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Assassin's Creed II - The |OT|

Tomasooie said:
If the combat is so easy then why are you healing three times per battle? It is too easy though, and regenerating health certainly wouldn't make it any harder. I honestly wish they'd have kept it like in the original E3 demo: one hit and you're done.
The hell? Open-world gameplay combined with Demons Soul toughness is not a good combination. I only healed 3 times during battle once. Hell, I didn't get hit in 80% of the battles. Your suggestion sucks.


ChoklitReign said:
The hell? Open-world gameplay combined with Demons Soul toughness is not a good combination. I only healed 3 times during battle once. Hell, I didn't get hit in 80% of the battles. Your suggestion sucks.
It still wouldn't be anywhere near a Demon's Souls level of difficulty. The combat system makes it way too easy to avoid damage. At least you'd get a bit of a rush knowing you're always one hit away from death. Maybe two hits would be better.

What Ubisoft really need to do is scrap the current combat system entirely. It's the weakest aspect of the series, and adding more weapons isn't going to fix anything.


Just started playing this.

I'm about ~2 hours in, and I'm a bit mixed on some of the changes. I'll see how I settle in with them...

And it takes FOREVER to get going, where AC1 threw you into the action almost immediately.

The controls/hud/everything else is totally streamlined though, and the game is GORGEOUS.


Just finished the game, OMG THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. A final boss fight that I actually liked, an ending that I loved (haven't enjoyed an ending that much since the first Uncharted), and the most genius and incredible
sequence ever.

Absolutely blown away, loved ever minute of it. Easily my 2009 game of the year over Uncharted 2, not even close.
Tomasooie said:
It still wouldn't be anywhere near a Demon's Souls level of difficulty. The combat system makes it way too easy to avoid damage. At least you'd get a bit of a rush knowing you're always one hit away from death. Maybe two hits would be better.

What Ubisoft really need to do is scrap the current combat system entirely. It's the weakest aspect of the series, and adding more weapons isn't going to fix anything.
The combat is fine. 3 hits until death would be a good compromise. Maybe making the counter-kill timing more strict like the hidden blades would work.


This needs go to down to around 25 again so I can use my amazon credit on it...

I've recently beaten Infamous finally. How does this game compare as an open world adventure? I know they are very different but in terms of navigating, gameplay, and upgrades, is AC II more fun for you guys?
reKon said:
This needs go to down to around 25 again so I can use my amazon credit on it...

I've recently beaten Infamous finally. How does this game compare as an open world adventure? I know they are very different but in terms of navigating, gameplay, and upgrades, is AC II more fun for you guys?

They're too different to compare really in terms of the gameplay itself. Cole is a war machine, and Ezio is a secretive assassin.

But: AC2 has loads more polish. It's a much, much prettier game.

The storyline in each is wonderfully ludicrous and silly, and very easy to get into. I bought AC2 at full price, and 8 months after its release I still think its a quality $60 game.


I have a question about the "Complete Edition" available in Europe:

Assassin’s Creed 2 full game
Battle of Forli
Bonfire of the vanities
3 Templar Secret Locations (Palazzo Medici + Santa Maria dei Frari + Arsenal Shipyard)

Are those 3 all the extra templar locations there are?


I dunno why but is there any place that's good for getting the "Kill 10 without being hit" trophy / achievement? I seem to either run out of people to kill or I run into the big fat guys that are unblockable (I'm guessing). I just need a great place to knock this one out. My sucky cousin managed to get this one, and he hardly plays!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
DryvBy2 said:
I dunno why but is there any place that's good for getting the "Kill 10 without being hit" trophy / achievement? I seem to either run out of people to kill or I run into the big fat guys that are unblockable (I'm guessing). I just need a great place to knock this one out. My sucky cousin managed to get this one, and he hardly plays!

I got mine pretty easily in San Gimignano. I imagine anywhere in Florence is a good spot too.

Just get into a fight, and when there's only 1 or 2 guys left, slowly move around while staying in combat. Try and move around so that you pick up some other group of guards. Repeat process until you get the achievement.

Massa said:
Are those 3 all the extra templar locations there are?

There's also the one you get through Uplay, but that's a free download anyway.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Best place to get the kill 10 is in Venice by that huge cathedral complex... there's like a million guards there. Get a group around you, smoke bombs and double kill with the hidden blades. Takes like 1 minute.


Finally came around to buy the game. Didn't play the first one so I didn't quite know what to expect. Pleasantly "surprised" so far, a far better experience than I expected (Although I had a somewhat frustrating struggle with the controls for a while.............)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
lol servers getting slammed, maybe I'll try after dinner

I got in! woo!


ZealousD said:
There's also the one you get through Uplay, but that's a free download anyway.

Thanks, I might get that version.

