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After finishing Until Dawn, is Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls worth my time?


Fuck the haters, Heavy Rain is well worth your time. Beyond not so much, but it's still worth a look if you enjoy Heavy Rain. I'd suggest The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us though if you haven't played either of those.
Heavy rain is imo one of the best experiences of the last generation. It has 87 in metacritic(107 reviews!). They are not all of them crazy.

Beyond2souls on the other hand is mediocre.


My girlfriend and I finished Until Dawn last night and we had a blast, so now we’re looking for more “interactive-drama” games to play together. I tried to get her into Life is Strange, but she didn’t really dig the setting and quickly became bored. Now, it seems that our only options left are Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls; but I fear that Until Dawn has rather spoilt us and these two might become very tame in comparison

What’s the general consensus on both of them? Are there any other narrative-driven games out there worth our time?

Until Dawn is the Heavy Rain style game distilled down to a perfect experience.

David Cage's games are a mess by comparison.

Just play The Walking Dead Season 1 or power through Life Is Strange until you get to mid-late chapter 1


HAHA I like how people are noting the reactions to what Page does in the game. Seriously, that was some shit tier writing. I am a little over half way through the game, and honestly the ends of these sections are ridiculously written when they are written at all. It's like they just gave up at the end. Oh, you murdered the whole bar? Let's go home now sweetie.

I do like some of the interactions though, and it is worth experiencing just once. I can't edge myself to play it much.

Now Heavy Rain?

Play the damn game in French with subtitles people. It IS SO MUCH BETTER IN FRENCH.
I recommend Wolf Among Us for intriguing and Tales From the Borderlands for fun.
Walking Dead Season 1 is also amazing if you want to feel sad. :p
You know Heavy Rain does it's thing, it's cool in some ways, obviously grabbed some people, whatever. I played it when it came out finished and did not regret playing it. But I watched a lot of very recently, like a couple days ago. And everytime I catch a new glimpse at that thing it reaffirms just how atrociously, really mysteriously bad writing, dialogue, characters, acting, accents(?????)....fuckin everything is.

It's cool that it goes for its 100% own thing, and it was one-of-a-kind when it came out and the thing is entirely functional, but that shit is real bad. It's closer to The Room than it is to like a decent thriller.
Also if you just consider the Madison scenes, it's fuckin weird man, like practically every scene includes nudity and/or sexual violence/assault/humiliation/exploitation. Like bruh talk to your therapist before you make this shit.
Heavy Rain is the best one using the choices and consequences mechanic after Until Dawn. it's worth a try at the very least. For all the problems it had its still a very well done title with a good plot at the time of release.

Beyond Two Souls its pretty much an interactive movie with minimal choices but it has it's moments. Try it out if theres nothing to play.


Wow Cage hate on GAF is huge lol
For me Heavy Rain still the best experience Ive ever had in this genre.
Better than Until Dawn.
Seeing as Quantic Dream is my favorite game company, I had to make a post here.

First and foremost, I dont have to look at the comments to tell you that majority has probly shitted on their games because theres a lot of David Cage haters out there.

Heavy Rain - A masterpiece. This is one that must be experienced. Although you wont get the gold vibe from it since you already played Until Dawn which is almost a horror clone of it.

Beyond Two Souls - I actually just beat this. It was the last Quantic Dream game iver never played and finally done so. The story is kinda off after awhile. Its a masterpiece till mid way and you see how the story takes a dive and becomes almost unbearable to let unfold.

Indigo Prophecy - Another decent game if you can stomach the graphics. I played this one in later years yet the story still caught me and was enough to satisfy my purchase. I very much liked this game. Definitely different than the last two games I spoke of.

Omikron: The Nomad Soul - Great game. I do believe Quantic Dream's first game and the first game ive ever played from them. I didnt get to beat it. It was kinda beyond its time at that time. With help from singer, David Bowie, it was something special. Although like Indigo Prophecy, its very different. But this one is worth a play as well. Just realize that also like the previous games, the graphics and gameplay might turn some off.


Heavy rain is okay. the writing becomes atrocious, and for what amounts to a more interactive visual novel, this means the game might just piss you off in the end.


No joke, Heavy Rain is probably the worst game I have every played. From the nosensical story, plot-holes, garbage QTEs and gameplay, extreme uncanny valley, etc. etc., it was a huge waste of time. Not recommended at all.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Heavy Rain is maybe worth I look I feel for some the intense set pieces, but the writing is terrible across the board for more or less everything Quantic Dream has conjured, which is a significant deficiency when the genre is so reliant on consistent, believable character and narrative writing.

