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Baby Driver (dir. Edgar Wright) |OT| All You Need Is One Killer Track

Cut the last 30 seconds of the film, or specifically anything after it goes from Black and White into color, signifying the change from dream to reality for the final scene.

Re-do the scene the exact same way in full Black and White this time.


This way people get their idealized ending on a surface level while those looking a little deeper will realize they are watching the fantasies of an imprisoned man. The "5 years until eligible for parole" comment from the court scene would still exist for those who wanted to remain optimistic for our protagonist, but I think actually showing it is the source of most of my issues with the ending.

Best of both worlds. I dig it.
Debby: "How many of those do you have?"
Baby: "Oh, uh, I have different iPods for different moods."
Debby: "Ah, so sometimes you're in a pink and glittery mood."
Baby: "i am now."


Gonna see this again today with my parents.


y'all should be ashamed
Man what a great movie. Better than Hot Fuzz/Shawn, both of which I liked, and wayyyyy better than Scott Pilgrim, which I can't remember the last movie I hated more. Maybe Speed Racer.

Can't wait to see it again.
Saw it yesterday.

Here's my completely sane and clear criticism that makes complete sense: This movie isn't as good as it could be, because it wants to be a real movie too much.

Nothing in this movie is as good as the Don't Stop Me Now scene in Shaun of the Dead as far as using music well goes (MAYBE
The Blur track in the post office heist
kind of is, I'll have to think about it). Because Shaun is a comedy, it was completely okay to have stupid stuff on screen that makes no real world sense, just because it syncs to the music really well. Baby Driver on the other hand wants to be a real heist movie taken seriously, so when it goes for the music synchronization thing, it can only try to match the beat to people doing fairly normal things, and the end result isn't nearly as fun as I wanted it to be. Every good moment with the music that completely clicked for me was just a single action between ten other things that were just like "...I guess that works?"

There were also plenty of problems with plot and other stuff to complain about. I would have ignored all of them if I had really loved the use of music here, but I've liked it better pretty much every other time Wright has tried it.


ending was a little meh.
monica and buddy didn't need to die. like, he should have just grabbed a new car and drove off with them instead of sprinting away. buuuuuut i think that symbolized him running away from his life of crime or whatever so..


Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen
Right now I got to tell you about the fabulous
Most groovy bellbottoms
Bellbottoms! Bellbottoms, yeah!
I'm curious to know what the most expensive song to license was for this movie. I mean, they used the Beach Boys' "Let's Go Away For A While" for the first scene in the diner and kept it running just with the earbuds taken out, turned way down and panned hard right..


Debby: "How many of those do you have?"
Baby: "Oh, uh, I have different iPods for different moods."
Debby: "Ah, so sometimes you're in a pink and glittery mood."
Baby: "i am now."


Gonna see this again today with my parents.
funnily enough i'm doing the exact same thing today as i'm back home for a bit. my mum has no idea what the film is about so i hope she doesn't get put off by the more violent scenes😅
Debby: "How many of those do you have?"
Baby: "Oh, uh, I have different iPods for different moods."
Debby: "Ah, so sometimes you're in a pink and glittery mood."
Baby: "i am now."


Gonna see this again today with my parents.

The feeling of when you're flirting with the girl and hit that perfect line.

Like a sweet tetris, it a clutch active reload.

Inside your head, you've impressed even yourself.


Going to watch it tonight, was pleasantly surprised to know that my cinema in my small town in Latvia is getting the movie so early, compared to the posts in this thread saying that the first screening is months off for other gaffers, lol...
Dolby Atmos for this movie kicked ass. The butt kickers in the seats worked really well to punctuate every gunfight and made it even more apparent how in tune they were with the music. This movie is so fucking good.


I've been attempting the movie's first stunt all weekend long in an empty parking lot with my Subaru WRX... And failing.

High speed reverse, e-brake assisted 180° turn to left turn back end slide.
For the life of me, I cannot get the back tires to slide right. My WRX is a little newer than the one they used in the film though with less torque in 2nd gear, so I don't know. That or they did the stunt in two pieces...

