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AP sources: Trump speaks to advisers about firing Sessions


Now Trump wants to fire Sessions it seems like, one person who said to be a possible replacement, Giuliani told CNN he does not want the AG position: https://apnews.com/966ae4f389064b2b...rump-speaks-to-advisers-about-firing-Sessions

July 24, 2017

President Donald Trump has spoken with advisers about firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as he continues to rage against Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from all matters related to the Russia investigation.

The president’s anger again bubbled into public view Monday as he referred to Sessions in a tweet as “beleaguered.” Privately, Trump has speculated aloud to allies in recent days about the potential consequences of firing Sessions, according to three people who have recently spoken to the president. They demanded anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Trump often talks about making staff changes without following through, so those who have spoken with the president cautioned that a change may not be imminent or happen at all. What is clear is that Trump remains furious that the attorney general recused himself from the investigations.

“So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and of course our beleaguered A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys crimes & Russia relations?” Trump tweeted Monday. His tweet came just hours before his son-in-law, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, traveled to Capitol Hill to be interviewed about his meetings with Russians.

Trump’s intensifying criticism has fueled speculation that Sessions may resign even if Trump opts not to fire him. During an event at the White House, Trump ignored a shouted question about whether Sessions should step down. The attorney general said last week he intended to stay in his post.

If Trump were to fire Sessions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be elevated to the top post on an acting basis. That would leave the president with another attorney general of whom he has been sharply critical in both public and private for his handling of the Russia probe, according to four White House and outside advisers who, like others interviewed, spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

It could also raise the specter of Trump asking Rosenstein — or whomever he appoints to fill the position — to fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and potential collusion with Trump’s campaign.

The name of one longtime Trump ally, Rudy Giuliani, was floated Monday as a possible replacement for Sessions, but a person who recently spoke to the former New York City mayor said that Giuliani had not been approached about the position. Giuliani told CNN on Monday that he did not want the post and would have recused himself had he been in Sessions’ position.



We all know this is just to fire Mueller.

Let's see what happens

Edit: Actually, disregard that. If Mueller is fired, then nothing will come of it.


Here's to hoping DC turns out to protest if it actually happens.

Well. When Mueller gets fired after thsi. Sessions getting fired is a whole 'nother Larry David situation.


How has Jeff Sessions not been charged with perjury yet? I honestly don't understand because if this was a normal person those charges would've been filed long ago.


Why do people want them to fire Mueller? Session's one of the most despicable human beings imaginable, but so long as he's recused & Rosenstein's in charge, but Mueller's investigation is the only major way I can see enough of Trump's posse/other dirty Republicans getting flushed out.


Why do people want them to fire Mueller? Session's one of the most despicable human beings imaginable, but so long as he's recused & Rosenstein's in charge, but Mueller's investigation is the only major way I can see enough of Trump's posse/other dirty Republicans getting flushed out.

Firing Mueller is tantamount to a confession. There's no quicker way to signal that you're hiding something then firing the chief investigator and his team, who is of good standing with the spotless service record to this country.

The problem is people that think something positive will come of him doing that immediately are wrong; it'll get swept aside like everything else he does. Firing him will be praised by his base as a bold move to get back on mission. It will probably ultimately bite him in the ass if he does so, it's not going to be quick.


Step 1. Fire Sessions

Step 2. Hard pivot to marijuana legalization

Step 3. Rip millennial support from democrats.

Step 4. ???

Step 5. Moonwalk into second term.


Was talking to some political types and they brought up an interesting point. Trump could fire session while Congress is on vacation and do a recess appointment that would not require congressional approval until the next session of congress so could have a period to do his fuckery
Why do people want them to fire Mueller? Session's one of the most despicable human beings imaginable, but so long as he's recused & Rosenstein's in charge, but Mueller's investigation is the only major way I can see enough of Trump's posse/other dirty Republicans getting flushed out.
Because it would end any public approval he has left among the sane population. Also it would prompt some Republicans who vowed they would condemn such an action to actually take action against it.
Limbaugh ain't having any of it.

Rush Limbaugh said Monday that he believes President Trump is going to have to dismiss Jeff Sessions because of his anger over the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.

“Whatever you’ve read and whatever you’ve heard about the president being really, really mad that Sessions recused himself is true times two,” Limbaugh said. “He was genuinely livid over it."

Limbaugh said reporters miss the point of why Trump is upset with Sessions.

He said it boils down to frustration that Trump “thought Sessions was a bull-in-the-china-shop fighter like Trump is.”


Just to add to the dumpster fire: Tillerson looks like he wants to jump ship

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is growing increasingly frustrated with the Trump administration and could quit before the year is through, according to reports.

Two sources familiar with Tillerson's conversations with friends told CNN over the weekend that he has grown so frustrated with President Donald Trump and his administration that there may soon be a ”Rexit."

I hope he keeps Jefferson Beauregard for now, but I would be morbidly curious to see Sessions's reactions. Can you really picture him going gentle into that good night? The man looks spiteful.


He said it boils down to frustration that Trump “thought Sessions was a bull-in-the-china-shop fighter like Trump is.”

It's the worst when you're alpha as fuck and you think your boy is also alpha as fuck too even though he's a manlet but then it turns out hes a beta cuck? No thanks.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
if he actually does this and if I was in his camp, I would be wondering when he would turn on me next

but then again, I would have realized months ago this administration was a dumpster fire and would have gotten out



Giuliani told CNN he does NOT want the AG position from the linked AP article:

The name of one longtime Trump ally, Rudy Giuliani, was floated Monday as a possible replacement for Sessions, but a person who recently spoke to the former New York City mayor said that Giuliani had not been approached about the position. Giuliani told CNN on Monday that he did not want the post and would have recused himself had he been in Sessions’ position.
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