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A new Titanic will set sail in 2022 and will pass through the original crashsite

Airbus Jr

They're Rebuilding The 'Titanic' And You Can Go On Its Maiden Voyage

Stephan Roget

The RMS Titanic is arguably the most famous ship to ever set sail - and not for a good reason. The mighty passenger liner, notably described as "unsinkable," sank in the North Atlantic on the morning of April 15, 1912, a mere two days away from its scheduled arrival in New York City. In doing so, the doomed vessel inspired a litany of retellings, at least one Oscar-winning film, and a handful of attempts at a real-life sailing sequel, including the Titanic II, due to make its maiden voyage in 2022.

The Titanic II project, the brainchild of Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, is an ambitious one, and it's already run into numerous setbacks. However, similar to the survivors of the original Titanic, those behind the endeavor have persevered. And Palmer hopes that just like some of the supposed treasures that sank with the Titanic, this project will one day prove to be incredibly lucrative.
Photo: Universal Images Group/Getty Images

The Second 'Titanic' Has A Few Anti-Iceberg Upgrades
Photo: David Dennis / Shutterstock.com
The RMS Titanic was an unprecedented tragedy for a multitude of reasons, including design flaws, inadequate safety protocols, and human error - but the most substantial factor in the disaster was undoubtedly the massive iceberg that pierced the vessel's hull.
Ice is much less of a threat now, but the designers of the Titanic II are making some anti-iceberg upgrades anyway. The new ship will have a welded hull instead of a riveted one, which should make for greater durability, and it's slightly wider for stability. Plus, modern navigation equipment makes it unlikely the ship will have a surprise encounter with a foreign object.

The Blue Star Line Replaces The White Star Line Of The Original 'Titanic'

Photo: GTS Productions / Shutterstock.com
The Titanic II will be operating under the Blue Star Line company, a take on the White Star Line shipping company responsible for the original Titanic. Australian billionaire and politician Clive Palmer founded the business.
In 2019, Forbes estimated Palmer's net worth to be approximately $1.8 billion.

This Time, The Ship Will Have Plenty Of Lifeboats
Photo: Universal Images Group / Contributor/Getty Images
When the Titanic II project was first announced in 2012, it didn't take long for Twitter to light up with jokes about the necessity of adding a few extra lifeboats to the blueprints. The original Titanic was infamously understocked with such vessels, resulting in the loss of more than 1,500 passengers and crew.
Safety measures will be different this time around. The minds behind Titanic II have claimed their ship won't be an identical replica, and they'll include a large number of additional boats.

The Maiden Voyage Will Depart From Dubai, Not Southampton
Photo: Everett Historical / Shutterstock.com
The RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912, and was scheduled to arrive in New York City a week later. The ship descended to the bottom of the Atlantic in the early morning hours of April 15. One might expect the Titanic II to mimic this maiden voyage - minus the plummet - but that won't be the case.
Blue Star Line Chairman Clive Palmer announced that the first trip, scheduled for 2022, will set out from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The final destination will still be New York City, so the sequel ship will pass through the area where the original intersected with an iceberg.

The Ship Will Follow The Same Route As The Original Liner For Part Of The Year
Photo: Universal Images Group / Contributor/Getty Images
After its maiden voyage from Dubai to New York, the Titanic II will travel from New York City to Southampton in England. From there, it will start making regular trips between Southampton and New York, as the original Titanic was intended to do.
Blue Star Line Chairman Clive Palmer noted that the Southampton/New York relay will be the Titanic II’s regular route during the summer, but he's exploring options in other seasons. Palmer envisions the Titanic II as a worldwide vessel, traveling to ports everywhere as a floating tourist attraction.

The Sections Of The Boat Will Be Separated By Class, Just Like In 1912
Photo: Elenarts / Shutterstock.com
As anyone who has watched James Cameron's Oscar-winning film Titanic can tell you, the original Titanic was sectioned by class, and social status significantly affected passengers' accommodations on the ship. The Titanic II will also be split into first-, second-, and third-class accommodations, and the berths are intended to be authentic.
This means cramped quarters - but discounted prices - for those in the third-class and extreme elegance for those in first. Whether or not all passengers can experience the other class options is apparently "under consideration."

