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Anyone else hope Luke never fights with a lightsaber in Ep8/9?


In order of preference.

1) No saber (I want him to do the force shit we all thought Yoda would do before he became Backflippy the WonderBooger)
2) Saber: But it's white and/or pale yellow, denoting this new path that he is walking, separate from the Jedi
3) Saber: Ignite the Green, as Steele Saunders would say.

But really, I want him chucking big-ass Metsu Hadokens at the Knights of Ren all fuckin' day long.

I hadn't really thought "Luke without his saber" but I love your #1. Would be sweet.


That show was hilarious


mace windu really was the strongest jedi.


Luke's green saber needs to come back so people remember that it's the better saber.

Also he needs to do some ridiculous bullshit with the force, because I want to see grandmaster luke just stomping on motherfuckers.


Luke is going to resist and try not to fight at first.

My guess is the line in the trailer is from early to middle of the movie. Rey and events convince him to get involved.

By the end he will fighting like the badass he is with the green saber. He has to. He's Luke fucking Skywalker.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
The only time we'll see him use a lightsaber again is at the beginning of TLJ when he pulls out the green one and cuts off Rey's extended arm.


I just want to see him ripping huge chunks of the earth up and using that to beat the shit out of people. Talking shit the whole time.

"What. part. of. The. Fucking. Force. Do. You. Not. Understand?"
Like isn't going to fight as much as he's just going to wave his sword at Kylo a few times before "becoming more powerful than he can imagine" blah blah...


The question is, why would he?

He should, in theory, be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. When you're as powerful as he should be, there's no need to dirty your hands with saber battles, you just force crush some bitches and go about your day.

Sure, until he reaches Snoke(if that happens). Yoda was a force badass, but had to resolve to the light saber when fighting Dooku and Sidious because they were on his level.
We'll see it, I've no doubt, but who knows in what capacity. I mean now there's no elder on the Empire's side to rival Luke like we saw in A New Hope where Vader and Ben squared off.


Why confused? People already have an idea of what Jedi are capable of without a lightsaber. I want them to push that idea even harder.

The result would be Force Unleashed, Force Thunderstorms, Force Wormholes, Force Time Travel...Super Saiyan Force Super Saiyan.


No.Keep that shit dead with the ashes of the old EU.


semen stains the mountaintops
Why was Luke wearing all black in ROTJ? All black symbolizes the dark side no?

Yeah, it was making us think that he could possibly accept the Emperor's proposal since we saw him do some not so Jedi friendly things at the start of the movie.
The Clone Wars and Rebels are canon.

I know, I meant I'm not sure if the poster is considered canon but we already know they're canon because of Ahsoka.


Why was Luke wearing all black in ROTJ? All black symbolizes the dark side no?
I don't think there is a CANON reason for this (unless Luke is just a super fashionable guy that checks the latest trends) but there is a visual reason. Every movie in the Original Trilogy, Luke's outfits go from white to beige to black. Like he's closer to falling (even though we as the audience know that possibility is pretty slim tbh). After he faces his father and Vader kills the Emperor, the top part of his jacket is exposed and reveals that it is still white underneath. Basically a good dude for life.


Why was Luke wearing all black in ROTJ? All black symbolizes the dark side no?

From what I've read, that was the original design for Jedi clothing before when they were making Episode I they decided to go with robes because Obi-Wan was apparently hiding on Tatooine in his Jedi robes. I'm sure the black was for symbolic reasons, too.


Why confused? People already have an idea of what Jedi are capable of without a lightsaber. I want them to push that idea even harder.

Ben still used his saber all the way to the end. Luke will do the same. To think otherwise is foolish.

Besides, forget the lore, there is 0.00% chance Rian Johnson passes on the visual of Old Luke with a saber.
The movies have never been really bombastic with the force in terms of offense and I don't expect that to change, Luke is using that lightsaber.
In order of preference.

