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Atari's Star Raiders coming to Xbox 360, PS3, and PC next year



As predicted by the sage GameFly, Atari's Star Raiders is indeed being updated for new audiences. Incinerator Studios, formerly a THQ-owned dev (Cars) is making a new space combat game based on the classic for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, due in early 2011.

The new version will still focus on spaceship dogfights, energy pool management, and navigation of a "galactic map," but also includes ship transformation features. Players will also be able to take part in epic space battles online in several multiplayer modes. "Great games such as X-Wing and Wing Commander were influenced by this Atari classic," Incinerator president Joel Goodman told GameSpot in an interview. Now we'll get to see what happens when Star Raiders influences ... Star Raiders.


oh.... Star Raiders remake! An oldie but a goodie, will be watching this one.

Here is a wiki page on Star Raiders for those unfamiliar with this classic.


I had Starmaster from Activision instead when I was a kid. It hit the 2600 first (though this was on the Atari computers first, the port to 2600 wasn't until late '82).

It's funny though, the genre of this (Star Trek games) is pretty much dead these days, but at the time it was hugely popular. Indeed, the first computer game I ever played was Star Trek on an TRS-80. Even up into the 90s you had commercial versions on PC, I remember Interstel had an insanely detailed version of it.

So nice to see it still going, albeit as just a download title
Nice. Enjoyed Star Raiders way back when on the Atari 5200. I'll definitely check this out. I'd love to see an update to Solaris as well.


Space combat game? Fuck yeah! Even though I had Star Raiders for the 2600 as a kid and loved it then, I am hoping this new game takes after X-Wing and Wing Commander more. And I like the sound of "early 2011". It might come out before Sony gets around to announcing Starhawk.

I suppose live-action cutscenes are too much to ask for, huh? :D


That would make 2011 even greater! The resurgence of Space Combat Games... Believe! Where's Starhawk Sony?


(more a nerd than a geek)
Oh dear...

Star Raiders (1979, Atari 8-bit computers) is still nearly gaming perfection in and of itself. I really don't see the point of an "updated sequel" at this late date.

I'd much rather have them rerelease the original - and no, I don't mean the shoddy 2600 port, I mean the ORIGINAL.


DavidDayton said:
I'd much rather have them rerelease the original - and no, I don't mean the shoddy 2600 port, I mean the ORIGINAL.
Hey! That's the only version I ever played, and I liked it! =p


listen to the mad man
I'm not against this and it could be cool. But has anyone noticed that Atari gets, like, less relevant every year? Phil Harrison joined the company, did by all accounts nothing, and left unceremoniously. They've got basically nothing coming out that even registers on the relevancy scale (no offence to TDU2 or anything else that they're working on that might end up being good games, but they're just not a sales factor). They've lost or sold some of their licenses. What's left for Atari?


No bald cap? Lies!
Mehh theres a vid on Gamespot the original article and its not that inspiring and definitely not gonna be the AAA game space combat sims need for a resurgence.

Also seems like this new Star Raiders will be a XBLA/PSN title and apparently episodic, yipee.
How funny...I was just thinking of Star Raiders the other day and how games in the past seemed to be more complex despite the simple technology relative to today. Now we have super computers in our living rooms and we're playing interactive movies.

I remember it requiring that digital dial pad too. It came with the game but I don't remember any other Atari 2600 using it. It allowed you to navigate the star map.
The Shadow said:
How funny...I was just thinking of Star Raiders the other day and how games in the past seemed to be more complex despite the simple technology relative to today. Now we have super computers in our living rooms and we're playing interactive movies.

I remember it requiring that digital dial pad too. It came with the game but I don't remember any other Atari 2600 using it. It allowed you to navigate the star map.
Atari Basic could also use 2 of them for a pseudo crappy keyboard.


