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Adult Assaults Kids for Wearing a MAGA Hat


Sir Laughs-A-Lot
Staff Member
There's a lot of personal attacks going on here. Let's keep it on topic, shall we?

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
That's the friend's twitter. Not the kid whose hat was taken, btw.

Then they doubly have nothing. It feels like people were scrambling, trying to find something on the kid to politicize. Example: Racism; as a motivating factor of, Kino's behavior.


What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?
What does "I'm With Her" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the current president/candidate, it could possible be construed as a violent #resistance?



While there are indeed gun crime offences, it doesn't mean 2000+ people actually died from shootings. The number of fatalities is actually way, way less. Massively less. 42% sounds like people are getting massacred, but 42% in this case is 600 more incidents then the previous years.

But I will concede that there has been generally more violence in London than in recent years, almost entirely because the Conservative government has been heavily cutting the money given to the police and underfunding their resources.

Gun rate homicide in the UK is about 1 person per million of the population. About 50 to 60 gun killings annually Link

I find it sad that you're happy with limited rights and choices. You should strive for and want better than what you have. Guns are used by people. They don't operate themselves. As you've seen first hand take away guns and they'll use a knife. Take away knives they use cars and round & round it goes with no end. Humans are violent it's already illegal to be violent to others. More laws only restrict law abiding citizens because if criminals gave a shit about the law they wouldn't be criminals. You find guns abhorrent. I think your lack of freedom is abhorrent. To each his own.

You know something? I respect your wishes and your beliefs. Gun control arguments have been repeated an infinite number of times on the Internet and they always go around in circles with the same shit repeated from both sides.

I have always thought this. If you're American and live in a town or city where the vast majority of people have guns and support gun rights, like in Texas, then good for you and your neighbours and you should have guns. If you feel safer with guns, and all the risks and benefits that it brings, that's fine. I always understood why so many Americans feel passionate about guns. It brought about the independence from the awful British rule of America in the 18th Century after all. And I am sure if I lived full time in America, I would have a gun too, because I wouldn't want to be unarmed while my neighbours and strangers are fully armed (open carry and brandishing your weapons to the public is stupid, however).

I feel safe where I live without guns. You may think it's sad that I'm happy with limited choices, but in the exact spot where I live in London, it's totally safe and I can wander around at night time with no fear. Other parts of the UK are totally different, and indeed dangerous (but not to the extent where everyone needs guns). In America, toddlers accidentally shoot their careless parents dead from weapons lying around. And cops shoot teenagers dead when they wrongly think they are carrying a gun. Not something that happens over in the UK.
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Accounting for population it hasn't been getting worse in the 90s 200 people died per year....See this is what trying to see something that isn't there.
We live in the most peaceful time yet people are completely freaking out all the time


Accounting for population it hasn't been getting worse in the 90s 200 people died per year....See this is what trying to see something that isn't there.
We live in the most peaceful time yet people are completely freaking out all the time

If you had a referendum in the UK and asked 'Should people be allowed to buy and carry guns' it would be a massive, over-whelming 'no!'. People don't want or feel safe around guns in the UK and that's a fact.


Okay, so now we’re talking about guns in this topic. What’s next? How about we start talking about why it’s completely nuts to have preteens be trans before they even know what gender theyre interested in Fucking or understand an erection. Why not right?

Back in topic. So the kid said nothing racist yet the unhinged dude with the criminal record actually did and then proceeded to act like a complete douchebag and harsssed little kids because he’s probably too much of a bitch to step up to someone his own age and size.

The bullshit progressive narrative fell apart. Again.

You never saw such lunacy from the right when Obama was president. I see people acting like it was but no... the amount of yellow journalism and hate from the left is unlike anything I’ve ever seen over the passed 30 years. It’s insane.
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Your seeing something I don't even see in my own post...wut

Well it sounded to me like you were saying 'Gun violence in the UK is blown well out of proportion' and I was meaning that I agree with you. If you asked people if they want guns in the UK to protect themselves, they would all vote 'no' because the UK isn't a war zone that the likes of Breitbart/Fox News want to portray it as.

Right now, this very minute, the biggest problem facing the Police in the whole country is getting drunk people home after the victory over Sweden in the World Cup.
Okay, so now we’re talking about guns in this topic. What’s next? How about we start talking about why it’s completely nuts to have preteens be trans before they even know what gender theyre interested in Fucking or understand an erection. Why not right?

