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AI War Zenith Remnant is out

Llyranor said:
Here's the current sitrep. Here is Murdoch, a frontier planet where we've established a firm defensive base able to repel substantial enemy raids. A few hundred fighters/bombers/frigates, some starship support, 6 force fields, 2 fortresses, and a Maginot line of fixed turret defenses (the main pride of the base being its large number of lightning turrets - which do area damage - which has likely saved its bacon in a previous siege by thousands of enemy attackers). It's a pretty sturdy base and has served us well so far (even though we've had it destroyed once and had to repel the large swarm of enemy raiders that cut through to our much less-defended rear planets. Since then, however, the front has been well-stabilized. What's the worst that could happen?

Now, over time, the enemy has been accumulating a large fleet on the neighboring planet, numbering about 4000. Should be okay, since we've been able to beat back similar numbers before. Perhaps the addition of an impending cross-planetary invasion was a bad sign. Here you can see the main enemy fleet assembling right near the warp to Murdoch at the bottom there, with an endless stream of reinforcements from other warps. It's a bit cliched to say, but in this case it's actually over 9000 in the literal sense.

Here's a closer look at the eye of the storm (and it's now over 10,000 -____-)

This is where our session ended. To be continued!
great post


It's a real calm before the storm at the moment. Right now there's less fighting going on than we've seen for the last few hours, but once it starts it's really going to kick off.

I'm the one who actually owns the system so most of the units you can see right now are mine, including 2 'superweapons', an Ion Cannon mk2 (probably a bit of a waste) and a sheild inhibitor (yet to be seen).

Almost all of my fleet (including most of my starships) was wiped out on the first desperate defence of the planet but i'm finally getting back up to full strengh (about 2000 ships total) only to have 11,000 hostile ships sitting on the other side of that wormhole.

The starmap is set up so that we can't really move from here, but can strike planets behind us instead to take over adv reserch and fabrictor facilities but freeing up enough ships from defence to actually do this is proving a tad tricky (though we are making slow progress).

however, if we don't make enough progress before the AI rage counter hits about 900 then it's going to be game over.


I would like to thank you Joseph,
I looked at this originally, a while ago and the trailer was horrible considering it was meant to highlight the good points of the game. I mulled it over and decided not to bother.

Now after reading this thread/checking out the links I may buy the game today :)

Currently going through the basic tutorials and hopefully one of the videos will expand on what general gameplay is like.


Quick follow-up. Remember that fighters destroys bombers, which destroy frigates, which destroy fighters.


Here is the incoming massive wave. They also sent a small vanguard of (fast-moving, cloaked) raptors first, but we quickly dispatched those before the main fleet arrived.


Enemy contact! Maginot line is doing its job, tractor beams holding whatever they can while the lightning turrets deal out mass damage throughout the entire area.


It's kind of hard to see what's going on in the screenshot (or in the game when there are 10,000+ units involved in a battle -_- ). The main threat here is the 1500+ bombers, which can potentially wreck havoc through our force fields and destroy the command stations. We need to prioritize those. We're pulling our frigates out of the forcefields via both flanks to try to lure the bombers on them (they'll get decimated if so, but a small price to pay to maintain the base). On the upper right you can also see us mobilizing our bombers out to attack their lagging frigate fleet (bottom of the map, can't see on screenshot). Meanwhile, as their bombers are mostly at the center of their fleet, we're sending our fighters directly on them to destroy them as soon as possible.


While they're not really taking the bait re: bombers --> frigates, they are sending their fighters after our bombers (which you can see on the upper right). We're having our bombers break off to the south-east while trying to hold the fighters off with my (green) screen of frigates conveniently positioned there. Note that I have 107 frigates.


This screen is to showcase that our forcefields have been getting pummelled continuously by the bombers. We've been keeping tabs on which get damaged, quickly pull them out via the nearby warp (where they get automatically repaired by a Mobile Repair Station already set up there), then return them when they get back up to strength.


A more global view of the battle. Our bombers have broken off and are going straight for the frigate fleet at the bombers (with chasing fighters), while my frigates on the right try to stall the enemy fighters as much as possible. Worthy of note here is how uniformly damaged all the enemy ships at the top are. That's from the lightning turrets, which deal damage to the entire area. I don't usually find them very useful since they're not that powerful, but when we have 50 of them and the enemy has grouped thousands upon thousands of units, that's a lot of damage being spread out.


