason, they made the character CGI. The only part that's live action is a small portion of the actress' face, every other part from the rest of her face and head, to the costume and body, is CGI.
And it looks like shit.

These stills really undersell how crappy it looks in motion. You know when someone like Sunhi does a funny gif where someone's head is put on another body? Those look more convincing. You have this real face floating around this awkward moving video game body.

The dumbest part is obviously that it's not even a complex design, there was no reason to not just have the actress wear a real version of the costume, hell it's less complicated than the other grimier costume the character had earlier in the film, which was all practical.


The intro to LOTR.

When Elrond is in the crater. My god. Even back in 2001 I was like "ew this movies cgi is going to be shot isn't it?"


semen stains the mountaintops
Suicide Squad's villain is a human woman with magic powers. It's not a giant monster or robot (though there is a big golem type monster in it), or some fantastical design. It's a human woman wearing a skimpy outfit with a silly looking hat.

So for some inexplicable reason, they made the character CGI. The only part that's live action is a small portion of the actress' face, every other part from the rest of her face and head, to the costume and body, is CGI.
And it looks like shit.

These stills really undersell how crappy it looks in motion. You know when someone like Sunhi does a funny gif where someone's head is put on another body? Those look more convincing. You have this real face floating around this awkward moving video game body.

The dumbest part is obviously that it's not even a complex design, there was no reason to not just have the actress wear a real version of the costume, hell it's less complicated than the other grimier costume the character had earlier in the film, which was all practical.

A Gaffer worked on that, you just made them really sad.
Bad CGI tends to be exaggerated from time to time...but there's a part of X-Men Apocalypse that looked surprisingly bad. Hard to find a good clip of it. It's Psylocke running and jumping off a building. About 5 seconds of a bad CG model running as the camera moves around it; the hair and belt have this TressFX weightless bounce, there's this bizarre rim lighting around her without any light sources in the scene, and cutting between the real actress and the CG model doesn't help.


It spoils the video on which the list is based. It makes it kind of tedious to watch if you already know the rankings. If you already know the winners, watching the Oscars or Super Bowl is going to be much more dull, even though neither of those have a plot.

Though at his point it's worth using spoiler tags just because it makes people flip out.

Thanos is in this thread.
Suicide Squad's villain is a human woman with magic powers. It's not a giant monster or robot (though there is a big golem type monster in it), or some fantastical design. It's a human woman wearing a skimpy outfit with a silly looking hat.

So for some inexplicable reason, they made the character CGI. The only part that's live action is a small portion of the actress' face, every other part from the rest of her face and head, to the costume and body, is CGI.
And it looks like shit.

These stills really undersell how crappy it looks in motion. You know when someone like Sunhi does a funny gif where someone's head is put on another body? Those look more convincing. You have this real face floating around this awkward moving video game body.

The dumbest part is obviously that it's not even a complex design, there was no reason to not just have the actress wear a real version of the costume, hell it's less complicated than the other grimier costume the character had earlier in the film, which was all practical.

And it's redundant because the actress is already a goddess.


The first Harry Potter movie had PS1 graphics looking CGI... it was really bad.

Apparently they didn't start any of the VFX until post-production began. So it was all really rushed and sloppy. They learned from that mistake with the second film, and it showed with vastly improved effects.
You can tell it's not because of how poorly framed it is. A digital artist would have had the Tumblr and the truck centered in the shot.
True art is usually never centered or symmetrical. The shot would've been lame if it was centered, it would have actually taken away from the action.
I watched Dr Strange on the weekend and one thing that stuck out was the intro when the bad dudes were running in the streets of London then they jumped on the building side ways.

That looked like poor CGI but rest of the movie was ok


Hayden Christensen swapped in at the end of Return of the Jedi.

The worst thing I've ever seen in a film, tbh.

Not CG, so...

Wait is this supposed to be a physical object in the movie and not a hologram? If the former then it's horribad, if latter then it looks fine to me.

It's supposed to be a physical object made of "transformium" that can change form based on what you think at it or some shit. The non-robot effects in that movie are garbage.


I hate Episode 2 as much if not drastically more than everyone, but I can never see what's wrong with this gif...I mean, beyond the movie's inherent shittiness.

Maybe it's the poor quality of the gif, but that looks fine to me

It looks absolutely garbage. The actor looks poorly lit, the environment looks bad, the fucking pear is CGI... for what reason!?

The prequel trilogy truly are the worst movies ever made.
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