DryvBy2 said:
I dunno why but is there any place that's good for getting the "Kill 10 without being hit" trophy / achievement? I seem to either run out of people to kill or I run into the big fat guys that are unblockable (I'm guessing). I just need a great place to knock this one out. My sucky cousin managed to get this one, and he hardly plays!

One of the side missions includes killing 10 guards that are basically standing right next to each other. I'm afraid I don't remember the name but if you complete all of them you should run into it.


Just started playing this. Got it as a Christmas present and it was on my backlog, so here I am.

Whew...I love it so far. I enjoyed the first one, but man, this one is just so much better. So much more to do, the graphics seem crisper to me, the voice work is absolutely fantastic...I could go on.

Having so much fun trying to solve the truth puzzles...they're really creepy. Love the tombs.

Great job by Ubi on this game.


This game started off slow but really finished well. Maybe it's time to run through the extra dlc I never bought for it.


Finished the game last night. Absolutely fantastic.

Only trophies I need to finish are find feathers, wear auditore cape in every city, and sweep 5 people at once with the polearm. Any suggestions for the last one?


CrankyJay said:
Finished the game last night. Absolutely fantastic.

Only trophies I need to finish are find feathers, wear auditore cape in every city, and sweep 5 people at once with the polearm. Any suggestions for the last one?

Try it in Venice in front of the Basilica de San marco. Usually there are a lot of guards.

@ Cape

Don't forget the mountain-region when you want the achievement.


Bought this at Target for $25 today. I never finished AC1 (too repetitive); does this game include a recap of the story of the first?


I remember reading somewhere that you can change the settings on your TV to make the feather hunting a lot easier, does anyone know what those settings are? Is it low brightness/high contrast?

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
storl026 said:
I remember reading somewhere that you can change the settings on your TV to make the feather hunting a lot easier, does anyone know what those settings are? Is it low brightness/high contrast?

Going into eagle eye pretty much does that for you.


well not really...yet
Jirotrom said:
wait... the game tells you where you are missing feathers?
The menu will tell you how many feathers you have out of the total number there are in each District/area
I started this last night and after an hour, I'm done with it. I hated the first game, one of the most disappointing titles in recent memory for me, and everything so far tells me this will be more of the same. The story elements completely failed to grab me, the controls for climbing and traversing are really fiddly, and the combat is completely unsatisfying.

It's a real shame this game got so much attention when Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is so much better.

I only paid £10, so I'm not too bothered, but I feel a bit stupid for getting it when my gut told me it would be more of the same but all of the reviewers seemed to really like it and praised it for being much better than the first game.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I started this last night and after an hour, I'm done with it. I hated the first game, one of the most disappointing titles in recent memory for me, and everything so far tells me this will be more of the same. The story elements completely failed to grab me, the controls for climbing and traversing are really fiddly, and the combat is completely unsatisfying.

It's a real shame this game got so much attention when Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is so much better.

I only paid £10, so I'm not too bothered, but I feel a bit stupid for getting it when my gut told me it would be more of the same but all of the reviewers seemed to really like it and praised it for being much better than the first game.

No no no no. The game gets so much better and the missions are much more varied. This game also has some of the best puzzles I've seen this gen with the glyph segments. Some of those really stumped my wife and I but we never cheated.

You'll get used to the controls and I like to think of the combat as a choreographed fight scene in a movie. No random button mashing, but timed blocks, counters, and kill shots.


Unconfirmed Member
Foliorum Viridum said:
I started this last night and after an hour, I'm done with it. I hated the first game, one of the most disappointing titles in recent memory for me, and everything so far tells me this will be more of the same. The story elements completely failed to grab me, the controls for climbing and traversing are really fiddly, and the combat is completely unsatisfying.

It's a real shame this game got so much attention when Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is so much better.

I only paid £10, so I'm not too bothered, but I feel a bit stupid for getting it when my gut told me it would be more of the same but all of the reviewers seemed to really like it and praised it for being much better than the first game.

Keep playing

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
This is one of my favorite games ever. The first one put me to sleep on so many occasions but they fixed every complaint in the sequel.

Nevermind. Just read that the script writer said that the game will never take place during that period.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Foliorum Viridum said:
I started this last night and after an hour, I'm done with it. I hated the first game, one of the most disappointing titles in recent memory for me, and everything so far tells me this will be more of the same. The story elements completely failed to grab me, the controls for climbing and traversing are really fiddly, and the combat is completely unsatisfying.

It's a real shame this game got so much attention when Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands is so much better.

I only paid £10, so I'm not too bothered, but I feel a bit stupid for getting it when my gut told me it would be more of the same but all of the reviewers seemed to really like it and praised it for being much better than the first game.

Keep playing. I'm playing it now, a few hours in, and it gets much better than the start of the game.