Back in topic. So the kid said nothing racist yet the unhinged dude with the criminal record actually did and then proceeded to act like a complete douchebag and harsssed little kids because he’s probably too much of a bitch to step up to someone his own age and size.

The bullshit progressive narrative fell apart. Again.

You never saw such lunacy from the right when Obama was president. I see people acting like it was but no... the amount of yellow journalism and hate from the left is unlike anything I’ve ever seen over the passed 30 years. It’s insane.
What rock were you living under in the Obama years?
I live in goddamn Canada and I could hear the moaning all the way up north here.


It was never, ever to the extent in which trump gets shit on. Not even remotely close. It was the usual political discourse. The current situation is way beyond anything I’ve seen in the past.

You did not have conservative groups destroying property. Disrupting speakers at colleges and causing anarchy. There was occupy Wall Street and whatever else soros funded bullshit.

Progressives are the holier than tho political class. From big government to Hollywood. They are not our friends.
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Ohhh sure like ho he wasn't born in the country or Obama bin laden or whatever
Also if you want to talk about political sides pushing horse shit narratives about victims look no further than Heath Heyer"s the so called
"fat bitch that died from a heart attack instead of getting hit by a car"
Which you can find a post I think in this thread of someone still saying it but edited their post.


Ohhh sure like ho he wasn't born in the country or Obama bin laden or whatever
Also if you want to talk about political sides pushing horse shit narratives about victims look no further than Heath Heyer"s the so called
"fat bitch that died from a heart attack instead of getting hit by a car"
Which you can find a post I think in this thread of someone still saying it but edited their post.

That’s nothing compared to thr kind of yellow journalism in new stands daily and garbage vitriole you see at somewhere like reshitera. I never said it didn’t exist but what we have now is above and beyond anything I’ve seen before. And keep in mind that trump is actually well liked according to recent polling.

Oh he’s gonna start a war with NK. Now that there’s a dialogue with NK the next knee jerk bs comment is like “oh look at this orange bitch being nice to Kim”

Make up your minds. Then again, some people still don’t understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration... so we’re kinda fucked anyway.
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Who said he's gonna to war with North Korea...I visit resetera to wtach the stupids...yet not even they have went that far...
Keep in mind "what you've seen" if you look for it you will find it.
I though polls didn't matter also that so called poll was calling old voter and very biased....like fuck polls in general

Texas Pride

While there are indeed gun crime offences, it doesn't mean 2000+ people actually died from shootings. The number of fatalities is actually way, way less. Massively less. 42% sounds like people are getting massacred, but 42% in this case is 600 more incidents then the previous years.

But I will concede that there has been generally more violence in London than in recent years, almost entirely because the Conservative government has been heavily cutting the money given to the police and underfunding their resources.

Gun rate homicide in the UK is about 1 person per million of the population. About 50 to 60 gun killings annually Link

You know something? I respect your wishes and your beliefs. Gun control arguments have been repeated an infinite number of times on the Internet and they always go around in circles with the same shit repeated from both sides.

I have always thought this. If you're American and live in a town or city where the vast majority of people have guns and support gun rights, like in Texas, then good for you and your neighbours and you should have guns. If you feel safer with guns, and all the risks and benefits that it brings, that's fine. I always understood why so many Americans feel passionate about guns. It brought about the independence from the awful British rule of America in the 18th Century after all. And I am sure if I lived full time in America, I would have a gun too, because I wouldn't want to be unarmed while my neighbours and strangers are fully armed (open carry and brandishing your weapons to the public is stupid, however).

I feel safe where I live without guns. You may think it's sad that I'm happy with limited choices, but in the exact spot where I live in London, it's totally safe and I can wander around at night time with no fear. Other parts of the UK are totally different, and indeed dangerous (but not to the extent where everyone needs guns). In America, toddlers accidentally shoot their careless parents dead from weapons lying around. And cops shoot teenagers dead when they wrongly think they are carrying a gun. Not something that happens over in the UK.

I respect your opinion on this. We live in different countries and thus the laws are not one size fits all. Our cultures are very different and I understand what works for us may not for you. But equating people exercising their right to bear arms as insecure pussies was chiefly what I took issue with.
The only thing that has changed Vertigo between Obama and Trump is that social media is much bigger than 2012 or 2008...
You probably missed most of the same shit I missed...


It’s your right to have a gun. If someone broke into my home and threatened my family i wouldn’t hesitate to put a hole thru their fucking skull. I’m not gonna shit on the police but yea they’ll surely come in time (yea fucking right). Protect yourself.

