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army of two 3: mexico unofficial |OT| thread


Finally getting reviews from some of the larger sites.

IGN - 5.0
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel: elite soldiers of fortune? More like idiot statues on roller-skates.

Eurogamer - 5
It's not a bad game, but nor does it have anything beyond basic mechanical competence to mark it out as "good" - and even that competence wobbles more than it should.

Game Informer - 6.5
On one hand, the lack of polish and the glitches cause me to give the game a less-than-stellar score. On the other hand, I can’t deny that my co-op partner and I were laughing and enjoying ourselves for the large majority of the campaign.
just finished this with my bro.. pretty good game. who is
? and I was pissed when
b.o.b. and big boi got shot in the head
. I still don't know how to play as big boi.
I really didn't like the first two army of two games. Everything form the shooting to the movement felt bad to me. It sucks that they took out the only interesting parts in the first two games but they finally made a competent shooter. It's not great but it's fun in a summer movie blockbuster way.

The game would be completely mediocre if it wasn't for the overkill mechanic. It creates a fun combat loop that turns the game into something more like Max Payne than Gears of War. The story is also completely dumb, in some ways good and in some ways bad. There are times where it seems like the game knows how dumb the story is and revels in it, but then there are times where it tries to be serious in a cutscene then goes right back to dude bro humor afterward. It's a fun weekend rental, which surprises me because EA didn't even have faith in it.


Unconfirmed Member
So myself and my mate got this out from Lovefilm on rental for PS3 and started it on Friday. CoOp wise it's been an absolute fucking mess. I'm not talking about the actual game quality but technically it's been a nightmare, especially with EAs servers. Every 15 - 20mins or so my friend (or myself) kept getting kicked from EAs servers and we'd have to actually restart our machines to be able to invite each other into our games. We have no idea why. We were both on wireless connections so we thought maybe it was those but we both changed to wired, checked we were open nat etc and nope. My friend still gets kicked and sometimes we even have trouble connecting to EAs servers on game launch. It's really fucking annoying. I honestly hope noone else has been having these problems. We've also had plenty of bugs, the game was obviously rushed out.

The reason why this is annoying is, I'm really enjoying the game. Surprisingly so tbh. I liked the original Army Of Two but fucking hate The 40th Day which I (and my coop buddy) both thought was shit. We went into this with no expectations but so far it's been really fun. The first thing to note is that it's of course a standard coop shooter, no surprises in the slightest. Flank machine gun, use machine gun to hold position, flank sniper, kill sniper etc etc etc. It certainly won't be winning any GOTY awards.

However I love the combat. The guns sound and feel wonderful, they are a joy to use and just the act of shooting I like a lot. But combine this with the reactive environment and it makes combat really fucking fun. I think most things are either completely destructible or at least destructible to a point, dust flies in the air, things EXPLODE!, parts of buildings fall off/chip away etc. This leads into the best thing of the game, OVERKILL! I say FUCK ME is Overkill a joy to use. It reminds me so much of FEARs slow mo in a big way. It is easily the best thing about the game and it's the cum shot after spending your time building up the bar. You just walk down the street like The Terminator - dust flies! tables explode! Vehicles are torn to pieces! Pillars and parts of buildings just explode and fall apart, enemies have their arms, legs and heads ripped off and it's just really really satisfying. It's much better than any of the overkill style modes from the first two by a big, big margin. Just the combination of the sound, the slowdown, the destruction etc. It's absolutely glorious. It really does feel like a John Woo/Hollywood action films at times.
The story is nothing memorable but it's been fun taking on the Cartels in the streets of Mexico. Especially when using Overkill.

I'm suggesting anyone rush out or buy it but if you fancy a coop shooter sometime and you see this for 10 quid/$10 give it a shot or a weekend rental sometime. You never know, it might surprise you. I might even buy a copy myself when it becomes dirt cheap. It's a shame it never came to PC but ah well, never mind!

I'm playing the demo and its actually not as bad as I thought, but now I'm stuck. I let the AI take the helicopter while I ran around on the rooftop. Now all enemies are dead and I don't know how to get to the helicopter which is on the adjacent building. How do I get over there?


Unconfirmed Member

I'm playing the demo and its actually not as bad as I thought, but now I'm stuck. I let the AI take the helicopter while I ran around on the rooftop. Now all enemies are dead and I don't know how to get to the helicopter which is on the adjacent building. How do I get over there?

The base of the fallen tower (the bridge) should have a blue icon on it. Press X (PS3)/ A (X360) to go into cover. Then hold the button while pressing up on the stick to 'vault' over and climb onto the tower.
The base of the fallen tower (the bridge) should have a blue icon on it. Press X (PS3)/ A (X360) to go into cover. Then hold the button while pressing up on the stick to 'vault' over and climb onto the tower.
Hmm ok I don't remember seeing a fallen tower but ill keep my eyes open next time. Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
Hmm ok I don't remember seeing a fallen tower but ill keep my eyes open next time. Thanks.

After you enter the building to kill the soldier firing the RPG's at the Helicopter, turn around and run out the way you came, continuing to move in that direction. There will be some ingame chatter where Alpha tells Bravo to blow up the base of the tower.
you guys.
salem is the el diablo.

im pissed apparently you can't play as BOB or Big Boi they are just in the game? i don't get.. are they just not in the cutscenes if you didn't preorder and get The Hit Makers Pack?


Safe to assume this franchise is now dead. If it wasn't so forgettable, people may actually reminisce years down roads about this game in threads such as "How the fuck did that sequel get greenlit?".


Even with all the hate for this game out there it is a damn fun game for those that just like blowing crap up.. also you can get awesome glitches like this... which I just uploaded


Yeah, its fun couch co op mindless action. I wish they would make the ending go something like this though

*Helicopter smashes through window, entire building explodes taking the bad guy with it*

Alpha: Bro, that was the hardest explosion I think i've ever seen
Bravo: You know what else is hard bro?

*Alpha and Bravo take off their masks, start making out*


I'm just bumping this because I bought this game for 5 or 10 bucks online 2 years ago and never got around to finishing it because it was garbage and making LTTP for shit like this is fucking stupider then the people who greenlit this contemporary masterpiece
been working through my back log and for some stupid reason i decided to play this piece of shit
a couple of things
I actually like the Army of Two series for what it's worth. The first game was over ambitious, had massive feature creep, and from the early reviews to the delayed release was clear it had a shit ton of cut content. Second was eh, but whatever, I actually paid FULL PRICE for both of them. In fact, I actually owned several copies of the 40th Day and even played that shitty PSP game.
FULL PRICE is all caps for a reason
I'm about 30 minutes away from finishing The Devil's Cartel and
it is one of the worst games I've ever subjected myself too
Tons of graphical errors
Broken online - it boots me to the main menu if try to host and I fall through the fucking floor every time theres a chapter interlude if I join a game A++++ ebayer would buy again
Shit tons of bugs
Broken game balance
Sexist dialogue
Borderline racist but tastefully realistic portrayal of mexico

The only decent thing about this is the DeadSpace 3 Isaac and Carver masks and that game is even fucking worse than this one


game is over. just went into overkill with a grenade launcher i picked up from a brute twice and blindfired a lot of bullets
i cant imagine how people who bought this game for 60 retail must've felt
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