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Animation Director confirms Ragnarök is a PS4 game, they have not fully utilized the PS5's capabilities


Obviously things were fucked by Covid, but with diminishing returns being what they are, a looming recession, and the need to reach a wide audience as possible, are we looking at a future where the previous gen simply doesn’t get left behind anymore?

Mr Branding

It just looks like GOW 2018 expansion or whatever. I cannot see any creativity in it. It’s bascally same game with more enemies, more skills with different story.

Pretty risk-adverse safe bet product.

GOW 2018 was good game but i don’t want to do more of the the same thing again i want something actually new.
Have you played the game?

Day 1 on Ps4, here. Some of you should stop acting so entitled. It’s a lame look


Wait are you arguing that no one shit on elden rings graphics because its not a "Sony" title?

You do realise it has been directly compared to the Demon Souls remake and shat on in comparison so much so Miyazaki weighed in at the time

I remember one terrible hot take at the time being "it looks like a PS3 title".

But yes it does kind of look shit compared to the demon soul remaster... which makes sense since PS5 vs PS4 game...

So are people just unremenbering all this on purpose so they can say that a PS4 game on PS5 should be immune to all criticism because Sony made it? Because it certainly feels that way.
Give me a break. Elden Ring looks bad for a PS4 game, AND it ran poorly on all machines. FromSoftware's technical prowess is on the lower side of AAA, that's never been up for dispute. The excuse when the game came out was "b-but the aRt diReCti0n".

God of War Ragnarok has some fine art direction, probably will run very well, and packing graphics of a higher fidelity than practically every non-first party PlayStation title of games, cross-gen or otherwise, and is still having people whinge about gwafix. Funnily and hypocritically enough, the overlap of the Venn diagram between those people and people who wax lyrical about "focusing on gameplay" is quite large.

You don't need glasses to see that PlayStation is being held to a higher standard. Just a functioning memory and some intellectual honesty.
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Only trolls will care. Everybody wanted a sequel to God of War. It doesn't matter whether it's breaking some entirely new technical ground. People just want great new games in existing popular universes with popular characters or entirely new universes that give that same feeling.
They ported Street Fighter Alpha 2 to the SNES and Alpha 3 to the GBA. Games made for more powerful hardware have been ported down to lesser hardware since the invention of video games. The idea that something made for the PS5 couldn’t be ported is the most laughable argument ever.
i have alpha 3 on the GBA.

the game is uh.... it's there.
it's impressive it's there in the first place.

full fat experience? not quite.
plays well? for a GBA fighter, sure.
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It just looks like GOW 2018 expansion or whatever. I cannot see any creativity in it. It’s bascally same game with more enemies, more skills with different story.

Pretty risk-adverse safe bet product.

GOW 2018 was good game but i don’t want to do more of the the same thing again i want something actually new.
Wow. "Expansion". What an insane take.

Why has everyone suddenly forgotten what iterative sequels are and the benefits of them? On what planet do you think it's realistic to have every consecutive project to be a new IP or foundational reboot of an existing one? On what planet do you think it's desirable?
This isn't news, also Ignorance is bliss rollout the game already.



Only trolls will care.
Or maybe just people being disappointed that they will have to wait another ~5 years to actually see a fully next gen GoW that takes advantage of their shiny new hardware? I don't get why people get so defensive when people point out the obvious fact that a game designed to run on 2012/3 hardware will hold back the next gen version of it. No one with a brain is saying that GoWR will be a bad game because it has a PS4 version, its not even about graphics, its about the stuff they could have done if they could design their game with the Zen 2 CPU and SSD in mind, instead of having to run on a 5400 rpm HDD and Jaguar cores.

Its always the same with these kind of posts, people get defensive and go straight to talk about graphics, that to me shows they don't really understand the issue here.
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Only trolls will care. Everybody wanted a sequel to God of War. It doesn't matter whether it's breaking some entirely new technical ground. People just want great new games in existing popular universes with popular characters or entirely new universes that give that same feeling.
Sure, but I think it's more what this could of been though. A PS5 exclusive a year from now would have looked incredible, instead we have 2018 GOW level visuals (improved but in the same ballpark). Great looking game but not the next gen GOW people wanted IMO.

We've seen this with other games of course GT7, Halo Infinite etc. Thankfully 2023 is looking far more current generation focused.