A Promotional Video Suggests Employees Might Wear Period Costumes
Photo: Jane Rix / Shutterstock.com
Exact details of the “experience” offered by the Blue Star Line have yet to be announced, but it's possible the Titanic II’s design won't be the only historical-leaning attribute on the cruise. A promotional video depicts both passengers and crew in vintage costumes accurate to the early 20th century, which suggests employees might wear period-inspired outfits on the voyage.
Details should become available as the ship's 2022 debut draws near.

Restaurants And Amenities Will Be Replicated
Photo: Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com
The Blue Star Line will pull out all the stops when it comes to providing an authentic Titanic experience - if everything goes smoothly. According to Blue Star's website, the goal is for the Titanic II to feature all of the same restaurants and dining rooms as the original.
Those eateries will carefully replicate the 1912 at-sea dining experience, with antique décor and a menu to match. Other onboard amenities will include saunas, pools, and a Turkish bath.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
They're Rebuilding The 'Titanic' And You Can Go On Its Maiden Voyage

Stephan Roget

The RMS Titanic is arguably the most famous ship to ever set sail - and not for a good reason. The mighty passenger liner, notably described as "unsinkable," sank in the North Atlantic on the morning of April 15, 1912, a mere two days away from its scheduled arrival in New York City. In doing so, the doomed vessel inspired a litany of retellings, at least one Oscar-winning film, and a handful of attempts at a real-life sailing sequel, including the Titanic II, due to make its maiden voyage in 2022.

The Titanic II project, the brainchild of Australian billionaire Clive Palmer, is an ambitious one, and it's already run into numerous setbacks. However, similar to the survivors of the original Titanic, those behind the endeavor have persevered. And Palmer hopes that just like some of the supposed treasures that sank with the Titanic, this project will one day prove to be incredibly lucrative.
Photo: Universal Images Group/Getty Images

The Second 'Titanic' Has A Few Anti-Iceberg Upgrades
Photo: David Dennis / Shutterstock.com
The RMS Titanic was an unprecedented tragedy for a multitude of reasons, including design flaws, inadequate safety protocols, and human error - but the most substantial factor in the disaster was undoubtedly the massive iceberg that pierced the vessel's hull.
Ice is much less of a threat now, but the designers of the Titanic II are making some anti-iceberg upgrades anyway. The new ship will have a welded hull instead of a riveted one, which should make for greater durability, and it's slightly wider for stability. Plus, modern navigation equipment makes it unlikely the ship will have a surprise encounter with a foreign object.

The Blue Star Line Replaces The White Star Line Of The Original 'Titanic'

Photo: GTS Productions / Shutterstock.com
The Titanic II will be operating under the Blue Star Line company, a take on the White Star Line shipping company responsible for the original Titanic. Australian billionaire and politician Clive Palmer founded the business.
In 2019, Forbes estimated Palmer's net worth to be approximately $1.8 billion.

This Time, The Ship Will Have Plenty Of Lifeboats
Photo: Universal Images Group / Contributor/Getty Images
When the Titanic II project was first announced in 2012, it didn't take long for Twitter to light up with jokes about the necessity of adding a few extra lifeboats to the blueprints. The original Titanic was infamously understocked with such vessels, resulting in the loss of more than 1,500 passengers and crew.
Safety measures will be different this time around. The minds behind Titanic II have claimed their ship won't be an identical replica, and they'll include a large number of additional boats.

The Maiden Voyage Will Depart From Dubai, Not Southampton
Photo: Everett Historical / Shutterstock.com
The RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912, and was scheduled to arrive in New York City a week later. The ship descended to the bottom of the Atlantic in the early morning hours of April 15. One might expect the Titanic II to mimic this maiden voyage - minus the plummet - but that won't be the case.
Blue Star Line Chairman Clive Palmer announced that the first trip, scheduled for 2022, will set out from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The final destination will still be New York City, so the sequel ship will pass through the area where the original intersected with an iceberg.

