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Bernie Sanders isn't ruling out a 2020 presidential run

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Bernie Sanders is floating the possibility of another presidential bid in 2020. During a phone interview with the Associated Press, Mr Sanders explained that he first wants to help rebuild the Democratic Party from its base following Donald Trump’s devastating victory.

"Four years is a long time from now," the 75-year-old Vermont senator said, reminding reporters that he’s up for re-election in the Senate come 2018 "We'll take one thing at a time, but I'm not ruling out anything."

Mr Sanders said that the decision of millions of working-class voters to back Mr Trump was simply an embarrassment to his party. He wants to reassure folks that Democrats can take a strong approach against corporate interests.

"It is an embarrassment, I think, to the entire of Democratic Party that millions of white working-class people decided to vote for Mr Trump,” he explained, “which suggests that the Democratic message of standing up for working people no longer holds much sway among workers in this country.”

He also pledged to support Keith Ellison, a representative of Minnesota, to become the Democratic National Committee’s next chairman.

"You cannot be a party which on one hand says we're in favor of working people, we're in favor of the needs of young people but we don't quite have the courage to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class,” he continued telling the news agency. “People do not believe that. You've got to decide which side you're on."

Mr Sanders also said that while he’s hopeful, it’s highly unlikely that he’ll be working with the Trump administration.

"I hope I'm wrong, but I believe that he is a fraud,” he explained, “and I think despite all of his rhetoric about being a champion of the working class, it will turn out to be hollow.”



Too old, but he should either try just to get his message out there, or act as a strong surrogate to a younger champion of the causes.


I hope he's up for it because I want to vote for him. Badly.

Although in a general you might see the anti-semitism kick up to disgusting levels.


Sadly, I think he'll be too old by that point, but he can still inspire and fight for change outside of the Oval Office! Elizabeth Warren on a ticket for 2020 would be exciting.


As much as I love Bernie, I don't think he'd have the health for that...

I say he find the next Democratic nominee and spend 4 years building them up.


I'll be there if he does it. Whether he does or not, I hope he can do some sort of 'passing of the torch' to someone else. We'll keeping building on what he started.


Please no. He'll be too old and we don't need the vote being split again. 2016 was his time and I voted for him but it's over.
Man this is all so fucking depressing. I'm Canadian and this just feels so dark & dreary, this situation. Bernie will be too old to run four years from now, it's just so sad.
Fucking hell, what a man Bernie Sanders is. I doubt he'll run but I'm super happy he's already out there with the message to fix things up. A true leader.

I cannot believe Bernie Sanders wasn't the candidate.


listen to the mad man
The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.
Unfortunately he might be too old at that point but I hope he gives his blessing to someone else that can run on his popular messages.

I seriously doubt Warren is the answer either.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.

Yeah, this would be fantastic.
The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.

I'm into it.
Sanders needs to spend the next 4 years grooming a coalition of young democrats that share his views and will carry the torch.

Too old. Can't he get a protegé with the same ideals as him and have that person run as president?

This is the answer. This election proves you don't need experience if you speak to peoples desire for change.


whether he runs or not I'm just glad he's going to be a more prominent voice for the future of the democratic party moving forward. he's been spot on since like, what, the fucking 80's? he's the kind of leadership the democratic party needs, not special interest pandering hacks. maybe one day I could actually be proud to consider myself a democrat.

get em Bern
"In 2020 Bernie Sanders will turn 105 years old.

Feel old yet?"

Put it over a picture of Sanders. Share it on social media, make posters, etc.


Not happening due to his age but he started something good. Someone with his values that he endorses will do well, though.


The buried lead here is Keith Ellison running for DNC chair. Ellison is a really great guy, good congressman, and a pretty reasonable bridge between the Bernie crew and the actual Democratic party. He's also the first ever Muslim-American congressman, so it's a direct thumb in Trump's eye.

100% behind this idea.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm one of those people who kind of smirked at the Bernie phenomenon a year ago, but now with President Elect Trump, I'm looking over my shoulder and realizing we missed out.

I'm not sure he would have done well against Trump though. If Hillary is miss corruption then Bernie would have been made out to be a pinko commie stealing all your money with taxes.
I would've said put Bernie in as the DNC chair, but he offered up Ellison, who is a good choice. They need new blood.

Mr Sanders said that the decision of millions of working-class voters to back Mr Trump was simply an embarrassment to his party.

Nice. Fight on, Sanders.
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