Its a shame because they had something there with Portal. that was at least enjoyable for like a week then it became a ghost town with the only things populated were the crappy modes that DICE put on the front page
Too many modes and options. Just put a Conquest button and a Rush button on the title screen, include all the maps. Done
This should be pinned at the top. EA was outta pocket for this bullshit. But folks will never learn.STOP
100%.Too many modes and options. Just put a Conquest button and a Rush button on the title screen, include all the maps. Done
Once you build up a strong user base, diversify from there. When the base is too low, too many modes dilutes it further.
It really shouldn’t, because there are creatives involved that need a chance and the money .. but they should better their way of working in the management layer.This should be pinned at the top. EA was outta pocket for this bullshit. But folks will never learn.
It really shouldn’t, because there are creatives involved that need a chance and the money .. but they should better their way of working in the management layer.
Everyone deserves a second and third chance .
I'm gonna say it again. Just make a game like BF4 with current gen visuals. No bullshit trailers either, just straight up actual gameplay like this:
I want lots of tanks, APCs, helicopters, jets, etc... Full chaotic combat with full on destruction and levolutions.
Oh and no" Operators" or any bullshit like that, keep mtx to cosmetics only and nothing too ridiculous or out of place.
i actually disagree. From what I've read, it wasn't going to be in the game at all, as in it was made without it, not that it was rushed, forgotten, left behind etc, it was literally designed to not have it, I'm not sure if they wanted some safe space or everyone focus on fun and not kills type of thinking or something, but I do know for sure, it wasn't some forgotten feature, it was deliberately omitted.they forgot scoreboard,
Fucking scoreboard,
updates out and nobody can get into a game servers seem to be fucked lmao.. Not into hyperbole but this shit is embarrassing.
seem to be working now, was probably the sudden rush of 17 players all logging in at onceWill never buy another battlefield after this if true.
seem to be working now, was probably the sudden rush of 17 players all logging in at once
Might as well kill it at this point and give people who care the next one for free or something lol.I mean the abandonware element. If they just are gonna half ass the rest of this and not try to turn it around, then forget ever getting people to support your game.
Despite problems with Battlefront 2 and BFV, folks still liked those games and even stuck around and played. The playerbase just dropped 2042 hard fast and doubt its coming back
Lol unbelievable. I was playing for an hour or so just before S1 ticked over and everything was fine. Now getting connection errors.lol, can't even load into the game for season 1, it's fucked as predicted. DICE working on it.... sounds familiar.
The thing is I really enjoy BF2042 but the way they are abandoning it is crazy and leaving people with a 70 dollar(some cases more for the people who bought the season pass) worthless gameBF 2 Modern Combat
BF 1943
BF Bad Company 2
Bad Company 2: Vietnam DLC
BF 4
all amazing.
it was all downhill after that
Been playing the BF series since 1942, I even pre-ordered 2042 Digital Edition. Thanks to this, I will never pre-order ever again and I'm done with DICE and the Battlefield series. Sadly, it's time to move on.
100% this.2042 had strong sales and now they want to abandon ? absolute cash grabbing scums.
Yep. They are never getting another cent out of me, same with cd projektNever touching another DICE game ever again.
Haha you bought the season pass!My season pass is non existent? WTF. I bought the premium version.
European servers are often full of ruZZian assholes and ruZZian hackers, sadly.BF3+4 destroy BC2 at every thing on PC.
Precisely right.Just so we're clear, THIS is why we praise devs for fixing a bad game like FF14 or No Man's Sky, because companies like EA would rather take the money and run.
Same but odds are they would fuck that upI think I'm officially done with Battlefield and I was there from the start.
unless we get Bad Company 3 of course . . . I'm only human
Only if you go on shitty servers.European servers are often full of ruZZian assholes and ruZZian hackers, sadly.
Would be a few million copies, but would be one of the wildest apology's in gaming.Might as well kill it at this point and give people who care the next one for free or something lol.
100% this.
If the game didn't sell, I could understand them abandoning it. But it sold well. Over 4M copies in the first week
Not enough inputs on a controller.Somebody needs to step in and get Squad and WW3 on consoles. Battlefield is toxic.
Shouldn’t have hired a bunch of wokesters who first made that silly WW2 bastardisation with pink haired robots fighting in the 1940’s British Army
…… Then they probably still stuck with those staff who aren’t there for the love of making great games, nor have the talent to do so, but to push political tripe where it’s not needed. Hence the next game is still a load of wank.
How many back to back failures can Dice endue before they're shuttered or at least have mass firings?
I mean the reality is they had 3 years to make what is effectively no more ambitious than a decent community developed mod of their previous games, using the same engine they've been working on for over a decade, and yet they come out with something that even at its most basic conceptual level, whether be its setting, art, weapons, abilities etc., is atrocious and uninspired.
Seriously, how much talent have Dice lost from the team that made Battlefield 4 in just two years to now?