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Are you poor, or just broke?

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I wanted to talk about being broke vs being poor. It's easy to feel like shit when you're broke but it still doesn't compare to being poor. I've been both and it really hurts being poor and it's on another level compared to just being broke.

The point is I think people take it for granted and complain that they're broke when there's millions of other people suffering every single day because they're actually poor. If you've never been poor but you have been broke, you probably think you know what it feels like to be poor, when you still have no real idea unless you've experienced it yourself.

That's really all I have to say about it, but here are couple examples of "broke" vs "poor" to try and put things in perspective.

When you're broke you can maybe only go/order out to eat once this week instead of the 2 or 3 times you might otherwise.

When you're poor you might be able to do it once every month or two if you have a half way reliable vehicle. But wait, if you go out you won't have enough gas money for the rest of the week. So there goes that. So you get some Dominoes instead, or maybe buy a name brand frozen pizza like a Tombstone the next time you can get to the store. This is a special thing when you're poor.

When you're broke you have to choose from a bunch of food you don't really like until it's grocery day again. The food isn't even that terrible it's just not what you particularly wanted, like your sweets/snacks that disappear after a couple days.

When you're poor and out of food you can't have cereal because there's no more milk. You can't have a sandwich because there's no lunch meat (there's hardly ever any lunch meat, you can't afford that kind of thing). You get mad about it and you end up eating a peanut butter and jelly sandw....nevermind there's no fucking jelly, either. So you get a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of water.

When you're broke you max out your credit cards and are upset you can't buy even more shit you didn't actually need anyway. There goes the family vacation funds if it gets too bad.

When you're poor you can't get a credit card to begin with. Your family vacation is more likely a trip to the gas station to pick out a candy bar. Oh special day. Maybe if you're lucky you have a family member that is practically rich (compared to yourself) and they take you out for a special day. Those times really are a special day and will be remembered.

When you're broke you might have to save up for a second pair of shoes or put them on a credit card.

When you're poor you get Payless shoes or maybe even some name brand shoes from a garage sale if you're lucky. Then you have to wear them until they literally fall apart and you get teased by your peers with the Jordans.


Purple Drazi
Currently I'm broke as hell. I had a bad 2015 for a plethora of reasons and it left me sleeping on a friend's couch until I get my financial aid refund in six weeks and can rebound. (No, I'm not going to school to abuse the system or being overly dependent; I work part-time and I'm putting away, but for the moment, it is what it is.)

I grew up either homeless or dirt-effing-broke, too, but for a few years in my early 20s I was doing alright for myself. Beneath the poverty line, but affording various luxuries.


Well... I think I should be broke, I have 2k in my bank account and 2.5k on my credit card so I should definitely be broke.


Almost completed purchasing a house and I'm getting married in August. Temporarily broke, but after the wedding we'll be good again.
I'm doing fine, have stocks, 401k, benefits, and a chunk of change in a savings account.

Going to have to look for a new job this year before I get outsourced though. So we'll see what happens to that status. Sadly I already know that everything you work hard for can go *poof* in a flash.


Just broke right now. $500 a month in student loans is going to be fun for the next 10 years, but I did just actually start a career I could dig myself out with. It's really hard thinking in decades. Being an adult sucks.


I'm doing pretty good actually
Me too, which feels weird because I've been poor most my life. I still have the mentality of being frugal despite plenty of income, which I suppose is good.

By poor I mean 12k a year or so, not sure what op had in mind exactly


Doing well now just made VP. 10 yrs ago I was poor in the <15k yr range. Worked my ass off smartly and caught some good breaks with a positive attitude that was rough at times to keep up.
Growing up in a single parent household that had a total of three kids was rough. My father left my mom with loans under her name and didn't pay child support for a while. Needless to say, life was tough growing up. Middle school in particular was tough for me because I went to a school that required uniforms and when dress down came, I didn't have the expensive brand name clothes since my mom didn't have much money. On dress down days I used to get teased because I didn't participate. Being poor sucj s donkey balls but hopefully I can get a good career after finishing college.


I tried to live pretty slim, but I was able to get a decent buffer of savings. But in all my assets I'm worth negative. But in a few years this should flip around.

When it comes to food, I kind stock a poor man's pantry, then dress it up with nicer meats or veggies when I plan to cook a meal. I really don't eat out, if I do I walk there. Driving is for work and groceries only.

Not being able to afford fixing a car, or not even having a car seems like it would completely cripple someone in America. It's odd, despite how much wealth there is, America is setup so competitively that you really need a car, a residence near your job, smartphone, and an education to be remotely competitive. Otherwise you have so many vulnerabilities where the floor can just fall out from under you.

I haven't been broke, I hate dipping into savings. I haven't been super poor. But I think I pull off by living like I was broke or poor, before I get myself into that situation.


I have 30k in student debt, my account balance is minus 3k so I guess its not that bad and I am just broke even though I live in a nice house my parents bought?


I've got savings but no job, so it's currently essentials only. Food, gas, rent, etc. with barely any "fun" stuff. I wouldn't say I'm poor or broke, just need to be extremely frugal to make shit last.
Being poor is the best, I think. Keeps you on your toes so when the end of the world occurs you will be best suited to survive. Not those fat cats who can eat name brand tuna.


LOL. Poor vs broke for me is like this...

Poor is when someone has a crappy wardrobe of clothes and maybe one good suit and shoes for interviews and even then, its still out of style/taste/old hand me down.

Broke is when someone is running out of gas and cannot pay for it.

