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All Cyberpunk 2077 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


then it must run on very different engine because , still no real proof of real pc final build gameplay out there , so ...trailers are just trailers.


but rly how so much diff between what they show gameplay trailers , and what is real current gen gameplay?

i dont believe that PC will make it look like new game just because it will be pc version ..

A bit concerning there are two of the same NPCs in the same shot. Still not a deal breaker but not a good look.


yes it will be very upset game because we allready have all that and more in open world RPG games, thats why they called that , no ? all i saw from leaked gameplay videos are very script scenes where you cannot do anything just follow path or you not even control anything until mission starts. and then lots action scenes lots miniboses fights that can be done only shooting fighting style so no choice there either, doesnt matter that you want to play game in different style you will be forced to do lots shooting there. and those very scripted scenes and areas that you cannot do much else there , so no freedom. And there must be reason why they didint showed any trailer even where you just walking around in city, nto cinematic just gameplay ... as if there wont be any of that
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That one guy from REEE who is playing Cyberpunk right now, thinks it's 7/10 game because even tho story, wiritng, gameplay and presentation is great, you can't sit on chairs and benches in this game and it breaks immersion for him. SO i expect this game to be very divisive for some people lol
Haha wow. If these are the complaints people are bringing the game will be great. I don't need to sit on benches and shit in the streets.
yes it will be very upset game because we allready have all that and more in open world RPG games, thats why they called that , no ? all i saw from leaked gameplay videos are very script scenes where you cannot do anything just follow path or you not even control anything until mission starts. and then lots action scenes lots miniboses fights that can be done only shooting fighting style so no choice there either, doesnt matter that you want to play game in different style you will be forced to do lots shooting there. and those very scripted scenes and areas that you cannot do much else there , so no freedom.

I will quote that guy who is playing pre patch version right now
"When it comes to the gameplay of cyberpunk, I'm finding that the two main pillars, driving and shooting, are well thought out and have a layer of complexity to them that is almost overwhelming in a sense. There's a lot of perks, weapons, and vehicles to choose from, and it basically covers just about any play style you want to have. Compared to other RPGs, the amount of variety is on the level of a Bethesda game. You truly can decide to be a unique character that no one else will copy one to one. I still have not even scratched the surface of many of the perks, weapons, and vehicles that you can obtain. There is just so much. "

So i think you might be wrong, hopefuly


no sitting maybe but we surely want to go out in city and explore it and that it would be full of NPC and cars and activities going on around that would make you feel you in alive city not in dead space. we dont need to enter every builfing in watch dogs , but it feels very alive and real city actually because of imersion from everything going on around.
and about being current gen thats no much excuse kinda, look how RDR2 looked on current gen it was like next gen.
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People getting disappointed by this game is due to something that I’ve already pointed out in some threads: treating CP2077 as the second coming of Christ. It’s their own damn fault.

TW3, although a masterpiece, was very flawed and not at all best game of all time (I’d say not even top 3 this gen), but somehow people put in their heads that it was the REAL DEAL and Cyberpunk would be just as good.

But it’s obvious that this is not the case, CDPR isn’t even used to this kind of game, things will be rough for some time.

Keep your expectations low and you’ll all enjoy the game.


People getting disappointed by this game is due to something that I’ve already pointed out in some threads: treating CP2077 as the second coming of Christ. It’s their own damn fault.

TW3, although a masterpiece, was very flawed and not at all best game of all time (I’d say not even top 3 this gen), but somehow people put in their heads that it was the REAL DEAL and Cyberpunk would be just as good.

But it’s obvious that this is not the case, CDPR isn’t even used to this kind of game, things will be rough for some time.

Keep your expectations low and you’ll all enjoy the game.
I'm going in expecting open world Deus Ex with elements borrowed from GTA.


Gold Member
CDR has been promoting this game since they first did that video BEFORE PS4/Xbox One OG were even announced. About 8 years ago. PS4 was first announced a month later. Both systems launched later that fall.

I'm hoping it's good, but no skin off my back. I'll be playing it for free as my buddy bought it and I'll tag along doing home sharing.
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I will quote that guy who is playing pre patch version right now
"When it comes to the gameplay of cyberpunk, I'm finding that the two main pillars, driving and shooting, are well thought out and have a layer of complexity to them that is almost overwhelming in a sense. There's a lot of perks, weapons, and vehicles to choose from, and it basically covers just about any play style you want to have. Compared to other RPGs, the amount of variety is on the level of a Bethesda game. You truly can decide to be a unique character that no one else will copy one to one. I still have not even scratched the surface of many of the perks, weapons, and vehicles that you can obtain. There is just so much. "

So i think you might be wrong, hopefuly

The gun options and customizations are very, very in depth.