But dont expect it to knock your socks off. I have the same complaints as you and in many areas it doesnt get much better. Combat is all kinds of stupid easy and boring, like the first game, and the controls are horrible. It doesnt help that its one of the worst PC ports I've had the displeasure of playing in some time.

My main issue is that the game has all this superficial depth with its armor, weapons, side missions, and abilities, when in reality its one big pointless collect-a-thon.

If I have one thing I want them to do with AC3 its to keep the variety of AC2, but actually make all those little features mean something. All this collecting is fine if you're an OCD gamer, but I'm not.
Nah, I'm not going to continue, as I literally didn't get one moment of enjoyment out of that hour, and there's so many games I still need to play that are guranteed to be a great time. :)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Foliorum Viridum said:
Nah, I'm not going to continue, as I literally didn't get one moment of enjoyment out of that hour, and there's so many games I still need to play that are guranteed to be a great time. :)

Fair enough. I dont see myself finishing it before Other M comes out, and then I wont have the urge to play it at all.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Nah, I'm not going to continue, as I literally didn't get one moment of enjoyment out of that hour, and there's so many games I still need to play that are guranteed to be a great time. :)

Well you are still wrong because the game is nothing like the first one, especially after the first hour. Too bad for you!


Dead said:
The menu will tell you how many feathers you have out of the total number there are in each District/area
Lol I didn't know this. Just got my last feather this morning by taking a gondola trip around Venice.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So, I'm attempting the fifth Assassin's Tomb, where you need to complete four time trials, and I'm nearly ready to pack the game in. I've crossed the point of having any kind of fun, and am sick of fighting the mess that is the controls.

It doesn't help that the last few story missions have been monotinous and utterly uninspiring. On one of the escort missions my crew decided, for no reason, to take the long way and get into a huge fight with about 20+ guards. I had no choice but to kill them all, which was easy, and thus have my notority reading shoot through the roof. Every single one of the dudes I was escorted had survived. Fucking waste of time.

I dont know how this game got so much praise, as while its an improvement on the original its still a mess of ideas, most of which are poorly implimented and lacking the kind of polish a game likes this needs. It feels like the developers listened to the criticism of the first game, and rather than address the issues with polish and gameplay depth, decided to add superficial depth by just dumping shit in the design.

Combat is easy and depthless -> Add more weapons and armor!
Assassinations repetitive -> Add more assassination moves, majority of which you wont ever use!

Everything they've added is either useless or just makes the game even easier than the original. Guards protecting codex? Walk around the corner and hire prostitutes/thieves/thugs/whatever for a pittance and you're basically done. Guards chasing you? Run around a few corners, jump in pile of hay/water, or run along the rooftops. Adding in all the different means of keeping hidden in crowds and hiring groups reminds me exactly of how they hyped the whole "soft push" feature of the first game for working your way through crowds; its rarely used and not part of the core design.

The developers need to take a step back and stop putting a ton of useless shit and features into the game and instead work on the actual assassination and stealth. Keep equipment limited, lower the health, and build creative levels that demand the player use tight parkour and timed, clever assassinations to complete their goals.

Take a leaf out of the Hitman series and make your game about actual, you know, assassination.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Got to the ending this weekend, so good and addictive. I enjoyed the first game enough but the sequel is an improvement on all accounts. I rarely accomplish this before I get bored but I'm aiming for 100% just because I want to keep doing random things, including the feather collecting crap (only 30 left in Venice, wohoo!).


I just started a couple days ago (sick days) and I am absolutely loving it! Everything from the character development to the exploration and breadth of mission options makes it a top notch ride and a very enjoyable experience.

I'm glad I decided to give this one a chance rather than assume it followed the same formula as the first game (I detested it and its repetitive nature).

How do I go back to find buildings that have hidden glyphs? Sure, the game alerts you to when you're around a landmark that houses one, but if you leave then it's hard to find which building is which seeing as how there aren't any distinctive building names on the map


DangerStepp said:
I just started a couple days ago (sick days) and I am absolutely loving it! Everything from the character development to the exploration and breadth of mission options makes it a top notch ride and a very enjoyable experience.

I'm glad I decided to give this one a chance rather than assume it followed the same formula as the first game (I detested it and its repetitive nature).

How do I go back to find buildings that have hidden glyphs? Sure, the game alerts you to when you're around a landmark that houses one, but if you leave then it's hard to find which building is which seeing as how there aren't any distinctive building names on the map

I like Creed 1 and 2, but thought 2 was a bit long for my tastes, definitely a good game, and even though 1 is probably more repetitive the newness of it all and original story intrigued me a bit more. Bought 1 on the 360 and 2 on the PS3, will probably buy 3 on the 360 if I pick it up. Enjoy the ride.


"In their hands, the wise LEAN on a great force."

Can someone help me with this one? I can't figure it out...
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