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Armband-wearing Nazi roams Seattle instigating, gets KOed, removes armband and leaves

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I struggle with equating idiots like this with actual WWII era Nazis. Maybe I shouldn't? I guess I just don't assign a real level of fear to a guy like this because in my mind he has no power, which is completely different from the Nazis of old who controlled Germany. There is some mental disconnect there for me.
The Nazis were a minority party in Germany that never actually got voted into power. They had little power at first but took advantage of the fact that the German government gave them a platform and the German conservative party gave them even more power by becoming a coalition with them because they didn't treat them as the serious threat they were.

Educate yourself on history.

That is one of the dumbest popular quotes in history. It makes zero sense.
Not to mention that Gandhi said that violence was sometimes necessary, same with MLK.


Can we stop with the hyperbole please. No one is doing what you say.

Let's look at a real actual possible situation. This dude gets punched, goes down, hits his head on that concrete wall behind him on the way down. Like the poster earlier stated about his friend, guy gets some brain damage and his speech patterns are messed up and is never quite the same again. Again, let me reiterate this is something that actually happened to someone from getting cold-cocked. Are you OK with that happening to this guy? Do you feel the punishment fits the crime?

Should I also not laugh when someone gets knocked out cold after jump scaring someone?

This guy DID NOT get brain damage. His speech patterns did not get messed up. He isn't a child. He didn't get stabbed. Nor did he kill the guy who punched him in self defense.

When something different happens, maybe I will feel different, but whenever a Nazi gets punched in the face and doesn't suffer any lasting effects... I will continue to enjoy hearing about it and watching the video.

I do not find this at all difficult to fit into my belief in peaceful protest (if we aren't talking about actual swastika brandishing Nazis) and freedom of speech.


So why doesn't the US ban nazi symbols like Germany? It's not free speech right? It's a symbol of hate right? Eli5 someone?

This is something I really don't get.

If he's wearing a swastika and harassing people with his vile rhetoric, why didn't someone put a call in to arrest the fucker? You can't tell me there wasn't a single police officer in all of Seattle that didn't want to lock him away.
I don't see how you can run a civilized society and also have vigilante mobs going around identifying who to attack and/or kill. There's probably a good reason why thousands of years of civilization has shown this to be a poor method of conducting a society.

The fact that you think the United States is currently a "civilized society" says a lot.


It's one thing getting shouted at and a completely different thing getting physically attacked.

Dude probably would've gotten punched regardless of what he was wearing. The guy that punched was totally justified in punching him.
This is something I really don't get.

If he's wearing a swastika and harassing people with his vile rhetoric, why didn't someone put a call in to arrest the fucker? You can't tell me there wasn't a single police officer in all of Seattle that didn't want to lock him away.

We don't have any hate speech laws here. He could be arrested for harassment though.


For you.
Man, I would love to see EvilLore's thoughts on this. I just read his incredible post in the 'NYT - When the left turns on its own' thread and I dont think people casually condoning violence is what he had in mind when he asked everyone to exchange ideas in a civil way.

There is nothing civil about knocking a man out cold. What's next? Are we going to start knocking out pedophiles? Attack people who were convicted and carried out their sentence for manslaughter? What the hell is happening to this board?

- Is wearing a nazi badge illegal? I dont think, but if it is, call the cops and have him arrested.
- Harassing minorities IS illegal. Call the cops and have him arrested.
- Punching a man IS illegal. Call the cops and have the man who knocked him out arrested.

I am a minority and I would have gone and helped him get up on his feat and call an ambulance. Maybe he sees my act of kindness and changes his opinion. Maybe he doesnt. Worst case scenario, he turns around and punches me in the face. Fine. He's a fucking nazi. That's expected of him. Why in the world are WE turning into animals?

People celebrating a monster getting punched? "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS BOARD?"
*Gets punched in the face by a Nazi* "Fine. He's a fucking nazi. That's expected of him."

Interesting priorities yeah
I don't see how you can run a civilized society and also have vigilante mobs going around identifying who to attack and/or kill. There's probably a good reason why thousands of years of civilization has shown this to be a poor method of conducting a society.

Yeah we should be civilized and wait for the Nazis to kill us.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If people start taking the law into their own hands it will end in chaos. There were at least 3 people there, wouldn't it be better if they immobilized him and hand him over to the police? Violence only leads to more violence.
Kinda like how there's this yet unsolved problem with white supremacy and nazism in the U.S. even including the white house because we don't think it's a good idea to come up with proper hate speech laws which have already proven to be effective in places outside the U.S.?
Man, I would love to see EvilLore's thoughts on this. I just read his incredible post in the 'NYT - When the left turns on its own' thread and I dont think people casually condoning violence is what he had in mind when he asked everyone to exchange ideas in a civil way.

