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425.000 DS sold in Spain

Ah yes, another country with excellent taste. I think the whole Portugal-Spain-Andorra-France region is where the intelligent gamers live.
Nintendogs has singlehandedly surged/saved DS sales in all regions of the world above the PSP


It's amazing, and I can't wait to see if Pokemon has been replaced by those mutts.

Also, didn't Nintendo announce officially that it sold 1 million DS's in the UK? I'll have to find the link


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
nine words said:
I don´t see why is this. Nintendo =|= Zelda & Mario. I agree that Nintendo is now using the muscle like never before, but its GBA output has been incredibly good, surpasing their work at GC. So, saying Nintendo didn´t do better because it didn´t have competition doesn´t match my reality. Simply, Nintendo hasn´t been that strong (like with DS) since SNES days.

Maybe I should have said EAD hasn't been up to par with the GBA like they've been with the DS. If you'll notice, most of the good Nintendo games on the GBA were made by NIntnedo's other studios, like Intelligent Systems.


The Abominable Snowman said:
Damn, and doesn't the PSP retail for over the US' $250 price tag in Europe? A friend said that the PSP costs the equivalent of $315 there.

VAT people. Come one, it's not that hard.

Europe: 250€ (INCLUDING 16% VAT [in the case of germany, and we're {right now at least} like the country with the smallest amount of vat]) * 1.2 = $300 (roughly)
US: $250 * 16% VAT = $290

Now take into account different exchange rates: It's all gooooood.

€: Excuse my grammar/whatever, company sponsored booze :)


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Oblivion said:
Maybe I should have said EAD hasn't been up to par with the GBA like they've been with the DS. If you'll notice, most of the good Nintendo games on the GBA were made by NIntnedo's other studios, like Intelligent Systems.

agreed. it seems that nintendo put more effort into original titles for the ds(mainly noting nintendogs) but maybe thats due to the touch screen that they've been so bold.


gopher said:
VAT people. Come one, it's not that hard.

Europe: 250€ (INCLUDING 16% VAT [in the case of germany, and we're {right now at least} like the country with the smallest amount of vat]) * 1.2 = $300 (roughly)
US: $250 * 16% VAT = $290

Now take into account different exchange rates: It's all gooooood.

€: Excuse my grammar/whatever, company sponsored booze :)

But i think VAT is not that high in the US, is it? I think it's 8.25% in California.
Here in Spain it's 16% as well


ioi said:
Woah, cool... as somebody posted that only leaves a couple of numbers and most of the picture for Europe is complete.

It's interesting that the weekly graph is almost identical to the UK apart from even higher numbers for DS (relative to PSP) which just shows the impact that Nintendogs + Mario Kart had.

Will be interesting to see what happens with Animal Crossing, Brain Trainings and so on and if they can keep momentum going...

I think best guesses are (upto end 2005):

UK- 950k
France- 750k
Germany- 520k
Spain- 425k
Others- 850k

Total- 3.5m

UK- 795k
France- 500k
Germany- 350k
Spain 295k

Others- 500k

Total- 2.45m
These guesses are totally fubared for the reasons stated repeatedly in the Sony earnings thread. It would put more PSPs on shelves and in transit than in consumer hands. Retailers would then have ordered and inordinate number of units of a system that wasn't/isn't showing the demand...if your guesses are to be believed. If you'd like to believe that, be my guest. It's just odd that the biggest market (NA) would have a smaller discrepency than EU, going by NPD figures alone. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and I believe it's the guessing game that's being played with EU numbers.

You have 20-25% of the figures guesstimated (850k/3.5M and 500k/2.5M). That is an unacceptable percent error no matter what statistic you are talking about. PEACE.



So Japan's not the only country to suffer severe DS shortages. Hope Nintendo fulfills them soon.

Nintendogs & Nintendo DS were sold out in ALL Spain for about one month.

couldn't the competition be from Ngage? I heard it has sold like 2 million in Spain, that could definitely could account for some in this last year.

N-Gage sold about 2 millions worlwide. In Spain Nokia sold about +250.000 N-Gage.


Gessle said:
But i think VAT is not that high in the US, is it? I think it's 8.25% in California.
Here in Spain it's 16% as well

VAT differes in the US. That's why you don't have the VAT amount added to the price.

But that's also why you can only compare prices with the specific VAT amount. You can't go: "Well, the PSP in the US is cheaper, because it's only 220€, and the PSP in europe costs 250€".

Anyways, I'm off.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
couldn't the competition be from Ngage? I heard it has sold like 2 million in Spain, that could definitely could account for some in this last year.