Unless they made 2 completely different versions like we used to get with some Wii releases of course it's just a Ps4 game.
More than anything I just find it annoying I'm getting charged a $10 premium to get some extremely basic features like better framerate and resolution, which is just a result of running this Ps4 game on the more powerful Ps5 hardware which I already paid for.

Main reason I won't be buying at launch. I'm only willing to pay $70 games for actual next gen games. It's a ps4 game, it should cost $60 like all Ps4 games.
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Sure, but I think it's more what this could of been though. A PS5 exclusive a year from now would have looked incredible, instead we have 2018 GOW level visuals (improved but in the same ballpark). Great looking game but not the next gen GOW people wanted IMO.

We've seen this with other games of course GT7, Halo Infinite etc. Thankfully 2023 is looking far more current generation focused.

I just think people don't know a thing about making video games, and it really shows. What they've done is exactly what gamers should want and expect. Sony Santa Monica made their brand new game engine and design decisions when they rebooted God of War for 2018 the first time. Wanting to push the limits with all totally brand new tech/tricks and engine upgrades that likely wouldn't have even led to a better or more complete game is the total opposite of what the studio should be doing.

They are giving gamers all 9 realms, as opposed to a more technically stunning tech showcase that ends up having to cut corners due to all those brand new investments and work necessary. So melt eyeballs, but have a game that suffers in areas relating to combat and overall gameplay depth, polish, and that suffers from a far less complete story. That supposed delayed version of a true next-gen god of war wasn't coming anytime soon, and would have been a worse game than the God of War: Ragnarok we are getting now.

What's the point of making years-long investments if they just throw them all out immediately for the follow-up as opposed to iterating on their designs and plans and delivering the follow-up to fans much faster? With the time they'll buy themselves from this release, THAT'S when they should go work on this true from-the-ground-up God of War PS5 experience.

Edit: Halo Infinite is the example of the transition God of War went through in 2018, a rebooted Halo Campaign, and it still stands right now as one of the best games released so far this gen. Tech advancement that blow minds is all well and good if we can get it, but people prefer better games first and foremost. Halo Infinite doesn't come out the gate shocking people like Ryse, but it's a far better game that excels at what it aims to do - Halo campaign gameplay better than it's ever been before. Halo Infinite has one of the strongest campaigns in the entire history of the franchise and reviews clearly saw that.
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That is not what was said at all.

They started working on the game before the PS5 launched, hence why they said it started as a PS4 game.

Gaffers should really stop making threads where they pick a dev quote and then insert their own conclusions into it. It's a nasty habit and only spreads misinformation.
That’s not any different to what’s in the OP.
It was made on PS4 first and ported up.


This is 100% okay. God of War is a great game and it was also a PS4 game. Let these devs do what they do best and enjoy the wild ride.
Yeah. TBH, they shouldve seen it coming so I dont really have any sympathy for these devs and publishers. Games are also more profitable than ever. Someone posted how Uncharted 2 sold 6 million on PS3 and uncharted 4 sold 16 million. Every Sony franchise has seen similar growth on PS4. And yet they are being more conservative than ever. They shouldve doubled if not tripled their dev count to ensure we dont have months if not entire year of no AAA games. After all, movies and tv shows are still churning out expensive stuff one after another. Why is covid only impacting the gaming industry? Poor planning.

GOW 2018 took 4 years to make from scratch. New engine, new console, new mechanics, new POV, new mythology, new level design, new weapon, etc. 4 years. This sequel which literally looks identical, plays identical took 4.5 years? Why? The whole point of releasing this game on PS4 was to do a quick and dirty sequel, and if that is taking longer to do make then clearly they are either understaffed or poorly managed. Maybe its time for Sony and MS to invest into making their studios larger instead of spending billions on acquiring new studios.

4 years is a typical dev cycle for a PS4 game. SSM also isn't a 1000-person studio. I think you're also forgetting the impact of a little thing like the global COVID pandemic too.
That’s not any different to what’s in the OP.
It was made on PS4 first and ported up.

If the PS5 didn't exist when they started development, then the game was first developed on the "lowest common denominator". It started development on the fastest available console and was later ported to the PS5.

So no it's not the same. Similar but the difference is a subtle one.
Other than people in gaming forums no one else gives a shit, we got through same tired argument with Elden Ring but in the end people played the game and highly enjoyed even tho "graphics" are not high tech.

Graphic whoring only exist in gaming forums.