1) No saber (I want him to do the force shit we all thought Yoda would do before he became Backflippy the WonderBooger)
2) Saber: But it's white and/or pale yellow, denoting this new path that he is walking, separate from the Jedi
3) Saber: Ignite the Green, as Steele Saunders would say.

But really, I want him chucking big-ass Metsu Hadokens at the Knights of Ren all fuckin' day long.



Why confused? People already have an idea of what Jedi are capable of without a lightsaber. I want them to push that idea even harder.

Nope, this will lead us down the path of force users doing nonsensical shit like pulling Star Destroyers out of the sky. Lets not go down that route again.

- J - D -

The result would be Force Unleashed, Force Thunderstorms, Force Wormholes, Force Time Travel...Super Saiyan Force Super Saiyan.


No.Keep that shit dead with the ashes of the old EU.

Okay, just because some of the extended universe stuff went off the rails doesn't mean the new films have to follow that far. But I wouldn't even be mad if they had Luke create a Force wormhole...
I don't think there is a CANON reason for this (unless Luke is just a super fashionable guy that checks the latest trends) but there is a visual reason. Every movie in the Original Trilogy, Luke's outfits go from white to beige to black. Like he's closer to falling (even though we as the audience know that possibility is pretty slim tbh). After he faces his father and Vader kills the Emperor, the top part of his jacket is exposed and reveals that it is still white underneath. Basically a good dude for life.

But in the darkness of the Emperor's room and nighttime on Endor that white comes out grey.


Well, it should've blown up in Jedi, right? I wanna say we never saw some get it back.

But since he was building a new Jedi order, getting new Light Sabers was probably a thing he had to do. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to build a new one.
He actually somehow got that saber back... he has it at the very end of Return of the Jedi. I just thought I remembered someone like Johnson saying that Luke no longer carried a lightsaber with him but I could just be remembering things wrong.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Force Kamehameha
Ripping off Japanese cultural phenomenons is the basis of Star Wars anyway!

- J - D -

Ben still used his saber all the way to the end. Luke will do the same. To think otherwise is foolish.

Besides, forget the lore, there is 0.00% chance Rian Johnson passes on the visual of Old Luke with a saber.

Luke isn't Ben. He doesn't have to follow what his predecessors have done and deep down I think a lot of Star Wars fans hope for that too. I hope he isn't like Anakin or Ben or Yoda.


Thematically, I love the idea of restricting Luke's combat to the force. It's tricky, though. And not just because lightsaber battles have historically made for such iconic set-pieces.

Tricky bit #1:

It doesn't make for particularly thrilling cinema to watch two 9000+ force users throw shit at each other. Take Yoda and Dooku's force-off, for example, which is neat for all of about 5 seconds. Palpatine's fry-up with Luke in Episode 6 fares much better, of course, but that's because it's less of a visceral action scene, and more of an emotional-climax. It works, but for different reasons. Likewise for Yoda raising the X-Wing, Leia calling out to Luke, and Kylo stopping the laser. These are quiet, ephemeral sequences full of mystery and wonder - not action.

Tricky bit #2:

On the other hand, if you push the force too far in the other direction, suddenly you're in Neo-territory. In other words, a character whose power is crazy to watch, but so incredibly vast that it often borders on ridiculous. Neo's abilities have no obvious limitations. This, in turn, robs the character of his vulnerability. In The Matrix 2 and 3, the presence of Neo immediately removes any sense of danger from a scene. It can be slick as hell to watch in short bursts, but the further you get into The Matrix trilogy (and the closer Neo gets to "God-tier") the harder it became for the Wachowskis to craft action scenes around him. That's why he spends vast chunks of Reloaded and Revolutions out of commission. It's also why, when he is called to action, it's usually just to swoop in and save the day at the last possible second.

It's the superman conundrum. And while it's cool thematically to watch Neo grow "beyond" the system, at a certain point, you'd rather just watch him perform feats of wire-fu with dual-pistols in tow.