Also... Did anyone else feel like Wright was trying to be Quentin Tarantino with the music meshing into the movie?
i just think Jon hamm and Jamie foxx were really good in this. and Deborah and miles scenes were so cute. idk i loved it, it didn't really give a shit and it had heart and it was fun.
did anyone else hear the intro for jet airliner by Steve Miller band during their first phone conversation? or am i losing my mind


Yeah... I think this is wrights worst movie.

I liked it, but it had a shitload of pacing problems and the best parts of the movie were in the first half.

The action sequences were amazing, but again the first action scene was the best and it was sort of downhill from there.

Agree, easily Wright's worst film.


Saw it yesterday.

Here's my completely sane and clear criticism that makes complete sense: This movie isn't as good as it could be, because it wants to be a real movie too much.

Nothing in this movie is as good as the Don't Stop Me Now scene in Shaun of the Dead as far as using music well goes (MAYBE
The Blur track in the post office heist
kind of is, I'll have to think about it). Because Shaun is a comedy, it was completely okay to have stupid stuff on screen that makes no real world sense, just because it syncs to the music really well. Baby Driver on the other hand wants to be a real heist movie taken seriously, so when it goes for the music synchronization thing, it can only try to match the beat to people doing fairly normal things, and the end result isn't nearly as fun as I wanted it to be. Every good moment with the music that completely clicked for me was just a single action between ten other things that were just like "...I guess that works?"

There were also plenty of problems with plot and other stuff to complain about. I would have ignored all of them if I had really loved the use of music here, but I've liked it better pretty much every other time Wright has tried it.

I actually forgot that stuff was meant to be in time with the music after the first action scene. It just didn't jump out at me at all. It was like a typical action movie with some music in the background
I think this is a good film, borderline great. It's the most un-Edgar Write film and the most Edgar Write film at the same time in terms of it's pacing and general style.

Some of the romance fell flat, but the first and last act, minus the last five minutes, were really great and some of the most fun I've had with a movie in a long time.

Here's my completely sane and clear criticism that makes complete sense: This movie isn't as good as it could be, because it wants to be a real movie too much.

That's my take away too, although I don't know if I would say "real movie", but I understand what you're trying to say.


I guess they assumed that most people wanting the soundtrack wouldn't necessarily miss "Ready Let's Go" given its lack of rhythm or melody.
The likely reason is because they weren't allowed to because of music rights when it comes to movie soundtracks. Either Warp Records (BOC's Label) or BOC themselves didn't approve it. IE: Godspeed You Black Emperor's East Hastings not appearing on 28 Days Later soundtrack.


just came back from my second time round. my opinion of this movie has shot up from really liking it to absolutely loving it. if you have an urge to rewatch this, go do it. much like the other edgar wright film's i've seen, there are so many details that are easy to miss the first time round. the rewatch also alleviated some, but not all, reservations i had with certain aspects of the film.

i'm still not 100% on doc's
change of heart at the end, but on reflection this time round it becomes a little more understandable. his threats towards baby's rejection of the job offer (breaking his knees stuff) presumably comes from frustration, not from a lack feelings - as implied by his dialogue in the same scene boasting how baby could buy himself a fancy car and materials for debora and in the scene where he joins baby at the bottom of his apartment complex, he wrongly assumes that baby, like him, cares about the money, and subsequently would not have expected him to say no. he clearly respects baby throughout he film and routinely sticks up for him when other members of the team try to question his credentials. there's a bunch of cheeky close-ups of doc smirking as baby proves his sceptics wrong. subsequently, his initial coldness towards baby as he tries to come to him for help probably comes from pure disappointment in baby after believing in him for so long. also, doc's 'niece' might possibly be his son, which would make his decision to take sympathy on baby and debora with his line 'i was once in love too' more agreeable. it's not perfect though, and i kinda would have preferred if the film was a bit more clear when it comes to the 'disappointed father figure' implication, as it still doesn't feel like quite enough to justify the extreme length he goes to protect the couple.

i liked the relationship more this time round,
but it feels as if there needed to be perhaps one more scene to help that transition from flirtatious banter to head over heels in love.
even though it still felt too sudden, i couldn't help but feel even more charmed by their scenes together this time round - ansel elgort and lily james had fantastic chemistry. plus, this rewatch really made me realise how gobsmackingly gorgeous lily james is.

