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A homeless guy stole my clothes

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Homeless guy stole my clothes...
Homeless guy stole my clothes...
Homeless guy stole my clothes...
Homeless guy .... Home-Less guy .... stole my clothes!!!
Clothes-clothes-clothes, homeless guy stole my...
Clothes-clothes-clothes, homeless guy stole my...
Clothes-clothes-clothes, homeless guy stole stole my clothes...
Homeless guy stole my ...
Trip Warhawkins said:
If there is such a thing as karma, shouldn't everyone laughing at this tragedy get their clothes stolen too? I guess that would be too simple even for yin yang physics but I'd love to see a thousand hobos lurking this thread (hai guyz!).

OP could get off his high horse for once and blows it, again.
Well, I do my laundry in my own washer and drier, and if I did do it in a public place, I would not leave it unattended. So therefore, I'm preventing karma by using my brain.


Nore said:
How do we know for sure it was the homeless guy who took the clothing? Some other douche who lives in NB's building could have just as easily done it. NB is just accusing him because he looks "dirty" and "unkempt."

edit: I hope this homeless guy was the Ghost of Christmas past or something to teach you how to be nicer to people.
Ya know...

Before boogers arrived there could have been a mongrel thief ghoulish tenant who saw the drunken animal and left to get the manager. Right after boogers came and left, the manager could have came in and kicked out the homeless ragged ape. And then the rotten scum tenant could have proceeded to loot the machines.


DeathNote said:
Ya know...

Before boogers arrived there could have been a mongrel thief ghoulish tenant who saw the drunken animal and left to get the manager. Right after boogers came and left, the manager could have came in and kicked out the homeless ragged ape. And then the rotten scum tenant could have proceeded to loot the machines.



When I lived in an apartment, my big fear was actually someone stealing my clothes from the public laundry room. :[


love on your sleeve
Koshiba said:
When I lived in an apartment, my big fear was actually someone stealing my clothes from the public laundry room. :[
It happens. I always stayed in laundry room as my clothes were washing.


Threi said:
$20 says this is the OP:


Except somone needs to photoshop him into an apartment or laundry roon setting.

ImperialConquest said:
Except somone needs to photoshop him into an apartment or laundry roon setting.

"Now, if you just give me that 0.50$, I will allow you the comfort of sitting in my luxurious pink chair. A chair, you might find, worth far more than your bedraggled self. Oh, do not worry about the fleas. I was going to burn the chair anyway."


Dude, that was not a homeless guy, it was just my friend Mookie high as fuck and hungover. Man what was that shit in your socks?

Keep on goin' Boogy with your bad self.
ImperialConquest said:
Except somone needs to photoshop him into an apartment or laundry roon setting.

:lol Please somebody do this.

crowphoenix said:
"Now, if you just give me that 0.50$, I will allow you the comfort of sitting in my luxurious pink chair. A chair, you might find, worth far more than your bedraggled self. Oh, do not worry about the fleas. I was going to burn the chair anyway."

Also :lol @ the word "bedraggled".


NintendosBooger said:
I jumped into my car and launched an hour manhunt for the asshole, but I couldn’t find him.

and while you were driving around, he sneaks into your appartment and takes a dump under your pillow, to repay you for your kindness.

like some kind of hobo tooth fairy
So I've read through this thread and figured i'd try my hand at a response.

NintendosBooger said:
Well, I’ll never donate money or food to homeless people again.

Last night, I entered the complex laundry area to wash my colors, when I noticed a foul and unkempt stranger lurking in the room. He had his garbage, clothes, and a sleeping bag scattered all over the floor, and I surmised he was going to use the laundry room area as his shelter for the night. It was cold and windy in the DC area last night, so I couldn’t blame the bum. He gestured me into the room to continue on with my business and apologized for his intruding presence.

Anyway, I had extra quarters in my pocket, so I handed the drunken animal $.50 and jokingly told him that I was paying him to watch my clothes. I should have suspected something was wrong when he didn’t laugh at that, but I left the laundry room area and the vagrant in there.

When I returned to my apartment, I immediately called the leasing office and informed them about the homeless trespasser lurking in the laundry room area. They told me that they couldn’t do anything and that I should contact the police. I was surprised and outraged --- they should have sent someone to cast the bum out.

After 30 minutes, I returned to the laundry room to find that homeless piece of shit and my clothes gone. The bastard didn’t even wait for me to dump my clothes into the dryer before taking my shit. So the trifling goon grabbed my stuff while they were still wet and bolted.