The bad point is that the melee weapons felt and looked shitty to play in comparison. But I think everyone is expecting that.

hemo memo

Gold Member
People getting disappointed by this game is due to something that I’ve already pointed out in some threads: treating CP2077 as the second coming of Christ. It’s their own damn fault.

TW3, although a masterpiece, was very flawed and not at all best game of all time (I’d say not even top 3 this gen), but somehow people put in their heads that it was the REAL DEAL and Cyberpunk would be just as good.

But it’s obvious that this is not the case, CDPR isn’t even used to this kind of game, things will be rough for some time.

Keep your expectations low and you’ll all enjoy the game.

Yes CDPR will support it for years just like W3 to make it as perfect as possible.
yes it will be very upset game because we allready have all that and more in open world RPG games, thats why they called that , no ? all i saw from leaked gameplay videos are very script scenes where you cannot do anything just follow path or you not even control anything until mission starts. and then lots action scenes lots miniboses fights that can be done only shooting fighting style so no choice there either, doesnt matter that you want to play game in different style you will be forced to do lots shooting there. and those very scripted scenes and areas that you cannot do much else there , so no freedom. And there must be reason why they didint showed any trailer even where you just walking around in city, nto cinematic just gameplay ... as if there wont be any of that

I'm sure the whole game is on rails.

no sitting maybe but we surely want to go out in city and explore it and that it would be full of NPC and cars and activities going on around that would make you feel you in alive city not in dead space. we dont need to enter every builfing in watch dogs , but it feels very alive and real city actually because of imersion from everything going on around.
and about being current gen thats no much excuse kinda, look how RDR2 looked on current gen it was like next gen.

multiple previews said that this felt like the most immersive and alive space they had experienced in a game
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but rly how so much diff between what they show gameplay trailers , and what is real current gen gameplay?

vs what is now on consoles

i dont believe that PC will make it look like new game just because it will be pc version ..

Bruh, You not exhausted yet..need some Gatorade? I got you, supply on demand. I know you thirsty and can't wait, but relax, Breathe, see it gets better.

Ohh btw, which Game Stop you and your buddies setting up a tent for first dibs in the morning? Exciting right?? Yayyy 👬 👬


STOP foolin yourself ! YOU COPPIN this game 1st in line. 🤜🤛
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This game will live or die based on its writing, for me at least.

I don't give a flying f*ck about walking around another city (whatever its artstyle) among a bunch of lifeless window dressing NPC's who're there without any sort of real meaning, influence or reason to exist beyond an attempt to visually recreate stuff we've seen in movies without any of the actual real characters in there (open world NPC's haven't evolved since GTA III 19 years ago, i.e. people can fool themselves as much as they want but the bottom line is they're same lifeless décor whatever open world game it is).

It's the writing, story & characters which need to work in this game. That's what will keep me gripped, or not. Like playing The Outer Worlds & realizing the story is a pile of cr*p & its characters are shit, or Fallout 4's nauseating father/son drama, i.e. those games themselves had qualities (the shooting was fine, the mission structure was "passable" & the rpg upgrade trees worked well enough), but the scenarios were shit.

Wait & see. It's not a penis on a character creator which will make me drop 70 euros, that's for certain.


but rly how so much diff between what they show gameplay trailers , and what is real current gen gameplay?

vs what is now on consoles

i dont believe that PC will make it look like new game just because it will be pc version ..
I don't find it concerning at all. That first image could potentially be PC+next-gen, whereas the now picture is PS4/XB1 and it's pre-patch.

They've shown differences with pre-patch and post-patch, and they definitely look noticeable. Who knows what it will improve through and through.

For someone that's "hoping you're wrong" your practically giving it a good bashing, lmao.
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I've said this on the other forum (directly to the guy playing and complaining that you can sit on every bench) and I'll say this in here too: compare it to other games, not to your insane expectations.

"But why cant I enter every building?" or "I cant talk to everyone on the streets" is just stupid.
You WILL be disappointed.

Expect an open world Deus Ex with a little more interaction.

Not even fucking Rockstar with infinite budget and 8 years of development could make a trully immersive world

Enjoy the game for what it is and not what you wanted it to be
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Enjoy the game for what it is and not what you wanted it to be
Right?! People are already trying to sound disappointed by painting it into something that it never was. I understand expectations are high, but come on now, lmao.