So, yeah - two pretty big extremes there, but the TL;DR version is this:

Thematically? By all means, force-only all the way. But find a way to depict it in a visually thrilling way, while maintaining some semblance of vulnerability. Failing that, maybe just keep Luke out of combat altogether, preserving any display of his power for the big, show-stopping moments (on the level of, say, guiding an ion torpedo into the death star, only times a million).

Or just hand the dude a lightsaber.


I most definitely want him to, but if they want to show how powerful a Jedi Master looks, I'd rather they take inspiration from Rogue One with
Vader's hallway scene,
although obviously less stiff since he's not confined to a suit. Basically an extreme level of skill and confidence, shown by no wasted movements
as opposed to the prequels high acrobatics and unnecessary flashiness and flair.

Well Vader basically does MMA as his Lightsaber form.

There's always the Darksaber possibility.
it won't happen, but hey, I like black lightsabers

Really though, it'd be cool if he used his green one, or created a new blue one while he was with the new Jedi Order.

I actually think it'd be cool if Luke used Darth's Red Lightsaber, showing hes not following the Jedi tradition and paying homage to his father.

Though I always suspected Kylo's saber was using Vader's cracked crystal, thus the unstable edge it had.
I hope they animate him bouncing like a pinball, almost exactly like Yoda in the prequels, while he holds two sabers in both hands and one in his mouth.


Luke isn't Ben. He doesn't have to follow what his predecessors have done and deep down I think a lot of Star Wars fans hope for that too. I hope he isn't like Anakin or Ben or Yoda.

He doesn't have to not use a saber to be different. Deep down you know you want to see that green saber once again.

Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


posting on contract only
Luke: "[The force is] so much bigger."

*Does crazy backflips with a lightsaber*


Thematically, I love the idea of restricting Luke's combat to the force. It's tricky, though. And not just because lightsaber battles have historically made for such iconic set-pieces.

For one, it doesn't make for particularly thrilling cinema to watch two 9000+ force users throw shit at each other. Take Yoda and Dooku force-off, for example, which is neat for all of about 5 seconds. Now of course, there's also Palpatine's fry-up with Luke in Episode 6, but that's less of a visceral action scene, and more of an emotional-climax. It works, but for different reasons. Likewise for Yoda raising the X-Wing, Leia calling out to Luke, and Kylo stopping the laser. These are quiet, ephemeral sequences full of mystery and wonder - not action.

On the other hand, if you push the force too far in the other direction, then suddenly you're in Neo-territory. A character whose power is so incredibly vast that its visual depiction borders on silliness. Neo's abilities have no obvious limitations, which in turn robs the character of his vulnerability. It can be slick as hell to watch in short bursts, but the further you get into The Matrix trilogy (and the closer Neo gets to "God-tier") the harder it becomes to craft an action scene around him. That's why he spends vast chunks of Reloaded and Revolutions out-of-commission. It's also why when he is called to action, it's usually just to swoop in and save the day at the last possible second.

It's the superman conundrum. And while it's cool thematically to watch Neo grwo "beyond" the system, at a certain point, you'd just rather watch him perform feats of wire-fu with dual-pistols in tow.

So, yeah - two pretty big extremes there, but the TL;DR version is this:

Thematically? By all means, force-only all the way. But find a way to depict it in a visually thrilling way, while maintaining some semblance of vulnerability. Failing that, maybe just keep Luke out of combat altogether, preserving any display of his power for the big, show-stopping moments (on the level of, say, guiding an ion torpedo into the death star, only times a million).

Or just hand the dude a lightsaber.

That and using the force tires you out. I think raising Luke's X-Wing is what finished Yoda off.


I'd rather no lightsabers for him but I understand if they do.

All all powerful Jedi, who can control so much with their minds, I just don't see why weapons come into it in a traditional fight.

It's the same problem I had with Neo in the Matrix 2 and 3. The whole point and climax of the first was showing how guns were pointless to an all powerful being.

Visually as a film though, yeah it would be satisfying for him to light up the green
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