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Bioware ends SP patches and content for ME Andromeda, multiplayer will continue

This is really frustrating for those of us who actually played through this mess of a game and enjoyed it despite its flaws

They should've at least released a DLC to tell/finish the story of the Quarian ark. Instead, they are asking us to go and buy a novel and read about it.

Fuck off EA/Bioware.


I think the question is what do you do with the brand from here ? If I was left in charge of it I'd basically pretend it doesn't exist outside of legacy releases (IE you can still by it on PC through origin or on xbox marketplace when backwards compatibility is thrown in).

Then, just to have something "new" around the time of the next real console launch (PS5 in 2 - 3 years) I'd release a Mass Effect Trilogy ReMASSter.

What would that entail ? well, all DLC packs across all 3 games would be included right in the game and an outside party would spend a couple years porting the entire game series over to whatever the current version of unreal engine would be at the time. So all 3 games would look better. The clincher of the deal would be the first game receiving a massive gameplay overhaul to make it play more like 2/3 to lend some consistency from game 1 to game 3 that isn't quite there currently. The ME1 near remake would be handled in house by bioware edmonton to ensure quality while 2/3 being closer to simple ports would be dealt with externally.

I feel this is the only way EA could get any more money from this franchise in the future.

They should've at least released a DLC to tell/finish the story of the Quarian ark. Instead, they are asking us to go and a buy novel and read about it.

Fuck off EA/Bioware.

My thoughts exactly. I enjoyed it enough to want to see the story unfold, won't be reading a book to finish it though.


Looking forward to the original trilogy being remastered when it's time to revive the franchise back from the dead.


Hot take and all as I've not played it to completion, but with people pointing out it's a cliffhanger ending, this lack of sp dlc makes me regret buying the game on pc.


Hot take and all as I've not played it to completion, but with people pointing out it's a cliffhanger ending, this lack of sp dlc makes me regret buying the game on pc.

I wouldn't call it cliffhanger ending. They set bed for sequel and open few DLC threads so that is kinda annoying sure, but how MEA wraps up it isn't really cliffhanger.


Can't believe I got suckered into buying this for $60, even with the mixed reviews. Glad I traded it for Horizon, which I should've picked up instead
Honestly, I'd wait the five years to reboot Mass Effect, and make it rip off Dark Matter as much as possible. Reapers got killed in the last cycle, the tech is a mix of the usual ME guns and weirder stuff, and have the games revolve around a crew of space mercs doing stuff for corporations instead of a save the galaxy/whatever plots.


Hot take and all as I've not played it to completion, but with people pointing out it's a cliffhanger ending, this lack of sp dlc makes me regret buying the game on pc.

The main story is wrapped up, but there are some side threads that end with a cliffhanger that was clearly meant to be concluded in DLC


They said it Was a financial success. Guess they figure it's not worth the work to do SP stuff due to the reception despite that
I guess this is how the Bioware we want dies: being pushed to focus on MP stuff at the expense of SP stuff... when they were so damn good with it in the first place. I guess it's arguably a disappointment with Bungie going to Destiny as well, but for their prior games the story was more for those that really wanted to dig in than THE main draw (kind of like Dark Souls I guess, but more concrete info and less raw speculation) and co-op was great in Halo so it's kind of building off what they were great at, but with Bioware it's almost like a less shitty version of what happened with Origin.


I guess this means I can count on it getting even cheaper than the $20 it is now on Origin by the time the Holiday season rolls around.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
So glad i chose not to purchase ME. I love the series except ME 3 however if Bioware isnt gonna do shit for SP there's no point for me to buy it in the near future.
I think the question is what do you do with the brand from here ? If I was left in charge of it I'd basically pretend it doesn't exist outside of legacy releases (IE you can still by it on PC through origin or on xbox marketplace when backwards compatibility is thrown in).

Then, just to have something "new" around the time of the next real console launch (PS5 in 2 - 3 years) I'd release a Mass Effect Trilogy ReMASSter.

What would that entail ? well, all DLC packs across all 3 games would be included right in the game and an outside party would spend a couple years porting the entire game series over to whatever the current version of unreal engine would be at the time. So all 3 games would look better. The clincher of the deal would be the first game receiving a massive gameplay overhaul to make it play more like 2/3 to lend some consistency from game 1 to game 3 that isn't quite there currently. The ME1 near remake would be handled in house by bioware edmonton to ensure quality while 2/3 being closer to simple ports would be dealt with externally.

I feel this is the only way EA could get any more money from this franchise in the future.
Honestly pretend Andromeda never actually came out and do the same concept. That concept of going to a brand new galaxy is great it was just so poorly handled and unoriginal.

