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Bayonetta is such an amazing game



I fucking love this game. It reignited my interest in gaming after I was getting bored of it altogether.

Why is it so amazing? Well:
  • The Combat System is incredible
    Take the Devil May Cry combat and evolve it. Sprinkle a little Viewtiful Joe on top. Make the main character some crazy ass witch that can pull off some crazy ass hair attacks, kill angels with medieval torture devices and shoot with her feet. What do you get? The true definition of gameplay.


    Those gifs should tell you all that you need to know about this game, but if that's not convincing enough, here's some combo videos.
  • The Bosses are amazing
    Take everything that I just about the combat system and apply it to boss fights. This game managed to apply a balance between epicness and challenge with every boss fight. Sadly, I can't go into more detail without spoiling anything, it has to be seen to be believed. (One boss has you play hot potato with a missile, another has you play hot potato with a satellite, one has you suplex a fucking dragon and rip its heads off).

    And the final boss? Oh my God.
  • God-Tier Soundtrack
    SEGA enthusiasts witness heaven. Rei Kondoh returns from Okami to deliver the best boss themes in gaming. Masami Ueda and Hiroshi Yamaguchi return from Capcom to create more amazing themes. Truly an ensemble of composers.
  • Near Endless Replayability
    You think after one playthrough, you're done with game? Oh child perish the thought, that was just the tutorial. You still have to beat the game on Hard Mode. Oh, you think the hard mode is just damage sponge enemies? Perish the thought. Enemy placement is completely remixed, so enemies that you fought at the end of the game are now in the first level. Their AI patterns change as well, making them much more aggressive. Hard mode is a whole new game altogether.

    So you survived Hard Mode? Here's an all new difficulty mode, this time, we're taking away Witch Time. And buffing your enemies even more. Have fun!

    You actually survived the new difficulty? Holy shit, impressive. Now face this insanely brutal bonus boss, get all the weapons, and all the bonus characters. The game never ends. I maxed out the clock at 99:59:99 and did everything again.

    This game even rewards you for getting all achievements, so now you actually have a reason to chase after that silly 1000/1000 ;)

What about Story you say? Who gives a fuck about story in an action game? It's just an excuse for you to kill shit.

Truly the greatest of all time. Show em how it's done queen:

What say you GAF?


Yeah... but Bayonetta's design in Bayo 2.... :D But yeah. Bayonetta 1 is great but I love Bayo 2 more because Bayo's design is 10/10! Bayonetta 3, please!


I love the gameplay, the enemies, the cheeky humor, the combos and moves and music and... everything.

Such a great game. The sequel is just as good, as well.


10/10. Best action game ever. Can not be topped even by the superb sequel.

The boss fights are just insane.


I only have the choppier ps3 version and still love the shit out of this game. It had me right in the first few minutes, too. I didn't try it till about a year ago. When I get a wii u, bayo 1+ 2 will be at the top of my list.


I legit droped a tear when I finally played that prologue chapter with the falling building and the voice over and this incredible track.

Like legit thinking "this is the greatest shit I have ever played"


All I ever played was the demo. Was the game better than the Demo? Because I couldn't see shit during it. Camera pans and effects were all over the place hiding Bayo from sight a lot in it. I'm glad it got bundled and a sequel though. Folks need more in this genre even if it doesn't have a protagonist I can find more than ridiculous.
I had the same issue with Dante.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Played it 3 times. Once normal, then hard, then climax. It was good but not great. Felt like I could get by easily without actually learning the game.


It took me a while to get the game but when I did, I loved it immediately. Not only it's really brilliant gameplay-wise, the story is nice and Bayonetta is such an amazing character. She's one of my favorite characters of all time now.

I really wish I had a Wii U just to play Bayonetta 2 but I guess I'll never play it. :(


Played it 3 times. Once normal, then hard, then climax. It was good but not great. Felt like I could get by easily without actually learning the game.

Thats Kamiya alright, he made the controls simple and some of the most great combos easy to make, so you can basically button mash your way feeling amazing.
This game never goes on sale on xbox live. It stays at 20 dollars, and I've been waiting since forever til it went to at least half off. C'mon Sega.


No shitposts yet.

Great job GAF.

One of the few games that I actually hate.

EDIT: God fucking dammit

Unless you play it on PS3.

But yeah it's a damn good action game.

My first experience was on PS3. I 100% it twice and loved every minute of it. But when I finally experienced the Wii U version, I don't think I can go back.

I legit droped a tear when I finally played that prologue chapter with the falling building and the voice over and this incredible track.

Like legit thinking "this is the greatest shit I have ever played"

Yesss, best intro ever.

All I ever played was the demo. Was the game better than the Demo? Because I couldn't see shit during it. Camera pans and effects were all over the place hiding Bayo from sight a lot in it. I'm glad it got bundled and a sequel though. Folks need more in this genre even if it doesn't have a protagonist I can find more than ridiculous.
I had the same issue with Dante.

I'd say the game is much better than the demo. You are able to change the speed of the camera in the options.

Kamiyas finest

Damn straight.
Another masterpiece from Kamiya, and one more reason to consider him my favorite game director. Love everything about the game, the gameplay mechanics are just incredible.


Junior Member
I still prefer the sequel for a number of reasons (Bayo's design, no insta-death QTEs, more polished gameplay, etc.), but you gotta respect the first game for being as great as it is.


Junior Member
It is, my favorite Kamiya game. I like 2 more overall but this one had a much better opening and final boss. I'll probably replay this soon on Wii u.


This game never goes on sale on xbox live. It stays at 20 dollars, and I've been waiting since forever til it went to at least half off. C'mon Sega.

You srs? It's worth full price.

The best boss in Bayonetta isn't even the final one.

It's easily

Chapter XIV Hnnng

I still prefer the sequel for a number of reasons (Bayo's design, no insta-death QTEs, more polished gameplay, etc.), but you gotta respect the first game for being as great as it is.

I love both, but I like the first more solely for the fact that it doesn't feel like a boss rush.


i love the series combat but bayo 1 is isn't perfect

visuals really have become outdated now, i can't stand the piss filter anymore
also those damn awful QTE's aaacccckk never again.
One of my favorite action games even though I prefer the sequel. Thought it was smoother when it comes to gameplay and pacing and it has no sudden deaths. But both are great and among my all time favorite games.


Great game loved the first one when i played it on ps3, and i love the sequel even more. A most have for the Wii U no excuse



You May Call Me Father is my personal favorite though

fixed what? I played all versions(PS3/360/WiiU) and PS3 version is dogshit and unplayable compared to the other versions.

I replayed the PS3 version last year btw.


Anyway, the truth about the PS3 versions is that, even in its half assed port form, Bayonetta PS3 was still better than any other character action game on the system sans DMC4, maybe.


Still the only game I got 1000/1000 achievements on. So good. 12/10.

There's no other game like it out there, except for of course Bayonetta 2 which I enjoyed but not as much.
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