As a Mobile Game developer from Spain I simply tell you no. We don't have any concrete numbers, but they're not close to the quarter million someone posted there.

About NDS, there's a great marketting campaing with a very popular duo called "Estopa". Those two started writing songs when they were working at Seat (car maker atached to Volsvagem) and on their songs they talked about how much they love to play the "Nintendo".

Also, I can remember when Dreamcast was release and a especial program for sat made and interview with them, they asked if they love more Sega GT or Gran Turismo, and those guys answered F-Zero X for N64 was a lot much fun.

That's why I love them and I buy all of their CD's :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Back on topic, Nintendo DS is making a crash with all the great games, but there in Spain Nintendogs was a big hit (hundreds of young girls got a copy) and Mario Kart has made hardcore gamers cry of love. There's also hundreds of unoficial tournaments and meetings on Barcelona.

Nintendo DS is just love to gaming like it was back in the Super NES era.

couldn't the competition be from Ngage? I heard it has sold like 2 million in Spain, that could definitely could account for some in this last year.

Actually, no. In Spain it did just as bad as everywhere else. I bet most of the Ngages here were sold as prepay phones by mobile operators or whatever.

Nintendogs & Nintendo DS were sold out in ALL Spain for about one month.

Hadn't noticed that. Then again, I'm not really into NDS so I might have overlooked that. What I did see was there were really tasty DS offers during christmas in Spain. Toys'r'us were giving away 50% off coupons in the purchase of a DS to people who spent the value of the Nintendo handheld (that is, 129€) worth in toys. Anyway, Nintendo's handhelds have always done well here, and the DS is no exception [and they haven't released any "real" Pokémon game for it yet! >_<].

I don't wanna sound like a Sony fanboy, but the funny thing is that press release doesn't mention the fact that in Europe the NDS went on sale in March while the PSP in September. That has to count somehow, doesn't it?
Pimpwerx said:
These guesses are totally fubared for the reasons stated repeatedly in the Sony earnings thread. It would put more PSPs on shelves and in transit than in consumer hands. Retailers would then have ordered and inordinate number of units of a system that wasn't/isn't showing the demand...if your guesses are to be believed. If you'd like to believe that, be my guest. It's just odd that the biggest market (NA) would have a smaller discrepency than EU, going by NPD figures alone. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and I believe it's the guessing game that's being played with EU numbers.

You have 20-25% of the figures guesstimated (850k/3.5M and 500k/2.5M). That is an unacceptable percent error no matter what statistic you are talking about. PEACE.

We don't have anything besides these guesses. Sony hasn't given out PSP sales for Europe till the end of 2005, but they have (of course) given out shipments, that seem confusing to quite a few people. The sales we have from the UK, France and Spain indicate that PSP sales for Europe are about 2.5 million (+/- ~300k) and it is practically impossible that they are really near to these 5.2m shipped PSP's.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
Hadn't noticed that. Then again, I'm not really into NDS so I might have overlooked that. What I did see was there were really tasty DS offers during christmas in Spain. Toys'r'us were giving away 50% off coupons in the purchase of a DS to people who spent the value of the Nintendo handheld (that is, 129€) worth in toys.


¿No se te ha ocurrido nada mejor?

De verdad, ya me dirás en que toy's rus has visto tu esas ofertas, por que en el de Sant Boi desde luego no habian NDS con las que adjuntar la oferta.


ichigo kurosaki said:
I don't wanna sound like a Sony fanboy, but the funny thing is that press release doesn't mention the fact that in Europe the NDS went on sale in March while the PSP in September. That has to count somehow, doesn't it?

Not really as the DS quickly started selling more than the PSP after PSPs release.
Kroole said:
Not really as the DS quickly started selling more than the PSP after PSPs release.

That's true, but considering the PSP has been like 5 months less in the market, they aren't that far away from each other in terms of sales.

BTW, I just wanted to point out that Toys'r'us offer I mentioned in the other post must have been a limited-time offer, I didn't want to use that to justify the console's sales in Spain. There aren't that many Toys'r'us over here, either.


Pimpwerx said:
These guesses are totally fubared for the reasons stated repeatedly in the Sony earnings thread. It would put more PSPs on shelves and in transit than in consumer hands. Retailers would then have ordered and inordinate number of units of a system that wasn't/isn't showing the demand...if your guesses are to be believed. If you'd like to believe that, be my guest. It's just odd that the biggest market (NA) would have a smaller discrepency than EU, going by NPD figures alone. Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, and I believe it's the guessing game that's being played with EU numbers.

