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Alternatives to reddit?

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I don't mind browsing reddit, if you keep in mind what the up/downvote system does to the content. reddit is great for entertainment, but awful for discussion. Not the worst tradeoff if I use other sites for discussion.
This is the most ironic OP ever considering what forum it's being posted on. You think Reddit is a circle jerk...how long have you been here?

I'd bet around 50 users get banned for opinions every day on GAF. They don't break the terms of service or attack anyone, but a mod doesn't like their opinion, so they get banned. Look at any thread on gender. It's going to be 20 pages long and there will be 5 banned users on each page.
This is the most ironic OP ever considering what forum it's being posted on. You think Reddit is a circle jerk...how long have you been here?

I'd bet around 50 users get banned for opinions every day on GAF. They don't break the terms of service or attack anyone, but a mod doesn't like their opinion, so they get banned. Look at any thread on gender. It's going to be 20 pages long and there will be 5 banned users on each page.

Yeah pretty much. If you are not aware of this going on you probably agree with the mods' opinions fullstop.
4chan and NeoGAF cover my forum needs. /x/ is entertaining for pasta, shitpostin, and schizophrenic ramblings.

The style of each really complement each other. Not talking about the culture or anything behind them, but the posting style of a chan kind of board and a traditional one like gaf. You can have faster and more numerous conversations with 4chan, but never any real identity. No way to PM or be sure to you are continuing a conversation later. Each way has it's appeal.

I just can't understand it.

I go on it and it's a mess. I know everyone is anonymous and that's the appeal. Moot's vision and all, but I find it hard to follow.

I can understand how just seeing numbers anywhere can be kind of confusing at first but just about everything on that site is function first. Everything is built to have direct self contained conversations about whatever you want. Lurk a little bit and I'm sure you will find features on it that you miss on other places. For instance, right now I have 7 different threads open across several of their boards and even while typing to you here I can see how many new posts have been made in each of those threads, and that in 2 of them someone has directly responded to something I said. When I go to look at any of those threads I would be able to tell exactly where the new posts started and have an easy indication, directly from my post, of the responses to what I have said.

If you need help understanding certain things on how that site works I would be more then willing to help you, through PMs though since that kinda goes outside the scope of this thread.


Yeah, Reddit is absolute shit for comments. It makes the worst conversations here seem productive. Even the smaller subreddits have terrible conversations. Unfortunately, there isn't much else that has the same depth of information. So just get the information, but don't pay attention to the comments.
Honestly, I would rather have a strictly moderated forum with a few questionable bannings than a loosely moderated forum with a bunch of junk posts.


I use reddit to find deals, make gift card exchanges, swap pokemon, look up information on random tech stuff, and waste time looking at cute animal pictures. If you don't treat reddit as a substitute for gaf, then you'll be perfectly happy with it.

For news, I guess the trendy thing right now is twitter.
I'll agree that when I use reddit for finding specific things, I have a much better time. The individual communities that are separate from the default subs are generally pretty nice. Sadly though, I end up browsing the website in its entirety when I'm bored or just wanting to kill some time. That's what my problem is, really. I just want a different site I can waste time on, apart from GAF.

What subs are you subscribed to? Tons of subs have a friendly attitude towards guns, unfortunately.
A bunch, but I've unsubbed from the majority of the defaults. It still doesn't feel like it's enough.

This is the most ironic OP ever considering what forum it's being posted on. You think Reddit is a circle jerk...how long have you been here
It's mostly the upvote and downvote system that causes all the same opinions to rise to the top on reddit. I don't doubt that a lot of users here share the same views, but it's not constantly pushed up to the top for all to see.

