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Advice? Wild possum holed up in bathroom

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will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Snuggler said:
Jesus, Gaf. Here he is in a life or death situation dealing with this possum and you're trying to sell him on PC gaming. Now's not the time, dammit.

Possums use OSX confirmed.


first of all it's been two days. you should put a bowl of beer on the floor for the possum. it's probably thirsty and it will see the move as a peace offering. maybe if you're lucky it will let you live in it's house.

secondly your food trail should lead outside. why are you using a garbage can... this isn't Mouse Trap?


also gaf needs more pics!
GillianSeed79 said:
Basically, don't make much money and want to pay off debts before investing in new PC or laptop.

You should download Ubuntu Linux and install it on your PC so you can ditch Windows ME. It's free, stable, and runs well on older machines.


when i first clicked on this thread and dismissed it, i shouldve known something spectacular was happening because it didnt go away

You do realise this is just a plot to get a good story for his paper, right? 'Possum invasion sends massive online videogame community into chaos'
Okay, just got back from work and was very, very, VERY curious, how this whole possum situation developed.

Oh boy, this thread delivered well!

First to OP: You are a brave and responsible man. No kidding, you did all you were able to do to bring this lil fella back to nature, despite you were drunk, hard working and technically impaired. And you delivered the most exotic animal pictures I've seen for a long time. You are a real hero.

And all the other fantastic gaffers were a congenial supporting cast with all the summaries and hilarious shops.

This was one of GAFs finest hours.

OMG Aero

This thread is the best thing ever. Of all time.
I can't wait to see how this ends, but at the same time I don't want it to end. At this point OP you should just adopt the possum as a pet and when people ask you why you have a possum as a pet you can tell them the greatest story ever.


Repost for new page:

The Exhaustive and Complete Guide to the Possum Nightmare:


- July 16th 3:37am: Possum is discovered in bathroom [It is later revealed that OP lives in the woods of West Virginia. OP reveals he left a door cracked for his cats to go into his backyard, possum took advantage of opportunity. Was originally discovered eating cat food in the kitchen. One of the cats scared the possum which then, naturally and like a woman, retreated to the bathroom. OP reveals he opened the cellar door and the outside door, inviting more possums in, in hopes the current resident possum would vacate. We assume the bathroom door was open at this point. When OP opened the cellar door and door to outside, possum flees to bedroom closet. OP sleeps in den, not in bedroom. Possum acquires own bedroom sometime between 3:57am-4:45am]
- July 16th 3:52am: OP is drunk, cannot call animal control, plans to attempt to scare/shoo possum.
- July 16th 3:53am: OP admits he has pissed outside twice, as to not present possum with a chance to bite his penis.
- July 16th 3:57am: OP admits to not owning a digital camera and that he is posting to NeoGAF from his Wii.
- July 16th 4:27am: OP says he will take pictures the following day to prove a possum has really taken up residence in his bedroom.
- July 16th 4:45am: OP confirms possum is still in bedroom, apparently behind his bed. OP blocks all exits.
- July 16th 4:54am: OP explains why he is posting via a Wii - something about porn and a trojan horse. Also, keyboard does not work.
- July 16th 5:04am: OP admits his computer runs Windows ME, no one believes him. He agrees to take a photo to prove it the following morning.
- July 16th 5:18am: OP says he will check back in with GAF at 9:30am and presumably retires to the den.
- July 16th 6:48am: Keyser Soze posts PossumGAF photo. Hilarity ensues.
- July 16th 9:30am-5:18pm: Rampant speculation begins as to whether or not OP was consumed by possum, or has turned into a possum. An email is dispatched to the Opossum Society of the US for help. No reply as of yet.
- July 16th 5:19pm: OP posts, shocking everyone, saying he is alive and was called into work. States he is headed to office to pick up a camera and then will take photos and upload them. Tells GAF it will take 20 minutes.

[OP later reveals that his car ran out of gas en route to office, had to call AAA, thus the hour and a half long gap in the timeline.]

