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And the next Edge 10 is...


mr_bishiuk said:
I cant believe that people can sit at their computers and argue the toss saying Halo 3 is not a great game. IT IS! GET OVER IT!

Edge don't give out 10's lightly, know your history!

Yeah i know man.. fanboys, or i should say BITTER fanboys are really f'n annoying ... around here. Halo 3 gets nothing but good scores all over the place but yet.. some still claim its a crappy game. How about this.. dont say its a crappy game, just say it.. just say your f'n bitter because its not on your f'n system of choice.. stop beating around the f'n bush lol :lol

Im so glad i dont go around acting like a f'n baby about videogames.. im always glad to see a game get a good score..on any platform.. because i like f'n videogames no matter which system its on, period! :D

Plus i never miss out on a good game.... f that! lol
Concept17 said:
Quake Wars is easily one of the worst MP games to come out in recent history, it should have been released in another 6 months or so. The game is unfinished, plain and simple.

The map design is nothing special, its not bad, but its no better than BF2. The equipment 'toolset' is nothing special, and should have stuck to more defined class roles. 'Strong creative play' in what way? Do objective 1, 2 ,3 and hope you're teammates aren't dumb as rocks to win the map? Hardly creative.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.


Gah. I can understand people might not like the gameplay it's trying to create, but posts like the above show that you're totally missing the fucking point and not even trying to see what it is that it's doing, and why it's doing it well.


Visualante said:
Orange box says Hi. Shame they didn't get to review it this month (GFW magazine exclusive i think) would have made it the best issue this year.

Your not that dense are you? come on bro..he means a completely diffrent thing and hes absolutely right.. halo 3 deserved its score for its so called "completeness" something many games fail to deliver Plus its mp mode cant be touched...atleast for a console game.


It amazes me that people still go overboard regarding reviews be they print based or web. Surely the whole point from a readers point off view is to find a site/magazine that you feel personally represents your likes and dislikes. If you’re into the technical nature of games, find a publication that puts emphasis on that, if it’s all about gameplay for you, find something that highlight and details these issues as it main draw. I have read EDGE since issue 3. Personally it looks at games and review them in way I understand and enjoy. Although I don’t always agree with what they write it’s obvious within the text why they have come to the conclusions, they give you the detail for you to decide if you agree or not. For me EDGE is a stand out publication and 10 for Halo 3 is just another review but one I respect above all others, do I agree with it? Who knows I have only played the first level and it just brought back the memories of playing Halo for the first time and that can only be a good thing.


Love how people say Edge dont matter, but took the time to post an opinion on a magazine they dont care for. Edge apparently do matter becuase you HAD to let people know.

Edge 10, is like one of the hardest thing to earn, people still cant get over it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Concept17 said:
Quake Wars is easily one of the worst MP games to come out in recent history, it should have been released in another 6 months or so. The game is unfinished, plain and simple.

The map design is nothing special, its not bad, but its no better than BF2. The equipment 'toolset' is nothing special, and should have stuck to more defined class roles. 'Strong creative play' in what way? Do objective 1, 2 ,3 and hope you're teammates aren't dumb as rocks to win the map? Hardly creative.

Come on expand on that, don't just say it's the worst MP out in recent history, what makes it that?
Moegames said:
Your not that dense are you? come on bro..he means a completely diffrent thing and hes absolutely right..
It was troll bait, as you can see in my following post. I think it's pretty bold to say something is the most complete console game ever.

By saying that you're ignoring Super Mario All Stars and numerous other compilation discs, you'd be ignoring Gran Turismo 2 which had several hundred cars and great track design. Just a few examples.

Sure, it's the most complete Halo game ever, certainly the most complete 360 package ever.. but it's a bold statement to say it's the most complete console game ever. And saying that is why it got the 10, without actually reading the game's review (or playing it in many cases) is very naive.

To me an Edge 10 is for making you say "wow, that's awesome". Blowing your mind in the field of interactive entertainment. Halo:CE was meant to have Live, but it couldn't make it for launch. Does that make it less complete or less deserving of the 10? After all they did print F**K on the cover of that issue.

I wouldn't mind if they had expressed themselves better, or put forward points as to why Halo 3 is the most complete console game ever. I'd say it's a very consistent package based around an exceptional sandbox, the key to Halo's success.


StevieP said:
*looks at your history*
If Edge gave Halo 3 any less than 9, you would be in here causing ruckus.

I would be. The sheer amount of fun the game offers, there are very few games that will compare in that regard.

IMO this game deserves a 9.5. I can understand a 10 score, though I don't agree, and I can understand a 9.0 score, though I don't agree with as well.

Anything less is quite unfitting.


The bitter fanboy tears in this thread are just wonderful.

A few weeks ago: "Bububut EDGE gave Lair a 9! Fuck all these sites with no credibility, that there's a real publication!"

Now: "Edge gave Halo 3 a 10? Zero credibility!"

