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Bill Paxton in Aliens plays the most annoying character in the history of Cinema

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OP is mince meat.
OP dun goofed.

The most annoying character in all of motion picture history is the little fuck kid brother in Speed Racer. Holy fuck, what a little wanker. Not only is his voice annoying, he's a ginger, the dude playing him can't act. Oh, and he looks like a lesbian.

Man, I feel sick just typing that out as it made me remember him again.



I think an 'annoying' character has to be unintentionally annoying. That's why Hudson in Aliens doesn't fit the bill for me. He was written and cast to be what he is, an annoying jagoff; the other characters reacted to him as if he was just that. It was on purpose. The film gave us the means to tell him to stfu via the rest of the cast. Phil Connors from Groundhog Day would be the quintessential example of this kind of character.

Okay, so Jar Jar, an obvious choice. Nobody else on screen rolled their eyes at him or said "what the fuck is wrong with you?" He got away with acting like a useless cretin the entire time. Same goes for Anakin; Queen Amadala managed to fall in love with him for no discernible reason. However, the problem with picking among SW prequel characters is that it's like picking the smelliest turd on Turd Mountain. All the characters were shitty to begin with.

So for otherwise okay movies with one or two badly realized characters that just ended up being annoying and taking me out of the movie for a bit, right now I have:

Mary Corleone - The Godfather Part III
The Kids - Jurassic Park
The Kids - War of the Worlds

EDIT: yup
John Connor - Terminator 2


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No, Edward Furlong as John Connor, how could that little whinny bitch be the saviour of the human race. I was so wishing for the t-800 to malfunction and kill him.

Easy money!

arrrrrrrrrrgh :p

Just about every child(ish) character ever written in to somehow "appeal" to kids is the worst thing in about any story.

the film was rated 15 in the UK so not really sure about the kids he is supposed to appeal to, Furlong played him as a bit of a dick, at least in the sarah connor chronicles, he started off a bit green but had the potential to be a hard ass mofo, in T2 he just never seemd he could become John Connor leader of the resistance

It's Vasquez that ruins this movie for me when rewatching.

Vasquez is a good character. I dont mind her at all.

TBH I dont think any characters in Aliens are crap.


No, Edward Furlong as John Connor, how could that little whinny bitch be the saviour of the human race. I was so wishing for the t-800 to malfunction and kill him.

Just about every child(ish) character ever written in to somehow "appeal" to kids is the worst thing in about any story.


not tag worthy
Nah. But, Ellen Page in Super is probably pretty high up on the list.


no fucking way, she was hot in a nuts kinda way
so much so when what happend to her in the film I was like? wtff?? nooooooooo!!

That was the best part of the movie. And not because it made me glad, but because it genuinely made the film more believable, and got its message regarding vigiliantism across instantly.

Great film. Even better than Kick-Ass even though I'll admit it's not nearly as entertaining.

^I have nothing more to add, you summed it up perfectly for me


Nah. But, Ellen Page in Super is probably pretty high up on the list.


Never saw that movie, but she's getting high on another list of mine...
talking 'bout jacking off, if you know what I mean. Masturbating to an image of a female I find sexually stimulating, if you don't.
no fucking way, she was hot in a nuts kinda way
so much so when what happend to her in the film I was like? wtff?? nooooooooo!!

That was the best part of the movie. And not because it made me glad, but because it genuinely made the film more believable, and got its message regarding vigiliantism across instantly.

Great film. Even better than Kick-Ass even though I'll admit it's not nearly as entertaining.


I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...


I like how in Colonial Marines the Electronic Ball Breakers are an actual usuable weapon.


I agree with the John Connor sentiment. I watched T2 just the other week, and I found myself saying "Did I think this character was cool when I was 12??"

I don't think Aliens would have been the same without Paxton's character. He was a bit over the top, but hey, he was supposed to be a dudebro gung-ho marine, so I think he accomplished what was intended.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Max von Sydow as "Rev. Abner Hale" in the film "Hawaii". This character should have been thrown overboard and devoured by sharks before he even reached the island.
Vasquez is a good character. I dont mind her at all.

