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Activision Blizzard - Q2 2009 Results & further information

Activision Blizzard - Apr - Jun 2009 Earnings

Net Income: $ 195,000,000

GAAP Net Revenues by Segment/Platform Mix
System			Revenue		% of Total

MMORPG 			$ 324,000,000	31 % 
Microsoft Xbox 360 	$ 231,000,000	22 %
PlayStation 3 		$ 152,000,000	15 %
Nintendo Wii 		$ 118,000,000	11 %
Nintendo DS		$ 48,000,000	5 %
PlayStation 2 		$ 44,000,000	4 %
PC and other 		$ 41,000,000	4 %
PlayStation Portable 	$ 17,000,000	2 %

Total			$ 975,000,00	100 %

GAAP Net Revenues by Geographic Region
Region			Revenue		% of Total

North America 		$ 557,000,000	54 %
Europe			$ 408,000,000 	39 %
Asia Pacific 		$ 73,000,000	7 %

Total 			$ 1,038,000,000 100 %

Strategic decisions for long-term shareholder value creation
– Repositioned StarCraftII release into first half 2010, to go along with the launch of the updated Battle.net
– Strengthening our position in China with NetEasetransition
– Continue to make progress on cost reduction initiatives and share repurchase
– Board authorized additional $250 million to our buyback program Making Right

For the quarter:
- Gained 2.8 points market share in NA/Europe #1 U.S. third-party publisher console/HH
- #1 new IP –PROTOTYPE –both the 360 and PS3
- Wolverine & Transformers #1 and #2 day and date best-selling movie games
- Year to date –#1 third-party franchise NA & EUR
- Gained 8 points of market share year to date –53% of the genre
- Genre is down significantly -Guitar Hero has performed in line with the overall market
- Grew European sales year to date 66%
- All of these accomplishments with no major release to date
- Significant opportunities in 2H of CY09 with several major launches
- Improving inventory position at retail

North America and Europe Installed Base (NPD, GfK - numbers)
System		Installed Base

Wii		40,000,000
360		27,000,000
PS3		16,000,000

Handhelds	96,000,000

Total		179,000,000
*as of June 2009

http://files.shareholder.com/downlo...-40e4-82b1-f8c6d9e0ce06/q209 slides final.pdf
GAF cries.

and this.



No_Style said:
Bobby Kotick said he would gladly give up that $152,000,000.

Yes he did. And since the installed base for the PS3 and PSP will only grow, that number will too... Good thing he was BSing.


W@W thx

Stoney Mason said:
GAF cries.

and this.


Isn't Sony at 24 milli shipped? With 16 milli, and 3-4 milli from Japan, (Activision) is telling me that there are 3-4 milli consoles on shelves?
now you see why blizzard is in the company name now, jesus christ! :lol

thing is, is all that going back into R&Ding blizzard games, or will it be used in the future to bailout Activision side of things as they will have run all their franchises (and profits) into the ground, i hope for the former, but I fear it will be the latter.

which will either result in shoddier blizzard games "cashing in" yearly, or pulling the whole company down.

also its interesting that even though like half of wows playerbase is in asian countries they only make up 7% of total revenue? :lol


DMeisterJ said:
Yes he did. And since the installed base for the PS3 and PSP will only grow, that number will too... Good thing he was BSing.


W@W thx

Isn't Sony at 24 milli shipped? With 16 milli, and 3-4 milli from Japan, (Activision) is telling me that there are 3-4 milli consoles on shelves?

That's not unusual. 3-4 million isn't a whole lot when you spread them out.


GAF's Bob Woodward
DMeisterJ said:
Isn't Sony at 24 milli shipped? With 16 milli, and 3-4 milli from Japan, (Activision) is telling me that there are 3-4 milli consoles on shelves?

I'm sure some minor territories are missing here, which combined might dent that difference a wee bit. And it's obviously missing what's still at retail.

There's a similar difference with 360 numbers and Wii's I think even, aswell.


Did I get this right; MMORPGs make Activision $41.7 USD per second?

PS. what non WoW MMORPGs does Acti even operate?


Holy shit, World of Warcraft gets more revenue that all the portfolio combined in any system.

PC is really a doomed platform. :lol


Jesus Christ. Now i know why a lot of companies are trying so hard on getting a share of the MMO pie, even tough developing a MMO take a lot of time and money.


Acosta said:
Holy shit, World of Warcraft gets more revenue that all the portfolio combined in any system.

PC is really a doomed platform. :lol

There weren't enough posts/views on this thread. So I thought that ActiBlizz made a great amount of dosh. And they have!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Kotick could “raise prices even further”

Activision CEO admits that if it were left to him trade price hikes would have been higher

With retail and consumers alike still getting to grips with the prospect of shelling out £54.99 for November’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has admitted that he would like to push prices even higher.

When asked about the controversial subject as part of Activision’s post-financial investor call, president Michael Griffith stated: “We’ve had for all of our launch titles in the back half of this year, some of which contain peripherals, very strong retailer acceptance and support for all parts of our plan including our price points.”

At which point Kotick added: “You know if it was left to me, I would raise the prices even further.”

*thumbs up*


teruterubozu said:
So he wants hardware prices cut but would love to make software more expensive...hmmm.

Sounds like he is setting up for a massive collapse. Increased prices + 47 sequels (how many renames will the CoD series have for example) will see a lot of people get sick of their games just like Tony Hawk and now Guitar Hero.


gofreak said:

Do that Kotick, can't wait to see when your shitty policies explodes in your face, it won't be this year or the next one, but it will happen (always happens) and I'll be here to laugh. He has been lucky to sign with some great developers (and then treated them like shit in gratitude, ask Harmonix) and to make the deal with Vivendi, but keep treating your costumers like shit and you will see how far you arrive.


Great, my Activision boycott will continue. Meanwhile, I hope EA becomes profitable to show everyone that you can both care about games and customers and make money at the same time.


Vorador said:
Jesus Christ. Now i know why a lot of companies are trying so hard on getting a share of the MMO pie, even tough developing a MMO take a lot of time and money.

The MMO is like a beautiful siren leading you to your demise. I guess that makes Blizzard beeswax or something.


Has problems recognising girls
Johann said:
The MMO is like a beautiful siren leading you to your demise. I guess that makes Blizzard beeswax or something.
Well that only applies to those who are weak as shit.
szaromir said:
Great, my Activision boycott will continue. Meanwhile, I hope EA becomes profitable to show everyone that you can both care about games and customers and make money at the same time.

EA will become old EA again (the new Activision) in a heartbeat.


It's depressing Activision will be kept afloat by Blizzard. I would have loved to see the company go down in flames.
legend166 said:
It's depressing Activision will be kept afloat by Blizzard. I would have loved to see the company go down in flames.
and we can't actually see if Activision is doing well with this strategy because they combine there money with blizz.
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