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Akihiko Yoshida (FFT, TO, Vagrant Story, FFXII) confirms that he has left Square Enix


I'm not seeing those "lot of great games", honestly. I know that there are talented people there, but when the ones I like the most start leaving and people like Toriyama ruins everything, I can't really care about them anymore. I'm hyping Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3, but that's it. And the hype is level is quite low.
Then you are ignoring their handheld output, which they have been completely & utterly rocking in since the early days of DS & PSP (apart from some tuds like DS's Mana games). Type-0, TWEWY, KHBBS, Crisis Core, Theatrhythm, Dragon Quest IX, 3rd Birthday, Dissidias, Bravely Default, KHDDD, Tactics Ogre and a plethora of smaller titles have been more or less good/great. Sure, some of these games have some shortcomings (i.e. the story of 3rd Birthday is ass), but they still show they have directors, game designers & coders who can design & execute games that are fun to play. You're really exaggerating how much Toriyama has affected the company. He mostly contained his suckage in the XIII saga + ruined the stories of Front Mission Evolved (though, Double Helix is mostly to blame for that games shittiness) and 3rd Birthday (this was partly developed by Tabata & his team and apart from the story, it's actually a fun shooter RPG-lite to play).

In addition to Ito, people like Nomura, Tabata, Naoki Yoshida, Horii and Tai Yasue are only a few who've proven to be able to helm the development of great games (and not the only ones, I just don't remember the names of some like the directors of Dissidia) and even if you hate the existence of Lightning Returns, you can't deny Yuji Abe doesn't have potential to become a great designer.

Really, the only bigger weakness for Square Enix at the moment is their writing side (they need to not let Toriyama near a text document ever again, or Watanabe). They could really do with having more projects like Bravely Default where they hire from outside the company, even for their biggest projects (or ESPECIALLY for their biggest projects).


Junior Member
On a positive note, since Yoshida is no longer bounded by his SE, he can do more freelance work and perhaps even reunite with Matsuno to create the next Tactics Ogre game. Also, just because Yoshida has left Square Enix doesn't mean this is the end we will see his work. As it has been pointed out, Yoshitaka Amano who has long left the company still contribute to the mainline series.

Nevermind, I think TO series belongs to SE now.


Wow. This is a huge loss. I was thinking the other day how SE still had some great concept artists in Yoshida and Isamu Kamikokuryo. With no Matsuno and no Yoshida, no more Ivalice based games?

Interested to see what he does next. I can imagine him doing some gallery shows and the like with his own personal work while still doing some freelance illustrations like Amano went on to do.

Would be awesome if this freed him to team up with Matsuno for a new project though..

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Welp only need to have Kawazu and Ito (both) leave and I'll never care about Square Enix again...

Might as well not care since the two of them aren't really working on anything these days :p

Anyway, hope that Yoshida would continue to work with SE and that his new freedom means more creativity and chances. Would like to see him design characters that are not just fantasu or medieval.


In some happy alternate dimension, Matsuno forms a small dev studio and kickstarts games that come out on steam


As long as he doesn't leave the industry, I'm good. It's not like Square used him that much anyway even though he was their best character artist.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I liked FFT/TO/FF12 art. Well I hope he goes somewhere better

He is already working for S-E again at this moment for Bravely Second. He just went freelance, it means he'll get the chance to work for anyone that wants him to work for them, S-E included.

Most of the so called "talents" in S-E are freelancers from centuries.

Nomura: (laughs)

Oh well, Square Enix has been sucking for many years now. Enjoy your pop zipper characters.
So basically, all it needs for Nomura and tabata to leave and SE will be effectively finished, aside from DQ stuff. Right.

Hope they leave and all the exiles can form a new dev...
Nah, that's Toriyama.

Nomura would just design only outfits and no people to wear them, thus signaling he lost his mind and is unfit for work.
Existential JRPG about sets of sentient clothing in a world where HUMANS are legally fashion accessories for Game of the Generation

We were just discussing all the greats that left SE

Sakaguchi left and Made Mistwalker

Matsuno left and is making a mobile game (unfortunately)

And now Yoshida....

SE is dying
At this point, working for Square means you're pretty much consigned to cell phone games for all eternity. You should be glad that a talented developer escaped that fate. Hopefully the indie movement will become big in Japan soon. The country desperately needs it.

I hope mighty no 9 kickstand it.
Well, he could become a Silicon Studio employee (the makers of Bravely Default)...
Anyway I'm gald he clearly states that his involvement with the BD franchise is not over...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I'm glad he will still work on the BD series but it is a good thing he got out. If he goes freelance it gives him more options. However I would not be opposed if he joined MonolithSoft.


It's pretty normal for an already established artist to go freelance, it's for the better to as he his work is not limited only to the company he works for. Still the amount of talent that has left SE over the years is substantial and it was not replaced with as skilled individuals.


Oh damn, big loss.

Maybe he can contract with Sony's Japan studios and try to revitalize some of theose stale jrpgs IPs... That would be great, but a long pipe dream...


He and Naora were the best artists SE had (i'm not including Amano since he's not that much involved with actual concept art these days).At least Naora is still there.


The real loss will come when (eventually) Nomura will leave. He is Square Enix basically. And I have fear after XV he might be leaving...

What? He makes the type of games that Square Enix demands. All the Final Fantasy stuff that isn't medieval or old-school styled.
Yea, I don't see that as possible, when his baby (KH) is SE property. But crazier things have happened, I guess?

Kingdom Hearts is Disney's property. Check the copyright on any KH product.

What else has Amano done recently aside from FF title art and concept pieces every so often?
His big project this past year is a book called Deva Zan, now available in English. He did the title logo for Fantasy Life (Level-5 3DS). He's been doing small exhibitions in Japan in the last year, I met him at one in Sapporo in January. (Bucket list, checked.)

The thing that really makes me cringe is that he was asked about his artwork for Versus/XV and he said something like he did it so long ago that he doesn't even remember it.


Good on Yoshida for jumping ship. Square should have been utilizing him better. Here's hoping his talents (and Matsuno's) are better used elsewhere.

Also, I'd personally love to see some of these bigger guys like Nomura head out so that we can get some fresh blood into Squeenix.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Guess that means no FFXII-2 and FFXII-3 for me. :(

And no FFXII:I:ZJS:HD Remix Portable port. :( :( :(


How much better could they have utilized him? He was already on FF14 and the Bravely games.

Something about his work on FF14 felt strained or lost to me. Too many cooks in the kitchen type thing. It didn't FEEL like Yoshida. I still enjoy the look of the game though. Final Fantasy XII felt similar, but to a lesser degree. Also, I think we all know that FF14 is a secondary FF game. I can't fault you on Bravely Default though. Game looks fantastic.

Still, something about his work always felt unappreciated to me, especially when compared to guys like Nomura and the look that we now associate with the Final Fantasy series.
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