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Atlus announces My World, My Way for Nintendo DS


PolyGone said:
My World, My Way
The World Ends With You
World Destruction

am I missing any?

Scarface: The World is Yours
428: The World Doesn't Change Even Still
Guitar Hero: World Tour

Stage On

For some reason this title reminds me of Rhapsody a little.

It might be a little on the simple side, but I'm digging it.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Hmm I like the idea, and the review that was posted was a great read and made me pretty interested. But it seems like her skills are mostly the same as stat affecting spells you see in lots of RPGs. The source of her power makes me chuckle, BUT the lack of challenge bothers me.

~Kinggi~ said:
I didnt realize Atlus was so down to earth with their marketing....especially considering their game content...

They're great, for their Etrian Odyssey 2 PR, they made a little dig at GameInformer for their "Fight" and "heal" comment for Etrian Odyssey.


Hey, i didnt know brand new copies of Digital Devil Saga and Nocturne were readily available....i thought these were rare?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
grandjedi6 said:
It's the classic Atlus strategy to match ingenious marketing to their shittier games. You'd think their fanbase would be too hardcore to fall for it but....

they do everytime ;)

1. We don't know if this is shitty
2. Atlus games are ones you need to buy right away, lest they become rare. There's always a market for them. So even if I don't like it, I could always sell it a year down the line and make a bit of profit on it...
djtiesto said:
2. Atlus games are ones you need to buy right away, lest they become rare. There's always a market for them. So even if I don't like it, I could always sell it a year down the line and make a bit of profit on it...

A stunning endorsement for Atlus' publishing efforts!


I have a feeling this game'll get lost in the shuffle of DQ5 & SO4. I'll still pick it up. Like the above poster said, you'll probably be able to sell it a year later for double the price if you don't like it.


Has anybody picked this up and can post impressions? I'm buried in RPGs now, and will be for awhile, and the screenshots didn't give me much confidence.


Did you play and like Master of the Monster Lair.? Not the exact same game, but lots of similarities and the same dev.


Macstorm said:
Did you play and like Master of the Monster Lair.? Not the exact same game, but lots of similarities and the same dev.
Not only that, but according to Bozon's review (well, one of them, can't remember which is which, gave an 8.0 overall), the game also recycles a bit of content. Despite that, it seems like he enjoyed the game judging by the closing comments.


lyre said:
Not only that, but according to Bozon's review (well, one of them, can't remember which is which, gave an 8.0 overall), the game also recycles a bit of content. Despite that, it seems like he enjoyed the game judging by the closing comments.

Oh, and when the store clerk looks at you funny for buying a game with a pink princess on the front of the box, don’t bother with the “it’s for my sister” crap. Just break his nose, and tell him “Boz sent me.”

(You might not really want to do that.)



Macstorm said:
Did you play and like Master of the Monster Lair.? Not the exact same game, but lots of similarities and the same dev.

Never played it myself. The reviews so far seem mixed on this game. It'll probably become rare down the line, although I've never known a DS game to become rare.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
2DMention said:
Never played it myself. The reviews so far seem mixed on this game. It'll probably become rare down the line, although I've never known a DS game to become rare.

Tetris DS


Running off of Custom Firmware
Picked it up today. Hysterical manual. Look like the Mimic Slime from Master of Monster Lair is back, along with all of its mechanics from that game. For that matter, MoML's main characters (Owen and Kate) are back as well!
Hmm, I suppose I will give this a shot afterall. I'll wait until next week though to order this, HOTD: Overkill, and Retro Game Master in one fell swoop.


Running off of Custom Firmware

Intro said:
One young man.

He was nothing like all the others. In fact, he was on an entirely different level.

We're talking Level 99 in Handsomeness.

Edit - Oh shit. She gets fucking pwned by him in 10 seconds flat! :lol

Edit 2 - Oh man!

Elise said:
Daddy, I'm going on adventure. I won't be coming home until I'm mature!

Edit 3 - Holy shit! The first town in the game is called, literally, The First Town (and also The Noble Capital, apparently). It's neighbor? Grass Town. Wow.


Alright, quick impressions since I just finished an hour and a half with this one. I'm enjoying myself and if I didnt need to go to bed I'd still be playing it. It's a silly premise but underneath that there's a really solid turn based RPG.