And lets not pretend this game isn’t going to be one of the best looking games released so far anyway….lol


It looks better than both Plague Tale and Gotham Knights…the only games giving it a run for its money this year are Horizon Forbidden West and TLOU P1


always chasing the next thrill
They didn't exactly "port" them did they, they were built from the ground up from scratch, it's not like they took the code from the arcade game and just uploaded it to a GBA cartridge and messed around with it until it worked, they literally started from scratch with each of them versions


If the PS5 didn't exist when they started development, then the game was first developed on the "lowest common denominator". It started development on the fastest available console and was later ported to the PS5.

So no it's not the same. Similar but the difference is a subtle one.
That’s still not any different to suggest the OP is incorrect.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
4 years is a typical dev cycle for a PS4 game. SSM also isn't a 1000-person studio. I think you're also forgetting the impact of a little thing like the global COVID pandemic too.
For new IPs maybe. 4.5 years for a straight sequel with virtually no visual enhancements? Even with Covid, it doesnt make much sense. People still released games during covid you know.

If SSM isnt a 1000 person studio then they need to be. That is what I was trying to say. These franchises sell more copies than ever before but the investment has just gone in the pockets of execs. No, it needs to be put back into the studio. When do you expect their next game to come out? 2050? After all, it will have new engine, new character models, new combat system, new world lore, level design. Next gen graphics, maybe some new physics engine. If it is taking them 4.5 years to simply add more bosses, more levels and a new story then how long would it take them to create a brand new game? 5.5 years? 6.5 years? Are we looking at 2028 cross gen PS6 release?

If so, then maybe they should start acting like a studio that sells 20 million copies and hire 1000 people to ship games faster like Naughty Dog, Insomniac, CoD studios, AC studios and other productive studios do. ND released Uncharted 4 just 3 years after TLOU. Lost Legacy just 1 year after U4. And TLOU2 less then 3 years after shipping Lost legacy. TLOU remake was also 2 years in development. Maybe SSM needs to take some notes from more productive Sony studios.


If you fail to grasp how developing on the "lowest common denominator" =/= developing on the fastest available console hardware at the time, then I'm sorry but I can't help you.
Are you suggesting the PS4 is either equal or more powerful than the PS5?

That’s the only way your statement can be true.

PS4 is the lowest common denominator, when PS5 arrived is irrelevant.
For new IPs maybe. 4.5 years for a straight sequel

Dig up a few examples and you'll be surprised.

with virtually no visual enhancements?

This is low effort, even for you, Slimy.

Even with Covid, it doesnt make much sense. People still released games during covid you know.

Yes, when most of the work was done prior to the Pandemic hitting. Many many more games were delayed because of COVID.

Don't forget, studios almost overnight suddenly had to come up with an IT infrastructure that allowed them to work from home. Everything that required in-person attendance, like voice work and MoCap would have been delayed until after the lockdowns were lifted.

To understate the impact on dev schedules seems a little absurd.

Are you suggesting the PS4 is either equal or more powerful than the PS5?

That’s the only way your statement can be true.

PS4 is the lowest common denominator, when PS5 arrived is irrelevant.

Are you serious?!

How can your reading comprehension be this shit?!

Ok, let me spell it out for you.... when... GOW: Ragnorok... started.... development.... the.... PS5 was not released.... so.... at.... the.... time... the PS4 was the fastest console on the market... therefore,.... it was.... NOT... the lowest common denominator.

Did you get it now?
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If this was going to release on the PS4, it's obvious the game was always going to be limited by the lowest common denominator. That much should be obvious to everyone.
I guess if this was a PS5 exclusive game, they could make use of raytracing and/or voxel global illumination, as well as an engine made for just-in-time asset loading, and it would look closer to those UE5 demos than to GoW 2018.

One can hope their egyptian gods saga (or whatever pantheon they choose) will be only for the PS5 and PS5 Pro.

At least Sony's lowest common denominator is a 10 TFLOPs console, and not a 4 TFLOPs one. When they finally get rid of their 8th-gen lowest common denominator, we might see a big difference between Sony's console exclusives and the rest.


Are you serious?!

How can your reading comprehension be this shit?!

Ok, let me spell it out for you.... when... GOW: Ragnorok... started.... development.... the.... PS5 was not released.... so.... at.... the.... time... the PS4 was the fastest console on the market... therefore,.... it was.... NOT... the lowest common denominator.