- July 16th 6:46pm: OP makes post stating he cannot locate the resident possum, lets GAF know his cat is OK! OP creates a photobucket.com account.
- July 16th 7:12pm: OP posts picture of a 10+ year old monitor running Windows ME and a July 16th 2010 newspaper to prove it is a current photo. Many photoshops ensue. OP says he will attempt to locate and photograph the rogue possum.
- July 16th 7:48pm: OP says he is leaving his office and will conduct an extensive search of his property for the rogue, resident possum. OP states if he finds the offensive brute, rogue, resident possum he will return to his office to get a camera and photograph it.
- July 16th 8:08pm: OP states he has FOUND the dirty, offensive brute, rogue, resident possum. OP states he will need to take a 20 minute round trip drive to fetch a camera from his office.
- July 16th 8:55pm: OP posts two photos of the cute, dirty, offensive brute, rogue, resident possum in his bedroom, including one with a July 16th 2010 newspaper for validity. It is later clarified that the photos of the possum were taken in the bedroom closet. OP clarifies that he has a large walk-in closet that is not clean while "the rest of the house is".
- July 16th 8:56pm: GAF discovers the OP's bedroom to be filthy and a perfect home for any possum/critter.
- July 16th 9:05pm: OP states he will begin to attempt a new tactic of "shooing" the animal out of his house. OP also states his closet has not been cleaned "in a very long time" and that is why his room is in the state it is in.
- July 16th 10:21pm: OP states he has called animal control and that apparently, contrary to popular belief, they do not handle animals. Animal Control instructs OP to contact Department of Natural Resources. OP states DNR requires a payment of $100USD to remove the critter. OP says "fuck you" to the DNR and gets off the phone. Before DNR is disconnected from the call, however, they warn the OP to "not let it [the possum] bite you". OP is thankful for this helpful advice. OP lays out plan of action, which includes wearing multiple layers of clothing and dishwashing gloves for the removal of the beast.
- July 16th 10:31pm: OP fills in gaps in his story with detailed information as to the arrival of the devil creature.
- July 16th 10:46pm: OP gives us his work schedule and fills in more gaps in the story, giving everyone a more enlightened view of the terror going on in the OP's home.
- July 16th 11:02pm: OP states that the hell spawn terror bird has moved underneath his bed and he cannot evict it. The OP departs for the liquor store to acquire some beer.
- July 16th 11:11pm: OP states that he is also going to purchase grapes while he is out. OP also reveals a new, and more detailed, plan of action - he will be attempting to capture the devil inside of a trash can.
- July 16th 11:44pm: OP states he has returned home with a six pack of Yeungling beer, a pack of cigarettes, a meatball sub, and grapes (did not specify red or white), causing GAF to wonder if he is even worried about kicking out the Cthulu-inspired horror awaiting him at home if he has time to purchase a meatball sub and cigarettes; things he did not specify he was going to purchase. Impulse buys will eventually be the OPs downfall at the hands of the great terror in his bedroom. OP also informs GAF that the beast is still under his bed and that he has set a trap. OP has apparently set a plastic trashcan at a 30-degree angle with a trail of grapes and cat food leading to it. Much like a Choose Your Own Adventure novel, he has also given the terror an alternate path, he has laid another path of food leading to the cellar. OP also reveals if this bulletproof plan fails, he will shell out $100 to the DNR to have them remove the holy terror residing in his house, haunting his dreams. OP intends to sit and drink until he catches himself a possum or he passes out.
- July 16th 11:55pm: OP informs GAF that his food has been eaten and he is posting about the fact that he ate aforementioned meatball sub. No information as to how messy it was and/or how many napkins were used.
- July 17th 1:33am: OP informs GAF that his dresser drawers (seen in this photo) were not found in a dumpster but were, in fact, given to him by a co-worker whom had moved. OP also informs GAF that brown stain seen in that same photo is probably the result of the possum taking a shit in the closet/possum bedroom.
- July 17th 1:56am: OP reports on the situation of his trap. OP states food remains uneaten however the beast creature is no longer residing in the bedroom. OP believes it has departed through the cellar. OP is not 100% sure about this. OP is drunk, is not totally sure. OP will check his place again in the morning to be certain.
- July 17th 1:59am: OP has confirmed to GAF that the beast has officially entered the cellar. OP states he saw the beast walking down the stairs into the cellar. However, OP states he doesn't believe the beast can get out of the cellar (raising questions as to why he opened the door to the cellar in the first place?). OP informs GAF that the only way out of his cellar is a hole in the foundation, GAF begins to believe this is turning into a twisted version of "A Caske of Amontillado". OP asks GAF whether he should leave the creature in the cellar or see if it can find its way out the front door. OP also acknowledges it is highly probable that he has Stockholm Syndrome at this point of the crisis, validating a post made by Horsebite earlier this evening. GAF awaits the outcome of the situation.
July 17th 2:57am: OP admits he is completely wasted. OP informs GAF that his job took precedence over the possum situation because it involved "severed limbs, handguns, a bank robbery, and someone who got stabbed for running their mouth". OP admits guilt due to the fact the possum turned its head while walking down the cellar stairs as if to say "Hey I'm a possum, but this is a shithole dude".
July 17th 3:06am OP admits to GAF he is a reporter(!).
July 17th 3:10am OP declares he is retiring for the night, leaving many questions unanswered.
July 17th 3:37pm: OP notifies GAF that he will be descending into the cellar to attempt to confirm whether the possum has exited the premises.