Angry Fork

I read the production section of wikipedia and how the team wanted to basically live up to the promises of Mass Effect 1 in terms of exploration and I feel bad that it didn't turn out how they wanted.

It seemed like they had the right frame of mind going into the development as far as making it as open world as possible which is what people wanted with Mass Effect 1, to explore planets and have it mean something. I want to try the game one day but it not being on steam sucks.
So glad i chose not to purchase ME. I love the series except ME 3 however if Bioware isnt gonna do shit for SP there's no point for me to buy it in the near future.

Mass Effect: Andromeda was better than ME 3 and a little worse than ME 2. If you are looking for a good story driven RPG, it's a good choice.
Honestly, I'd wait the five years to reboot Mass Effect, and make it rip off Dark Matter as much as possible. Reapers got killed in the last cycle, the tech is a mix of the usual ME guns and weirder stuff, and have the games revolve around a crew of space mercs doing stuff for corporations instead of a save the galaxy/whatever plots.

If they were to reboot it again I would like to see a non traditional hero saviour of the Galaxy story and more like a gun for hire/pirate story, something that could be set in the Milky Way, still have things like the galaxy map, conversation wheel, romances but from a different perspective that doesn't involve being a Shepard or Ryder but more like a Han Solo type without having to answer to a council, being a Spectre or leading an initiative. A rough and ready who is involved in smuggling, bounty hunts and so on.

You could set it before Mass Effect 1 or between 1&2. A different approach for the lead character but in the same Galaxy people are familiar with where you can have new stories and ones that are nods to the old games even with cameos (working with Fist or dealing with C-Sec, Omega etc).

I very much doubt they would ever go that route anyway but it's something I would not of minded seeing Mass Effect go to.


With the death of Mass Effect, the realm of true Sci Fi RPG's in video games suddenly becomes barren as fuck, which is truly astonishing. Even Star Wars isn't really delving too much into RPGs (The Visceral game is an Uncharted style game)


Anthem had nothing to do with this game failing. Seperate studios, and Andromeda was given more than enough resources and funding. They just fucked up, big style.

For once, this one really isn't on EA beyond giving an untested new studio a major franchise to play with (which you can was a silly risk - but then look at Guerilla Studios and Horizon Zwro Dawn, sometimes you need to give studios the chance to take risks).

Edit: I really hope they don't plan on replacing mass effect with Star Wars. I like Star Wars, but I'm utterly and completely sick of it in games. It's been done to death. I'd happily never see a lightsabre again.
I meant it in the sense of never making Anthem a thing, but starting with that team and resources from the very beginning for Andromeda. Anyway it doesn't matter anymore, it's too late now and ME won't be back till who knows when. I really hate this.
I prefer an entire reboot than waste time and money on commander shepard and the old trilogy. Bioware fucked the main story so bad they had to go to another galaxy, just let it go.

Put the franchise to rest for 5 years and go back to the first contact war, space battles, political conflicts, start from there and then focus on smaller stories. No more reapers, protheans, shepard or galaxy-wide threats.
What a turd. They should be ashamed of this game.

Did you even play the game? ME: A had issues but it was a good game. It has a good story, good core game play, some good side quests and pretty good graphics (Mass Effect's graphics have never been amazing). The game had way too much mediocre side content. For example, the 5 planets were too big and the Task quests were mostly filler. Also, the game had some minor bugs. Still, it was a fun game and a good RPG. It was also better than ME 3. So, could you please explain what Bioware should be ashamed of? Should they be ashamed of releasing a good game? Should they be ashamed because it was not a great game? What part of ME: A did you not like? When did you stop playing?
You can be EA all you want, but it's not their fault that Bioware couldn't put together a compelling single-player. They even screwed up multiplayer, for the most part.


Good riddance to the Pathfinder and Andromeda. Fucked up the damn franchise.

Wise to stop attempting to expand as the team doesn't hold the talent necessary, halting now means it's not irredeemable, give it a few years, and a better team.


Quarian Ark. Lol
What could have been

Legit mad at this. I actually really liked MEA and wanted some kind of expansion that tied things up with stuff like the Quarians.

Fuck reading their damned books when this should have been part of the game in some form.