as for buddy's
transformation into the antagonist - no problems here anymore. it is foreshadowed plenty, there are a bunch of little implications (griff being killed by buddy) and more pertinently this rewatch made me realise how much baby and buddy mirrored one another, so when baby snaps and kills bats after debora is threatened it's just another clue that we'll see buddy in his angered state. there's the reference to matadors, bull fighting and the colour red - and buddy's turning point is literally when he sees the blood of his darling spilt under the car. also noticed the jason vorhees comparison talked about in this thread earlier on this time round - there's mention of friday the 13th earlier in the film and during the final showdown you can hear a police radio say that buddy's real name is jason. neat little touch, especially considering that baby and debora are effectively virginal teens and buddy acts like a slasher film monster who simply won't die. i think bats just being a massive dick means people don't notice how buddy is gradually set up as the real threat.

i love ergot's performance too. he pulls off the reserved but slightly psychotic underneath thing that ryan gosling did well in drive several years ago, whilst simultaneously being totally charming when he has to.
you can tell he's so close to punting spacey's face in when he gets forced into taking the final job. the acting in moment just before he kills bats is brilliant too, the unwavering expression he gives just before he puts his foot down as well as his reaction afterwards really does hint at something unsettling and helps create a further link between his character and buddy's.

so yeah, it still isn't perfect, but this rewatch has pushed this beyond logan and on a similar level with jackie as my favourite film of the year so far. it's fucking great.


I enjoyed it. Car chase sequences were filmed great. Soundtrack was great as well.

I did feel the plot itself was pretty damn thin and the movie was stretched out in order to extend the run time rather than the storyline actually needed it or benefited from it. As a result I was left antsy towards the end wondering just when in the hell was it going to end.

I also was disappointed that up until a certain point in the film, everything, as fantastic as it all may have been and yes, I realize it is a movie, however it all still seemed plausible. So the movie result was that much better. No worries though, as reality was just completely tossed out the window for the sake of coming up with an ending.

Truth be told, I was entertained by the movie. Liked it even, but did not feel it lived up to the specific hype I had personally heard. I have a friend who is a fairly reputable online movie critic and he posted a few weeks back how he had just gotten back from a screening of the best movie he had seen this year. He then revealed it was this movie. I disagree with this person's opinion plenty, but that seemed like a very big claim to make so I expected to be blown away. It is a good movie. Very good even.


great opening scene with a great song. hadn't heard this track before the movie. now its in rotation.
Lol same, most of the music is actually on my Spotify Library

But Bell Bottoms is constantly playin

Fuck I wanna see it again but Spider-Man comes out this weekend and Apes next weekend


Fuck I wanna see it again but Spider-Man comes out this weekend and Apes next weekend


I was ready to hate this during the intro with the lip-synching, but god damn I ended up really enjoying this

Maybe I should check out Wright's other films
just came back from my second time round. my opinion of this movie has shot up from really liking it to absolutely loving it. if you have an urge to rewatch this, go do it. much like the other edgar wright film's i've seen, there are so many details that are easy to miss the first time round. the rewatch also alleviated some, but not all, reservations i had with certain aspects of the film...

so yeah, it still isn't perfect, but this rewatch has pushed this beyond logan and on a similar level with jackie as my favourite film of the year so far. it's fucking great.

All of this. 100 percent. I haven't felt this much love for a film in years.
I'd absolutely rewatch it in theaters if they didn't put it on the cheapest and dingiest screens with limited showtimes. It's one of the rare instances that I know it'll be better to watch on my TV than in theaters.


Walked into this movie literally knowing nothing (just going with friends). Enjoyed its take on the wheelman. Wish it had more scenes like the first one. Makes me want a live action adaptation of Gunsmith Cats or Riding Bean more than ever.
The more I think about this the more I get disappointed, not because the movie was bad - but because the sound mixing in the movie or my specific theater was off and it was hard to hear the songs match up with the action.

Gonna watch it again on blu-ray and see how it holds up.
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