You have 20-25% of the figures guesstimated (850k/3.5M and 500k/2.5M). That is an unacceptable percent error no matter what statistic you are talking about. PEACE.

Sony have shipped 5.02m PSPs in Europe and sold 2.5m. Simple as that...


I find it truly amazing people decide to trust estimates off the inernet over actual HARD figures released by the company themselves.

And how some of you can honestly believe that there are 2.5 million~ PSPs on storeshelves while Sony has only sold about the same amount is simply mind-boggling.

Im truly at a loss for words....humanity as i know it is trumbling under my very footsteps.

How can you people be in such unbelievable denial? I mean what you people are saying doesnt even come close to logical comments anymore "2.5 million sold while 2.5 million sit on store shelves, that must be it!"


The Joker

Actually, considering the large gaps between shipped and sold-through for PSP in NA and Japan it doesn't seem that far-fetched with a ~2.5 million gap in Europe. Regardless, Sony obviously don't want people to know how many PSPs they've actually sold.

EAD Ninja

Maybe I should have said EAD hasn't been up to par with the GBA like they've been with the DS. If you'll notice, most of the good Nintendo games on the GBA were made by NIntnedo's other studios, like Intelligent Systems.

Super Mario Advance, Super Mario Advance 2, Super Mario Advance 3, Super Mario Advance 4, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission, Wario Ware, Wario Land 4, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past DX, all by EAD.

Although, EAD has devoted bigger staffs to developing in-house software for the DS than the GBA, I would say the best GBA games were still made by EAD.
I don't know if I can trust the PSP number, but thanks to Nintendo giving actual sales data (SELLING 3.5 million in Europe) we at least know those numbers. They also have given most of the separate regional sales (UK = 1 million, Spain = 425,000, Germany = 520k) so their numbers are good.

PSP, I think it'd be lower than that number but, who am I to judge?


Oblivion said:
Maybe I should have said EAD hasn't been up to par with the GBA like they've been with the DS. If you'll notice, most of the good Nintendo games on the GBA were made by NIntnedo's other studios, like Intelligent Systems.
And I agree there in terms of original content. However, as I already said Nintendo isn´t only Mario and Zelda or EAD (old EAD I mean, now almost every group is called EAD-"something"). Intelligent Systems is one of the most talented developers all around, not only among Nintendo groups. Diminishing their work ain´t a fair thing to do in my book


BTW, I just wanted to point out that Toys'r'us offer I mentioned in the other post must have been a limited-time offer, I didn't want to use that to justify the console's sales in Spain. There aren't that many Toys'r'us over here, either.

OH!. Limited to one day and only 800 DS for all the country. Nintendo DS & Nintendos were sold out. In Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao or whatever you want.

Nokia announces those 250.000 N-Gage in Spain and the worlwide sales of 2 millions. I read about it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
EAD Ninja said:
Super Mario Advance, Super Mario Advance 2, Super Mario Advance 3, Super Mario Advance 4, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission, Wario Ware, Wario Land 4, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past DX, all by EAD.

Most of those were ports. They don't count.
EAD Ninja said:
Super Mario Advance, Super Mario Advance 2, Super Mario Advance 3, Super Mario Advance 4, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Zero Mission, Wario Ware, Wario Land 4, The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past DX, all by EAD.

Although, EAD has devoted bigger staffs to developing in-house software for the DS than the GBA, I would say the best GBA games were still made by EAD.

I thought that Metroid and WarioWare were from IS and the SMAs/ALttP were from Flagship, that Flagship were the ones who made the GBA ports?
We can't forget the fact that nintendo DS was launched in Europe about 5-6 months earlier than PSP.

In 2005 PSP has been sold during 4 months, and DS during 9-10 months.

I don't find the 41-59 figure bad for PSP. I find it even good, pretty good taking into acount both release dates and, of course, the fact that PSP is new to the market. Don't forget nintendo is the sony of the portables.


Vaandaviii said:
We can't forget the fact that nintendo DS was launched in Europe about 5-6 months earlier than PSP.

In 2005 PSP has been sold during 4 months, and DS during 9-10 months.

I don't find the 41-59 figure bad for PSP. I find it even good, pretty good taking into acount both release dates and, of course, the fact that PSP is new to the market. Don't forget nintendo is the sony of the portables.
You can't compare June and December for sales... DS sales were very slow during summer. Besides, I don't know for sure what happened in Spain, but PSP had a lot of advertisment in Europe. By looking to the last three month, I'd say that 60/40 is quite a correct figure.