TBH I dont think any characters in Aliens are crap.

Her characters is "Oooh she's a woman in war, therefore she must be the opposite of feminine".

I don't really dislike her, it's just the character comes off as incredibly one-dimensional and transparent. It's like a trope or something, "Men with breasts".

There are elements to her that are interesting, but it just comes off in a way where the writer just said "Oh yeah? Women are always weak in movies? I'll show them!"
Her characters is "Oooh she's a woman in war, therefore she must be the opposite of feminine".

I don't really dislike her, it's just the character comes off as incredibly one-dimensional and transparent. It's like a trope or something, "Men with breasts".

There are elements to her that are interesting, but it just comes off in a way where the writer just said "Oh yeah? Women are always weak in movies? I'll show them!"

How should she behave then?

She's a soldier and acts like a soldier.


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Her characters is "Oooh she's a woman in war, therefore she must be the opposite of feminine".

I don't really dislike her, it's just the character comes off as incredibly one-dimensional and transparent. It's like a trope or something, "Men with breasts".

There are elements to her that are interesting, but it just comes off in a way where the writer just said "Oh yeah? Women are always weak in movies? I'll show them!"

I think james cameron has a thing for strong women.

well, Ferro (female dropship pilot) was more feminine, than Vasquez. I guess due to her piloting she doesnt have to get so physical, Vasquez, is a marine so I guess she would have to be tough both physically and mentally so can come across as a badass and a little gruff, she is established as one of the guys from the get go, (pull-up scene), I dunno I might be biased as Aliens is my favourite Movie of all time (jointly with Alien) but really I think all characters in the film are great..not exceptional (apart from the main ones)

I dunno Just my opinion
How should she behave then?

She's a soldier and acts like a soldier.

No, she doesn't really.

As said, I don't really dislike her, just that she comes off as transparent in her design.

Ripley was a good character, Sarah Connor was a good character, Hicks was a good character, Vasquez was a purpose-serving character with what seemed like creator-agenda.


if mel was playing him, he would have joined the nazi's

Circumstantial. Mel is a great guy. Those audio tapes were a conspiracy put into play by the je....jealous heads of Hollywood. Anyone ever see Beaver? Fucking master piece.
I see a lot of people defending actors or posting their most annoying actors... This is about characters. Cera is not a character. Love him in AD.


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I see a lot of people defending actors or posting their most annoying actors... This is about characters. Cera is not a character. Love him in AD.

actors can make or break a character, if leo played john connor, I doubt I would have hated him so much


sure, sugar tits..what ever you say

Why don't you just SHUT UPPPPPPP AND BLOWWWWW MEEEEE. Like Mel would ever say that or this. He's a gentleman.

Cera is a character lol he is the same in every movie.

Am I watching kick ass or juno? I don't know its hard to tell because its Michael Cera. Maybe if they had an actor with enormous depth, like Mel Gibson, I could tell the difference?


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Why don't you just SHUT UPPPPPPP AND BLOWWWWW MEEEEE. Like Mel would ever say that or this. He's a gentleman.Cera is a character lol he is the same in every movie.

No, but you sure are a crazy son of a bitch!

Lethal Weapon Quote, incase anyone thinks I am being rude
Interestingly enough the pic of Kyle Reese from T1 was used as the likeness of Solid Snake in Metal Gear 1 and then Mel Gibson was used as the likeness of Solid Snake in Metal Gear 2.




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I am going to create a shit storm here but:

Dennis Hopper's Character in Appocalypse Now, he irratated the Fuck outta me.
Ppl need to watch war of the worlds again. Dakota fanning plays a believable girl under the circumstances, it's the son who's the little shit

She plays her role fine. I'd rather have a believable, screaming little girl than a precocious, wise-cracking tough kid. The son is infuriating because he does such a stupid thing, but I had no trouble believing he would do something like that, because he does exactly what Tom Cruise's character wants to do. He's a reflection of Cruise's character development.
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