I looked outside and he was nowhere around. I jumped into my car and launched an hour manhunt for the asshole, but I couldn’t find him. I returned home and called the leasing office again, threatening to sue them but they seemed more impressed about what happened than any of the threats I lobbed at them.

Can I sue the apartment?

I've highlighted everything I think is of note.

I think that fundamentally speaking, everyone that has responded to this thread are on the right track as far as what you might have done wrong here. But nevertheless, thought i'd try (it's a slow day). Your entire posts, regardless of hindsight, really does show the rest of us something about how you react to situations.

As highlighted, your post is peppered with almost contempt for the man, even in your recount of how you approached him. Now I am not sure if it was intentional, or if perhaps you just have a lot of trouble with social interaction. Nevertheless, the most likely reason he stole from you is because of the comment you made.

Put yourself in his shoes for a moment. It's cold out, he wanted a place to sleep, and might not have even cared about your presense. However, you said you would pay him for watching your clothing. To some people, that would not be offensive, but consider who you were talking to. This is a homeless person. Can you appreciate just how condesending that can come across as being? Many in his situation would take it as, “oh, you're a bum, ill give you a few scraps for watching my clothing; and that's fine with you because you have no money right? Not like I really need my 50 cents. Don't I look like a good person, giving you that money?” So naturally he would be offended; it's important to understand your audience at all times.

Following your encounter in the laundry room, the post above shows you turn around to get the man kicked out, after offering to “pay” him for his “service.” That is fundamentally deceptive and unethical. Either a stance is taken to let the man stay (which wasn't the best idea to begin with), or you flat out tell him that he will have to go. Perhaps you were trying to have your cake and eat it too. I am not sure, so I will not assume that to be fact.

NintendosBooger said:
How exactly does karma play into this?

Have I stolen something from someone? Did someone personal harm? Because I behave a certain way, have high goals, want to be a leader, like to look good...I deserve to get my shit stolen? I bet you and the rest of the hating fuckers in this thread pop cheap champagne bottles whenever there's news of something foul happening to someone of success.

I don't believe in Karma, but you did do personal harm and intended to from what you have posted. From his pov, he was insulted by your joke, and then proceeding to attempt get the man (who by your own admission might have needed a place to sleep) kicked out into what you said was a cold night. So with that said, in a sense you did get Karmic retribution ... but again, I don't subscribe to that.

Nobody deserves to have their things stolen NintendosBooger; and it's great to have goals and aspirations. But having the means to achieve those are also important. You can behave anyway you want, you can shoot for the top of the world and look good. However, behaving how you want must be done within reason. Projecting a sense of superiority doesn't help you at all. This ironically enough is not other people not being accepting of you, but vise versa. Yes, some are laughing at you (if you weren't involved in this and were reading the thread, you might get a kick out of it too. Because all things considered, there is an element of comedy to this). Those making jokes might not be helping, but neither are you NintendosBooger.

From your posts, you strike me as the type that believe everyone's against you and out to get you, so maybe you try to get them first, are aggressive and defensive to project yourself. I am not going to sit here all day (because my burger is almost done cooking :D) and try to figure that out ... but I will say this. If you ever truly want to be the man you strive to become, you will have to let go of your anger, demonizing everyone and casting them all as the bad guy.

It takes two to tango, and if one person calls you an asshole you can dismiss it ... but if it's a hundred people, start sniffing yourself. I am not saying you are an asshole, but thinking more about how your actions effect those around you and how they choose to interact with you would help you become that leader, reach those high goals and all the aspirations you have for yourself.


Since you live in an apartment an argument can be made that you are homeless too.

I bet he just moved your clothes to a different washer/dryer - cuz ur an id 10 t
Booger, you really shouldn't be washing suits in a public washing machine. Try the dry cleaner instead.

And wait - why the hell did you let the homeless guy inside? You couldn't find someone else to watch your clothes? Hell, you could have just sat there and read a book or played DS or something. It sucks, but now you've lost your favorite suit. Sorry to say, but this is basically your fault. Try to learn from the experience.
Price Dalton said:
Booger, you really shouldn't be washing suits in a public washing machine. Try the dry cleaner instead.

And wait - why the hell did you let the homeless guy inside? You couldn't find someone else to watch your clothes? Hell, you could have just sat there and read a book or played DS or something. It sucks, but now you've lost your favorite suit. Sorry to say, but this is basically your fault. Try to learn from the experience.

dude no offense, but you got like zero things right in this paragraph
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