And that, ladies and gentleman, brings us up to date as of July 17th 3:40pm EST.

Supplemental Links:

Hilarious Photos & Posts from this thread:


The Actual Bathroom Invader Possum Photos:

Informative Websites:
www.opossumsocietyus.org's Opossum FAQ which offers answers to such burning questions as "An opossum is pooping in my yard. What do I do?", "Opossums make my dog bark. What do I do?", "How do I prevent an opossum from drowning in my pool?", "My neighbor kills or tortures animals. What can I do?", "I see an opossum sharing a food dish with my cat. What do I do?", and many, many more.
I don't get why he had to get a camera for a second time. There is not indication of him bringing the first one back (and why would he, he hadn't found the opossum yet).

Also IMO there is still a chance the OP IS the opossum, think of Peter Parker <-> Spider-Man! He took photos of himself and works for the local news to hide his identity!


No reason to be sorry about a thing OP. Hope possum story drags on for another few days but I also hope the best for you.
You complete me.


SolidusDave said:
I don't get why he had to get a camera for a second time. There is not indication of him bringing the first one back (and why would he, he hadn't found the opossum yet).

Also IMO there is still a chance the OP IS the opossum, think of Peter Parker <-> Spider-Man! He took photos of himself and works for the local news to hide his identity!


<3[/QUOTE]:lol :lol Yes!



Ehhhh no wonder you got Possum issues, what a filthy ass place you got there and what is up with your dresser falling apart LOL.


A nice story, from the Cherokees

Why the Possum's Tail is Bare
retold by Barbara Shining Woman Warren
Possum once had a very long busy tail. He was so proud of it that he combed it out every morning and he always sang about it at the dances. Rabbit used to have a long busy tail too, but he lost his in the frozen lake. Rabbit was jealous of Possum's tail, so he decided to play a trick on Possum.
A great council meeting and dance was to be held; all the animals were invited to attend. It was Rabbit's job to spread the news. Passing Possum's place, he stopped to ask Possum if he intended to come to the dance. Possum said, "Oh, I'll go if I have a special seat. Because I have such a handsome tail I ought to sit where everybody can see me."

Rabbit said he would definitely see to it and he would also send someone to comb and dress Possum's tail for the dance. This pleased Possum very much and he said he would be there.

Rabbit went straight way to the Cricket who was an expert hair-cutter; he is known by the Cherokee as the "barber". Rabbit told Cricket to go the very next morning and attend to Possum's tail for the dance. Rabbit told Cricket exactly how he wanted Possum's tail fixed, and then Rabbit went on about his mischief.

Bright and early the next morning, Cricket went to the Possum's place. He said he had come to get Possum ready for the dance. So Possum stretched himself out on the floor and shut his eyes while Cricket dressed his tail. Cricket combed out the tail and began to wrap a red string all around it to keep the fur smooth until that night. But as he wound the string around Possum's tail, Cricket was clipping off the hair close to the roots and Possum never knew it.