The thing is... broke has a car. Poor doesn't.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Spiritually wealthy


For my mid-20s age, I think I'm in pretty ridiculously good financial shape, to be honest. It can be a little uncomfortable with a lot of my peers always saying how they have no money. I got an education, worked the whole time, and with my first career job was able to wipe out any remaining student debt in a few paychecks. Not a silver spoon story or anything.

When those same people who say they always have no money are the same ones (sorry, some of Gaf) that have every console, buy every AAA game new, or go out drinking multiple times a week probably costing at least 100 each night, you're not poor and you don't have to be broke, you just suck with money.

People with genuinely shitty circumstances of course have much more of my sympathy.
I feel poor. But thats due to having to spend a good chunk on some emergency bills. Need to rebuild that buffer zone.

But if another emergency comes along then I'll be in the broke zone.


Purple Drazi
LOL. Poor vs broke for me is like this...

Poor is when someone has a crappy wardrobe of clothes and maybe one good suit and shoes for interviews and even then, its still out of style/taste/old hand me down.

Broke is when someone is running out of gas and cannot pay for it.

The thing is... broke has a car. Poor doesn't.

Guess I'm ever-poor, then, 'cause I use public transportation in the city at the moment!

...not that I'd argue that assessment.


at last, for christ's sake
I still have to pay £30k in debt, which, at the current rate, won't finish before 2018. What I earn goes to bills, car, fiancee, basically everyday's life. I have zero savings, zero spare money, used them all to pay another £100k debt we had due to my dad's terrible businness decisions. I'm broke but not poor, since having a house, a job on your own doesn't qualify as being poor, I think


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Finished up my last depts this month and Christmas season was just two weeks ago. I feel broke but I'm probably very well off.
I'm something in between, broke as shit. Can that be an option too? I'm definitely not the kind of poor as described in the OP, but some broke stuff sounds like a good day to me.
I say I'm broke at times, but its not really true. I think feeling that way helps keep my spending in check.

My expenses are pretty high with rent/student loans/car/food/cell coming to like $2,600 a month. But without any emergency spending or big expenses, I have 300-400 per month in flexibility that I try and save.

But the fact is, most of my saving comes from extra income (XMass bonus, tax refund, freelance work).


I wanted to talk about being broke vs being poor. It's easy to feel like shit when you're broke but it still doesn't compare to being poor. I've been both and it really hurts being poor and it's on another level compared to just being broke.

The point is I think people take it for granted and complain that they're broke when there's millions of other people suffering every single day because they're actually poor. If you've never been poor but you have been broke, you probably think you know what it feels like to be poor, when you still have no real idea unless you've experienced it yourself.

That's really all I have to say about it, but here are couple examples of "broke" vs "poor" to try and put things in perspective.

When you're broke you can maybe only go/order out to eat once this week instead of the 2 or 3 times you might otherwise.

When you're poor you might be able to do it once every month or two if you have a half way reliable vehicle. But wait, if you go out you won't have enough gas money for the rest of the week. So there goes that. So you get some Dominoes instead, or maybe buy a name brand frozen pizza like a Tombstone the next time you can get to the store. This is a special thing when you're poor.

When you're broke you have to choose from a bunch of food you don't really like until it's grocery day again. The food isn't even that terrible it's just not what you particularly wanted, like your sweets/snacks that disappear after a couple days.

When you're poor and out of food you can't have cereal because there's no more milk. You can't have a sandwich because there's no lunch meat (there's hardly ever any lunch meat, you can't afford that kind of thing). You get mad about it and you end up eating a peanut butter and jelly sandw....nevermind there's no fucking jelly, either. So you get a peanut butter sandwich and a cup of water.

When you're broke you max out your credit cards and are upset you can't buy even more shit you didn't actually need anyway. There goes the family vacation funds if it gets too bad.

When you're poor you can't get a credit card to begin with. Your family vacation is more likely a trip to the gas station to pick out a candy bar. Oh special day. Maybe if you're lucky you have a family member that is practically rich (compared to yourself) and they take you out for a special day. Those times really are a special day and will be remembered.

When you're broke you might have to save up for a second pair of shoes or put them on a credit card.

When you're poor you get Payless shoes or maybe even some name brand shoes from a garage sale if you're lucky. Then you have to wear them until they literally fall apart and you get teased by your peers with the Jordans.

tbh, even your 'poor' examples don't sound all that bad compared to the reality of being poor... I mean not that this is a contest, but growing up we were so poor PB&J was a LUXURY item and there was no such thing as 'grocery day'. WTF is a 'vacation' and 'candy' bruh? >.>


Guess I'm ever-poor, then, 'cause I use public transportation in the city at the moment!

...not that I'd argue that assessment.

Yeah, I'll take it back. I keep forgetting that other countries has different views of transportation. But here in US, its a big deal because everything is so spread far out. Take it this way, if you have a car, you can legit go anywhere you want to go. Start afresh, find a new job, new housing, getting out of the crime areas, go to college and so on and on.

Some people just don't have that luxury like say if you're living in a rural area and the only neighbor that has a truck who used it for shipping hay bales to make a living.

There's a lot of rural areas around here and its hard for anyone to "get out" of there without a car to their name. The mentality of being poor really crushes a person's soul this way.


One thing i noticed, as someone who has been broke 28 years of his life (31 btw), is that i got used to having so much money that i don't really care about money really really fast.

At the same time my level of happiness did not change. Its just 350€ for a pair of shoes instead of 50€ etc. So the moral of the story? Don't worry be happy.
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