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Arthur Gies leaves Polygon, semi-retiring from Video games

Outside of the objectification point, I see this argument often touted. She's using her sexuality as a weapon to fight the foes which seem to represent a religious patriarchy.

fwiw i'm pretty sure Kamiya said he likes "sexy women" etc, but that the camera angles etc are designed to...say, make people feel a little uncomfortable. Whether that's an excuse or not is up for debate I guess.

more ontopic...his art on Instagram looks pretty cool. Trillion miles beyond the wannabe stick figures I could crank out. Good luck to him. Following your passion is always a great thing.


I can't say he was ever my favorite critic, far from it in fact, but I wish him the best on his next ventures.


Damn, that sounds like such a scary thing to do. I really admire it and wish I had the balls to do something similar. Maybe I will, one day. Best of luck to you, Arthur, and I'm sure you'll look back at this decision, 10 years from now, and feel really damn happy you made it! Cheers!
Not a fan of Arthur at all so I think Polygon benefits from this.

Go do what you enjoy doing.

I think exactly the same thing. I wish him well in his future endeavor, but I will not miss him. Always struck me as a really biased person, so much that it was hurting the website he co-founded.


Always found him an MS shill in my minimal exposure to him but hey good luck to him anyway: changing direction is tough later in life. Art and design is fun subjectthough - hope it goes well for him.

Won't miss him in context of games journo though and TBH would prefer full retirement on that front.
So is the biggest reason he isn't liked around here is because he thinks Bayonetta is sexist trash?

Nah - he defender anti consumer policies like always online and IIRC he was also happy with xbox initial no used games drm.

Well at least I hope that this is a reason and not Bayonetta.


I listened to Rebel FM for several years before he got on my nerves and I stopped. Totally grateful for the entertainment that he provided me back when I did listen and I admire him for leaving a secure position to pursue his dreams, specifically because I've been considering doing this myself and I know what a difficult decision it can be.
Nah - he defender anti consumer policies like always online and IIRC he was also happy with xbox initial no used games drm.

Well at least I hope that this is a reason and not Bayonetta.

I remember a GamerGate gripe was that he factored his feelings about sexism into the actual review score. Personally, that seems appropriate to me. A review is a subjective opinion of the value of a game. But GG was all about the myth of "objective" reviews so bringing the wrong politics into it was a cardinal sin.
I think that argument works for real people, but not for fictional people who are intentionally designed in a hyper-sexualized way and then virtually leered at through camera angles set by directors. She's fake, she can't enjoy things. Everything about her was created for your enjoyment.

I thought you were only going to listen without replying? ;)
I remember a GamerGate gripe was that he factored his feelings about sexism into the actual review score. Personally, that seems appropriate to me. A review is a subjective opinion of the value of a game. But GG was all about the myth of "objective" reviews so bringing the wrong politics into it was a cardinal sin.

I would agree, I think there's no problem with a critic factoring that into their review. It's their review, they can discuss any aspect of the product.

I'd honestly love to hear more critics address problematic themes in their reviews, rip my avatar though.


Can't say I'll miss him, but it's nice that he follows a passion

Nah - he defender anti consumer policies like always online and IIRC he was also happy with xbox initial no used games drm.

Well at least I hope that this is a reason and not Bayonetta.
More recently he also spread a rumor that the Spiderman e3 demo was fake, apparently not knowing that other journalists got to see the game played live. Sure, anyone can make a mistake, but that lack of fact checking is just lazy.
Depends which Art Institute cuz the one I'm at is supplying me with the proper networking. It's also good to have your stuff properly critiqued by professors.

Sorry dude, I really didn't mean to shit on your choice of school, it's just that I had multiple friend spend a lot of money at The Art Institute of Seattle only to end up managing retail store because they didn't set them up for success. By all means if it's working for you that's awesome.
So is the biggest reason he isn't liked around here is because he thinks Bayonetta is sexist trash?

To be honest it all goes back to 1up FM regulars crowdfunding Rebel FM after 1up closed and bailing almost immediately, leaving Gies in charge. Once the negative ball of emotions got going (with Gies as its focal point) it basically continued under it own weight.
I think that argument works for real people, but not for fictional people who are intentionally designed in a hyper-sexualized way and then virtually leered at through camera angles set by directors. She's fake, she can't enjoy things. Everything about her was created for your enjoyment.

Indeed she is created for others' enjoyment, same as any other character is; this enjoyment includes that of its numerous female (and yes, even feminist) fans. In a world of space marines and assorted macho characters, you really can't understand why a sassy, super-powerful, fun female character that is always in control would be enjoyed and defended by females to the point that many would even cosplay as her?


not me
Manspling to a person who worked for Nintendo at the time, and possibly worked on marketing.

What does her working for Nintendo have to do with it? Why does that make her right and him wrong?

Furthermore, she is obviously strawmanning as I sincerely doubt Gies has a problem with the mere fact that Bayonetta is sexy, but rather the particular way in which it's portrayed.