Nah. It’s much worse now. If you can’t see that you’re living in a bubble. The ruling class has their dream utopia threatened by trump and they’re gonna find whatever bullshit to pin on him.

The left has gone absolutely batshit crazy. Constantly riling up their base to the point where violence is encouraged. It’s not a good look but I thank them for giving us another four years of trump.
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I'm not in a bubble I live in reality...
Like literally fox news shitted on Obama for something as tame as a incandescent light bulb ban
Trump is part of the ruling class tho....like seriously your the one in a hell of a bubble
Like he gave his buddies a tax cut...what has he done to threaten them?


You don’t have people telling you to go punch a Democrat because the government wanted to ban lightbulbs.

It’s like the left throws shit a dart board to see what issue they can pin on trump that hasn’t always been there to begin with. One attack doesn’t work and onto the next.

2020 is going to be an easy victory for the president
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Social media makes it much easier to find people saying these things to embolden your own behavior which in turn creates an endless cycle ....Do you understand?
All you are doing is shitting on the left at very single turn you can get... Are you hoping that these "punching libs" are gonna listen to you...are you hoping for them to just vanish from existence?
Plus that'd be very annoying if none of those things happened as you'd had a half pissed off country.....phew it wasn't like massive hubris wasn't the downfall of the Democrats in 2016. Maybe we should learn fromt heir mistake and not make the same one right?
Or are you just happy you can gloat that the left this time is the one being bad
Cause it seems you completely missed my point about Heather Heyers...the right does it but its just the left being ass holes?


Cause it seems you completely missed my point about Heather Heyers...the right does it but its just the left being ass holes?

You kinda ignore that it never was as insane as it is now, there is basically no comparisons between idiots demanding Obama birth certificate vs the actual democratic party demanding that people that work for trump get harassed while filling up their car, or the countless death threats not from some fringe far left idiots but from celebrities and late night comedy shows and actually from the so called "elite" or that now center and leftists toilet paper journalism suddenly calls for an end to free speech cause republicans use it too.
There are very "subtle" differences to the obama bullshit... look if you notice them lol
I've literally said it 3 times now
Social media exploded and made finding this info easier
If you do not understand this and keep looking for far left opinion to validate your views it will cause an endless cycle.
You will become which you fight.
You can keep ignoring when the right does it to validate your bubble of "its all the lefts fault".

At the end of the day your just as bad as reset era...You can see the faults so much easier from the other side but you miss the faults of your own party.
What does "Make America Great Again" mean to you? And do you not think that coming from a group that was extremely hostile to the first black president, it could possible be construed as a dogwhistle?

What are you talking about ? I'm a Trump supporter that also voted for the first black president, twice. Trump got more support among black voters than any republican in a long time.

Let's try to move the conversation beyond "Trump voters are all racists." That misguided notion lead Kino Jimenez to add another notch to his rap sheet.


Kid got what he deserved. Hope some soda splashed on his feckless friend who sat there like he was trying to avoid a bear attack.


You don’t have people telling you to go punch a Democrat because the government wanted to ban lightbulbs.

It’s like the left throws shit a dart board to see what issue they can pin on trump that hasn’t always been there to begin with. One attack doesn’t work and onto the next.

2020 is going to be an easy victory for the president

Exactly. Thankfully the county is made of sane people rather than lunatic leftist.

Defending this shit makes people go to the right.


You don’t have people telling you to go punch a Democrat because the government wanted to ban lightbulbs.

It’s like the left throws shit a dart board to see what issue they can pin on trump that hasn’t always been there to begin with. One attack doesn’t work and onto the next.

2020 is going to be an easy victory for the president

Its ironic how they decry violence towards another human being, but have no problem when their own commit to one, even worse defending it.

Stealing the MAGA hat and splashing water on a kid is just bad optics not only to the centrists but the rest of the world where many don't even see the MAGA hat as a Nazi symbol.
So Heather Hayer's dies some jackasses try to make it out that she was "so fat she probably died by a heart attack" = Meh
So some kid gets water splashed on him and has his hat stolen and some jackasses make it out that he was probably saying "black people need to die" = Fucking liberals man gotta vote them out

right no bias whatsoever


I've read the thread trying to keep an open mind. But i keep hearing the liberal side of the argument boil down to "the hat is racist so it's understandable what the guy did (assault and robbery of a minor) since he was triggered".

This truly does come down to feels vs reals. Some of you "feel" the hat is racist. Versus the very "real" crime that took place.