Yeah, Reddit is absolute shit for comments. It makes the worst conversations here seem productive. Even the smaller subreddits have terrible conversations. Unfortunately, there isn't much else that has the same depth of information. So just get the information, but don't pay attention to the comments.
Most of the time I try to do that, but curiosity gets the better of me and I end up regretting it

Kind of surprised this thread is still going. A lot of people are making GAF and reddit comparisons, but I don't really agree with that. Like I mentioned in my reply to FutureZombie, it's the whole upvote and downvote system that mostly ruins the site for me. It's meant to be a selling feature, but the downside (at least to me) is that you'll see more of the same content being pushed up top, and it's sort of rare to hear differing opinions, because they're either downvoted or just not upvoted high enough.


I'm inclined to believe there might be some subtle satire going on in the OP. It's kind of hard to believe you typed the whole OP without realizing much of your gripes can apply to this forum - especially if your "unpopular" opinions are on things like guns. Regarding alternatives I would suggest trying eBaum's World.


I still have yet to find a good intelligent debate forum where people discuss and debate over news and other topics. Neogaf and SomethingAwful are both two one sided. They're echo chambers. I even agree with the majority here most of the time but I don't like not seeing contrary views. SomethingAwful about 10 years ago is similar to what I would want.


tagged by Blackace
digg, but it's shit now because of their attempts to differentiate themselves from reddit.

digg was always better than reddit when it comes to shitposting and not supporting the ills of society IMO, partially because it wasn't as big and likely more tech-savvy or news-oriented.


Poet Centuriate
I actually find 4chan less of a mess to read than reddit. Nest comment trees are just hard for me too keep track off, the reference hoverview and nesting of 4chan is a lot more intuitive, and clicking on the title or image on 4chan actually takes me to the discussion not where the image is hosted or the link.


Funny seeing people say "Reddit is a hivemind" and writing off the whole site and then people defend NeoGAF saying "It's not a hivemind". And of course if you go to any other forum talking about NeoGAF, they say the exact same thing.

There's good and bad everywhere you go.
You don't get banned for having a minority opinion, you get banned for failing to express opinions in a semi-intelligent manner, or for expressing opinions that are relatively objectively reprehensible.

I don't know. There was a page or two in gamergate thread where people were pretty ok with talk about gassing people, "final solutions" and sending GG kids to Treblinka. Those opinions might be seen as reprehensible to some but seemed pretty ok in that thread.


This is kinda off-topic, but why are the Youtube comments of any video that gets on the front page of Reddit all the same kind of garbage? I'm talking about this shit:


Like, I don't get it. Is this some new meme? Do all of these people think that they're actually being clever? I see this shit on literally every video that makes it to the front page, and each comment actually gets a decent amount of likes. I know I shouldn't be reading Youtube comments anyway, but I can't help myself some times.
I don't know. There was a page or two in gamergate thread where people were pretty ok with talk about gassing people, "final solutions" and sending GG kids to Treblinka. Those opinions might be seen as reprehensible to some but seemed pretty ok in that thread.

Then I hope you did your civic duty and reported them to a mod


This is kinda off-topic, but why are the Youtube comments of any video that gets on the front page of Reddit all the same kind of garbage? I'm talking about this shit:

Like, I don't get it. Is this some new meme? Do all of these people think that they're actually being clever? I see this shit on literally every video that makes it to the front page, and each comment actually gets a decent amount of likes. I know I shouldn't be reading Youtube comments anyway, but I can't help myself some times.

It's a 4chan meme. Notice how all these guys are wearing fedoras? Google "4chan fedora".


This is kinda off-topic, but why are the Youtube comments of any video that gets on the front page of Reddit all the same kind of garbage? I'm talking about this shit:

Like, I don't get it. Is this some new meme? Do all of these people think that they're actually being clever? I see this shit on literally every video that makes it to the front page, and each comment actually gets a decent amount of likes. I know I shouldn't be reading Youtube comments anyway, but I can't help myself some times.
It's 4chan doing it


People say some subreddits are worth visiting. However, other subreddits such as worldnews is like stormfront in a different format and with larger audience voting up stupid comments.