There is nothing civil about knocking a man out cold. What's next? Are we going to start knocking out pedophiles? Attack people who were convicted and carried out their sentence for manslaughter? What the hell is happening to this board?

- Is wearing a nazi badge illegal? I dont think, but if it is, call the cops and have him arrested.
- Harassing minorities IS illegal. Call the cops and have him arrested.
- Punching a man IS illegal. Call the cops and have the man who knocked him out arrested.

I am a minority and I would have gone and helped him get up on his feat and call an ambulance. Maybe he sees my act of kindness and changes his opinion. Maybe he doesnt. Worst case scenario, he turns around and punches me in the face. Fine. He's a fucking nazi. That's expected of him. Why in the world are WE turning into animals?

So a Nazi can be expected to be violent against you as a minority and you're "fine" with that, but not the other way around?


I wasn't sure how I felt about this when I first read the OP a few hours ago.

But then I had to talk to someone immediately afterward and I noticed that I had a huge grin on my face. So make of that what you will.
He took that punch like a bitch. You can tell that guy punching has some form though.

If you're going to do this shit, or carry on with that kind of violent shenanigans you'd have to get organised on websites that aren't fochen twitter.

Feels like everyone is super traceable.

Though a lone nazi, walking the street of liberal cities, doing that, he's either calculating for that to happen. Or mental.

Like that Die Hard movie was it 3?
I don't see how you can run a civilized society and also have vigilante mobs going around identifying who to attack and/or kill. There's probably a good reason why thousands of years of civilization has shown this to be a poor method of conducting a society.

Dude had the ability to tell his story to police and chose not to. People around were not interesyed in helping a nazi. The police can further investigate should they please. I don't really understand why you are posing the world burning scenario?
I wasn't sure how I felt about this when I first read the OP a few hours ago.

But then I had to talk to someone after reading the OP and I noticed that I had a huge grin on my face. So make of that what you will.
I'm telling you, Americans inherently think seeing a Nazi get decked is fucking cool
I don't see how you can run a civilized society and also have vigilante mobs going around identifying who to attack and/or kill. There's probably a good reason why thousands of years of civilization has shown this to be a poor method of conducting a society.

Well I wouldn't call a racist society as ours civilized. And it's not like people can trust the police, a part of that racist society. So maybe save that concern for when it's actually applicable.
I'm actually interested in knowing if punching is a deterrent to these types of groups. Seems more of a cathartic experience in general for the puncher and onlookers.
Actually, by its very definition, yes it is limited to physical.

Absolutely could and should.

Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."

Non-physical violence is absolutely 100% a thing.
This is something I really don't get.

If he's wearing a swastika and harassing people with his vile rhetoric, why didn't someone put a call in to arrest the fucker? You can't tell me there wasn't a single police officer in all of Seattle that didn't want to lock him away.

People did call the police on the Nazi. When they got there he was on the ground and the good people of Seattle that were on the scene didn't want to defend a Nazi by reporting the puncher.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
So a Nazi can be expected to be violent against you as a minority and you're "fine" with that, but not the other way around?

People celebrating a monster getting punched? "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS BOARD?"
*Gets punched in the face by a Nazi* "Fine. He's a fucking nazi. That's expected of him."

Interesting priorities yeah

If he punches me, it's a crime and he gets arrested for it. It goes through legal means.


This is something I really don't get.

If he's wearing a swastika and harassing people with his vile rhetoric, why didn't someone put a call in to arrest the fucker? You can't tell me there wasn't a single police officer in all of Seattle that didn't want to lock him away.

I doubt he would've been arrested. Aside from the Nazi crap a person getting harassed by a random person on the street ain't really worth the police's time compared to other crimes.


I'm actually interested in knowing if punching is a deterrent to these types of groups. Seems more of a cathartic experience in general for the puncher and onlookers.
According to an article on The Stranger the Nazi took off his armband after his nap soo... maybe?


Un Rama
I'm actually interested in knowing if punching is a deterrent to these types of groups. Seems more of a cathartic experience in general for the puncher and onlookers.

Richard Spencer said after his punching that it hindered his ability to go these places and spread his message and they need visibility to gain traction.

Shit works.


This guy had to have seen this coming. There is no way he could not know that someone was gonna sock him for this.


Gold Member
2. strength of emotion or of a destructive natural force.

Point well made as I should have been more through.


That is a link to the model penal code and a discussion of what is and isn't self-defense.

This is more useful for our discussion than that my lazy quote of the dictionary.

EDIT: There were a few of you who quoted me...and this should steer this discussion to something actually practical. I admit my citing to the actual definition is lazy.

Im making no moral judgment upon whether you believe this guy deserved to get hit. Probably does. He is also a victim of assault and battery.

To simply say "its violence" is intellectually lazy as a way to justify one's self in indulging in vigilante justice. Whether this is viewed as virtuous or not, is a different discussion.
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