It's so funny to me that we've had built-in streaming and recording capabilities on consoles for 5+ years and leaks are still grainy screen captures of small windows or people filming their TV with their phones.
People somehow still find the worst way to capture images and videos, lmao.
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i think you can sit on those chairs because they where kinda part of mission or side mission. on others you cant. and still kinda not much NPC there. its like they couldnt make more them.
its not even close to level of fallout or skyrim for sure. and empty fallout areas i can aprove its fallout , but empty night city streets its must be lazy devs or old consoles fault.
i mean you have cutscene where other NPC drive car , so make it amazing next gen streets view because its not in game stuff so make it like amazing look, but no they made it empty streets where you drive alone and then bad guy drives to you and you start to shoot him alone again, streets are empty. thats just looks so cheap.
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i think you can sit on those chairs because they where kinda part of mission or side mission. on others you cant. and still kinda not much NPC there. its like they couldnt make more them.

Jokes aside, I also enjoy very much (maybe a bit too much) interacting with useless pieces of enviroment. Like tinkering with pictures on the walls in Shenmue, or (yes) the chairs in Skyrim.

Not deal breaker by any means, but I understand the feeling. Let's not make it a huge deal, though.


Jokes aside, I also enjoy very much (maybe a bit too much) interacting with useless pieces of enviroment. Like tinkering with pictures on the walls in Shenmue, or (yes) the chairs in Skyrim.

Not deal breaker by any means, but I understand the feeling. Let's not make it a huge deal, though.
because you know its limitations of something ... plz dont bring limitations to game devs ... cmon. you can hide those and make it as it supose to be that way , but there i can see its just cheep cut or you cannot do that what you wanted . but it looks bad . and all that because you delayed the game . if you would release it earlier it would be ok .


People getting disappointed by this game is due to something that I’ve already pointed out in some threads: treating CP2077 as the second coming of Christ. It’s their own damn fault.

TW3, although a masterpiece, was very flawed and not at all best game of all time (I’d say not even top 3 this gen), but somehow people put in their heads that it was the REAL DEAL and Cyberpunk would be just as good.

But it’s obvious that this is not the case, CDPR isn’t even used to this kind of game, things will be rough for some time.

Keep your expectations low and you’ll all enjoy the game.
I agree with this but CDPR are also at fault for massively overhyping the game with the Night City shit they do and obviously revealing way too much way too soon. Not touching this til the PS5 patch is out. Looks like it will benefit massively from 6 months of extra work.
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if poor devs will be life treathened and such if they will need to go to courses to become normal again its all fault of that, sorry to say but current last gen consoles still need to have proper version of game. if they wont be able , devs will have rly bad time i think as before some other devs had . so im not sure how to see this rly. could end bad for devs i think. if you need super PC to have this game look good then you have large problem, same if you need ray tracing to save this game, then you have big problem there . because not many have super costly PC's.


Gay porn is where it's at.
everything i read so far from REEEE, reddit, gamefaqs...ect is pointing it to be it's a good game, and nothing more than that
i have feeling this one isn't the 10/10 i always believed it's gonna be
still day one tho


devs should just count how much still there are PS4 basic consoles and basic X1 and then count how many ppl would wanna still play this game on that , and what they will get on that . and then count how many bad comments they will get because of that ... because they all show us those amazing trailers that called gameplay trailer even now. and then you go to real console gameplay and you get kinda diff picture. imagine maybe somoene will play this on X1 after RDR2 .
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Ivory Blood

everything i read so far from REEEE, reddit, gamefaqs...ect is pointing it to be it's a good game, and nothing more than that
i have feeling this one isn't the 10/10 i always believed it's gonna be
still day one tho
There is a simple fact that there is nothing like it on the market - there has never been a full fledged open world rpg set in a futuristic megapolis. Cyberpunk wins just by existing.


According to the sources close to my self, pretty reliable...the delay was due to the PS5 version looking and running much better then the XsX version of the game. The call came from the top on the MS side, calling for the delay so the visuals be downgraded on the PS5 version and close the gap, whatever however that GAP may have been between the 2 consoles, according to my mother

don't believe everything you read, ladies and gents, 6 days to go


Can’t stump the diablos
Why does this game look so soft and blurry? It's like looking through a fogged plastic lens.
Really hoping we can disable a lot of the post processing going on here...
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