The Ship Will Follow The Same Route As The Original Liner For Part Of The Year
Photo: Universal Images Group / Contributor/Getty Images
After its maiden voyage from Dubai to New York, the Titanic II will travel from New York City to Southampton in England. From there, it will start making regular trips between Southampton and New York, as the original Titanic was intended to do.
Blue Star Line Chairman Clive Palmer noted that the Southampton/New York relay will be the Titanic II’s regular route during the summer, but he's exploring options in other seasons. Palmer envisions the Titanic II as a worldwide vessel, traveling to ports everywhere as a floating tourist attraction.

The Sections Of The Boat Will Be Separated By Class, Just Like In 1912
Photo: Elenarts / Shutterstock.com
As anyone who has watched James Cameron's Oscar-winning film Titanic can tell you, the original Titanic was sectioned by class, and social status significantly affected passengers' accommodations on the ship. The Titanic II will also be split into first-, second-, and third-class accommodations, and the berths are intended to be authentic.
This means cramped quarters - but discounted prices - for those in the third-class and extreme elegance for those in first. Whether or not all passengers can experience the other class options is apparently "under consideration."

A Promotional Video Suggests Employees Might Wear Period Costumes
Photo: Jane Rix / Shutterstock.com
Exact details of the “experience” offered by the Blue Star Line have yet to be announced, but it's possible the Titanic II’s design won't be the only historical-leaning attribute on the cruise. A promotional video depicts both passengers and crew in vintage costumes accurate to the early 20th century, which suggests employees might wear period-inspired outfits on the voyage.
Details should become available as the ship's 2022 debut draws near.

Restaurants And Amenities Will Be Replicated
Photo: Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com
The Blue Star Line will pull out all the stops when it comes to providing an authentic Titanic experience - if everything goes smoothly. According to Blue Star's website, the goal is for the Titanic II to feature all of the same restaurants and dining rooms as the original.
Those eateries will carefully replicate the 1912 at-sea dining experience, with antique décor and a menu to match. Other onboard amenities will include saunas, pools, and a Turkish bath.

Did you just copy paste an image gallery's captions? Do you have a link to the images?
Icebergs be like


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
User name checks out.

Looks like only a rendering so far:

Thanks. I was familiar with the story from a while back but figured this was an update. It seems it is not the case.

Story from back in 2018 btw:


So who is going to start a Kickstarter so they can take a private trip to the new wreckage and for realz make a book about it?
Thanks. I was familiar with the story from a while back but figured this was an update. It seems it is not the case.

Story from back in 2018 btw:
Yeah the only new thing I found was the hotel they are building in China... Wow.


It's your time to shine, Cato Cato !

Now imagine that the meat pies were filled with melted cheese, egg and bacon.

Actually. Why don't we have meat pies consisting of cheese, egg and bacon?

EDIT:hmmm lets skip the eggs. Just melted cheese and bacon. We can call it the Clive Pie. And it will be aawesome
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Now imagine that the meat pies were filled with melted cheese, egg and bacon.

Actually. Why don't we have meat pies consisting of cheese, egg and bacon?

EDIT:hmmm lets skip the eggs. Just melted cheese and bacon. We can call it the Clive Pie. And it will be aawesome

I’ll take 5 Clive Pies please!
In this day and age it's not a very large or expensive cruise ship to build, being only ~30% the displacement of modern monsters. I'm surprised we haven't had many replicas floating around so far. It should be steam powered imo, just for the nostalgia. But have a backup diesel engine just in case.
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Gold Member
Even though it sounds interesting, who would want to buy a ticket in steerage class? Are they going to give the third class passengers two bathtubs for everyone to share (on the original Titanic, there were only two bathtubs for 700 passengers)?

Super Mario

This is like the 3rd time this project has been resurrected. And it's not even the only Titanic replica project, if I'm remembering correctly.

lol who cares about details? It's about viral marketing, danger, history, and Leo. People wouldn't care about it if it was just any ship. What do they think this is? A trip to create lifelong memories?


Let's jump on a ship and enjoy celebrating a disaster that killed a shit load of people. Goreporn IRL.

Hopefully we get the real story of what happened to the Titanic. The original story doesn't add up.

From my understanding the USA and Israel jammed the radar so Iran mistankgingly fired 2 missles at it. Iran at first said it was scientifically impossible and then that the Titanic was turning around until admitting that it fired the missles.


Imagine to cleaners who will have to clean that car... There will be thousands of pairs who will fuck in it spreading cum all over.
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