But since PSP is the challenger, I also think that's quite a good result for PSP (I guess Sony dreamed for more, of course, but still...).


I don´t think anyone is forgetting DS has been in stores for longer. However, we cannot forget the severe shortages of DS in Christmass. But know what? companies have to deal with that. If Sony wasn´t clever enough to release their console earlier, it´s them to blame, none else. Truth is DS sold more through 2005.
Monorojo said:
I find it truly amazing people decide to trust estimates off the inernet over actual HARD figures released by the company themselves.

And how some of you can honestly believe that there are 2.5 million~ PSPs on storeshelves while Sony has only sold about the same amount is simply mind-boggling.

Im truly at a loss for words....humanity as i know it is trumbling under my very footsteps.

How can you people be in such unbelievable denial? I mean what you people are saying doesnt even come close to logical comments anymore "2.5 million sold while 2.5 million sit on store shelves, that must be it!"


So your point is that we should just take the ~5.2 million shipped PSP's and the 4.1 million shipped DS' as the Europe number, although there is obviously a MUCH higher discrepancy between sold through and shipped on PSP's side?
I'm not interested in shipments, but I am interested in how many units Nintendo, Sony or whoever have sold to consumers and therefore it does make sense to put together what sales we know (and what we know are 'estimates' - right - but they are estimates from market researches or Nintendo [and atleast Nintendo most likely is in contact with retailers to get feedback how much units have been sold through]).
If you aren't interested in sell throughs, but in shipments, that's fine for me, but imho the shipments tell us a picture that doesn't reflect the reality (the 'reality' is that it is quite save to assume that DS has a lead of ~2.5-4.5 million worldwide, whereas the shipments tell us that PSP has a lead of 0.6m).

EAD Ninja

I thought that Metroid and WarioWare were from IS and the SMAs/ALttP were from Flagship, that Flagship were the ones who made the GBA ports?

No they were all from EAD. Capcom Production Studio 1 contributed the 4 Swords bonus game on the ALTTPDX.


So hang on a bit, people are now claiming that Sony doesn't ship far more than it sells upto a given date??

I thought this was accepted fact.

Are people saying that this is now not true and the 5.02 (not 5.20, a typo by me sorry) figure shipped to Europe is more indicative of sell-through numbers than the estimates we have from the various countries and from Nintendo??

Wow, just wow...


Monorojo said:
I find it truly amazing people decide to trust estimates off the inernet over actual HARD figures released by the company themselves.

And how some of you can honestly believe that there are 2.5 million~ PSPs on storeshelves while Sony has only sold about the same amount is simply mind-boggling.

Im truly at a loss for words....humanity as i know it is trumbling under my very footsteps.

How can you people be in such unbelievable denial? I mean what you people are saying doesnt even come close to logical comments anymore "2.5 million sold while 2.5 million sit on store shelves, that must be it!"

WOW... someone's a bad loser. :/
Shiggy said:
At least that's what was said in the opening sequence.

Well, a lot of people think that Flagship is a subsidiary of Capcom, when it's just a third party that's funded by Capcom, Sega and Nintendo to assist with games or develop games (ie, doing scripts for the RE series and developing Four Swords).


A Link to the Past said:
Well, a lot of people think that Flagship is a subsidiary of Capcom, when it's just a third party that's funded by Capcom, Sega and Nintendo to assist with games or develop games (ie, doing scripts for the RE series and developing Four Swords).
Nope, Flagship is actually a Capcom invested subsidiary and only do production (scenario/art, not coding/game design) work. They worked with Nintendo EAD/Capcom Studio 1 on the Game Boy Zeldas and with HAL/Dimps on Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.

Nintendo and SEGA did help with startup funds though.


jarrod said:
Nope, Flagship is actually a Capcom invested subsidiary and only do production (scenario/art, not coding/game design) work. They worked with Nintendo EAD/Capcom Studio 1 on the Game Boy Zeldas and with HAL/Dimps on Kirby & The Amazing Mirror.

Nintendo and SEGA did help with startup funds though.

They wrote the scripts for such games as Dino Crisis and Onimusha. Keiji Inafune, Shinji Mikami,... used to work there.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
IGN said:
A wholly owned subsidiary of Capcom Co. Ltd., Flagship was officially established on April 24th, 1997. The company, which is being funded by Capcom, Sega and Nintendo, was founded by game designer Yoshiki Okamoto to write scenarios for new and existing products. Apart from creating storylines and scenarios for Okamoto's famous Resident Evil series, Flagship is also responsible for the latest Legend of Zelda games for Game Boy Color.
Jarrod is right.
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