Mass Effect Andromeda could have been something truly special. The idea of exploring a brand new uncharted galaxy that no one had ever seen before is a ripe opportunity for something truly unique and interesting. What amazing planets would be there to explore? What new races would we have to find and would we even be able to communicate with them? Would they become allies or enemies, or would we get to play a major role in deciding that? What new kinds of enemies would we face, what kinds of wildlife would we find? How would the colonists feel about leaving behind their homes for good and what would this new galaxy ultimately mean to them? These were ultimately many of the questions I had going into this game and I was super excited to see what we would ultimately find but unfortunately all we did see was more of the same. The new races are just like what we already had in the Milky Way, they are humanoid (seriously why?), they fight with guns, they have similar technology, ect. The planets were pretty standard video game levels, tropical planet, desert planet, ice planet, ect. many of which we saw in previous mass effect games and there was no interacting with any interesting wildlife either. Stuff was meant to be scanned or you'd shoot it, mostly both. It just didn't feel at all like it was even attempting to capitalize on the unique opportunity the game had, to give us worlds we didn't expect to see and places we'd never thought to existing but everything was pretty much the same as before, it didn't seem like it actually mattered if this game took place in a new galaxy or not.

That was I think the thing that ME:A failed upon the most, to really breathe life into this series that had a pretty rocky ending last time around. I think EA not even planning a Season Pass ahead of time speaks volumes for the support they were going to deliver for this game in the first place. They knew this game wasn't going to perform long before it was ever finished and them saying now that they are done with the game only shows how long they ultimately waited to make that decision public, Kotaku leaked this very thing months ago. Mass Effect Andromeda never stood a chance, not with EA at the helm, not with the normal Bioware absent. I don't mean to speak ill of the developers of this game, I doubt we'll ever know what really went on behind the scenes but this game was such wasted potential and I'm just sorry it ended up this way.

This is an issue I had with ME: A as well as No Man's Sky.

The Idea of going to far unknown worlds and both games fucked it up so badly, "oh hey look, you're NOT the first ones here to discover anything! Here's aliens that are pretty much humans with different color skins and no real differences to humans!"

Neither game really seemed to want to risk anything or try anything new when it came to exploring distant worlds or aliens.

Hell look at our own solar system, Jupiter/Saturn, etc you don't even get either of those kinds of planets in either game.

At least ME: A did have some interesting weather and things on some planets.


I honestly couldn't finish ME:A, it was just not anywhere near as good as the previous ones in any respect. Made it 3 planets in and just turned it off.
And an engine they struggled to make heads or tails out of.

People keep bringing this up but the truth is that making tools and mucking around in someone else's code is bread and butter work for software developers. Nobody is ever handed a perfect platform that does everything they want right out of the gate. It was part of their job to modify Frostbite for their requirements and they couldn't hack it. They had five years, a huge budget and even access to support from the Frostbite group at DICE who are wizards at what they do. Blaming the engine for their fucked up project management is weak.


For someone who has yet to purchase Andromeda but was a huge fan of the first game this news just confirms I should wait until this game is dirt cheap.

lol MP patches, who cares

How do you fuck up a franchise like Mass Effect to this degree? Oh wait it is Bioware. Remember Dragon Age? Same deal.


Thank you EA, for putting such a massive franchise in the hands of a new studio filled with junior employees who've never worked on a AAA studio before, and punishing them for it by releasing the game early because you promised your investors it would be out by the end of the fiscal year when the game clearly needed another three to four months.


A true shitshow of gaming development. I hope everyone moves on to better things.

Never played an entire ME and probably never will now with so many problems all around.


I just don't understand how you take two great games - Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins - and then immediately run the franchises straight into the ground.

"Oh we made two critically and fan acclaimed games? How can we best ignore what made the two first games great for the sequels?"
What a turd. They should be ashamed of this game.

Did you even play the game? ME: A had issues but it was a good game. It has a good story, good core game play, some good side quests and pretty good graphics (Mass Effect's graphics have never been amazing). The game had way too much mediocre side content. For example, the 5 planets were too big and the Task quests were mostly filler. Also, the game had some minor bugs. Still, it was a fun game and a good RPG. It was also better than ME 3. So, could you please explain what Bioware should be ashamed of? Should they be ashamed of releasing a good game? Should they be ashamed because it was not a great game? What part of ME: A did you not like? When did you stop playing?
All I'm going to say is that BioWare and EA have lost a lot of goodwill from me with the way this has been handled. It hurts to have waited 5 years only for both the publisher and dev to just throw up their hands in surrender. I wanted to see where the story would go after the ending and now we'll be lucky to even get another entry in the series in the next 5-10 years (it'll be a shitty reboot that no-one wants).

The fact that they would abandon such a beloved IP just to push forward with a bland and uninspired-looking destiny'esque title hurts the most. I guess the Bioware I cared about died the day after they released the Citadel DLC.
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