Stumpokapow said:
I'm not against this and it could be cool. But has anyone noticed that Atari gets, like, less relevant every year? Phil Harrison joined the company, did by all accounts nothing, and left unceremoniously. They've got basically nothing coming out that even registers on the relevancy scale (no offence to TDU2 or anything else that they're working on that might end up being good games, but they're just not a sales factor). They've lost or sold some of their licenses. What's left for Atari?

Sadly this is all true. TDU2 doesn't look bad but the Atari of old is all but dead in my eyes. Having grown up with the classics from the 800xl though its nice to see efforts like this.

Now we just need Shamus, Behind Jaggie Lines, MULE, Bruce Lee, River Raid, Blue-max, Moon Patrol, HERO and Keystone Capers upscaled in an 'Atari Classics Collection' released on modern consoles. Maybe a few others as well come to think about it. :lol



I completely adored Star Raiders on the 5200 and am pleased (if a bit perplexed) to see Atari dusting off the franchise. Sign me up.


Agent X

Gold Member
I had the 2600 version of Star Raiders as a child, and in recent years also obtained the 5200 version of the game (closely related to the original Atari 8-bit computer version). I'm very curious to see how this new Star Raiders turns out.

Enduin said:
Mehh theres a vid on Gamespot the original article and its not that inspiring and definitely not gonna be the AAA game space combat sims need for a resurgence.

The video isn't terribly encouraging, but then again they only show a few seconds of footage. I sure hope that it's played from the "cockpit" perspective and not the "behind the ship" external viewpoint that's shown in much of the video, though. Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Enduin said:
Also seems like this new Star Raiders will be a XBLA/PSN title and apparently episodic, yipee.

Amazon and GameSpot both have it priced at $29.99. It could be a semi-budget priced retail release.



If this is a Star Fox esque rail shooter I will be pissed beyond belief (at myself). I had the chance to write up a pitch for a revival of a classic Atari IP and when I read about Star Raiders I thought it would lend itself well to an HD Star Fox type of game. But then I was too damn lazy and pessimistic to write it up.

Fuck my life.


(more a nerd than a geek)
The original 8-bit Star Raiders is one of the few games from 1979 that holds up at -all- today. It was light years ahead of its time (no pun intended). I'd love to see the original released on all the current systems (come on Nintendo... add one Atari computer game to the VC!)

Someone over at Infogrames must really be set on the idea of rereleasing old Atari games. Star Raiders and Haunted House are both getting "sequels" (cough).

I'm puzzled as to exactly who the market for these is supposed to be.


Stumpokapow said:
I'm not against this and it could be cool. But has anyone noticed that Atari gets, like, less relevant every year? Phil Harrison joined the company, did by all accounts nothing, and left unceremoniously.

I do wish Atari was back on its feet because I have better memories than I should of Infogrames (which is entertainment) from what it was putting out in the PlayStation 1 days. Not a lot spectacular, but the throw-away stuff was often enjoyable (Space Race, the Game Boy games by V&D) if you liked the license and their top franchises could be good (Le Mans/V-Rally, Driver, Outcast.)

But as far as these reinventions of old games, this is EXACTLY what Atari should be doing these days, if at least as part of its business. If you've got the Atari name and you're not going to do anything with it, don't call yourself Atari. I was there and even I don't feel that Atari ever said "cutting edge gaming", it was junky old best-you-could-get-at-home gaming as a brand name to me (I don't think I ever looked at arcade makers as a kid, everything was just an arcade game, so even though they have legendary products from that market, "Atari" to me was the wooden thing at my friend's house that couldn't get Pac-Man right.) None of these revivals sounds great, but make them budget releases and do something interesting with the license, that's all I could want from this brand these days.


(more a nerd than a geek)
CamHostage said:
But as far as these reinventions of old games, this is EXACTLY what Atari should be doing these days, if at least as part of its business.

I still want to know exactly how the licensing and copyrights currently work for all the Atari arcade games made before the split. Are they currently property of Midway (owners of the last shreds of the arcade division) or Infogrames (owners of the console half of Atari)?
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