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Activision to only invest in mega-blockbuster franchises/opportunities next-gen

This isn't an EA style cut back on everything. This is them just expecting big returns on big investments. Skylanders is still fresh for now, and Destiny is certainly a bet on the future.

Ubisoft is oddly enough the shining light right now, with Watch Dogs as well as ZombiU showing their willingness to try new stuff.

That is why you have to vote with your gaming dollars. I bought ZombiU and I will suport Ubi, given they are good games obviously.
Why is it ridiculous? Activision is investing in THIRTEEN YEARS of development with an AAA developer completely focused on one project.

Do you realize how absurdly expensive that must be for Activision? If Destiny doesn't go off with a BANG!---trying to keep that project alive would translate into a massive money sink.

This statement doesn't even make sense, as Bungie only signed with Activision, what, 2-3 years ago? Thirteen years? Come on, this isn't Too Human we're talking about here. Sure, they may have had some concepts floating around for that long, but development has definitely not been since then.

Context is important here. Activision has been budgeting Destiny to be the next Halo.

If Destiny doesn't become the next Halo, Activision won't get sufficient returns on their investment.

You can't force things like being "the next Halo" or CoD. Now, it being on both this gen consoles and next gen, it's possible that it could reach its 5 million goal, but with the FPS market being in total saturation right now I can easily see it just not making it. They're banking on something that may not be entirely feasible.


It's funny, with EA and Activision going the route of the 'no risk/no creativity', Ubi is now like an 'ideal' mega publisher: they provide their AAA anual franchises, they publish indie kickstarted games, they publish regular PC games, mid-budget platformers and real survival game, interesting free to play with known and new IP... Hey they're even producing and old school - indie & kickstarter inspired - M&M rpg!

Not saying they're perfect but their portfolio is obviously more diverse.


Most big publishers will probably only focus on games that push units in the home console market. Indie developers who kickstart their games and can publish for cheap on either Steam or through whatever programs Sony, Microsof, and Nintendo have will be where most of the inventive and new games will come from.

Indie devs will definitely shine next gen since they'll basically have the opportunity to make creative games without having to try and manage AAA costs that publishers seem to need to stay ahead of the game.
This statement doesn't even make sense, as Bungie only signed with Activision, what, 2-3 years ago? Thirteen years? Come on, this isn't Too Human we're talking about here. Sure, they may have had some concepts floating around for that long, but development has definitely not been since then.

Looks like you haven't been following Destiny's development very closely. Once Destiny launches in 2013 (after 3+ years in development), Activision has signed on with Bungie to continue to support and expand on the world over FOUR games and TEN chapters. Activision's ten-year contract with Bungie is specifically FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESTINY.

Their product roadmap is like this:

2013 - Destiny
2014 - Expansion pack
2015 - Destiny 2
2016 - Expansion pack
2017 - Destiny 3
2018 - Expansion pack
2019 - Destiny 4
2020 - Expansion pack

...With potentially more in the pipeline.

You can't force things like being "the next Halo" or CoD. Now, it being on both this gen consoles and next gen, it's possible that it could reach its 5 million goal, but with the FPS market being in total saturation right now I can easily see it just not making it. They're banking on something that may not be entirely feasible.

Well yeah, but Activision needs the next big thing, considering that Skylanders's future is starting to look suspect, World of Warcraft is on the decline, and Call of Duty is slowly eroding.

Destiny would fill those shoes quite nicely.
Looks like you haven't been following Destiny's development very closely. Once Destiny launches in 2013 (after 3+ years in development), Activision has signed on with Bungie to continue to support and expand on the world over FOUR games and TEN books. Activision's ten-year contract with Bungie is specifically FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESTINY.

Their product roadmap is like this:

2013 - Destiny
2014 - Expansion pack
2015 - Destiny 2
2016 - Expansion pack
2017 - Destiny 3
2018 - Expansion pack
2019 - Destiny 4
2020 - Expansion pack

...With potentially more in the pipeline.
Had no idea books were involved too! I wonder if the ip code named "Marathon" is still in the works, which was stated in the leaked contract.
I think Skylanders is why Activision is keeping with Wii U during these rocky times. They know that IP has the best chance (historically) to find a mass audience on Nintendo consoles, even if the Wii U struggles to gain an install base. They need a strong Nintendo console to ensure the viability of Skylanders.

If Microsoft gets serious about the family market, Activision will drop Nintendo entirely.
Paleontologists debate purported evidence that the dinosaurs got veeeeeeeeeery nichey towards larger forms during the end of the Cretaceous, largely abandoning midsized and lower niches to mammals, land crocs, and their descendants the birds.

I'm just sayin'.


So Activision will continue to make games I couldn't care less about. Cool.

Also I hope all of their biggest investments fail horribly so other publishers don't follow suit.


They're going to have to create new IPs eventually. Series don't stay popular forever.
They'll just buy up whatever developers produce "the next hotness" and milk whatever that is annually. Just like they did with Guitar Hero.
No risk necessary.
Had no idea books were involved too! I wonder if the ip code named "Marathon" is still in the works, which was stated in the leaked contract.

I think it is on hold if what I read is correct. I think they began preliminary work, and will pick it back up once Destiny reaches certain milestones like the contract says. I may be off since it's been a while but that's what I remember reading.


I'll just get my non-blockbuster titles from other companies and crowdfunding then. As I'm already doing.
I never even got much from Activision to begin with, but it can be a disconcerting indicator for the rest of the industry nevertheless. At this point I'd rather the big three implode and cause huge ripples in their wake.
Not at all. Almost all large movie studios and record labels serve all kinds of demographics, all kinds.
I recall this being the case for books, they'd invest in getting some of their biggest sellers to do well so they can subsidize more niche works. I think Ubisoft did somewhat similar actually, except it was casual games bringing in revenue to help subsidize their AAA monstrosities.
Im happy with this. The less game franchises the big publishers put out, the easier it will be to avoid their games.

I honestly think outside a few stand out titles, I will be sustained purely by indies/PSN/XBLA titles next gen.


Call of Duty

World of Warcraft
Blizzard All-Stars
Unannounced MMO

Say what you will, but that's a pretty damn solid line-up going into next-gen.

Activision also has smaller titles such as Deadpool and TMNT coming out.


Well yeah, but Activision needs the next big thing, considering that Skylanders's future is starting to look suspect...

Skylanders was the number one selling game for the quarter. That doesn't look remotely suspect. The Wii U version last year was late and not worth the upgrade (I bought it for my Wii instead, as I'm sure others did). There may be a hiccup this year, but it absolutely isn't going to just disappear.

If Microsoft gets serious about the family market, Activision will drop Nintendo entirely.

Wow. Microsoft has been serious about the family market for 3 years now. Perhaps you've heard of the Kinect and seen the bulk of MS's published titles recently? Activision produced more CoD games for the DS than the PSP and Vita combined. They go where the money is, and put just enough effort in to their titles to find success. Nintendo will continue to be the lead for titles such as Skylanders for as long as it exists. Heck - I'll be shocked if there's even a next Xbox or PS4 port this year.


This seems more like market contraction than a market crash.

EA and Activision are doing it. Ubisoft will be next.

I don't think 2K, Sony and Nintendo will follow this path. They have a lot of titles going on at once.
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