Finally, "mansplaining" is often misused as a bullshit gotcha card, with the implication being that a man can never be right and a woman wrong about feminist issues (not that Gies is right here and Rapp wrong regarding Bayonetta). A lot of it is tone, of course, but considering Rapp was the one starting the condescending bullshit in this Twitter chain, I can understand his reflex to respond in kind


Glad to see that he'll still be on Rebel FM. I enjoy listening to his opinions, whether I agree with them or not.
Nah - he defender anti consumer policies like always online and IIRC he was also happy with xbox initial no used games drm.

Well at least I hope that this is a reason and not Bayonetta.

Yeah, I didn't even know about the Bayonetta thing until now, and frankly a lot of people think that way (even I did, at first), and they're within their rights to do so. It's the pro-corporate (and particularly pro-Microsoft) bullshit and his general condescension that I can't stand.
Indeed she is created for others' enjoyment, same as any other character is; this enjoyment includes that of its numerous female (and yes, even feminist) fans. In a world of space marines and assorted macho characters, you really can't understand why a sassy, super-powerful, fun female character that is always in control would be enjoyed and defended by females to the point that many would even cosplay as her?

I don't think you can use cosplay to give a character feminist cred. Cosplay has long had an undercurrent of unreconstructed objectification, ever since guys at old cons were leering at 14-year-old Heidi Saha dressed as Vampirella and buying her "pictorial history."

It was more to the point that he had to explain himself when he wasn't in the conversation. He had to seek it out, and then interject himself into it. Can't either think he was wrong or just walk away from a conversation. Gies has to be right.
So you criticism him instead of her who took indirect passive aggressive shots at him?
Shawn, could you please reply to my original response to you?

Sure. Sorry for using the word "slutty." I'm aware that's a problematic way to describe hypersexualization. The contest was just a way to say that GAF is, overall, the most consistently and uniformly progressive gaming forum on the internet. Actually the only one I'm aware of. The rest range from Stormfront to Reddit, politically.
More recently he also spread a rumor that the Spiderman e3 demo was fake, apparently not knowing that other journalists got to see the game played live. Sure, anyone can make a mistake, but that lack of fact checking is just lazy.

I'd forgotten all about that

Listening to Rebel FM and Arthur Gies brought this game up as one of his highlights. He said when he'd talk about it with other devs at E3, they didn't believe it's even shipping in '18. Said what they showed wasn't even a game. No canned animations, etc. Curious if they're in any way right.

Nothing at all to back it up or even to suggest that the rumor could be true, but let's just throw it out there anyway.
Sure. Sorry for using the word "slutty." I'm aware that's a problematic way to describe hypersexualization. The contest was just a way to say that GAF is, overall, the most consistently and uniformly progressive gaming forum on the internet. Actually the only one I'm aware of. The rest range from Stormfront to Reddit, politically.

You should check The_Donald on reddit. :p


Respect for the dude for following up on his dreams and ambitions. It's never too late to do a complete U-turn on your career.

Hope he lands well.


He's moving on to a much less toxic industry so I hope he finds happiness in it. Game press has to be one of the least professional corners of journalism, and the Internet in general. Gies was no exception to that rule either though.


Sure. Sorry for using the word "slutty." I'm aware that's a problematic way to describe hypersexualization. The contest was just a way to say that GAF is, overall, the most consistently and uniformly progressive gaming forum on the internet. Actually the only one I'm aware of. The rest range from Stormfront to Reddit, politically.

Right, so I think when you immediately jump to "slutty" at a women in risque clothing, it clouds the rest of your argument being "feminist."

And by saying GAF is in a "contest" to be more woke, that comes off as if you think people on GAF care about about being more "woke" than the next person rather than actually caring.
Right, so I think when you immediately jump to "slutty" at a women in risque clothing, it clouds the rest of your argument being "feminist."

And by saying GAF is in a "contest" to be more woke, that comes off as if you think people on GAF care about about being more "woke" than the next person rather than actually caring.

This disappointing reply is the original reason I didn't respond to your post. You seem interested in derailing the thread toward ad hominem, which is a bad place to go considering GAF's strict moderation that could penalize me for firing back. Fool me once.
I dont understand the hate this guy gets. I've been listening to rebel FM for a long time now and his options never seem so outlandish or crazy. Do some of you only want people who sound the same and always have options that you agree with? I dont get it.

Like for me, i personally dont listen to Michael Pachter. Saw him a few times, really dont agree with him most of the time. I dont go on and keep clicking on his articles i know i wont like just to then throw a hissy fit on the internet.

The internet, such a toxic place sometimes.


Maybe he is going to work on that secret cloud tech he said existed in that Sim City game. I've never liked him. Hope he enjoys whatever he decides to do next.


We need a greatest hits for this guy. My favourite was when he said people who thought SimCity could run offline had no idea what they were talking about.
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