I'm not sure I'd give Halo 3 a 10 (certainly a 9, though), but Edge are all about reserving their highest score for games that do revolutionary things and I think the community features of Halo 3 qualifies for that. It took the online stats of Halo 2 that are just starting to become a standard feature on consoles (I'd argue that there are no games that match them for depth) and expanded on them hugely. A lot of the community sharing features and sandbox gameplay that people are touting for LittleBigPlanet are in Halo 3 right now, and how many people aren't calling LBP revolutionary?

Yes, I went there.
NekoFever said:
The bitter fanboy tears in this thread are just wonderful.

A few weeks ago: "Bububut EDGE gave Lair a 9! Fuck all these sites with no credibility, that there's a real publication!"

Now: "Edge gave Halo 3 a 10? Zero credibility!"

I'm not sure I'd give Halo 3 a 10 (certainly a 9, though), but Edge are all about reserving their highest score for games that do revolutionary things and I think the community features of Halo 3 qualifies for that. It took the online stats of Halo 2 that are just starting to become a standard feature on consoles (I'd argue that there are no games that match them for depth) and expanded on them hugely. A lot of the community sharing features and sandbox gameplay that people are touting for LittleBigPlanet are in Halo 3 right now, and how many people aren't calling LBP revolutionary?

Yes, I went there.

I've been there. Halo 3 beat LBP to the punch in so many ways and I've said so in several threads. It definitely has interface advantages (and the best graphic design I've seen in a long time) but almost everything you can do in LBP, you can do in Forge, including the most important thing: share and rate user created content.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
BenjaminBirdie said:
I've been there. Halo 3 beat LBP to the punch in so many ways and I've said so in several threads. It definitely has interface advantages (and the best graphic design I've seen in a long time) but almost everything you can do in LBP, you can do in Forge, including the most important thing: share and rate user created content.

...people seem to be severely underestimating LBP's user created content.
I am quite disappointed to see Lair get a '3'. It basically means that there is something horrily wrong with the game, which leads to me skipping the release altogether.

I do understand Halo 3's 10, though. So far, it has been a superb experience - it is so streamlined, so fun and has a perfect playability... I can't wait to play my first Halo 3 -lan with friends next week!


The thing about Edge, is just that they.. Their articles are so in depth. I love their "code shop" column. And I love Jeff Minters column aswell.

If you can make an argument AGAINST Edge, it would be that they are "too serious about games".

But they talk alot, about retro-games, arcades, game development, e-sport, machinama.

And just with a level of depth, and complexity in the language I have not seen before. The artistic design, the covers, the layout, and the way everything works. It does not contain fluff or all that stuff. It's just beautiful. I read them again and again and again.

Edge is one of the highlights of each month for me. It kinda sucks that I have to get them sent to me, all over from the UK, but it's totally worth it. It truly is the best thing, since sliced ham!


Edge probably does take itself too seriously but when you look at the readers they are aiming at (mostly people within the industry which explains the job adverts in each issue) you can understand where theyare coming from, they are not after the rampent single platform fanboy's, theres plenty of forums and net' sites for them.


non-sanctioned troll
McBradders said:
...people seem to be severely underestimating LBP's user created content.

People seem to be severely crapping on Halo3's customizing.


People are still shedding the deep down bitter tears they've been holding on to for oh so......long.


wow, i didn't know halo3 content is entirely reliant on user generated content. thats impressive! lpb isn't as revolutionary as i once thought!


Pug said:
when you look at the readers they are aiming at (mostly people within the industry which explains the job adverts in each issue)


I suppose the reason they have the Yen pricing on the cover is to entice Japanese readers as well, eh?


suppose the reason they have the Yen pricing on the cover is to entice Japanese readers as well, eh?

I'm sure they would readilly sell it to anyone. Fact is they only sell 25,000 copies a month and for sure many developers/publishers are subscribed to EDGE. Again the Job section in the magazine is substantial and it's there for a reason.


Pug said:
I'm sure they would readilly sell it to anyone. Fact is they only sell 25,000 copies a month and for sure many developers/publishers are subscribed to EDGE. Again the Job section in the magazine is substantial and it's there for a reason.

I believe EDGE #'s are close to the 40k a month, but regardless, they have the price in Yen to give the magazine some cred (because yeah, how many japs are honestly going to go into 7/11 and pick up EDGE?) and while there are obviously a few industry folk who read EDGE, thinking that the majority of EDGE readers are somehow involved with the industry is beyond silly.
They're simply not being sensationalist. Though I'm contradicting myself as this month's cover is anything but.

If you actually read the reviews they have a sense of humour to them often, they're not all that serious and pretentious, except that Mario Sunshine article they ran.

I don't think you have to degrade your standards as a magazine to appeal to core/open minded gamers. I also disagree that Edge's readership is just industry folk.
A lot of teenagers from the early-mid 90s who have grown up still read Edge. The problem they now face is attracting teenagers away from single format publications who month upon month recycle the same shitty content.
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