When it was time for the dance that night, Possum went to the townhouse where the dance was to be held. Just as Rabbit had promised, the very best seat was saved for Possum. Then Possum sat down and waited for his turn to dance. When his turn came, he loosened the red string from his tail and stepped into the middle of the dance circle.

The drummers began to drum and Possum began to sing. As he danced around the Circle, he sang, "See my beautiful tail." Everybody shouted and he danced around the Circle again and sang, "See what a fine color it has." The animals shouted again and he danced around another time, singing, "See how it sweeps the ground." The animals shouted louder than ever, and Possum was delighted. He danced around again and sang, "See how fine the fur is." Everybody was laughing so long and so loud that Possum stopped to see what was the matter. He looked around at the circle of animals and they were all laughing at him. Then he looked down at his beautiful tail. There wasn't a hair left on it; it was completely bare! Possum was so upset and embarrassed that he fell over on the ground in a dead faint...with a slight grin upon his face, as possums do to this very day when taken by surprise.

(adapted from "History, Myths and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee" by James Mooney)


methos75 said:
...and what is up with your dresser falling apart LOL.

GillianSeed79 said:
Yeah, I need to quit. Smoke a pack a day. I really need to move to a new place too. Funny thing is, this possum thing isn't the worst thing that's happened recently. The apartment building I live in is owned by slum lords pretty much. The apartment directly above me is currently vacant. Last Wednesday a hot water line upstairs burst causing a pretty bad water leak. Basically, water was flowing like a waterfall in my bathroom from the ceiling taking out about 30 percent of the ceiling tiles and leaving a gaping hole. Water actually started dripping down my kitchen wall kind of like the stains you see in the closet pic. I suspect that might be what the stains are. Oh! Forgot about explanation regarding dresser. One of my work friends gave it to me for free when she was moving, but the top drawrer is broken. Honestly, I'm bad with clothes. 90 percent of what I own I never wear. Most of my old clothes I just stuff in my closet. As far as the brown stain, I think the possum took a shit in the closet.


methos75 said:
Ehhhh no wonder you got Possum issues, what a filthy ass place you got there...
Also, just to clarify...
- July 16th 8:55pm: OP posts two photos of the cute, dirty, offensive brute, rogue, resident possum in his bedroom, including one with a July 16th 2010 newspaper for validity. It is later clarified that the photos of the possum were taken in the bedroom closet. OP clarifies that he has a large walk-in closet that is not clean while "the rest of the house is".

I added this to the timeline as well, no idea why I left this out because it's been mentioned quite a bit. Timeline updated for July 17th 1:33am post explaining why the dresser is falling apart and that he assumes the possum shit in the closet.:lol
Horsebite said:
Also, just to clarify... :lol

I added this to the timeline as well, no idea why I left this out because it's been mentioned quite a bit. Timeline updated for July 17th 1:33am post explaining why the dresser is falling apart and that he assumes the possum shit in the closet.:lol

You should be promoted to GillianSeed's personal agent. I've never seen dedication like this :D



Mechanical Snowman said:
You should be promoted to GillianSeed's personal agent. I've never seen dedication like this :D
I knew this thread had the potential to become legendary, and it must be chronicled. Also, it's important to have a solid timeline to go through so we could all figure out what the fuck was going on and when the fuck it happened.:lol


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Horsebite said:
I don't want the damned thing to leave. This thread is the only thing that has brought me joy since my wife told me she was leaving! :)'()

Who needs a wife when you could have a possum? :D

And OP, man, I love you. I love your thread. This is the best thing to appear on GAF since the Konami 2010 press conference thread. This should definitely go to the archives. And OP, keep us updated on how your new roommate is handling the situation :lol


LizardKing said:
dude, for a small town a lot of shitty things seem to happen around there


Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside your basement... there is no turning back.

Your choice of OS was not your fault. Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely.

Are you ready to begin?

Firebrand said:

Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside your basement... there is no turning back.

Your choice of OS was not your fault. Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely.

Are you ready to begin?


how can he be ready to fight the humans that bring oppresion?
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