Until Dawn is what happens when an interactive screenplay is penned by writers already deeply experienced and proficient with television and film screenwriting principles. It's evident from right out the gate and never lets up, particularly in how seamlessly scenes blend together, the characters are interwoven in and developed alongside ongoing events, and the narrative is structured as a whole.

I don't think it's a perfect game, but for most part it's written to know the strengths and weaknesses of the genre, successfully transitioning cinematic principles in screenplay and directing to an interactive work. It's incredibly self aware and confident with its themes and cast. It's probably one of my most surprising gems of this gen, especially considering Quantinc Dream's awfulness was the flagbearer for this genre on Sony's platforms.


I say give them both a shot cause you never know what you'll like till you try it. Personally I love Heavy rain and wish the Remaster had been a Director's or Extended Cut with all the shit they'd cut out cause they got gun shy over the supernatural elements.
Much like BvS the shit that tied the story together was cut out and it causes narrative problems later on in the game like why Ethan has the Origami in his hand.


Heavy Rain is maybe worth I look I feel for some the intense set pieces, but the writing is terrible across the board for more or less everything Quantic Dream has conjured, which is a significant deficiency when the genre is so reliant on consistent, believable character and narrative writing.

Until Dawn is what happens when an interactive screenplay is penned by writers already deeply experienced and proficient with television and film screenwriting principles. It's evident from right out the gate and never lets up, particularly in how seamlessly scenes blend together, the characters are interwoven in and developed alongside ongoing events, and the narrative is structured as a whole.

I don't think it's a perfect game, but for most part it's written to know the strengths and weaknesses of the genre, successfully transitioning cinematic principles in screenplay and directing to an interactive work. It's incredibly self aware and confident with its themes and cast. It's probably one of my most surprising gems of this gen, especially considering Quantinc Dream's awfulness was the flagbearer for this genre on Sony's platforms.

You talk about David Cage like he's Uwe Boll level when he's not. He perfected a game type has that has become a genre of it's own copied by TellTale, Don'tNod and Supermassive Games. Would there even be a The Walking Dead game without Heavy Rain's success? "A man has an idea. The idea attracts others, like-minded. The idea expands. The idea becomes an institution."
Looking back at my experience with Heavy Rain, it was a suspenseful, sometimes tense ride with seemingly deep consequences that worked well while I kept my disbelief suspended and refrained from scrutinizing its plot. It's very moody with its thick atmosphere and great soundtrack, and it helped expand the genre.

It's far from faultless, but it's a game worth checking out if you're willing to forgive its shortcomings. There are scenes in the game that have certainly stuck with me, and I don't mean that in a negative way.


I've finished both games for the first time on the PS4. Heavy Rain was decent, but Beyond was a mess. I actually restarted the game to play the episodes chronologically. And that's only one of many problems (I also really hated how they forced the potential love interests, it's like they both came up out of nowhere).

I would still recommend playing both, but it's best to buy or rent the retail version so you can get rid of it afterwards.


Neogaf is like one of the only places I know were people trash talk David cage games. Girls and guys I know in real life all love cage games to death after I introduce them.


Beyond Two Souls was actually really good. It actually had great acting/performances and was quite moving at times. Really interesting story if a bit ridiculous.

Heavy Rain was pretty awful. Dull, with terrible acting, but give it a shot you might enjoy it. You can buy them both together for cheap.
Man...some people...
Not only is Heavy Rain one of the best games of last gen, there would probably not be an Until Dawn if it weren't for David Cage's games and their success for Sony.
Heavy Rain is flawed, but is overall a better game than Until Dawn (apart from the graphics of course). I say trey it, its a cheap game. I played through it 3 times and loved it. Once alone, once with my girlfriend and once with a group of friends.
Heavy Rain is the only David Cage game I've actually played to completion. If it was anything but a game it would have been bargain bin shit. Its full of plot contrivances, plot holes, sexism, one particularly bad racist stereotype, bad voice acting, takes itself cartoonishly seriously, and (entering spoiler town here)
lies to the player about Scott Shelby in the clock store scene.

A lot of those points are constants throughout David Cage games.


David Cage is a hack. The writing in his games is consistently terrible, and this genre relies on writing to be at least decent in order for the game to be good.

leng jai

Heavy Rain has aged horribly, and I'm pretty sure they didn't bother fixing or polishing any of it in the remaster. Beyond has better acting and the overall presentation is on another level. It's not a great game, but worth playing if you like the genre.

Life is Strange is leagues ahead of both though.
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