People say some subreddits are worth visiting. However, other subreddits such as worldnews is like stormfront in a different format and with larger audience voting up stupid comments.
Worldnews was a default. So I don't think people are talking about that.
You should not be discouraged from participating in a forum just because they disagree in one or two issues with you. As for alternatives, I like gamefaqs, bodybuilding.com, serebii.net, abovetopsecret and 9gag
Like, I don't get it. Is this some new meme? Do all of these people think that they're actually being clever? I see this shit on literally every video that makes it to the front page, and each comment actually gets a decent amount of likes. I know I shouldn't be reading Youtube comments anyway, but I can't help myself some times.

It's people making fun of reddit because /r/videos has just linked to the video. They're just trying to make the redditors that are viewing the video angry.

I think the Berta Lovejoy posts are funny, but most of them are dumb. Some of them seem to be making fun of reddit for being too feminist, which just boggles my mind how anyone could have that impression. Or how OP thinks that reddit is anti-gun. It's like they're talking about some other site.
You need to avoid the general subreddits.

After coming to GAF and being blessed by mods that keep racist filth and other horrible opinions in check, going back to a thing on Fergison on r/videos made me want to blow my brains out over the shit that was getting upvoted to the top.

Find small communities that have good moderation and encourage active discussion, only way to survive reddit.


People say some subreddits are worth visiting. However, other subreddits such as worldnews is like stormfront in a different format and with larger audience voting up stupid comments.
.. So click the unsubscribe button, it takes 2 seconds.


/r/asmr is pretty decent. Granted you can just subscribe to all the big names on YouTube but every now and then there'll be someone new or something real different posted. I also browsed the subreddits for Breaking Bad and other shows when they was airing and they were a lot of fun.


This is kinda off-topic, but why are the Youtube comments of any video that gets on the front page of Reddit all the same kind of garbage? I'm talking about this shit:

Like, I don't get it. Is this some new meme? Do all of these people think that they're actually being clever? I see this shit on literally every video that makes it to the front page, and each comment actually gets a decent amount of likes. I know I shouldn't be reading Youtube comments anyway, but I can't help myself some times.

It's a new, somehow stupider, meme and I wish it'd go away.


Reddit is great but you have to find subreddits related your interests. Even smaller general subs are shit. It's so big that it's pretty rare that you won't find a sub about things you like.


Why is it okay to call reddit a hivemind but not Gaf? Anywhere you go, there will be a general opinion. No matter what.

I'm was under the impression that most other forums viewed Gaf as a hive mind.
Not that I really thought much into it. It's just a site.

Gaf is great for news.

Reddit is great for chatting about said news.


GAF is my main forum for general reading and news. Reddit I use more for the specialized sub reddits on subjects where there is no community here on GAF. I general avoid the larger parts of Reddit.


You need to avoid the general subreddits.

After coming to GAF and being blessed by mods that keep racist filth and other horrible opinions in check, going back to a thing on Fergison on r/videos made me want to blow my brains out over the shit that was getting upvoted to the top.

Find small communities that have good moderation and encourage active discussion, only way to survive reddit.

I think r/videos is especially bad; I remember gamergate stuff reaching the front page and then the commenters complaining how it was a banned topic in other subreddits.

I really have no idea what you are trying to say here. Trying to follow it but are you agreeing that posts in said thread wouldn't require reporting (because of heightened mod activity in that thread), after suggesting that that person report said posts? Posts that they claimed were not expressed in a semi intelligent manner and were objectively reprehensible, in response to you claiming that people that did that were banned.

I feel like I'm misunderstanding something, or maybe getting things mixed up.
What are these "controversial opinions"

Because if it's just dumbass racism, sexism, or other assorted ignorance then no one gives a fuck

Pretty much.

OP, I'd try The Straight Dope Message Board. It's sorta like this board, but being more into other things that are not gaming (But they do have a gaming section).

It's a one I frequent and it has experts coming in answering fascinating questions. I learn something everyday. :)


Pretty much.

You know the post right below that showed what some of those controversial opinions are. Like "Let's wait for the facts before jumping to a conclusion." That kind of opinion.