As the battle rages on, attrition takes its toll. The entire enemy frontline crumbles as the lightning turrets kill them off all at once. I will never underestimate lightning turrets ever again. Our bomber offensive is turning to be a big mistake, however, as their frigates are being escorted by 300+ lightning shuttles. Again, it's the concentrated damage that's so destructive here. We're retreating our bombers to the left (all extremely damaged). As I've been pulling my frigates down to follow the enemy fighters, they've also gotten within range of the lightning shuttles. As I was focusing on the top of the battle, I hadn't realized it until it was too late. I now have a total of 3 frigates left. Out of 107. Our bomber strike wasn't very fruitful, either. Not sure how many we destroyed, as the screenshot actually show their numbers increasing via reinforcements.


But that's just a setback. The battle is over, we take care of the shuttles quickly, then loose our bombers onto the remaining retreating enemy frigates. It's a slaughter.

The battle's over. But the AI is already massing up large reinforcements at the nearby planet. The status quo isn't going to work. We need to expand and destroy their raid engines.


The longer we try to hold the line the more trouble we will get into. We need to expand and capture nearby core fabricators to increase the side of our fleets and RUs.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Games like this make me wish there was a PC in the house and not just macs.


Llyranor said:
Post of awesome

I tried the demo and instantly knew that I would spent way to much time with this game if I had bought it during the sale.
Your post shows how its meant to be played and how great coop strategy games can be, but sadly it also shows that I made the right choice :(


Had some fun with the demo so just purchased the game plus expansion for under a tenner. Thank you Steam sale.

Im terrible at these types of games but just couldnt resist whats basically a 2D version of EVE online.


Bought it, went thru the tuts, even tried the intermediary tutorial

for those that havent pld this tut, u have 3 planets, weak, medium, strong, your meant to take them over in that order.

I didn't... tried to take the strongest planet first and got raped. Second time round, I rode the AI HARD!!


Yesterday I lost 8 hours to this game without even really trying :/

Pure crack and i've still barely scratched the surface of it.


In case anyone cares the next patch is in beta and looks to be a massive buff to the useful but annoying Mobile Repair Ships, increasing their healing range from a crappy 3000 to a nice 15,000 as well as doubling their movement speed.

Golems are also getting a large overhall including the AI progress not raising in response to Golems being repaired when they're already online.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
GDJustin said:
Games like this make me wish there was a PC in the house and not just macs.

FYI, AI War is now available for macs, and is half-off on Steam right now - $10:


There is also apparently a new expansion - Children of Neinzul. As per my quote from earlier this year, I don't actually know if it is new or anything. I haven't been following the game. Totally just bought it for $10 though. Yay for Steam helping to bring mac gaming out of the ghetto :D



Having tried it out last night I can say that the newest version of the game '4.0' is a massive improvement to an already great game.

The graphics, sound and UI have received a massive overhaul, as have the tutorials and other 'teach yourself to play' features along with huge improvements to the way the game actually plays, ditching a lot of the more esoteric elements and streamlining (or rather, preserving the flow of) the various 'stages' of an average game.

It's also now Linux 'compatible' since it's running on Unity (which means it's not really, but it will run well in WINE).


Time to jump on this, don't know if I will be able to play soon, but if that supports an indie team that made the games I'm interested on, my money will be useful at least.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
So as per my post yesterday, I happily snatched this up for my mac. Unfortunately I've run into the Steam bug where the game is purchased, my account charged and a receipt sent, but the game is not showing up in my Library -_- ...the ugly downside of digital distribution.

24 hours and Steam Support hasn't replied to my ticket yet.

Edit: I take it the first expac is worth $5? Might pick it up too.


Yeah, I'd say the extra units/additions are worth it. I'd recommend the 2nd mini-xpac too; haven't played enough of that to judge the merits of the new content, but all proceeds go to Child's Play charity, so what the hey.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Steam support got back to me and I followed the steps and it still isn't in my library. Yay?
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