The pout mechanic is well implemented and fun, the writing (and naming of towns and items) is humorous and displays typical Atlus polish and the learning of spells and abilities from monsters for your sidekicks (a parrot and a pink slime, go figure!) makes grinding more fun. I pretty much agree with the IGN review with everything I've seen so far and I'm already looking forward to jumping back in to My World, My Way tomorrow.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm shocked by how horrible the graphics are in this game. Really, really unpolished.


Mejilan said:
I'm shocked by how horrible the graphics are in this game. Really, really unpolished.

I turned my DS off in disgust once I got a bit past the first fight. Bought intending for the wife to play it (she usually plays light stuff but likes watching rpgs) but she went "ew" upon seeing it in action. I sent it out through Goozex this morning for $30, so I'm only out a few bucks at least.


Mejilan said:
I'm shocked by how horrible the graphics are in this game. Really, really unpolished.

Not to sound rude, but what were you expecting? Did you look at screenshots before buying the game? Or are the graphics noticeably worse than any pictures you have seen for the game?

I am at the very beginning of the game (in Grass Town) and it's pretty much what I expected.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah, I did check out the screenies. The game looks notably worse than Master of Monster Lair, which honestly wasn't a looker either. I found that game acceptable, but this game just looks AWFUL. The 2D is almost completely static. Elise's map sprite is horribly blurry. The battles are composed of some of the jankiest 3D on the system. It's just all shockingly bad stuff. The 2D is basically sub-SNES at times, and the 3D VERY sub-PSOne/N64 at all times.

Game's pretty fun so far, though, and really effin' funny and wrong. It's basically a parody of RPGs without really compromising the core RPG experience. Good stuff.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Mejilan said:
Yeah, I did check out the screenies. The game looks notably worse than Master of Monster Lair, which honestly wasn't a looker either. I found that game acceptable, but this game just looks AWFUL. The 2D is almost completely static. Elise's map sprite is horribly blurry. The battles are composed of some of the jankiest 3D on the system. It's just all shockingly bad stuff. The 2D is basically sub-SNES at times, and the 3D VERY sub-PSOne/N64 at all times.

Game's pretty fun so far, though, and really effin' funny and wrong. It's basically a parody of RPGs without really compromising the core RPG experience. Good stuff.

Soooo it's good if you can handle your eyes bleeding a little?


Running off of Custom Firmware
So far it's fun and charming, and crappy presentation isn't a barrier, then that's all that matters.

Personally, I don't mind the look. I only mentioned it because it stands out.


Finally got around to playing a bit of it today and it's great. Still running around the outside area of grass town and some quick questions

1. those bat lets or animal parts that i get randomly as a prize after battles, save them or just sell them in town?

2. Sleeping at the INN restores all my hp/mp at no cost(awesome), is it like this in other towns or just in this one?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I believe you're supposed to use those as ingredients for meals, which boost your stats.
Or something. It's like the Dungeon Maker games, in that regard.


Mejilan said:
I believe you're supposed to use those as ingredients for meals, which boost your stats.
Or something. It's like the Dungeon Maker games, in that regard.

Thanks. I've never actually played any dungeon maker games but i've seen the food/stat increase thing in others though. The food you buy at the inn to increase stats, are those temporary or permanent?


2.5 hrs in

-Love the comedy, it's actually funny.
-Armor and weapons are all over the place. She starts off with a bow, but then uses a staff, club, sword, dagger. The main character just basically wears whatever has a higher attack rating and doesn't stick to a single type of weapon.
-Like how resting in INNs restores everything without charging you.
-Just got that blob thing but it's just hitting for 1 damage -_-

I'm really glad the writing is much better than my last Atlus game Luminous Arc 2. LA2 was so bland/slow/stale that I've basically stopped playing that game. The cut scenes for the knight sent to look after Elise are specially funny because of his observations(Elise is too stupid to learn spells so he teaches her parrot to use magic, gets a rare pink blob mime for her to find because she has no compassion for anything not cute, etc..).

Well not bad overall, I'm actually really enjoying the game.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
It's funny how I'm feeling about this game. While I'm away from it thinking it's boring and that I won't play it again, I then find myself coming back for more unable to put it down.

Anyway, I love how everything is so quick. Skipping attacks and other animations, quickly going from one place to the other, etc. Gaining money became a piece of cake after I started pouting for more loot and it was great having trouble at a Mage boss only to proceed to make it 10 levels lower so I could beat him. Lolz.