Wasn't there an issue in this thread with people going against the cop hatred by saying "lets wait until we have both sides of the story" getting banned, and then it came out the cops weren't at fault?

I do feel that on any website, including GAF, going against popular opinion is a risky move. Hell, just for my own sanity I avoid getting into discussions over Uncharted 3 or Skyward Sword now.
You know the post right below that showed what some of those controversial opinions are. Like "Let's wait for the facts before jumping to a conclusion." That kind of opinion.

I pretty much have no dog in this fight, but isn't "Let's wait for the facts before jumping to a conclusion." just common sense?


It's a hivemind, and if you dare have an opinion different from that, you're going to be 'downvoted' to oblivion.

What in the fuck? The best thing about reddit is that there's absolute freedom to say whatever you want to say, and it's the users the ones who will make trolls irrelevant, not the mods banning people for stating a "controversial" and/or politically incorrect opinion.

It's a huge site with a lot of things in it, from funny pictures to incredibly interesting stuff about science and technology, aside from historical events and such that might be harder to come upon otherwise, I don't understand why the hate in neogaf. Sure there are trolls, (they're everywhere), but luckily you can ignore and downvote them.


Yeah, this is a bit of an odd forum post ... Not even sure if it's allowed on here, but hey if it gets locked, it gets locked
please don't kill me

I only browse three websites daily, for the most part. Facebook, NeoGAF and reddit. I'm okay with the first two, obviously. I'm kinda proud to say that I love GAF. I can't say the same about Facebook, and I definitely can't say the same about reddit.

I first started browsing reddit a few years ago, when my high school friend told me about it. He kind of begged me not to 'tell anyone about it' because it was so secretive and 'cool' lol. ... Yeah, uh. I liked it at first, and I thought it was pretty neat, but I started to notice that the community was just this massive hivemind, and I seriously don't agree with the majority of their opinions or ideas, but you'll never really be able to escape it unless you unsub from practically every subreddit.

It's a hivemind, and if you dare have an opinion different from that, you're going to be 'downvoted' to oblivion. Like America? Oh dear, don't ever mention that. Didn't you know that it's literally hell on earth? Have an interest in guns? You might as well be Satan. Don't think Valve is the best company in the world? Well, there's clearly something wrong with you! It's just a massive circlejerk. I've gotten to the point where I see all users of that site as snotty, smug-ass, edgy teens instead of actual individual people, and I just have an irrational hatred towards them all.

I'll admit, reddit can be cool, but the negatives have always outweighed the positives for me on that site. I just can't really fit in with that community, and I just want to go elsewhere.

So uh. Apart from GAF, where else can I go to get my news and other things?

Go to the subreddits of your interests, that's where Reddit truly shines IMO.
I really have no idea what you are trying to say here. Trying to follow it but are you agreeing that posts in said thread wouldn't require reporting (because of heightened mod activity in that thread), after suggesting that that person report said posts? Posts that they claimed were not expressed in a semi intelligent manner and were objectively reprehensible, in response to you claiming that people that did that were banned.

I feel like I'm misunderstanding something, or maybe getting things mixed up.

I don't recall the posts he's talking about (links help) but it seems like if there were posts that were objectively reprehensible, they would have been taken care of by one mod or another. It possible to make as many claims as you want without anything to show as evidence of what you're claiming.

This is the main issue I have with the "controversial/unpopular opinion" song; you only get instrumentals and no lyrics
I don't recall the posts he's talking about (links help) but it seems like if there were posts that were objectively reprehensible, they would have been taken care of by one mod or another. It possible to make as many claims as you want without anything to show as evidence of what you're claiming.

This is the main issue I have with the "controversial/unpopular opinion" song; you only get instrumentals and no lyrics

Ah okay I understand now. You weren't saying that those posts are acceptable and didn't/shouldn't get banned, but that they didn't get banned because they didn't exist. That makes a lot more sense. Guess I got too tied up going in circles.
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