Just because something triggers you doesn't give anyone the right to commit physical violence.

That's how America works. Freedom of speech and expression even if you disagree. Nobody has the right to enact physical force against another person over speech and expression.

Many of you may feel the hat is racist, the rest of us laugh at you because it's not, it is simply a statement of our support of the president and making America Great Again. Great for everyone regardless of color.

Yes you don't agree, but you don't get to commit crimes or have crimes committed excused because you dislike somebody else's political speech and/or expression.
It's the same logic behind the "punch a nazi" thing. Some will claim that once they've labeled someone a Nazi, it's ok to be violent toward them because it's actually self-defense (since Nazis want to end their lives already).

It's an incredible leap and is a huge red flag for the lack of mental stability.


It's the same logic behind the "punch a nazi" thing. Some will claim that once they've labeled someone a Nazi, it's ok to be violent toward them because it's actually self-defense (since Nazis want to end their lives already).

It's an incredible leap and is a huge red flag for the lack of mental stability.

On point


There it is, the “la la la can’t hear you you’re a snowflake teehee” response that most Trump supporters default too when they have no positive contribution to a discussion.

I’d ask you if you were a Republican before Trump, or if you simply became a supporter because he won and you felt depressed, alone, and had no friends so by siding with the winning side it made you feel like you were a part of something and it now gives you an excuse to act childish and you could always go back to your newfound group for support, but I already know the answer.
Is this what you have resorted to now? Armchair psychology.

You're defending a criminal and an asshole while contributing nothing to the discussion. Lay down on the couch and tell us why?

So Heather Hayer's dies some jackasses try to make it out that she was "so fat she probably died by a heart attack" = Meh
So some kid gets water splashed on him and has his hat stolen and some jackasses make it out that he was probably saying "black people need to die" = Fucking liberals man gotta vote them out

right no bias whatsoever

Some jackass...Don't you mean "People like me make shit up becuase we are so far up our own ass we can't admit something is bad without justifying it."?
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It's the same logic behind the "punch a nazi" thing. Some will claim that once they've labeled someone a Nazi, it's ok to be violent toward them because it's actually self-defense (since Nazis want to end their lives already).

It's an incredible leap and is a huge red flag for the lack of mental stability.

I endorse punch a nazi, but I'll pull all punches if there's more if this:



I endorse punch a nazi, but I'll pull all punches if there's more if this:

Today everyone is a nazi that why this phrase is so fucking dangerous.

This is insane to me. They condeme violence but then try to justify vviolence of the other side like Antifa. It is maddending to see how this shit is now. NO Vioelnce and selfjustice is NEVER ok except in the case of self defense. But SPEECH is not a reason for violence at all.
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So Heather Hayer's dies some jackasses try to make it out that she was "so fat she probably died by a heart attack" = Meh
So some kid gets water splashed on him and has his hat stolen and some jackasses make it out that he was probably saying "black people need to die" = Fucking liberals man gotta vote them out

right no bias whatsoever

If this "counts" than so does the two attempts at trumps life during his campaing, a bernie bro shooting up gop while they play a game and borderline countless attacks on people who wear maga hats.
Again if its about numbers of these kinda incidents you already lose just in the campaign time frame not even talking about registered demonstrations that than get attacked by antifa and paid activists.
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Jon Neu

Who said he's gonna to war with North Korea...I visit resetera to wtach the stupids...yet not even they have went that far...
Keep in mind "what you've seen" if you look for it you will find it.
I though polls didn't matter also that so called poll was calling old voter and very biased....like fuck polls in general

In what possible planet do you live?
Right cause Im totally trying to justify it...oh wait maybe read my gawdamn post.

I'm pointing out shit like this always happens on both sides yet for some reason you can't seem to grasp that.
I've been trying to point out for like the whole thread that this is how restera got to be such a shit place...Cause they kept trying to shit on all conservatives and push the narrative that "were the good ones they all bad boohoo".
When you try to turn a grey world into a black and white place you end up going fucking off the deep end.


So Heather Hayer's dies some jackasses try to make it out that she was "so fat she probably died by a heart attack" = Meh
So some kid gets water splashed on him and has his hat stolen and some jackasses make it out that he was probably saying "black people need to die" = Fucking liberals man gotta vote them out

right no bias whatsoever
Heifer Heyer's death was an accident caused by a man being attacked in his vehicle by people armed with bats and hammers who attempted to flee.
Ohhhh just like this kid got hit because he was saying black people deserve to die?
You know the shit you just said was made up right?
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