Running off of Custom Firmware
This game's absurd! :lol

So basically, the Princess is upset over what the heart throb adventurer had to say about her, and decided to become an adventurer herself in order to impress him. Part of what that entails is visiting other towns and taking quests from the mayor there. The very first town's mayor has you hunting 5 wild cats in the southern forests.

Now, the map is basically a collection of tiled icons that you navigate, either triggering a battle or allowing you to freely move on. Another option is to hit A to investigate, which could result in a battle, treasure, both, or neither! Unfortunately, when you get to the sole forest tile down south, the great Owl Sage informs you that this copse of trees is basically it, and that contrary to what the foolish townspeople believe, there's only 1 wild cat here. The mayor still requires that you slay 5.

So the Owl Sage tells you, in tutorial like fashion, that you (as the Princess Elise) can pout towards your guardian angel, in the hopes that he'll see fit to grant your wish. In this case, to convert some of the other wasteland/prairie tiles to forest tiles. Elise seems content with this, but notices that she doesn't have the requisite PPs (Pout Points) necessary to convert terrain. She DEMANDS that the Owl Sage give her "some." He proceeds to chide her over her selfishness, then mock her for asking for only "some" PPs and not "a ton of" PPs. So he permanently adds 5 PPs to her total, granting her enough to convert 1 tile (of your choice) to a forest, before fluttering away.

Haha, well, the Princess gets the last laugh by making it so that the forest she creates will have respawning wild cats, meaning that she'll only need to convert 1 tile to a forest in order to satisfy the demands of the quest, and not go back to town in order to rest and replenish her PPs. Oh, and while she's at it, she wants dancing trees.

I was running low on HPs due to a bit of farming, so I decided to head back to town before converting a terrain tile. Once that was done, I returned to the south and investigated the original forest tile, and indeed, there were no more wild cats to be found, after I had killed that first. So I moved one tile west (onto a prairie) and pulled up the Pout menu. Amazingly enough, "forest" was not an option. But "dancing forest" was. With a laugh, I Pouted (heh) and bam! Sure enough, a dancing forest was created. I went back 1 tile east to compare it to a regular forest tile. That one had trees that calmly and pseudo-randomly billowed in the wind. I went back west to the new forest tile, and all of the trees were simultaneously bobbing to and fro most enthusiastically, and perfectly in sync.

Absurd. :lol

Protip - This new dancing forest will truly keep on respawning wild cats. Unlike the other beasties infesting the prairie and wasteland tiles available so far, which only carry 1 kind of item each, wild cats carry an item, a weapon, a body armor, and a leg armor, all of which are not yet available for purchase (and better than what is available for purchase!) I heartily recommend killing them again and again for their loot. Grab extras to sell too, since gold drops in this game are absolutely miserable so far. Looting is BY FAR the recommended way of gaining money!


nice post mejilan.

My gaming regiment this whole week has been this game and l4d, i love it.

I'm about 10 hrs, in fire town(after the succubus queen) and finally got the hang of the mimic. It's too easy to mimic unfavorable stats by mistake though, i wish they would have set that to another button.

Some tips:
- Pout for more xp before the main boss fights
- The succubus dungeon has respawning monsters. Perfect for a small grind and item hoarding/selling. Make a dungeon run, sell your items, eat, repeat.
- I don't see a point in saving money for armor/weps. Drops in the area are equivalent or higher to what you might buy in a shop. Right now all my money is spent on eating and i've never been deficient in anything.
-Stat eating: it's cheaper in the first 4 towns compared to fire town. I think i have +25 to str, +15 to spd, +6 to wis from all the eating I've done. This combo has worked well. Usually get the first hit without pouting and hit hard enough to usually get a one hit kill.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Nice, I'll keep those pointers in mind. Can't wait to get the mimic slime. I believe it was in Master of the Monster Lair as well, and with mostly the same mechanics. Loved what I read about it in the manual.

This isn't the kind of game that I can put any serious amount of time into, like many other RPGs, but it is a nice and light affair that I can dabble in half an hour here, half an hour there.


Deadly Monk said:
My gf has played for about 35 hours, she's level 61. Does anyone know how close she is to the end? She has to "find 3 crests".

wow. With those type of hours your gf is probably the farthest one among us in this board. gamefaqs doesn't even have a guide yet.
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