Did you get it now?
That’s just spinning what I said, what’s your point?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is low effort, even for you, Slimy.
There is an easy joke here but I am not going to take the bait and get banned a week before launch.

But check out DF Direct to see what John had to say about his first impressions. He basically states that the visuals are more of the same, and he didnt get the same feeling he gets when he reviews other graphically impressive Sony first party titles. Compared it to FF13-2 and Doom 2. I see HFW taking 5 years to make and i wonder just what the hell took so long, but at least they gave it a massive Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 caliber graphics boost so I could point to that and say hey, maybe they spent all their time on that. GOW on the other hand might have spent that time on new content, better setpieces and a longer campaign, but the visual have clearly not been given the same love.
That’s just spinning what I said, what’s your point?

Huh? Wut?!? So you're basically dense is what I'm reading.

There is an easy joke here but I am not going to take the bait and get banned a week before launch.

But check out DF Direct to see what John had to say about his first impressions. He basically states that the visuals are more of the same, and he didnt get the same feeling he gets when he reviews other graphically impressive Sony first party titles. Compared it to FF13-2 and Doom 2. I see HFW taking 5 years to make and i wonder just what the hell took so long, but at least they gave it a massive Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 caliber graphics boost so I could point to that and say hey, maybe they spent all their time on that. GOW on the other hand might have spent that time on new content, better setpieces and a longer campaign, but the visual have clearly not been given the same love.

You'll forgive me if I don't take John's visual eyeballing of a trailer seriously.

Virtually all sequels of PS4 games that launched on the same platform, launched with improved visuals on said platform. To claim that there are no visual enhancements AT ALL is just absurd. It's either a lie or they were just lazily not looking hard enough.
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Gold Member
There is an easy joke here but I am not going to take the bait and get banned a week before launch.

But check out DF Direct to see what John had to say about his first impressions. He basically states that the visuals are more of the same, and he didnt get the same feeling he gets when he reviews other graphically impressive Sony first party titles. Compared it to FF13-2 and Doom 2. I see HFW taking 5 years to make and i wonder just what the hell took so long, but at least they gave it a massive Uncharted 1 to Uncharted 2 caliber graphics boost so I could point to that and say hey, maybe they spent all their time on that. GOW on the other hand might have spent that time on new content, better setpieces and a longer campaign, but the visual have clearly not been given the same love.
John wears glasses. Just saying.
Its definitely anti consumer to all the ps5 owners. Hfw sold 70% its copies on ps5 and it had a free ps4 upgrade so it was likely around 90% ps5. Mgsv came out at a similar time last gen and had a 95-5 split.

Sony is effectively punishing 90% of its most loyal users who spent $500-550 on their fancy new console just to maximize profits by 10-30%
I mean, what with continuing to offer all their biggest AAA titles on PS4, and the fact they are porting more and more of their most lucrative and important I.P over to pc (albeit not immediately), it makes me wonder if Sony are really as commited to ps5, or hardware in general, as one would hope.

Perhaps, they want to move towards just being a software publisher?

Unlikely, I know, but they don't seem to be making smart decisions.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Huh? Wut?!? So you're basically dense is what I'm reading.

You'll forgive me if I don't take John's visual eyeballing of a trailer seriously.

Virtually all sequels of PS4 games that launched on the same platform, launched with improved visuals on said platform. To claim that there are no visual enhancements AT ALL is just absurd. It's either a lie or they were just lazily not looking hard enough.
He has been playing the final game. Sony sent him a review copy. Those were his impressions.

I said virtually no enhancements. Of course they are going to have some enhancements, but looking at the trailer, I can confidently state that its no HZD to HFW upgrade. Or an Uncharted 4 to TLOU upgrade. Id say its more in line with Uncharted 4 to Lost Legacy. more of the same. Kratos, Freya, the two dwarfs and Mimir look virtually identical.
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He has been playing the final game. Sony sent him a copy of the review. Those were his impressions.

I said virtually no enhancements. Of course they are going to have some enhancements, but looking at the trailer, I can confidently state that its no HZD to HFW upgrade. Or an Uncharted 4 to TLOU upgrade. Id say its more in line with Uncharted 4 to Lost Legacy. more of the same. Kratos, Freya, the two dwarfs and Mimir look virtually identical.

Fair enough. I'll reserve judgment until I see it in action.
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